Middletown Centre for Autism Appointment of Senior Research Officer Guide for Applicants Introduction Applications are invited for the appointment to the post of Researcher in Middletown Centre for Autism. Senior Contents of the Pack Prior to completing the application form applicants should familiarise themselves with the contents of the information pack. The pack includes: Section 1 - Background Section 2 - Guidance on the Selection Process Section 3 - Key Points to Note on Completing the Application Form and Monitoring Information Documentation Annex A - Role Description Annex B - Person Specification outlining competencies and sifting criteria Annex C - Information on the terms and conditions of appointment Enclosures An Application Form An Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form A Disclosure Certificate Application Form 1. Background The Middletown Centre for Autism Project is a North – South initiative with funding provided by the Department of Education (DE), Northern Ireland and the Department of Education and Skills (DES), Ireland. The reporting structure for the organisation is outlined below. The purpose of the Centre is to support the promotion of excellence in the development and coordination of education services to children and young people with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs). The Centre will promote collaborative working arrangements between the education services and other professional agencies, including health and social services and voluntary bodies in both jurisdictions. The Centre will not be a first tier service provider, but rather will respond to referrals from local providers. Organisation Board of Board ofDirectors Directors Chief Executive Chief Executive Head of of Learning, Head LearningSupport of Support & Assessment Assessment Division & Division Head of Head ofResearch Research & Development Development Division & Division Learning Support Learning - Support Service Service Educational Educational Assessment Service Assessment Service Head of Services Head ofCorporate Corporate Services Training & Training & Advisory Advisory Service Service & t Administration Services Finance, Administration, HR & Support Services Research &&Information Research Information Service Service Care Services Secretariat Services Aims of the Centre Having regard to best practice worldwide, the current statutory frameworks in Northern Ireland and Ireland, and the recent reports1 concerning educational provision in Northern Ireland and in Ireland for children and young people with autism, the Centre aims to: 1. establish an ethos throughout the island of Ireland conducive to the promotion of quality educational provision for children and young people with autistic spectrum disorders; 2. collaborate with local services in the development and improvement of provision; 3. create an environment where children and young people feel safe and valued; 4. provide an educational assessment service; 5. specify and identify the needs of each child or young person supported by the Centre in collaborative partnership with those with parental responsibility, teachers, co-workers and allied professionals; 6. support the promotion of quality teaching and learning strategies; 7. make available an outreach service, to support the education of the child or young person for an agreed period of time after placement in the Centre; 8. provide a training and advisory service for those with parental responsibility, professionals and support staff to develop their understanding and skills to contribute further to the effective education of children and young people with autistic spectrum disorders; 9. undertake and commission research, and collate and disseminate up-to-date information in relation to research; 10. provide an information support service; and 11. Organise conferences, which enhance the work of the Centre and inform the development of provision. Educational Provision and Support for Persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorders – Report of the Task Force on Autism – Republic of Ireland, October 2001 The Education of Children and Young People with Autistic Spectrum Disorders – Report of the Task Group on Autism – Northern Ireland, April 2002 1 2. Guidance on the Selection Process Eligibility Sift After the closing date has passed, all applications will initially be assessed against the following eligibility criteria, on the basis of the information provided in the application form: A degree or equivalent third level qualification in research methods, psychology, education or health related discipline; and A demonstrable track record of achievement in producing or contributing to high quality research; and Experience of working within a research function/department; and Experience of research governance. Essential Criteria Sift In addition, applicants are also requested to provide evidence of their ability in each of the following competencies. The onus is on candidates to provide evidence that they can demonstrate an acceptable level of ability, as outlined in the Job Description and Person Specification, in the following competencies: Managing Strategy / Policy Managing Services Managing People Managing Resources Analytical Skills Communication Shortlisting If a large number of applications are received, it may be necessary to carry out a further shortlisting exercise to reduce the number of candidates to be invited for interview. In such circumstances the following desirable criteria may be assessed as part of the written shortlisting exercise: Knowledge of issues related to Autistic Spectrum Disorders A Post graduate qualification Working towards a PhD Publication(s) in a peer reviewed journal Experience in the preparation and dissemination of information Those applicants who appear, on the basis of the information provided in their application forms, to best meet the criteria will proceed to the next stage of the process. Interviews Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend for interview. The panel will assess the extent to which the applicants meet the criteria in the Person Specification. It is expected that interviews will take place at the beginning of June 2008. When the interview date has been offered, those invited should make every effort to attend on the specified time and date. Given the difficulties in arranging interview panels, flexibility may not be possible. Applicants are therefore asked to indicate if the proposed interview date might cause particular difficulties – for example a prebooked holiday or period when they will be out of the country. Appointment The appointment is available as soon as possible. It is intended that all applicants who have been interviewed will be informed of the outcome of their application by the end of February 2011 Timetable The anticipated timetable is as follows: Advertisement: Week commencing 31 January 2011 Closing date for applications: 15 February 2011 Anticipated panel interview: week commencing 21 February 2011 Anticipated appointment: As soon as possible Should you have any further queries about the recruitment and selection process then contact Jim Lennon at the Centre. 3. Points to note on Completion of the Application Form and Monitoring Forms Section 4 – Referees Applicants are required to identify two referees, one of which should be your employer (if applicable). Referees may be approached after interview. You should not seek as a referee anyone who is related to you. Section 6 – Additional Information Please note that a conviction will not necessarily be a bar to employment. We comply with Access NI's Code of Practice and can provide a copy of the Code if required Section 7 – Information for Shortlisting and Interview Purposes In completing the application form, applicants should refer to the Role Description and Person Specification in Annexes A and B and identify the extent to which they satisfy the eligibility and essential criteria. Applicants will be assessed at shortlisting on the basis of the information provided on the application form. It is therefore essential for applicants to complete their responses as fully as possible, making use of the space provided. Please keep the answers in the competency sections limited to the boxes provided on the form. Supplementary material such as CVs will not be considered by the selection panel. Under each of the headings in the application form we ask you to provide a clear and relevant example drawn from your recent experience which illustrates how you match the competency being sought. You should structure your responses by setting a context for your examples, explain what you were trying to achieve, describe what you actually did and why, indicating your own individual contribution and outline the outcome or results. You can use examples from your working life, where appropriate, or from your personal life, including any voluntary or community work you have been involved in. Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form The Middletown Centre for Autism is committed to equality of opportunity. All applications are considered strictly on the basis of merit. The Middletown Centre for Autism welcomes applications from all suitably qualified applicants irrespective of religious belief, gender, disability, race, political opinion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or whether or not they have dependants. The Middletown Centre for Autism is required to monitor the gender, ethnic origin, community background and disability of candidates to ensure that equal opportunities measures are effective. Applicants are therefore asked to complete the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Information section of the application form. The information is purely for monitoring purposes. It is not made available to the selection panel and does not play a role in the decision-making process. The Protection of Children (POC) (NI) and Protection of Vulnerable Adults The post for which you are applying is governed by The Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (Northern Ireland) Order 2003. Before appointing anyone to such a post, it is imperative for the relevant check to be carried out by Access NI and/ or the Garda Vetting Office, as appropriate. From April 2008, all persons joining the staff of Middletown Centre for Autism require an Enhanced Disclosure Certificate. An Enhanced Disclosure Certificate shows the details of all spent and unspent convictions and cautions as well as any other relevant information held in police records or other law enforcement agencies. This check is required to make sure those individuals who might be a risk to children and/or vulnerable adults are not appointed. Pre Employment Checks Applicants will be required to consent to their qualifications and employment records being validated on behalf of the Centre and also a Criminal Records Check being carried out by Access NI. Applicant must have a record which is deemed to be acceptable to the Centre, as a condition of employment. Any information received will be treated confidentially, and will be discussed with candidates before a final decision is reached. After the decision is made the information will be destroyed. Return of Application Forms Completed application and monitoring forms must be returned to:The HR Department Middletown Centre For Autism 35 Church Street Middletown BT60 4HZ Alternatively application forms may be e-mailed to jimlennon@middletownautism.com by 4.30 pm on Tuesday 15 February 2011 Please note that the monitoring form should be returned under separate cover in the self addressed envelope provided. Applications will be acknowledged within seven days of receipt. Candidates with a disability who require assistance will be facilitated upon request. Candidates who wish to receive application forms and information packs in accessible formats are requested to advise the Centre of their requirements as promptly as possible allowing for the fact that the closing date for receipt remains the same for all applicants as noted above. Annex A JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title: Senior Research Officer Reporting to: Head of Research and Development Location: Middletown Centre for Autism, Co Armagh Job Purpose: Work with the Head of Research and Development to establish and maintain the Research Division in the Middletown Centre for Autism Main Duties: Managing Strategy / Policy Develop the Centre’s research and information function and promote the work of the Centre Develop a research programme in response to the Centre’s public consultation Contribute to the formulation of ethics/ research governance arrangements Managing Services To encourage a climate of continuous learning and improvement to achieve standards of excellence. Contribute to the formulation of ethics/ research governance arrangements Managing People Convene an autism research interest group Manage research meetings and other meetings as appropriate and their action points Develop and maintain positive links with research agencies, nationally and internationally Managing Resources Develop and maintain a data base of services and service providers Compile and circulate an autism research bulletin Keep the Centre and its stakeholders up to date in autism research Deliver and undertake training as required Analytical Skills Conduct and commission research projects from conception through to dissemination Undertake data collection and analysis Collaborate on the preparation of publications To assimilate, evaluate and interpret complex or conflicting data and different perspectives. To give objective advice based on sound evidence and analysis, and a thorough understanding of statutory requirements Communication Skills Interact and maintain positive links with the Centre’s stakeholders N.B. The above is given as a broad range of duties and responsibilities and is not intended as a complete description of all tasks. Annex B PERSON SPECIFICATION Job Title: Senior Research Officer Reporting to: Head of Research and Development Eligibility criteria: Applicants must be able to demonstrate the following by the closing date: A degree or equivalent third level qualification in research methods, psychology, education or health related discipline; and A demonstrable track record of achievement in producing or contributing to high quality research; and Experience of working within a research function/department; and Experience of research governance. Essential Criteria Applicants must be able to demonstrate their competence in the following areas: Managing Strategy / Policy Experience of contributing to the formulation of strategy and the policies of the organisation Managing Services Proven ability of developing and delivering research programmes and projects in line with the strategic direction of the organisation. Experience of implementing procedures to support research ethics and best practice. Managing People Proven ability of managing teams to ensure team performance meets or exceeds all key performance indicators. Proven ability to build productive working relationships with a range of stakeholders internally and externally, readily sharing ideas and information with others. Managing Resources Demonstrable ability to plan, prioritise and manage a range of resources to deliver programmes/projects within agreed timescale. Analytical Skills Demonstrable experience in analysing complex information and making critical decisions whilst influencing and gaining the commitment of others. Communication Proven ability to communication effectively both orally and in writing, tailoring content to the target audience. Desirable Criteria: If a large number of applications are received, it may be necessary to carry out a further shortlisting exercise to reduce the number of candidates to be invited for interview. In such circumstances the following desirable criteria may be assessed as part of the written shortlisting exercise: Knowledge of issues related to Autistic Spectrum Disorders A Post graduate qualification Working towards a PhD Publication(s) in a peer reviewed journal Experience in the preparation and dissemination of information Annex C TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT Salary: £38,463-£41,083 Annual Leave: 25 days per annum plus public and privilege holidays Pension: Middletown Centre for Autism is a member of NILGOSC pension scheme. Successful applicants are eligible to contribute to this scheme. MONITORING FORM Ref: MCAST/0209/ This part of the application will be treated in the strictest confidence. All applicants should complete this section. The information will also be used for the purpose of monitoring in terms of the principles of equality of opportunity and will not form part of your application. Please provide information below about yourself that would assist this process Please indicate your religion or the religion to which you would be perceived to belong by ticking the appropriate box below: I am a member of the Protestant Community I am a member of the Roman Catholic Community I am a member of neither the Protestant nor the Roman Catholic Community Please indicate your gender by ticking the appropriate box below: Male Female Do you consider yourself to have a disability under the terms of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, defined as a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities? Yes No If ‘yes’, please state the nature of your disability: Please describe your ethnic origin by ticking the appropriate box below: Bangladeshi Irish Traveller Black African Pakistani Black Caribbean White Chinese Mixed Ethnic Group Indian Other (please specify) This monitoring form should be returned along with your application form to: HR Officer Middletown Centre for Autism 35 Church Street Middletown Co Armagh BT60 4HZ