Integrating the 3 Dimensions of Biodiversity: - IRCN-BC

Integrating the 3 Dimensions of Biodiversity:
Current Trends, Collaborations, and Future
Directions in Biodiversity Studies of Ciliates
A Workshop Presented By the
International Research Coordination Network
for Biodiversity of Ciliates
with Support from
the National Science Foundation (US)
the Natural Science Foundation of China
Ocean University of China, Institute of Evolution & Marine Biodiversity
Qingdao, China
October 19–21, 2015
“Current Trends, Collabrations and Future Directions in Biodiversity
Studies of Ciliates” will bring together participants from Chinese
institutions with those from other countries. The workshop will focus on
integrative research into biodiversity of ciliates, especially projects involving
international collaboration.
Expanding the Scope of Biodiversity
Collaborative Projects between European and Chinese Institutions in
Ecology and Systematics of ciliates
Biodiversity of Ciliates in Desert or Extreme Environments and Areas
Biodiversity of Ciliates in Tropical & Subtropical Areas
Progress on Studies of Hypotrich Ciliates, with Emphasis on Ontogeny
Building Collaborations Between US and
Phylogenetics, Genomics, and Ecology
Molecular Biodiversity
Using Ciliates in Research on Functional Genes/Genomics
Using Tetrahymena in Research on Epigenetics
Analytical and Assessment Methods Used in Investigations of Diversity and
Phylogeny of Ciliates
Ecological Functions and New Understandings
Functional Ecology of Ciliates in Coastal Waters
Functional Ecology of Ciliates in Off-shore & Sedimental Areas
Break-out Sessions will focus on conceiving new projects and forming
international collaborations. Registered participants are encouraged to
submit suggestions for additional topics to be addressed in informal
discussion sessions.
More information about the workshop, including support for
travel of participants, can be found on our website at
Please contact Dr. Feng Gao ( or Dr. John
Clamp ( if you have any specific questions or need
a letter of invitation.
The International Research Coordination Network for Biodiversity of
Ciliates (IRCN–BC) is a joint project between U.S. and Chinese
researchers that promotes multidisciplinary, integrative research on
biodiversity of ciliated protists and fosters international cooperation in
studies of biodiversity. It welcomes participation by ANY researcher
investigating ANY facet of biodiversity of ciliates or other protists as well as
prokaryotes or multicellular eukaryotes that interact with ciliates in some
Our goal is to attract a broad input of expertise, outlooks, and technical
skills into collaborative research projects. The IRCN–BC sponsors one
major workshop or symposium each year and funds travel by researchers
to participating laboratories for specialized training or research
collaborations, to workshops, or to professional meetings.
Major objectives of the IRCN–BC:
1) defining the "Grand Challenges" of ciliate/protistan biodiversity and
suggesting strategies for addressing them;
2) fostering new, international research collaborations;
3) generation of new grant proposals for integrative biodiversity studies;
4) formation and use of working groups to accomplish specific, broadly
based, collaborative projects;
5) development of new structures for data-sharing; and
6) recommendation of new, enhanced standards for deposition of archival