CYCLE 4 OWL Week #3, BB Week #18 Days 11-15 Materials Sand & water Book Area Art Table CENTERS Digging for Hidden Treasure: sand, butt (including gold & silver if possible), small beads, plastic tiles, sieves, small scoops, shovels, dippers, small bowls Add books with colorful fruits, vegetables, flowers and animals on Wednesday Continue Paper Collage Posters of Frits, Vegetables & Flowers Cutting Out Paint Swatches: envelope, markers, scissors, shoebox, paintings with marked off section of colors from the Easel activity Mixing Paint & Saving New Colors Easel Mixing Paint & Saving New Colors: paint (red, blue, yellow, white, black), white construction paper, palettes, cup of water, thin paintbrushes Puzzles & Pattern Colored Blocks & Colored Mosaic Tiles with Design Cards: Manipulatives pattern blocks, mosaic pegs, peg boards, design cards Dramatic Play Scooping Ice Cream & Yogurt: empty ice cream containers of different flavors, plastic ice-cream scoops, small dishes, add yogurt containers later in the week for new fruit flavors Writing Continue Drawing & Labeling Pictures with Colored Pencils Center Alphabet Letter Labels for Color Alphabet Book: assortment of alphabet picture books, paper, small alphabet charts BB Hands-On Place Scenes: counters, Numeral Cards Math Shape Pictures: Shape Sets, Pattern blocks Memory Number: Dot cards, Numeral cards SMALL GROUPS Mixing Food Coloring on Paper Towels Naming & Labeling Paint Colors Matching Color Words & Color Swatches Fruit, Flower and Animal Puzzles Building Blocks Continue Paint swatches created during Center Time, 2x8 white paper, large paperclips, markers, scissors, shoebox 6-8 very familiar color swatch & word sets (red, black, brown, yellow, pink, purple, orange, green) Several puzzles of fruit, flowers, & animals of distinctive colors Snapshots: counters, paper plate, cloth Memory Number: Dot cards, Numeral Cards CYCLE 4 OWL Week #3, BB Week #18 LARGE GROUP Story readings Dear Juno Picture cards #66 The Lion & the Little Red Bird SWPL Peter’s Chair Songs: Apples & Bananas, Looby Loo, Come on Join the Game, The Green Grass Grows All Around, Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes, What Are You Wearing?, The Barnyard Song Poems: #7 Five Little Owls, #16 Hands on Shoulders, #1 Ten Little Fingers, #3 Stand Up Alphabet Memory Pocket Chart Game: Alphabet Memory Pocket chart, upper & lower case alphabet sets Building Blocks Books: Max’s Dragon Shirt, Dear Juno, Cat’s Colors, The Lion & the Little Red Bird Snapshots: counters, paper plate, cloth Guess My Rule: Shape Sets LTAI/LFOAI Numeral Jump: Numeral Cards Color Names Inspired by Objects: The Lion & The Little Red Bird, The Tortilla Factory, crayons, colored pencils Distinctive Colors of Plants; Fruits, Vegetable, & Flowers: The ion & The Little Red Bird, Rabbits & Raindrops, Eating the Alphabet, Vegetables in the Garden, seed/bulb catalogs Waiting: Dear Juno Appreciating Others: The Lion & the Little Red Bird Distinctive Colors in Animals: The lion and the Little Red Bird, Rabbits & Raindrops, Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones