
is a multipurpose eco-friendly
organomineral potassium humate-based fertilizer made of
natural raw material - lowland peat.
Active substances:
-Fulvic acids,
-Humate substances ( humate potassium),
-N-P-K 10-5-11,
-Microelements (Cr, Mn, Pe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ag) and
microelements for certain cultures – grain crops, technical
crops, vegetables and root crops, fruit, tress and vineyards.
Apply to:
-Processing seeds and seedlings,
-Foliar top-dressing in tank mixture with plant protection,
-Processing soil (destructor of stubble remains)
Results of application:
-Improves plant uptake of the basic fertilizer,
-Increases plants resistance to droughts, frosts, disease, and stress – increases
plants immunity,
- Brings down the stress from the impact of plant protection,
-Improves the structure of the soil, strengthening fixity of the soil to erosion,
ecological purification of the soil, increases humus amount in the ground, as well
as organic soil substances.
-Increase in productivity: crops 10-15%, technical crops 5-12%, vegetables 2540%, fruit and grapes 15-25% -additional profit;
-Quality improvement of agricultural products (content of gluten, sugar, protein,
oil), improved vegetable safety;
-Increase in nutritious values, eating qualities and ecological cleanness of fruits
for garden cultures and grapes;
-Reduction in the amount of nitrates in production;
Potassium humate - based fertilizer ”GumiSil” and seeds
Due to GumiSil application, the immune system of the seeds is strengthened, and
they rid themselves of surface infection; the negative impact of traumatic injuries
of plants seeds is weakened, while the germination energy and germinating
ability are increased; the growth and seedling development are stimulated, and
the possibility of fungus diseases (caused by inner seed infections) is visibly
Plants mechanism of action
Getting into plants, humic substances activate the enzymatic activity of all plant
cells and the formation of stimulating compounds with the plant per se.
Result: cell energy growth, intensification of the cell metabolic process.
Increases the permeability of the cell membrane of the root. Improves the
penetration of mineral nutrients from the soil solution into a plant. This leads to
an increased absorption of plant nutrients. In addition, it results in an improved
penetration of sugars, amino acids, vitamins, hormones, water into plants and
oxygen uptake by plants, which ultimately intensifies respiration of plants. The
consequence of hyperventilation is an accelerated cell division, the increase in
photosynthesis and protein synthesis, an enhanced growth of the root system and
the aboveground mass, an increased yield of dry matter and, therefore, the total
increase in plant life.
The impact on the root system
If the seeds were treated with GumiSil, the plant develops the root system better.
The more developed the surface of the roots, the more intense is the supply of
nutrients to plants. Due to a powerful root system, the plant has time to penetrate
into the deeper layers of the soil and capture moisture that is especially important
in arid areas. Moreover, GumiSil contributes to a more economical expenditure
of moisture by the crop throughout the growing season until harvest.
GumiSil and the main plant nutrients
The productivity of any agricultural crop is ensured both at the level of a single
cell and at the level of a plant organism on the whole, by a set of different
process: the permeability of root cells; the speed and efficiency of
photosynthesis; the effectiveness of the movement of substances through the
plant; the activity of enzyme systems. GumiSil application increases the
efficiency of these components. But obtaining high and stable yields requires the
soil-absorbing complex to have sufficient nutrients in an easily absorbable form.
Therefore, in order to increase productivity it is necessary to combine the
processing of seeds and plants by GumiSil with tillage.
The amount of plant mass depends on the speed of deployment of a working
sheet surface, which is achieved by treating the plants with the compound on the
basis of potassium HUMATE. The “air nutrition of the plants” is intensified
which, in turn, leads to the increase of harvest.
GumiSil mitigates or completely neutralizes toxic and mutagenic effect of
Due to the influence of Humate plants handle the excessive doses of fertilizers
(especially nitric ones) better, as well as the high doses of pesticides.
Potassium humate -based fertilizer ”GumiSil” and microelements
Other significant components of plant nutrition are the following microelements:
Copper, zinc, boron, molybdenum, cobalt etc. GumiSil contains a number of
valuable microelements and most effectively transfers them into a plant, forming
microelement complexes easily digestible by plants (Chelates)
The role of GumiSil in soil enrichment by humus.
Potassium humate - based fertilizers are powerful accelerators of biochemical
processes in the soil and its biological activity due to the use of organic humate
substances by soil microorganisms as a source of energy and nutrition.
GumiSil contributes to the growth of spore-forming bacteria population, mold
fungi, actinomycetes, cellulose-fermenting bacteria. GumiSil application triggers
not only quantitative, but also qualitative humus changes. Newly formed humus
is characterized by high biological reactivity; its presence improves physical and
chemical soil properties.
Humate molecules enter the soil structure, thus significantly increasing the
exchange capacity of the soils. The adsorbed forms of nutritious substances do
not bind with the soil, they are not washed out by water. Instead, they remain in
the available for use condition for plants. All useful microelements form
chelating complexes with humates in the soil and further penetrate into plants,
providing their nutrition, while iron and manganese are digested exclusively as
humic complexes.
GumiSil and plough land ecology.
Humus acids, which are the primary active ingredients of GumiSil, have the
property of gelation. Due to this property, the use of GumiSil on the soil
increases its water-holding ability which is especially crucial for arid areas. On
the other hand, owing to GumiSil application, soils retain satisfactory properties
for longer periods of time during intensive irrigation, including the use of heavy
rates of mineral fertilizers.
The soils where GumiSil is regularly used are resistant to the impact of chemical
pollutants: radionuclide, heavy metals (lead, mercury, chrome, cadmium etc)
pesticides. GumiSil binds detrimental compounds forming insoluble complexes,
preventing them from being ingested by plants or from getting into subterranean
waters and atmosphere.
For any queries please call :
mob: +380.96.921-16-94; +380.50.698-69-39;; Andrew Chekalskiy