Useful Databases for Roots of 9/11

Also: Current History Journal (in-school access only)
"Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security” in Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Ebrary: sign up with student ID in school, then get home access – Great sources for this topic!
Sign up for bpl e-card to get access to more databases. (e.g., CREDO has Ency. of 9/11)
If can’t access from school library page, use the url address in your “Link! to ARHS Library
Databases” handout.
CQ Researcher: Comprehensive 12,000 word essays, including “Hating America”, an
overview of the events leading up to the 9/11 attack, as well as “Global Jihad.” These articles
also include timelines.
Gale Infotrac and Gale World History in Context: Use advanced searches with subjects (e.g.,
terrorism) and refine with keywords (e.g., “September 11*”, roots, causes, etc.) Relevant articles
will come up from such academic journals as Arab StudiesQuarterly, Foreign Affairs, etc.
Gale Global Issues In Context: This database includes topic overviews, scholarly journals,
newspapers, broadcasts, viewpoint essays, and more.
Massachusetts Newsstand: Conduct an advanced search within The Boston Globe and refine it
by date, searching for articles on the Taliban before September 11, 2001.
Milestone Documents in American History: A search using the search term, “Taliban” will
bring up Osama bin Laden’s “Declaration of Jihad Against Americans” (1996) along with a
document analysis.
Pro and Con Online: Includes an International Debates article, “The United States and Iran”
which offers historical background information about that country’s relationship with the United
States over the past several decades.
Sharpe Reference Online: Includes the Encyclopedia on World Terrorism, and other relevant
reference sources. Searches using “September 11” or “Taliban” as key words bring up articles
entitled: “Afghanistan: Rise of the Taliban, 1990s”, “Afghanistan: Terrorist Haven Under the
Taliban, 1994–2001”, a primary source document, “UN Resolution 1193, on the Situation in
Afghanistan and the Ruling Taliban (1998)” and a map “Al-Qaeda Network of Operations, Pre–