
ITEM NO: 04 [15]
REF: 07/03088/ELBC
East Neuk of Fife Preservation Society
No comments received
Eight letters of representation (three from the same objector) have been received, raising the
following issues:
- Impact on character of area
- Inappropriate design for conservation area
Historic Scotland provided informal comments regarding the design of the proposal including
roof finish, render colour, window finish and design of rear elevation.
National Guidance
NPPG 18 Planning and the Historic Environment (1999)
Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (1998)
Policy on Architecture for Scotland (2001)
Designing Places: A Policy Statement for Scotland (2001)
Fife Structure Plan (2002)
Policy SS1 Settlement Development Strategy
Policy B1 Built Heritage
Policy B4 Improvement of Built Heritage
Finalised Fife Structure Plan (2006)
Policy SS1 Settlement Development Strategy
Largo and East Neuk Local Plan (1995)
Policy EV2 Conservation Areas
Policy EV4 Listed Buildings
St Andrews and East Fife Finalised Draft Local Plan (2006)
Policy E3 Development Design and Quality
Policy E6 Conservation Areas
Policy E7 Listed Buildings
Other Guidance
Fife Council's Planning Policy Guidelines House Extensions (2000)
Fife Council's Planning Policy Guidelines Garden Ground (2000)
Fife Council's Planning Policy Guidelines 'Replacement Windows and Double Glazing
1.0 Background
1.1 The site is located to the north of Bank Street, Elie. The property is a single storey one
bedroomed dwelling house, finished in stone with a flat roof. To the rear of the property is an
area of private amenity garden ground defined by a 3 metre high stone wall to the west,
stone wall to the north and east. The garden ground has previously been sub-divided
between No 11 and 11A. A 2 metre high fence and mature hedge separate the garden
ground for each property. To the rear along the 3 metre high stone wall is an existing single
storey lean to outbuilding, with stone walls and pantile and corrugated steel roof. The
property currently has no off-street parking. The existing property is a C(s) Listed Building
and is located within the Elie Conservation Area.
1.2 The proposal is for the alteration and extension of the existing single storey
dwellinghouse. The alterations include the development of an upper storey and alterations to
the existing outbuildings to provide a studio. The proposal would increase the property from a
one bed to two bed with the main living/kitchen area on the upper floor. It is proposed that the
existing single storey element is retained. A roof terrace is proposed on the remaining unbuilt
roof area of the existing single storey house. No 11 Bank Street which is proposed as a
terrace. The proposed upper storey extension would be finished with a white render and the
roof shall be finished in slate with two conservation type rooflights on the rear elevation. Sash
and case 'look-alike' windows are proposed.
1.3 The application for planning permission (07/03087/EFULL) is also included on the
1.4 The application is before Committee as 5 letters of objection have been received.
2.0 Planning Assessment
2.1 The determination of the application should be made in accordance with the development
plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The issues to be assessed against
the development plan and other guidance are as follows:
a) Principle of Development
b) Design, Scale and Finishes/Impact on Conservation Area
c) Representations
Principle of Development
2.2 Residential development within the Largo and East Neuk Local Plan (1995) (LENLP) and
the Finalised Draft St Andrews and East Fife Local Plan (2006) (FDSAEFLP) areas are
considered acceptable in principle provided they meet specific criteria. The related criteria
are considered in detail below.
Design, Scale and Finishes/Impact on Conservation Area
2.3 Fife Structure Plan (2002) (FSP) Policies B1 and B4, Policies EV2 and EV4 of the LENLP
and Policies E3, E6 and E7 of the FASAEFLP advise that proposals should protect and
enhance conservation areas and listed buildings and their settings should have high
standards of design and finish, and should maintain and enhance the visual amenity of their
setting in terms of density and scale. The policies of the Development Plan follow in from the
guidelines set out in national policy guidance. (NPPG18 Planning and the Historic
Environment and Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas).
2.4 In this instance the proposal is considered acceptable in meeting the above criteria in that
it would respect and enhance the character of the property in terms of design and finishing
materials The use of modern materials on the rear elevation is considered to be appropriate
in this instance given the high quality of design as well as its location on the rear of the
property and therefore would not have a detrimental visual impact on the surrounding area.
The traditional design and finishes on the front elevation are considered to make a positive
contribution to the streetscape. In terms of scale, the proposal is also considered acceptable
and would have a ridge height lower than adjacent buildings and would be suitably
proportioned in terms of the width to height ratios.
2.5 Concerns raised regarding the original design (e.g. glazing along the full elevation of the
upper storey on the rear of the property) has been discussed with the applicants agent and
this element of the proposal has now been reduced in scale. The proposed roof terrace
boundary fence has also been pulled back and reduced in length to minimise the visual
impact this would have on the surrounding area.
2.6 Six letters of representation have been received and the issued related to loss of
overlooking/privacy, impact on character of area, loss of daylight, inappropriate design for
conservation area, these issues have been noted and are fully addressed earlier in this
report as well as the corresponding application reference 07/03087/EFULL.
3.0 Conclusion
3.1 The proposal is considered acceptable in meeting the terms of the Development plan and
relevant Council Planning Policy Guidelines, is compatible with its surrounds and is
acceptable in terms of scale, design and layout. Five letters of representation have been
received, their contents noted and considered earlier in this report. In light of the above the
application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.
Approve subject to the following condition(s):1. The development hereby approved shall be implemented in accordance with the plan(s)
stamped as forming part of this permission unless a variation is required by a condition of the
permission or a non-material change has been agreed in writing by the Planning Authority.
2. BEFORE ANY WORK STARTS ON SITE, samples of the external finishing materials
including roof material, render and stone/block work, shall be submitted for the written
approval of this Planning Authority.
1. To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans
unless otherwise agreed.
2. In the interests of visual amenity; to ensure that the proposed development does not
detract from the character and appearance of this Category C(s) Listed Building and the Elie
Conservation Area.
The documents, guidance notes and policies referred to in “Statutory Policies and Approved
Report prepared by Julie Robertson, Planner