Know Producers Primary, secondary, and Tertiary consumers Trophic level Food web Food chain Invasive species Understand How energy flows through a food web. The feeding relationship between producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers. How food webs can be affected by invasive organisms or the removal of organisms. How food chains make up food webs. How different classifications of organisms are grouped into trophic levels. How invasive species can affect a food web. Do Analyze food webs to determine the feeding relationships. Identify which organisms are producers and classify consumer levels. Identify the trophic levels to which organisms belong. Use a food web to predict the affects of invasive species or the removal of organisms from the food web. Describe the energy flow in a food web. Food Web Assignment: Differentiated Instruction Analytical Group Each member of your group will analyze a complete food web. Your assignment is to write a paper to include the following information in order: 1. Analyze the feeding relationships of all organisms by listing what each organism eats. Describe the relationship between the arrows on the web and the direction of energy flow and give an example. 2. Create a chart to identify which organisms are producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers. Name 2 possible decomposers to any food web. Describe the importance of decomposers to a food web. 3. Contrast the difference between autotrophs, heterotrophs, and decomposers. List which organisms fit into each category. 4. Create another chart to identify which organisms fit into each trophic level. 5. Predict what would happen to feeding relationships in the food web if one organism were removed. (pick one specific organism to remove) 6. Read the following article “Invasive Species in Missouri”: Predict what would happen to feeding relationships in the food web if an invasive species were introduced in this food web. Food Web Assignment: Differentiated Instruction Creative Group Each member of your group will create a make-believe food web on another planet. 1. You will need to create: 4 producers 3 primary consumers 2 secondary consumers 1 tertiary consumers (top level carnivore) 2. Create a chart to identify your organisms as producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers. Name 2 possible decomposers to any food web. Describe the importance of decomposers to a food web. 3. For each organism you will need to: create a name List it as an autotroph, heterotroph, or decomposer List what other organisms it feeds upon (each organism must feed upon 2-3 other organisms) 4. Organisms need to be placed in correct trophic levels within the food web. 5. Predict what would happen to feeding relationships in the food web if one organism were removed. (pick one specific organism to remove) 6. Read the following article “Invasive Species in Missouri”: Predict what would happen to feeding relationships in your food web if an invasive species were introduced. (create your own invasive species and determine what it feeds upon in your food web.) Food Web Assignment: Differentiated Instruction Practical Group (Who Eats Who Activity) Each member of your group will be given pictures of organisms in a Missouri ecosystem. You will be given a write-up on the feeding relationships of these organisms. 1. You will need to arrange the organisms into a food web by applying what you have read on their feeding relationships. 2. Pick one food chain from you food web consisting of 4 organisms and identify the trophic level of each organism. 3. Create a chart to identify which organisms are producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, autotrophs, and heterotrophs. Name 2 possible decomposers to any food web. Describe the importance of decomposers to a food web. 4. Read the following article “Invasive Species in Missouri” Apply your knowledge of feeding relationships to solve the following problems: A. A tree fungus is severely destroying the population of Scrub Oak trees within your food web. How will this affect each organism in the food web? B. Read the Article: An invasive specie called a Whodawhata has inhabited your food web. It feeds on __________. How will this affect each organism in the food web? Toyon: plant Chamise: plant Manzanita: plant Bitter Cherry: plant Scrub Oak: plant Sun Grasshopper: eats Chamise, Toyon, Manzanita Spiders: eats Grasshopper, Beetles, Butterflies Beetles: eats Bitter Cherry, Scrub Oak, Manzanita, Toyon Butterflies: Manzanita, Toyon, Bitter Cherry Grubs and Insect Larvae: Chamise, Mansanita, Scrub Oak, Bitter Cherry Coast Horned Toad: Beetles and Grasshopper Western Fence Lizard: eats spiders, grasshopper, butterflies Ground Squirrel: Scrub Oak, Bitter Cherry, Toyon, Manzanita Gopher Snake: eats rats, pocket mouse, rabbits, birds, quails, western fence lizard Grey Fox: Bitter Cherry, Manzanita (berries), pocket mouse, rabbit, quail Spotted Skunk: eats pocket mouse, scrub jay, manzanita (berries), toyon (berries) Western Rattlesnake: eats pocket mouse, squirrel, rabbits, scrub jay, western fence lizard, coast horned toad Scrub Jay: eats scrub oak (acorns), grasshopper, beetles, grubs and insect larvae Mountain Coyote: squirrel, pocket mouse, rabbit, grasshopper, quail, bitter cherry (berries), toyon (berries) California Quail: eats beetles, grasshoppers, manzanita (berries), toyon Brush Rabbit: eats chamise, manzanita Red Tailed Hawk: pocket mouse, squirrels, rabbits, grasshoppers, beetles Pocket Mouse: Toyon, Manzanita, Bitter Cherry Food Web Scoring Guide Category 10pts Energy Flow All flow of energy is identified correctly Creates a chart to categorize all organisms correctly. Categorizing organisms (producers, consumer levels, and decomposers) Demonstrates Correct Feeding Relationships Trophic Levels Food Web Invasive Species Removal of species Impact of decomposers 8pts Explains how the removal of a species affects the food web Identifies 2 decomposers and explains their importance 4pts 2pts 50% of energy flow is identified, but lacks some Has all categories present/75% of organisms correctly identified Correctly identifies all relationships Correctly identifies all 4 levels Analyze/Create Food web correctly Describes how invasive species can take over and affect an ecosystem 6pts 50% of organisms correctly categorized/One category missing No corr energy fl identifi 25% of organisms correctly categorized/or two categories missing 75% of feeding relationships correctly identified 3 levels 0pts 2 levels Explains the effects of invasive species but doesn’t tell what an invasive species is Three or more categories missing No wor correct present 50% of feeding relationships correctly identified 1 level No feedi relationsh identifi Describes what an invasive species is but doesn’t explain the affects Doesn’ describ invasive sp None Doesn’t ex Identifies 1 decomposer and explains 1 importance Only explains importance Only names 2 decomposers Only names one decomposer No decomp discusse