4000km Transmission of 50GHz spaced, 10494.85-Gb/s Hybrid 32-64QAM using Cascaded Equalization and Training-Assisted Phase Recovery † X. Zhou1, L. E. Nelson1, R. Isaac1, P. D. Magill1, B. Zhu2, D. W. Peckham3, P. Borel4, and K. Carlson4 (1) AT&T Labs-Research, 200 Laurel Ave South, Middletown, NJ 07748, USA, †zhoux@research.att.com (2) OFS Labs, Somerset, NJ 08873, USA; (3) OFS, Norcross, GA 30071; (4) OFS, Broendby, Denmark Abstract: Employing time-domain hybrid QAM, training-assisted phase recovery and cascaded equalization, we successfully transmitted ten 494.85Gbit/s PDM-32/64QAM DWDM signals at 8.25b/s/Hz net spectral efficiency (SE) over 40100km, achieving a record terrestrial SEdistance product of 33000 bitkm/s/Hz. OCIS codes: (060.1660) Coherent communications; (060.2330) Fiber optics communications. 1. Introduction Following the commercial availability of systems carrying 100-Gb/s WDM channels and based on the likelihood of 400Gb/s as the next-generation transport standard, research on spectrally-efficient systems at bit rates of 400Gb/s has intensified [1-7]. The premise that optical transport costs are decreased most efficiently by increasing both the perchannel data rate and spectral efficiency (SE) has motivated the utilization of high-order quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) formats for 400Gb/s with multiplexing schemes such as OFDM [1,3], OTDM [2], TDM [4], and single-carrier-FDM with digital pilot tone[5]. Several of these first demonstrations [1,2,4] reported long-haul transmission reaches of 800 to 2000km, yet the experiments used >50GHz WDM channel spacing, which is sub-optimal in terms of maximizing the SE. From an operational point of view, the ability to place 400-Gb/s signals on the 50GHz channel grid at a net SE>8b/s/Hz is highly attractive, and may be most cost-effective, because such a transport system will be compatible with current ROADM optical networks, while providing a four-fold increase in the transport capacity. Recently some progress has been made on this front. In [6] it was demonstrated that Nyquist-shaped PDM-32QAM enables a 400G WDM channels in a 50GHz grid optical network could be transmitted over 8x100km [6]. The transmission reach was improved to 12x100km in [7] by using a newly proposed time-domain hybrid QAM technique. However, these reaches, and the reach reported in [5], are still not adequate for many practical long-haul transmission systems. In this paper we report the successful transmission of ten 494.85Gbits/s PDM-32/64QAM DWDM signals over 40100km of ultra-large-area (ULA) fiber at a net SE of 8.25b/s/Hz (after excluding the 20% soft-decision FEC overhead). Time-domain hybrid 32/64 QAM along with novel, improved carrier-phase recovery and equalization algorithms are utilized. To our best knowledge, this is the longest transmission distance demonstrated for a WDM SE above 5bit/s/Hz and bit rate>100Gb/s. This result also represents a new record for the SEdistance product for territorial transport systems. 2. Experimental setup A schematic of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The ten 494.85Gb/s, 50GHz-spaced, C-band channels are derived from odd (192.20 to 192.60THz) and even (192.15 to 192.55THz) sets of multiplexed, 100GHz-spaced external cavity lasers (ECL) with ~100kHz linewidth. For each channel, five frequency-locked sub-carriers, separated by 9.9GHz are generated from a single laser source using a method very similar to that described in [6-7] and shown in Fig. 1b. All the unwanted harmonics were suppressed to be 40dB lower than the desired five subcarriers. The odd and the even subcarriers are modulated by two independent IQ modulators (i.e. MOD1 and MOD2), each driven with a Nyquist-shaped 9.7Gbaud time-domain 32-64 hybrid QAM (SE=5.1015bit/symbol) signal having 215 pseudorandom pattern length (bandlimiting effect from the D/A converters has been pre-compensated). Then the ten sets of three 49.485Gb/s odd subcarriers and ten sets of two 49.485Gb/s even sub-carriers are passively combined and polarization multiplexed with 20ns relative delay, resulting in ten 50GHz-spaced DWDM, 494.85Gb/s channels. The ten DWDM channels are effectively de-correlated because their optical phases are different. Due to close to ideal Nyquist pulse shaping (roll-off factor=0.01), the 494.85Gb/s signal are well confined within 49.3GHz optical bandwidth (see Fig.1f). The principle of the time-domain-based 32-64 hybrid QAM is shown in Fig. 1d. Within each time-divisionmultiplexing (TDM) frame, two regular 2m–ary QAMs with different SE (in terms of bit/symbol) are assigned to different time slots. Using this method, any SE that falls between the SE of the two QAMs can be realized by appropriately designing the TDM frame length and the time slot occupancy ratio of the two QAMs. Such a time-domain hybrid QAM technique exhibits several potential advantages as compared to the conventional frequency-domain-based 1 hybrid QAM, such as lower peak-to-average power ratio and better tolerance toward laser phase noise (due to fundamentally shorter symbol period). For this experiment, each TDM frame consists of 128 symbols, where 28 of them are 64QAM and 97 are 32QAM. The extra 3 symbols are used as training symbols for carrier phase recovery. For ease of processing, the Euclidean distances for the 64QAM and 32QAM are designed to be identical, resulting in a 64QAMlike constellation with un-equal constellation occupation probability, as can be seen in Fig. 1e. (b) 10495Gb/s PDM-32-64 hybrid QAM Tx (a) switch 50GHz WB WDM WDM Raman Pumps 21 taps MZM1 VOA TDM Syn. LMS EQ2 21 taps Carrier Syn. LMS Carrier Syn. 801 taps EQ2 TDM frame (e) Pre- equalized 9.7 Gbaud digital Nyquist 32-64 hybrid QAM EDFA POL MUX OC 25/50G IQ MOD 2 Pre- equalized 9.7 Gbaud digital Nyquist 32-64 hybrid QAM MZM2 TDM frame Time -20 D/A converters Sub1 (f) Sub5 -30 Power (dBm) EQ1 9.7G clock (d) A: 64QAM B: 32QAM A … B A … B Decoding CD Comp. y CMA . . . IQ MOD 1 Odd subcarriers (c) x EDFA OC 2 10 9.7G clock ILF Isolator 100 km ULA fiber D/A converters 12.5/25G ILF Raman Pumps . . . Even subcarriers WDM Digital Coherent receiver 9 x4 3dB Coupler ECLs 1 ILF switch EDFA WDM 10495-Gb/s PDM-32-64hybrid QAM Transmitter Loop Synch Pol Controller -40 -50 49.3GHz BW=1.25GHz -60 -70 0 50 -50 -50-40-30-20-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Frequency offset (GHz) Fig.1. Experimental setup. ILF: interleaver filter. OC: optical coupler; WB: wavelength blocker. CD: chromatic dispersion, EQ: equalizer Following the polarization multiplexer and a booster erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), the ten 494.85-Gb/s channels are sent into a re-circulating transmission loop, which consists of four 100-km spans of ULA fiber having, at 1550nm, 135 um2 average Aeff and 0.179 dB/km average attenuation. As shown in Fig. 1a, the spans are configured for all-Raman amplification, resulting in total span losses (fiber + components) of between 19.7 and 20.1dB. For each span, counter-pumps at 1435nm and 1455nm with 310mW and 650mW, respectively, provide an average of 17dB onoff Raman gain, while co-pumps at 1455nm and 180mW provide an average of 3dB on-off gain. After the last span, a loop-synchronous polarization controller is followed by a wavelength-blocker-based channel equalizer to flatten the spectrum after each loop. After transmission, each subcarrier is independently received by passing the signal through a tunable optical filter with ~37.5GHz -3dB bandwidth and detecting it with the polarization- and phase-diverse coherent receiver. A fourchannel real-time sampling scope (50GSa/s and 16GHz bandwidth) performs the sampling and digitization function, followed by post-transmission offline DSP of the captured data. The major DSP functional blocks are shown in Fig. 1c. A new cascaded three-stage equalization strategy is used for polarization demultiplexing and linear distortion mitigation. First, a decision-independent CMA equalizer (21-tap and T/2-spaced, i.e. EQ1 in Fig. 1c) is used to perform an initial equalization. The output of this CMA equalizer is then used for TDM frame synchronization, which is followed by a second equalizer (i.e. EQ2 in Fig. 1c) also with a tap length of 21. The coefficients of EQ2 are first optimized by using 16000 T/2-spaced samples in a training-based manner in the acquisition stage. After acquisition is achieved, EQ2 is switched into a decision-directed (DD) blind equalization mode. The carrier frequency and phase recovery are performed within the DD-LMS loop. The signal-LO frequency offset is initially estimated using the acquisition training signals, and then is tracked using the recovered carrier phases through a feedback configuration. We achieved robust carrier phase recovery by using a new training-assisted method: the initial phase is estimated by using the 3 training symbols and then refined by using a blind phase search algorithm [8] over a small phase-varying range (/32). This method can effectively mitigate the cyclic phase-slipping problem. The phase-recovered signal at the output of EQ2 is then sent to the third equalizer, EQ3, for final optimization. EQ3 operates in a decision-directed mode (after acquisition), but with a longer tap length (801 T/2-spaced taps used in this experiment). Such a long filter is used for two reasons: 1) the optimal receive filter for a Nyquist signal is significantly longer than a regular NRZ signal; 2) a long filter allows mitigation of some low-frequency/narrow-band distortion that may occur at the transmitter and the receiver. Note that the allowable tap length used for EQ2 is limited by the phase noise and therefore cannot be too long. The equalizer implementation complexity can be greatly reduced by using a frequency–domain based method when the tap length is long [9], although the time-domain based method is used for this experiment. For bit error ratio (BER) calculations, errors are counted over 2×106 bits of information for each subcarrier (10×106 bits for each channel). 3. Measurement results 2 In Fig. 2 we show the measured back-to-back performance (average of the five subcarriers) of a single 494.85 Gb/s, PDM 32/64-hybrid QAM channel with the three-stage equalizer. For comparison, the theoretical prediction and twostage equalizer (EQ1 and EQ2) results also are displayed. The required OSNR at 2x10-2 BER is reduced from 25dB for the two-stage equalization method to 22.8dB for the three stage method, which is only about 0.6dB higher than the theoretical required OSNR. The DWDM transmission results are displayed in Fig. 3 to Fig. 5, where the total launch power entering the transmission fiber for the ten WDM channels is 6.5dBm, corresponding to -3.5dBm per channel and -10.5dBm per subcarrier, which we have found to be the optimal launch power for 4000km transmission. Fig. 3 shows the measured optical spectra (in 0.1nm noise bandwidth) of the launched DWDM signals and the signals after 4000km transmission. The launch OSNR is above 40.5 dB for all the WDM channels. After 10 circulations (4000km), the spectrum of the ten 494.85Gb/s channels was flat to within 1dB. Due to the use of all Raman amplification, the OSNR after 4000km transmission is still greater than 24dB for all ten WDM channels, despite the relatively low perchannel launch power. In Fig. 4 we show the measured BER and OSNR of the central channel (Ch. 5) with transmission distance ranging from 400km to 4800km. The measured BERs after 3600, 4000 and 4400km transmission are 1.51x10 -2, 1.94x10-2, and 2.4x10-2, respectively, with corresponding OSNRs of 25, 24.5 and 23.9dB. The measured BERs of all ten 494.85-Gb/s WDM channels after 40x100km transmission are presented in Fig. 5. The BERs for the five individual subcarriers of Ch. 5 are also plotted. The BERs of all ten channels are better than 2.010-2, while the BERs of all 50 individual subcarriers are better than 2.210-2; all are below the 2.410-2 BER threshold for 20% soft-decision FEC using quasicyclic LDPC code [10]. The recovered constellation diagrams for the X- and Y-polarizations of one of Ch. 5’s subcarriers are shown in Fig. 5 as insets. Because no inline optical dispersion is used, we found that the noise statistics can be well approximated by an additive Gaussian distribution in both linear and nonlinear regimes, agreeing with [11]. 10-1 -20 Power (dBm) Theory 3-stage EQ 10-2 -30 Launch BW=0.1nm -40 -50 -60 1555.5 1556.5 1557.5 1558.5 1559.5 1560.5 -10 10-3 -20 Power (dBm) Bit error ratio 2-stage EQ 10-4 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 30 28 26 24 400 1557.5 22 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 Transmission distance (km) Fig. 4. BER and OSNR of Ch. 5. vs. transmission distance 10-1 Average sub2 sub4 Bit error ratio 32 OSNR of Ch. 5 (in 0.1nm, dB) Bit error ratio of Ch. 5 34 0.01 10-2 0.001 10-3 1556.5 1558.5 1559.5 1560.5 Fig. 3. Launched and received optical spectra 36 BER -50 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 2. Measured back-to-back results for a 494.85Gb/s channel OSNR 40x100km BW=0.1nm -40 1555.5 OSNR in 0.1 nm bandwidth (dB) 0.1-1 10 -30 X sub1 sub3 sub5 Y FEC threshold 10-2 1556 1556 1557 1557 1558 1558 1559 1559 1560 1560 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 5. BER of all ten 50GHz-spaced WDM channels after 40x100km 4. Conclusions In summary, we have demonstrated 4000km transmission of ten 494.85Gbits/s, 50-GHz-spaced DWDM signals at 8.25b/s/Hz net spectral efficiency (excluding the 20% soft-decision FEC overhead). The result was enabled by timedomain hybrid 32/64 QAM, as well as novel carrier-phase recovery and equalization algorithms. To our best knowledge, 40x100km is the longest transmission distance demonstrated for a WDM SE above 5bit/s/Hz (and bit rate>100Gb/s), and the SEdistance product of 33000 bitkm/s/Hz is a new record for territorial transport systems. Our results indicate the potential for practical long-haul DWDM systems carrying 400Gb/s channels on the 50GHz grid. Acknowledgment: We thank Robert Lingle, Jr. of OFS and M. Feuer and K. Reichmann of AT&T Labs for their generous support of these results. References [1] X. Liu, et al., OFC-NFOEC 2010, paper PDPC2. [2] Y.-K. Huang, et al., OECC 2010, paper PDP3. [3] H. Takahashi, et al., ECOC 2010, paper Tu.3.C.1. [4] P. J. Winzer, et al., ECOC 2010, PDP 2.2. [5]T. Kobiyashi, et al., ECOC 2011, paper Th.13.C.6. [6] X. Zhou, et al., ECOC 2011, paper We.8.b.2. 3 [7] X. Zhou, et al., OFC-NFOEC 2012, paper OM2A.2. [8] T. Pfau et al, J Lightwave. Technol., 27 (8), pp.989, 2009. [9] M. S. Faruk et al, Optics Express, 19(13), pp. 12789. [10] D. Chang et al, OFC 2011, paper TuN2. [11] F. Vacondio1, et al, ECOC 2011, We.7.B.1. 4