Textes généraux sur la psychologie politique (possiblement pertinents pour chacun des thèmes
Cottam, Martha, Beth Dietz-Uhler, Elena Mastors, & Thomas Preston. 2004. Introduction to
Political Psychology, Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Hermann, Margaret G. 1986. Political Psychology, San-Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Iyengar, Shanto, & McGuire, Wiliam J. 1993. Explorations in Political Psychology, Durham: Duke
University Press.
Jost, John, & Jim Sidianus. 2004. Political Psychology: Key Readings, New York: Psychology Press.
Kressel, Neil J. 1993. Political Psychology: Classic and Contemporary Readings, New York:
Paragon House.
Kuklinski, James H. 2001. Citizens and Politics: Perspectives from Political Psychology,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kuklinski, James H. 2002. Thinking about Political Psychology, Cambridge: Cambridge University
McDermott, Rose. 2004. Political Psychology in International Relations, Ann Arbour: University of
Michigan Press.
Monroe, Kristen Renwick. 2002. Political Psychology, Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Sears, David O., Leonie Huddy, & Robert Jervis. 2003. Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology,
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
La personnalité
Adorno, T.W., Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel J. Levinson, & R. Nevitt Sanford. 1950. The
Authoritarian Personality, New York: Harper & Brothers.
Altemeyer, Bob. 1981. Right-wing authoritarianism, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.
Altemeyer, Bob. 1988. Enemies of Freedom, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Altemeyer, Bob. 1996. The Authoritarian Specter, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Cottam, Martha, Beth Dietz-Uhler, Elena Mastors, & Thomas Preston. 2004. Introduction to
Political Psychology, Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum, Chapitre 2.
Doty, R.M., B.E. Peterson, & D.G. Winter. 1993. “Threat and Authoritarianism in the United States:
1978-1987”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61: 629-640.
Greenstein, Fred. 1992. “Can Personality and Politics be Studied Systematically”, Political
Psychology, 13:105-128.
Peterson, B.E., R.M. Doty, & D.G. Winter. 1993. “Authoritarianism and Attitudes Toward
Contemporary Social Issues”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19: 174-184.
Sales, S.M. 1973. “Threat as a Factor in Authoritarianism”, Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 28: 44-57.
Sears, David O., Leonie Huddy, & Robert Jervis. 2003. Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapitre 4.
Stone, W.F., G. Lederer, & R. Christie. 1993. Strength and Weaknesses: The Authoritarian
Personality Today, New York: Springer-Verlag.
Obéissance à l’autorité
Blass, Thomas. 1991. “Understanding Behavior in the Milgram Obedience Experiment”, Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 60: 398-413.
Blass, Thomas. 1999. “The Milgram paradigm after 35 years: Some Things We Know about
obedience to Authority”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29: 955-978.
Blass, Thomas. 1999. Obedience to Authority: Current Perspectives on the Milgram Paradigm,
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kelman, H. C., et V. L. Hamilton, 1988. Crimes of Obedience: Towards a Social Psychology of
Authority and Responsibility, New Haven: Yale University Press.
Milgram, Stanley. 1963. "Behavioral Study of Obedience", Journal of Abnormal and Social
Psychology, 67: 371-8.
Milgram, Stanley. 1964. “Group Pressures and Action Against a Person”, Journal of Abnormal
Social Psychology, 69: 137-143.
Milgram, Stanley. 1974. Soumission à l’autorité: un point de vue expérimental, Paris: CalmannLévy.
Journal of Social Issues. 1995. 51 (fall).
Staub, Erwin. 1989. The Roots of Evil: The Origins of Genocide and Other Group Violence,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
La cognition
Bartels, Larry. 1996. “Uninformed Votes”, American Journal of Political Science, 40: 194-230.
Converse, Philip E. 1964. “The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics”. Dans David E. Apter,
Ideology and discontent, London: Free Press of Glencoe.
Eagly, A.H., & S. Chaken. 1993. The Psychology of Attitudes, Philadelphia: Harcourt, Brace
Kahneman, D., P. Slovic, & A. Tversky. 1982. Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kuklinski, James H., & Paul J. Quirk. 2000. “Reconsidering the Rational Public”, dans Arthur Lupia,
Mathew D. McCubbins, & Samuel L. Popkin, eds., Elements of Reason, London: Cambridge
University Press.
Lau, Richard R. & David P. Redlawsk. 2001. “Advantages and Disadvantages of Cognitive Heuristics
in Political Decision Making”, American Journal of Political Science 45: 951-71.
Lodge, Milton, Marco Steenbergen, & Shawn Brau. 1995. “The Responsive Voter”, American
Political Science Review, 89: 309-326.
Lupia, Arthur. 1994. “Shortcuts versus Encyclopedias”, American Political Science Review, 88: 6376.
Lupia, Arthur, & Mathew McCubbins. 1998. The Democratic Dilemma, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Lupia, Arthur, Mathew D. McCubbins & Samuel L. Popkin, dir. 2000. Elements of Reason:
Cognition, Choice, and the Bounds of Rationality. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Luskin, Robert. 1987. “Measuring Political Sophistication”, American Journal of Political Science,
31: 856-99.
Luskin, Robert, James Fishkin & Roger Jowell. 2002. “Considered Opinions”, British Journal of
Political Science, 32: 455-487.
Popkin, Samuel L. 1991. The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential
Campaigns, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sniderman, Paul M., Richard A. Brody & Philip E. Tetlock. 1991. Reasoning and Choice,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zaller, John R. 1992. The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion, New York: Cambridge University
Zaller, John, & Stanley Feldman. 1992. “A Simple Theory of the Survey Response: Answering
Questions versus revealing preferences”, American Journal of Political Science, 36: 579-616.
Les émotions
Iyengar, Shanto, & McGuire, Wiliam J. 1993. Explorations in Political Psychology, Durham: Duke
University Press, Chapitre 10.
Kuklinski, James H. 2001. Citizens and Politics: Perspectives from Political Psychology,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Chapitre 3.
Marcus, George E. 2002. The Sentimental Citizen, University Park: Pennsylvania State University
Marcus, George, & Michael MacKuen. 1993. “Anxiety, Enthusiasm, ad the Vote: The Emotional
Underpinnings of Learning and Involvement During Presidential Campaigns”, American
Political Science Review, 87: 672-685.
Marcus, George, W. Russell Neuman, & Michael MacKuen. 2000. Affective Intelligence and
Political Judgment, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Nadeau, Richard, Richard G. Niemi, & Timothy Amato. 1995. “Emotions, Issue Importance, and
Political Learning”, American Journal of Political Science, 39: 558-574.
Sears, David O., Leonie Huddy, & Robert Jervis. 2003. Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapitre 6.
Zajonc, Robert B. 1980. “Feeling and Thinking: Preferences Need no Inferences”, American
Psychologists, 39: 151-175.
Zajonc, Robert B. 1982. “On the Primacy of Affect”, American Psychologists, 39: 117-123.
Zajonc, Robert B. 1998. “Emotions”, dans D. Gilbert, S. Fiske, & G. Lindzey (eds.), Handbook of
Social Psychology, New York: Random House, 1: 591-632.
La persuasion
Hovland, Carl I., Irving L. Janis, & Harold H. Kelley. 1953. Communication and Persuasion:
Studies of Opinion Change, New Haven: Yale University Press.
Iyengar, Shanto. 1991. Is Anyone Responsible? How Television Frames Political Issues. Chicago:
The University of Chicago Press.
Iyengar, Shanto, & Donald R. Kinder. 1987. News That Matters. Chicago: University of Chicago
Janis, Irving L. 1954. “Personality Correlates of Susceptibility to Persuasion.” Journal of Personality
22: 204-218.
McGuire, William J. 1985. “The Nature of Attitudes and Attitude Change”, dans G. Lindzey, & E.
Aronson (eds.), Handbook of Social Psychology, New York: Random House, 2: 233-346.
Miller, Johanne M., & Jon A. Krosnick. 2000. “News Media Impact on the Ingredients of
Presidential Evaluations”, American Journal of Political Science. 44: 301-315.
Mutz, Diana C. 1998. Impersonal Influence. Cambrige, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Petty, R.E., & J.T. Cacioppo. 1986. Communication and Persuasion: Central and Peripheral Routes
to Attitude Change, New York: Spinger-Verlag.
Petty, Richard E., J.R. Priester & D.T. Wegener. 1994. “Cognitive processes in attitude change”.
Dans R. S. Wyer & T. K. Srull, Handbook of Social Cognition, 2: 69-81.
Popkin, Samuel L. 1991. The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential
Campaigns, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Zaller, John R. 1992. The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion, New York: Cambridge University
Zaller, John R. 1996. “The Myth of Massive Media Impact Revived: New Support for a Discredited
Idea.” dans D.C. Mutz, P.M. Sniderman, & R.A. Brody (eds.), Political Persuasion and
Attitude Change, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
L’influence du groupe
Asch, Solomon E. 1952. Social Psychology, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. Chapitre 16.
Asch, Solomon E. 1955. “Opinions and Social Pressure”, Scientific American, 19: 31-35.
Asch, Solomon E. 1956. “Studies of Independence and Conformity”, Psychological Monographs, 70.
Eagly, Alice H. 1983. “Gender and Social Influence: A Social Psychological Analysis”, American
Psychologist, 38: 971-983.
Forsyth, D.R. 1990. Group Dynamics, Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole.
Insko, C. A., et al. 1983. “Conformity as a Function of the Consistency of Positive Self-Evaluation
with Being Liked and Being Right”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 19: 341358.
Milgram, Stanley. 1964. “Group Pressures and Action Against a Person”, Journal of Abnormal
Social Psychology, 69: 137-143.
Moscovici, Serge. 1985. “Social Influence and Conformity”, dans G. Lindzey, & E. Aronson (eds.),
Handbook of Social Psychology, New York: Random House, 2: 347-412.
Moscovici, Serge, & Claude Faucheux. 1972. “Social Influence, Conformity Bias, and the Study of
Active Minorities”, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 6.
Sherif, M. 1936. The Psychology of Social Norms, New York: Harper & Row.
Les conflits entre groupes
Forsyth, D.R. 1990. Group Dynamics, Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole.
Horowitz, Donald L. 1985. Ethnic groups in conflict, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Sears, D. O. 1988. “Symbolic Racism”, dans P. A. Katz & D. A. Taylor (eds.), Eliminating Racism:
Profiles in Controversy, New York: Plenum Press.
Sears, David O., Leonie Huddy, & Robert Jervis. 2003. Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapitres 15, 16, 20.
Sherif, Muzafer. 1956. “Experiments in Group Conflict”, Scientific American.
Sherif, Muzafer. 1966. Group Conflict and Cooperation, London: Toutledge & Kegan Paul.
Sherif, Muzafer, et al. 1988. The Robbers Cave Experiment: Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation,
Middletown: Harper & Row.
Sidanius, Jim. 1999. Social Dominance: An Intergroup Theory of Social Hierarchy and Oppression,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. 1986. “The Social Identity Theory of Intergroup Behavior”, dans S. Worchel
& W. G. Austin (eds), Psychology of Intergroup Relations, Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
La personnalité du décideur
Barber, James David. 1977. The Presidential Character, Englewood: Prentice-Hall. Chapitres 1 et 15.
George, Alexander L., & Juliette L. George. 1964. Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House: A
Personality Study, New York: Dover.
George, Alexander L., & Juliette L. George. 1998. Presidential Personality and Performance, New
York: Dover.
Greenstein, Fred I. 1969. Personality and Politics, Chicago: Markham.
Greenstein, Fred. 1992. “Can Personality and Politics be Studied Systematically”, Political
Psychology, 13:105-128.
Greenstein, Fred I. 1998. “The Impact of Personality on the End of the Cold War”, Political
Psychology, 19: 1-16.
Lyons, Michael. 1997. “Presidential Character Revisited”, Political Psychology, 18: 791-811.
Sears, David O., Leonie Huddy, & Robert Jervis. 2003. Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapitre 4.
Winter, David G. 1987. “Leader Appeal, Leader Performance, and the Motive Profiles of Leaders
and Followers: A Study of American Presidents and Elections”, Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 52: 196-202.
La cognition du décideur
George, Alexander L. 1980. Presidential Decision-Making in Foreign Policy: On the Effective Use
of Information and Advice, Boulder: Westview Press.
Janis, Irving L., & Leon Mann. 1992. “Cognitive Complexity in International Decision-Making”,
dans P. Suedfeld & P. Tetlock (eds), Psychology and Social Policy, New York: Hemisphere.
Jervis, Robert. 1976. Perception and Misperception in International Politics, Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
Jervis, Robert. 1993. “The Drunkard’s Search”, dans Shanto Iyengar & William J. McGuire (eds),
Explorations in Political Psychology, Durham: Duke University Press.
Jost, John, & Jim Sidianus. 2004. Political Psychology: Key Readings, New York: Psychology Press,
Chapitre 13.
Suedfeld, Peter. 1992. “Cognitive Managers and Their Critics”, Political Psychology, 13: 435-453.
Suedfeld, Peter, & Dana C. Leighton. 2002. “Early Communications in the War Against Terrorism”,
Political Psychology, 23: 585-599.
Suedfeld, Peter, & Philip E. Tetlock. 1977. “Integrative Complexity of Communications in
International Crises”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 21: 169-184.
La prise de décision en groupe
Janis, Irving L. 1982. Groupthink, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Preston, T. 2001. The President and his Inner Circle, New York: Columbia University Press.
Preston, T., & P. ‘t Hart. 1999, “Understanding and Evaluating Bureaucratic Politics: The Nexus
between Political Leaders and their Advisory Systems”, Political Psychology, 20: 49-98.
Tetlock, Philip E. 1979. “Identifying Victims of Groupthink from Public Statements of Decision
Makers”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37: 1314-1324.
‘t Hart, P. 1994. Groupthink in Government, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
‘t Hart, P., & B. Sundelius. 1997. Beyond Groupthink, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.