ROLL OF THUNDER, HEAR MY CRY – Reading and Activities (6th Grade) - TEACHER COPY Objectives: SWAB to integrate LA, reading, speaking, and writing concepts to study different themes brought forth in the novel RT,HMC. Themes: Importance of Family, Owning Land, Self-Respect, Respect of Others, Racism Chapter # Finish by this Date CRISS Strategy Topic / Theme Focus During Class Feb 19 Author’s Craft Anticipatory Guide “Tell of a time when someone treated u unfairly because you are too young, a girl, a boy, etc.” Introduce book, author, “Thunder poem,“ (sharecropping, Jim Crow laws, KKK, Mississippi, etc.) Begin ch 1 Feb. 20 Finish ch 1 Review Sticky Notes (& how to use them for Main Idea, etc.) Create a Title (for each ch) – 10 finger summary(Main Idea) Ch 2 Grammar: Adjectives (p180) & Comparing (p188) Voc. Day 1 – Introduce list of words (A) Activities - HW / Projects (Due dates provided) Make a small representation of “racism” (picture, collage, poem, etc.) – Use lots of adjectives if you write the poem OR to label the picture or collage Due: Next class Vocabulary (ch1-6) – List A Discuss Sharecropping (Sticky Notes – use thru unit) Feb. 26 Venn Diagram Language Arts Connection Make a Venn Diag. to com/cont Blacks & Whites in the 30s Grammar: Subject-Verb agreement / Vocab (p Make a Contrast Chart showing Differences between White & Black children (6 or more things) Due: Feb. 26 Grammar: Interview a person about having Experienced PREJUDICE. (Teacher Will provide interview sheet) Understand compare /contrast Due: March 11 Discuss / Read Feb. 27 QARs (Question N Answer Relationship) Vocab. Day 2 (connect) Literary elements (pt of view) Read The True Story of 3 Little Pigs Ch 3 - 4 Due: March 11 Grammar: continue … Writing: Your own Folktale / Fairy tale (writing process) Ch 5 (pp 102-109) Continue working on INTERVIEW… Mar. 11 Continue… Grammar: Continue writing story Vocab. Day 3 (Greek & Latin roots, etc.) --change this!!!......... Ch 5 (pp110116) Mar. 12 Ch 6 (pp 116-127) Mar. 13 Dramatic Speaking (tableau, projecting voice, pronunciation, fluency, etc) Grammar: Continue… Literary elements: (setting character-plotconflict-pt of viewforeshadow-flashbacketc)- Folktales / Talltales/etc Discuss story st. are writing / revise / etc. Discuss story st. are writing / revise / etc. Ch 6 (pp 128-139) Mar. 17 Continue… Reader’s Theater (speaking w/ voice & body) – do activities (use Folktales / Talltales in lesson_ Vocab. Day 4 (TEST) Ch 7 (pp 140-155) Mar. 18 T-Chart Ch 7 (pp 156-170) Mar. 19 Semantic Feature Analysis (+++- -) Ch 8 (pp 171-182) Mar. 24 Selective Highlight Ch 8 (pp 183-194) Mar. 25 Continue… Continue… (pronouncing properly, fluent reading, focusing on specific words) – do diff. exercises Voc. Day 1 – Introduce list of words (B) Deliver a portion of “I Have a Dream” OR other chosen piece from RT,HMC – (Test grade) Grammar: Vocab. Day 2 (connect) Vocab. Day 3(Greek & Latin roots, etc.)change this!!!!!!...... POETRY (different styles) -writing process Ch 9 Ch 10 (pp 218-230) Mar. 26 Mar. 31 Number (Power Thinking) Main Idea / Details (12-3) Begin w/ people standing w/ cards Continue… Grammar: Continue POETRY – Read poems / discuss Grammar: Writing: Write poem (different styles) – use writing process Ch 10 (pp 231-241) April 1 Problem/Solution Chart (come up w/ alternative solutions) Ch 11 April 2 Continue… Ch 12 (pp 257-268) April 7 QARs (St. develop ?s for their EXAM) Ch 12 (pp April 8 Continue… (share ?s Grammar: Vocab. Day 4 (TEST) Continue writing poems… Grammar: REVIEW (big game!!!) Continue POETRY… Grammar: EXAM (Adjective & Adverbs) Explain Concept of 269-276) w/ class) REVIEW April 9 EXAM April 10 (Thur) Notes: REVIEW Definition Maps & Visual Definitions Do Concept of Definitions Map about some of the “problems” identified from “Problem / Solution Charts” & “Visual Def.” Catch up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REVIEW EXAM EXAM Catch up!!!!!!!!! CATCH UP ON YOUR READING!!!!!!!!!! HW: Bring the book Number the Stars by L. Lowry