Complete Procedure to Generate HEPEvt ASCII Output Using Pandora-Pythia Event Generator Venkatesh Kaushik Univ. of Texas at Arlington Dec. 10, 2002 Introduction Geant 4[1] interfaced with Mokka [2] uses the ASCII format as input and output for simulation of the detector. The need to generate events using Pythia is a standard procedure. This document discusses a few minor modifications necessary for the Pythia event generator to generate the ASCII output that is compatible with all versions of Mokka starting with version 6 and above. Modifications necessary 1. Unpack and install the current version of the pandora_pythia by logging in your area. The version we are using currently is Pandora_Pythia3.2. The home directory consists of the following 7 subdirectories bld lib pandpyth_src pandpyth_inc tauola pythia examples 2. Go to the Pythia homepage and download the latest version of the Pythia (the one we are using is 6.208) into the ~/pandora_pythia_V3.2_simdet/pythia/ 3. Modify the Makefile to include the current version as shown below. # Makefile for library pythia # # include ../bld/Makefile.setup LIBPYTHIA = ../lib/libPythia.a OBJS = $(LIBPYTHIA)(pythia6208.o) all: $(OBJS) clean: rm -f $(LIBPYTHIA) 4. Go to the ~/pandora_pythia_V3.2_simdet/pandpyth_src/ subdirectory and include the following FORTRAN code which generates the ASCII output format needed by Geant4 as well as Mokka. Presently I have saved the program as HEP2G4.f. Include the file for compiling along with pythia6208.f into the makefile above. * SUBROUTINE HEP2G4.f * * Convert /HEPEVT/ event structure to an ASCII file * to be fed by G4HEPEvtInterface * on$ * Aug 09/02 Venkat *********************************************************** PARAMETER (NMXHEP=2000) COMMON/HEPEVT/NEVHEP,NHEP,ISTHEP(NMXHEP),IDHEP(NMXHEP), >JMOHEP(2,NMXHEP),JDAHEP(2,NMXHEP),PHEP(5,NMXHEP),VHEP(4,N MXHEP) DOUBLE PRECISION PHEP,VHEP * WRITE(6,*) NHEP DO IHEP=1,NHEP WRITE(6,10) > ISTHEP(IHEP),IDHEP(IHEP),JDAHEP(1,IHEP),JDAHEP(2,IHEP), > PHEP(1,IHEP),PHEP(2,IHEP),PHEP(3,IHEP),PHEP(5,IHEP) 10 FORMAT(4I10,4(1X,D15.8)) ENDDO * RETURN END You can also make the same changes in the ~/pandora_pythia_V3.2_simdet/pandpyth_src/asciuser.f program instead, if you choose to do that, you will have to include the above changes at the end of the subroutine as follows – ….. other lines of code present here…. if (JMOHEP(1,I) .gt. 9999) JMOHEP(1,I) = 0 if (JMOHEP(2,I) .gt. 9999) JMOHEP(2,I) = 0 if (JDAHEP(1,I) .gt. 9999) JDAHEP(1,I) = 0 if (JDAHEP(2,I) .gt. 9999) JDAHEP(2,I) = 0 c Modified the output format to suit Geant 4 c Also refer HEP2G4.f, and asciuser.old to see how this file differs. c Refer Pythia manual v6.02 (Section 5.2 through 5.4) for more info WRITE(LUN,12,ERR=999) ISTHEP(I),IDHEP(I),(JDAHEP(J,I),J=1,2), & (PHEP(J,I),J=1,3),PHEP(5,I) ENDDO 12 FORMAT(4I10,4(1X, D15.8)) c End of modification.. RETURN 999 WRITE(*,*) 'LCWRITE: Error writing to file on unit ',LUN 5. Add a subroutine call to HEP2G4.f in the program gen_ascii.C at place it writes the output. The subroutine call is done as follows in gen_ascii.C; // there are other lines of code here…. // Write Event record to a file // Format is the same structure as SIMDET call HEP2G4 6. In the ~/pandora_pythia_V3.2_simdet/examples/ subdirectory, modify the C program gen_ascii.C to include the following lines ( shown in boldface) at the end of the file. // there are other lines of code here…. pandora P(b1,b2,pr); pandorarun PR(&P, nEvent, iseed_pan); //PR.SetPrintEvent(10); // Set # events to be listed (default = 5 ) int LUN = 1; PR.SetASCII(LUN); // Output ascii file The Pandora_pythia event generator is now set to output ASCII output as required by Mokka interface to Geant4. By commenting out the line PR.SetASCII(LUN) from the above example and rebuilding, one can write output in binary format. References [1] [2] Other useful links