Irradiation Test of Optical Fibers 1. Goal The goal of this test is to measure how gamma ray affects the optical fibers. 2. Test setup and process Fig. 1 The test setup The test process is summarized in Table 1. Table 1. The irradiation test process Run # 1 2 3 Start time 4/10/08 12:42:49 PM 4/10/08 5:47:58 PM 4/11/08 5:52:14 PM End time 4/10/08 5:08 PM 4/11/08 5:07:19 PM 4/12/08 12:57:10 PM Time (hr) accumulated time (hr) Dose rate (krad/hr) TID (krad) accumulated TID (krad) 4:26:00 4:26:00 30 133 133 23:20:00 27:46:00 30 700 833 19:05:00 46:51:00 30 573 1405 Fibers manufacturer: Corning® Infinicor SX+ 50/125 Micron Optical Multimode 3 (OM3) Fiber Fiber vendor: 10GB Aqua Fiber Cable - Duplex 50/125 LC/LC 2M Item# FDQ5LL-2 An optical transmitter made in Taiwan and used in the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter is used to generate a constant power. A 50-50 power splitter is used to split the power into two fibers, one under test in the gamma radiation and the other shielded from the gamma radiation. An optical power meter HP8163 is used to measure the optical power. The fiber length under irradiation is 45 meters. Fig. 1 is a picture of the test setup. 3. Test results Fig. 2 The optical power change as a function of irradiation time Table 2. The optical power change Run # 1 2 3 Dose (krad) 133.00 700.00 573.00 Accumulated dose (krad) 133.00 833.00 1405.00 Delta P1 (dB) -1.05 -0.79 -0.07 Accumulated Delta P1 (dB) -1.05 -1.84 -1.91 Delta P2 (dB) -0.10 0.01 0.00 Accumulated Delta P2 (dB) -0.10 -0.09 -0.09 Fig. 2 is the optical power change as the function of irradiation time. The straight vertical lines indicate the start and end of beam time (the start time of the first run is time zero). The results are summarized in Table 2 (P1 and P2 are the optical powers of the fiber under test and the reference fiber, respectively). Most of the data during the first run were lost due to a broken instrument. The power change in the first run is estimated from the power before the radiation starts and the end power (manually recorded, not shown in Fig. 2) during the pause between the first and the second run. During the pause between the second run and the third run, the fibers were moved to take away some instruments for other tests. This fiber movement may cause the rapid power change in both the fiber under test and the reference fiber. The power decreases 1.91 dB in total runs, including part of anneal in the beam pause between the first run and the second run and not including the annealing in the beam pauses during the second run and the third run. This gives the worst power change of the attenuation rate of 42 dB/km at the TID 1.405 Mrad. A saturation trend can be seen in the second run and the third run. The annealing process between two continuous runs is also apparent. The temperature and humidity monitoring in the irradiation Test 1. Goal The goal of this test is to see if the temperature and humidity change in the irradiation test. 2. Test setup and process We use LabJack U12 data acquisition unit with LabJack EI-1050 temperature and humidity probe. The temperature accuracy is specified as 0.9 C from 0 to 40 C. The humidity accuracy is +/- 3.5%. The data acquisition unit and the probe are put in the leadbrick room in the radiation room. Fig. 1 is a picture of the setup. Fig. 1 The test setup Table 1. The irradiation test process Run # 1 2 3 beginning time 4/10/08 12:42 PM 4/10/08 5:47 PM 4/11/08 5:52 PM end time 4/10/08 5:08 PM 4/11/08 5:07 PM 4/12/08 12:57 PM Time (hr) 4:26:00 23:20:00 19:05:00 3. Test results Fig. 1 The temperature and humidity change during the irradiation test Fig. 1 shows the temperature and humidity change during the irradiation test. During the first and the second runs, the temperature increase from 21 C to 29 C and the humidity decrease from 42.7% to 21.4%. Later it was found that the shielding room was small and crowded. The heat generated by the instruments may be the major reason of the temperature and humidity change. During the third run, the temperature decreases from 23.4 C to 22.9 C and the humidity increases from 30% to 37%. During the third run, the temperature outside the room changed from 10 C to 20 C, but the room temperature changed less than 1 C. The humidity changed little compared to the humidity outside the room (before a thunder storm), indicating the temperature and humidity is quite stable inside the room.