MINUTES SSPC 62.1 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality June 21-22, 2008 Salt Lake City, Utah Approved By Chair: 8/18/2008 Approved By SSPC: 1/24/2009 1 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Index of Major Motions ....................................................................................................... 3 Action Items .......................................................................................................................... 4 Attendance ............................................................................................................................. 5 I. Call to Order / Introductions ................................................................................... 6 II. Review of Agenda ..................................................................................................... 6 III. Approval of Minutes ................................................................................................. 6 IV. Chair’s/Vice-Chair’s Report.................................................................................... 6 V. Staff Report/Comments............................................................................................ 8 VI. TC Liaison Reports................................................................................................... 9 VII. IAQ Design Guide Update ..................................................................................... 11 VIII. Education Subcommittee Report .......................................................................... 11 IX. Ozone Air Cleaning Update ................................................................................... 13 X. Future Addenda Discussion ................................................................................... 14 XI. Administration Subcommittee Report .................................................................. 15 XII. Public Comment Session ........................................................................................ 16 XIII. Recess ...................................................................................................................... 17 XIV. Call to Order/Introductions ................................................................................... 18 XV. SPLS Liaison Report/Comments........................................................................... 18 XVI. SPC 189.1 Liaison Report ...................................................................................... 18 XVII. Education Subcommittee Actions ......................................................................... 19 XVIII. Action on Addendum 62.1i (2007) ......................................................................... 19 XIX. Administrative Subcommittee Actions ................................................................. 24 XX. New Business ........................................................................................................... 26 XXI. Adjournment…………………………………….………………………………...26 ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................... 27 2 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 Index of Major Motions June 21-22, 2008 Salt Lake City, UT Motion # Page # 1 6 2 18 3 20 4 22 5 22 6 23 7 23 8 24 9 24 Motions Approve the minutes of the January 19-20, 2008 New York meeting. (Sheinman/Clements) MOTION 1 PASSED 9-0-1 CNV Approve the Program Plan for Chicago (Winter Meeting 2009) and Louisville (Annual Meeting 2009). (Eli Howard/Clements) MOTION 2 PASSED 12-0-1 CNV Approve the 4th publication public review of Addendum 62.1i to delete Section 6.2.9. (McFarland/Sheinman) MOTION 3 OPEN (10-3-0 CV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) Approve the 1st publication public review of a new addendum that modifies General Note 2 of Table 6-1 to read as follows: “2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke: This table applies to ETS-free areas. Refer to Section 5.18 for requirements for buildings containing ETS areas and ETSfree areas.” (McFarland/Clements) MOTION 4 OPEN (11-1-1 CNV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) Approve the 4th publication public review of Addendum 62.1c as amended. (McFarland/Clements) MOTION 5 OPEN (10-1-1 CNV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) Approve the 3rd publication public review of Addendum 62.1d (independent substantive change to the 2nd public review) and the response to the commenter from the 2nd public review. (McFarland/Fisher) MOTION 6 OPEN (12-0-1 CNV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) Approve the 2nd publication public review of Addendum 62.1g as amended. (McFarland/Clements) MOTION 7 OPEN (12-0-1 CNV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) Approve the 1st publication public review of draft Addendum DA-09 (Section 8 changes) as amended. (McFarland/Clements) MOTION 8 OPEN (11-1-1 CNV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) Approve the response to the request for an official interpretation of Standard 62.1-2004 from Diogo Prado. (McFarland/Hedrick) MOTION 9 PASSED 12-0-1 CNV 3 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 Action Items from Salt Lake 2008 AI # 1 2 3 4 Action Staff to post a copy of Standard 145.1P on the Members Only section of the SSPC 62.1 website for member use. Eli Howard to notify Staff when the IAQ Design Guide is available for peer review of the 90% document and Staff is to notify SSPC 62.1. Staff to post copies of the Chapter Presentations (developed by the Education Subcommittee) on the Members Only section of the SSPC 62.1 website and notify SSPC 62.1 of the deadline for review and comment. SPLS Liaisons for 62.1, 55 and Guideline 10 should look at the TPS for each of these documents to see if there are any conflicts. Assigned to Status Staff (Weber) Open Howard/Staff (Weber) Open Staff (Weber) Open Brandt Open Assigned to Status Chair (Stanke) Open Staff (Weber) Complete Staff (Weber) Complete Staff (Weber) Complete Chair (Stanke) Open Staff (Weber) Complete (sent by e-mail on 1/19/2008) Staff (Weber) Complete Action Items from New York 2008 AI # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Action Chair will pursue a new liaison from TC 2.4 to replace Jim Moulton. Staff to post a copy of Standard 180P on the Members Only section of the SSPC 62.1 website for member use. Staff to notify SSPC 62.1 of the public review dates for the 2nd public review of Standard 189.1P. Staff to notify SSPC 62.1 when the IAQ Design Guide is available for peer review of the 60% document. Chair will send a message to all of the TC research subcommittee chairs to find any current or proposed research projects of interest to SSPC 62.1. Staff to e-mail a copy of the Education Subcommittee draft ASHRAE positions for the ICC public hearing February 2008. Staff to add a note beside the VRP spreadsheet that is posted with Addendum n to 62-2001 indicating that it is obsolete and is superseded by the version that accompanies the user’s manual. 4 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 ATTENDANCE SSPC 62.1 MEETING OF JUNE 21-22, 2008 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH MEMBERS PRESENT Technical Committee Liaisons Alevantis, Leon TC 9.10 Liaison 6/21 6/22 PCVMs Stanke, Dennis Chair Hedrick, Roger Vice-Chair Apte, Michael Clements, Waller Conover, David Danks, 6/21 6/22 X Brandt, Donald SPLS Liaison X Kelter, S. Louis TC 9.8 Liaison X Lawton, Wayne TC 5.8 Liaison X X X Muller, Christopher TC 2.3 Liaison X X X Sekhar, Chandra TC 4.3 Liaison X X X Shapiro, Leon TC 5.7 Liaison X Richard X X Sterling, Elia TC 7.9 Liaison X Fisher, Francis X X Trafton, Phillip M. TC 9.1 Liaison Girman, John X X Wellford, Bede TC 5.5 Liaison Howard, Eli X X Howard, Roger Magee, Chris McFarland, John Rogers, Lisa Schoen, Lawrence Sheinman, Woodford, OM-ICC OM-SMACNA X X Hodgson, Michael Houston, Thomas X Int-Hout, Daniel X Mattsson, Bernice Morey, Philip Persily, Andy X X OM-ARI PSVMs Alevantis, Leon Subcommittee Administration Bohanon, Hoy Education Buttner, Mark Education X Damiano, Leonard Education X Gallo, Francis Education Galatro Vincent Education Herrmann, Donald Administration Lawton, Wayne MacMillan, Donald Muller, Christopher Education X Rothstein, Duane Administration X Sekhar, Chandra X Siano, Dennis X X X GUESTS PRESENT X 6/21 6/22 Abbaszadeh, Sahar Smith, CTG Energetics, Irvine, CA Diane National research Council Canadian Codes Centre Cynthia American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation Ron Choi AAF International Hal Molly Taylor Engineering Member SPC 189.1 Adam IAPMO Dan Ruskin Mfg. Charles Camfil Farr & TC 2.4 Liaison Jeff Georgia Power Co. Tebano, Nicole Fiberweb, Inc. Terzigni, Mark SMACNA Greene, X Hallett, X Administration Holdaway, Kyung-Ju, Levin, McGuire, X Spata, Anthony Education Alt. OM-AGA Administration Administration Thomann, Wayne Education X X Education X X Vyavaharkar, Dilip X X X X X 6/21 6/22 Consultants Grimsrud, David OM-AGA Harris Michael X X Muliawan, Rau, Seyffer, STAFF PRESENT Weber, 5 Mark Assistant Manager of Standards-American X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 SSPC 62.1 June 21, 2008 In these minutes only the motions voted by the Project Committee will be recorded and only discussion necessary for the clarification of the motion will be included. All motions and agenda items are presented in the section of the minutes that corresponds with the numerical order of the agenda. The agenda order may not have been followed. I. Call to Order / Introductions Chairman Dennis Stanke called the meeting of SSPC 62.1 to order at 8:00 a.m. at the Hilton Salt Lake in Salt Lake City. The Chair had all members and guests introduce themselves indicating their affiliation. The Staff Liaison determined that a quorum was not present but was established prior to any committee voting. A record of member and guest attendance is provided on the preceding page. II. Review of Agenda The Chair reviewed the agenda and asked if there were any additions or deletions. No changes were made to the agenda. Copies of the agenda were made available to members and guests. III. ATTACHMENT A – SSPC 62.1 Salt Lake Agenda Approval of Minutes (Secretary’s Note: Approval of the minutes was delayed until a quorum was established. This occurred after the TC Liaison reports in Section VI of these minutes.) The Chair asked if there were any changes to the New York minutes; there were none. It was moved by Harris Sheinman and seconded by Waller Clements: 1 That the minutes of the January 19-20, 2008 New York meeting be approved. MOTION 1 PASSED 9-0-11, CNV. (Hand count) (Secretary’s Note: Minutes were available for review on the Members Only section of the SSPC 62.1 website at http://sspc621.ashraepcs.org.) IV. Chair’s / Vice-Chair’s Report a. Intervening Letter Ballots: The Chair announced that there were several letter ballots that followed the New York meeting in January 2008. The following is a list of the continuation letter ballots for publication public review (PPR): 1 Reason for abstention: Dennis Stanke – Chair not voting (CNV). 6 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 62.1a (DA04 – Section 4, 5 cleanup) approved for publication. 62.1c (DA13 – OA cleaning) for 3rd PPR. The committee is now dealing with comments. 62.1d (DA14 – Table 6-1 additions) for 2nd PPR (Independent Substantive Change). The committee is now dealing with comments. 62.1i (DA12 - ETS ventilation) for 4th PPR. This motion failed and the addendum did not get posted for public review and comment. The committee continues to deal with comments and a revised draft for a 4th public review. The committee will consider this again in Salt Lake City. b. Unofficial Interpretations. The Chair announced that he had responded to several requests for unofficial interpretation and that he would include those requests and responses in the Salt Lake minutes. ASHRAE often receives requests from individuals looking for a quick response and those requests are forwarded to the Chair. The Chair often gets feedback from other project committee members before sending an unofficial response. (1.) Request from Mr. Luis Garcia regarding kitchenettes in Table 6-4 of 62.1-2004. Mr. Garcia has interpreted the requirements to mean small residential kitchen. The Chair’s response was no, it is a small area in an office that contains small appliances, refrigerator and microwave. See Attachment B. David Conover did not agree with the Chair’s interpretation stating that a kitchenette is something in a multifamily residential building. David suggested that the chair forward any request that deals with building codes to him and he would in turn run it by the ICC Technical Committee for their input. They can have a written response within five days. (2.) Request from Mr. Luis Garcia regarding the location of openings for naturally ventilated spaces. This second request from Mr. Garcia deals with Section 5.1 and the distance from an operable opening to the outdoors. The Chair indicated that the 25 ft. minimum requirement was to the furthest point in the zone. See Attachment C. (3.) Request from Mr. Brian Coldwell regarding toilet exhaust and whether it is significantly contaminated. Standard 62.1 does not include separation distance for toilet exhaust. The committee is currently working on an addendum that will clear up this issue. See Attachment D. (4.) Request from Mr. Jacob Blevins regarding the distance of an operable wall in an occupied space. Entryways, stairways, halls and closets in residential dwelling units are intended for human activities and must be ventilated in accordance with the requirements of either Section 5 (natural ventilation) or Section 6 (procedures for mechanical ventilation), regardless of the duration of occupancy. See Attachment E. In the future the Chair intends on copying the full committee whenever a response to a request for an unofficial interpretation is sent out. ATTACHMENT B – Request for Unofficial Interpretation from Mr. Luis Garcia. 7 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 ATTACHMENT C – Request for Unofficial Interpretation from Mr. Luis Garcia. ATTACHMENT D – Request for Unofficial Interpretation from Mr. Brian Coldwell. ATTACHMENT E – Request for Unofficial Interpretation from Mr. Jacob Blevins. c. Voting Roster. (Stanke, Hedrick, Apte, Clements, Conover, Danks, Fisher, Girman, E. Howard, R. Howard, Magee, McFarland, Rogers, Schoen, Sheinman, and Woodford) The Chair announced that the terms of five voting members would end after the Salt Lake City meeting and four of those would be rolling off the committee. The Chair took this opportunity to thank them for their service. Richard Danks, John Girman, Roger Howard, Larry Schoen, and Chris Magee all have terms that end June 30, 2008. The Chair also welcomed new members. V. Staff Report / Comments a. Bio and Bias of Conflict Note Book/Sign-in. Mark Weber reported that the Bio and Bias of Conflict notebook was currently unavailable but would be available during the Sunday session for any member of the project committee wishing to review it. A sign-up sheet was circulated. b. Review of Action Items. According to the New York City minutes there were seven action items open. All completed action items will be reported as complete in the minutes for Salt Lake City. AI #1 – Open. AI #2 – Complete. Staff posted a copy of the publication draft of Standard 180P on the Members Only Section of the SSPC 62.1 website. AI #3 – Complete. Staff notified the project committee by e-mail on 2/22/2008. The 2nd public review of Standard 189.1P began 2/22/2008. AI #4 – Complete. IAQ Design Guide was available for peer review on 2/18/2008. SSPC 62.1 was notified by e-mail on 2/15/2008. AI #5 – Open. AI #6 – Completed during the New York meeting. AI #7 – Complete. Staff added the note to the website. Mark also reminded everyone of the SSPC 62.1 website. The “Members Only” section of the website includes a copy of the official SSPC 62.1 roster, organizational chart, PDF and Word versions of Standard, Word versions of addenda, an addenda status report, and the draft meeting minutes from New York 2008. 8 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 (Secretary’s Note: PC Chairpersons can no longer allow anyone other than PC members to view Bio and Bias of Conflict information and this information may not be copied by any member to which it is shown. This information is treated as sensitive and confidential material. See Section of PC MOP.) (Secretary’s Note: SSPC 62.1 website http://sspc621.ashraepcs.org.) VI. TC Liaison Reports a. TC 2.3 - Gaseous Air Contaminants and Gas Contaminant Removal Equipment. Chris Muller, TC 2.3 liaison, reported that the TC is holding a forum on Wednesday morning (Forum 17) at 9:45 a.m. titled “Hot Topics: SPC 145.2 Method of Testing Full-Scale Gaseous Contaminant Filters”. Chris also announced that SPC 145 would meet Sunday afternoon. The publication of Standard 145.1P (Laboratory Methods for Assessing the Performance of Gas Phase Air Cleaning Systems: Loose Granular Media) is still being processed, galleys are complete. AI#1 Staff to post a copy of Standard 145.1P on the Members Only section of the SSPC 62.1 website for member use. TC 2.3 meets Tuesday afternoon from 1:00-3:30 p.m. b. TC 2.4 – Particulate Air Contaminants and Particulate Contaminant Removal Equipment. Jim Moulton, TC 2.4 liaison, was not present. In his absence Charles Seyffer reported that TC 2.4 meets late Tuesday afternoon, 3:30-6:00 p.m. RP-1281 is now available on the ASHRAE website. TC 2.4 has been more aggressive at publishing articles dealing with building issues and Standard 62.1. Included in the list of articles are titles such as “Who is MERV anyway”, “How to Investigate Odor Problems in Real Buildings”, Importance of Dust Holding Capacity (DHC) - Real Life Usage”, Use of Filtration in Process Applications”, Energy Conservation using the IAQ Procedure”, and “LEED & Air Filtration”. Other items of interest include possible articles on UV light effects, the ISO process, and Standards 52.1 (how to retire it) and 52.2 (round robin results, testing and 52.2 conditioning, and problems with lab variations). c. TC 4.3 – Ventilation Requirements & Infiltration. Chandra Sekhar, TC 4.3 liaison, reported that the TC is currently prioritizing four research projects (RTARs) and is actively pursuing ideas for research. TC 4.3 will sponsor a seminar (Seminar 65) in Salt Lake City on Wednesday from 9:45-10:45 a.m.in the Salt Palace Convention Center. TC 4.3 will also cosponsor a transactions session (Session 6) in Salt Lake on Monday titled “Emergency Evacuation and Smoke Control in High-Rise Office Buildings”. TC 4.3 meets Monday afternoon 4:15-6:30 p.m. d. TC 5.5 - Air-to-Air Energy Recovery. Bede Wellford, TC 5.5 liaison, was not present. No report was given. e. TC 5.7 - Evaporative Cooling. Leon Shapiro, TC 5.7 liaison, reported that the TC meets Monday from 4:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The TC will sponsor a seminar (Seminar 70) on Wednesday morning in the Salt Palace Convention Center. The title of this 9 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 seminar is “Indirect and Direct Evaporative Cooling at Altitude with Attitude”. Leon also announced that TC 9.2 will sponsor a forum on Sunday (Forum 2) at 1:10 p.m. titled “ASHRAE Handbook’s Industrial Applications Chapters: What’s Missing, What’s Needed, What Do You Want to See?” f. TC 5.8 - Industrial Ventilation Systems. Wayne Lawton, TC 5.8 liaison, indicated that there was nothing to report with regard to TC 5.8 activities. Wayne did report that TC 5.4 was beginning some research on testing pulse jet filters that they intend to use in developing a new ASHRAE standard. g. TC 7.9 – Building Commissioning. Elia Sterling, TC 7.9 liaison, reported that the TC would meet on Sunday from 3:00-5:00 p.m. The TC will sponsor Forum 13 on Monday at 11:00 a.m. titled “What Changes Are Needed to Chapter 42 on HVAC Commissioning in the 2007 Applications Handbook?” h. TC 9.1 - Large Building Air-Conditioning Systems. Phillip Trafton, TC 9.1 liaison, was not present. No report was given. i. TC 9.8 – Large Building Air-Conditioning Applications. Lou Kelter, TC 9.8 liaison, was not present. No report was given. j. TC 9.10 - Laboratory Systems. Leon Alevantis, TC 9.10 liaison, reported that the TC would meet on Tuesday in Salt Lake City. TC 9.10 will also hold two seminars on Tuesday, parts 1 and 2 on VAV systems: Seminar 42 is titled “Using Variable Air Volume Systems to Achieve High Performance Laboratory Buildings, Part 1: Selecting the Right System and Seminar 53 which is “Part 2: Ensuring Performance”. Leon stated that the 2007 handbook did not include an update and there will be a supplement issued that will be available for free download and distributed to those that purchase the book. Leon also indicated that lab classification may affect the entry in the 62.1 table and the committee should be on the lookout for it. Charles Seyffer announced that Standard 180 is being held up by appeals but will likely be published soon. There is some concern that there are a lot of committees doing duplicate work with respect to maintenance. Standard 170 is also including maintenance. Standard 180 covers some information that is possibly in Standard 62.1 and it should not be in multiple documents. The committees need better communication and coordination. It is counterproductive to duplicate work. The Chair indicated that it would be a good idea for SSPC 62.1 to wait until Standard 180 is published before developing its maintenance section. Maintenance was discussed in the Administration Subcommittee during the Friday meeting. (Secretary’s Note: At this point the Chair entertained a motion to approve the draft minutes from New York.) 10 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 VII. IAQ Design Guide Update Eli Howard announced that the IAQ Design Guide Steering Committee meets on Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Salt Palace Convention Center, room 151G. The committee will be discussing the comments received on the 60% draft. There has been some miscommunication between the IAQDG Project Committee and the Steering Committee (SC). The committee expects to set up a satellite broadcast in April 2009. Eli invited everyone to attend the SC meeting on Sunday. There will be a 90% draft available for peer review in the fall 2008. AI#2 Eli Howard to notify Staff when the IAQ Design Guide is available for peer review of the 90% document and Staff is to notify SSPC 62.1. The IAQDG Project Committee will meet on July 14, 2008 in Seattle, Washington. VIII. Education Subcommittee Report Eli Howard, Education Subcommittee Chair, with the help of Michael Apte, reported from the subcommittee minutes (See Attachment F) as follows: a. Salt Lake City Programs. There is a seminar to be held on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. (Seminar 38) titled “Improving Building Performance by Using the IAQ Procedure”. b. Chicago and Louisville Programs. The Education Subcommittee intends on submitting three programs for Chicago: a seminar on demand controlled ventilation, a forum titled “Is 30% More Outdoor Air Really Better?” and a forum titled “What Does the Society Need from ASHRAE 62.1 Regarding Industrial Facilities?” Possible programs for Louisville 2009 include two seminars. One seminar titled “Energy Efficient Ventilation Air Conditioning and Air Distribution”, most likely cosponsored with TC 5.5 and TC 5.7. The second seminar is titled “Risk and Ethics in HVAC Energy Conservation is School”, possibly cosponsored with the Environmental Health Committee (EHV). The programs must be prioritized prior to submittal. c. Educational Activities (ALI, Distinguished Speakers, Web Broadcast). There is a professional development seminar (PDS) titled “Complying with ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007” to be offered by the ASHRAE Leaning Institute (ALI) on Saturday in Salt Lake City. Hoy Bohanon is the instructor. d. Scripted Presentation(s) for Chapter Programs. The subcommittee has completed editing the two PowerPoint presentations and is ready to move these for committee approval. There are two presentations, the first is an update and overview of 62.1 and the other is an update on the VRP and IAQ Procedures. The Chair indicated that it is unlikely that the project committee would have sufficient time to review the presentations before the Sunday session and suggested the drafts be posted on the 62.1 website with a deadline for review and letter ballot for approval. Eli suggested 11 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 July 15th or July 31st as the deadline, none was established at that time. The Chair will talk with Eli after the Salt Lake meeting with regard to the deadlines. (See Attachments G and H) AI#3 Staff to post copies of the Chapter Presentations (developed by the Education Subcommittee) on the Members Only section of the SSPC 62.1 website and notify SSPC 62.1 of the deadline for review and comment. e. Rate Rationale Spreadsheet and White Paper Discussion. John McFarland and Andy Persily are writing the rate rationale article. Eli asked whether SSPC 62.1 needed to approve or endorse the rate rationale paper after it is complete. The Chair envisions the committee reviewing and providing comments on the final paper prepared by Andy, the author will then make changes as he sees fit, and the Chair will then send out a letter ballot to the SSPC to endorse it. The article would then be published. Subcommittee is currently waiting for Andy to complete the draft. Waller Clements volunteered to update the spreadsheet to incorporate what is in the 62.1-2007 tables. The rate rationale spreadsheet is not informative enough for use by the general public; it should remain a committee tool. A second spreadsheet may be created for exhaust rate rationale. The subcommittee discussed air classes; there were some concerns over supply rates per person and space types. May need a new category for working warehouses, where people actually work, rather than storage alone. Shipping and distribution is mainly a storage area. The subcommittee intends on sending a proposal to the Administration Subcommittee. f. Research Needs and Activities. The subcommittee has established four research projects approved by the full committee in New York. They are: (1.) Ozone Research – Michael Apte developed an RTAR. The SSPC needs to urge the Environmental Health Committee (EHC) to proceed. Chandra Sekhar will take it to EHC on Monday and Chris Muller will take it to TC 2.3 to cosponsor. (2.) Effectiveness of Evaporative Cooling Equipment in Removing Ozone – This is a TC 5.7 research project that the SSPC would cosponsor. (3.) Methods for Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) – This is a TC 1.4 research project that the SSPC would cosponsor. Research project will compare the effectiveness of different methods of DCV. (4.) Part Load Ev for Gas Fired Heating Systems – Ev is currently 0.8. Systems usually cycle on and off so temperature is not consistently 15˚F above the space. What impact does equipment cycling have on Ev? SSPC would cosponsor with a TC, possibly TC 4.3 or TC 5.3. g. Code Interaction Activities. Eli Howard stated that Code Interaction Subcommittee (CIS) was successful in getting the ventilation tables incorporated into the UMC. However, there was opposition at the IECC hearings from other ASHRAE members. 12 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 The exhaust rate table did not go through; there were some conflicts and it was pulled. The book of challenges comes out some 45 days in advance, so sometime in July 2008. CIS is working on future submissions for code changes to bring forward to the full committee, possibly in Chicago in January 2009. February 15th is the deadline for proposed changes with the hearings in September 2009. Michael Apte stated that the project committee needs to get 62.1 more code adoptable. David Conover suggested 62.1 be more adoptable by reference rather than in pieces. The Chair stated that it was a good idea to look at ways to make 62.1 more compatible with codes. The committee should look at format and content changes that would make 62.1 more usable and adoptable by the code community. Leon Alevantis states that 62.1 needed to be changed with regard to separation distances before CIS goes back to UMC with a code change proposal. h. Introduction of Expected Motions on Sunday Session. Eli indicated the Education Subcommittee would have no motions to bring forward to the full committee during the Sunday session. IX. ATTACHMENT F – Draft Education Subcommittee Minutes for Friday, June 20, 2008 ATTACHMENT G – Chapter Presentation: ASHRAE 62.1 Update: Overview – Where are we now? ATTACHMENT H – Chapter Presentation: Ventilation Rate Procedure and IAQ Procedure Ozone Air Cleaning Update In Larry Schoen’s absence Chris Muller announced that he had been involved in the paper being submitted by Larry in Copenhagen. Chris indicated that he has not seen the final approved version of the paper. The Chair indicated that Larry would give a brief presentation when he arrived. Break...15 minutes. After the break Larry Schoen arrived and gave an update on the paper. Larry indicated that the paper had a small group of authors that includes Doug Crosar, Chris Muller and himself. The paper provides practical aspects of ozone removal from outdoor air; sort of a preliminary guide for ozone removal. In summary, there are things that can be done to reduce ozone but the best is activated carbon. There is very little published to help the designer select off the shelf equipment. Standard 62.1 requires 40% removal efficiency. Clean and dirty particulate filter do remove some ozone. When lab testing activated carbon filters other contaminate loading must be considered. Lab testing doesn’t always convert into what is needed in the field. Lab testing seems to vary widely with regard to filter longevity and efficiency. Fields results seem to be more promising that lab results, but field testing results don’t seem to be consistent with the lab tests. During a 92 hour lab test the filter had 96% removal efficiency at the beginning of the test and 58% removal efficiency at the end. This seemed to be a rather large drop in the filter efficiency 13 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 for such a short test. Larry went on to state that there is no comprehensive cost data available; there is some data however. The physical size and increased pressure drop are also issues that must be considered. In addition, there isn’t a lot of data from manufactures on when to replace an activated carbon filter. The paper also discusses the location for the filter, outdoor air stream is one possibility, but not all systems have them. High humidity also degrades the ozone efficiency of the filter. The paper also discusses when to leave the filter installed (high ozone periods) and at what time to remove it. In summary, a good particulate filter should be installed before the activated carbon filter. Estimated cost of the filter bed is $0.20-0.40/ sq. ft. of building per year or $0.02-0.03/sq ft. of building per year for pleated filters with activated carbon imbedded in the filter itself. Not much information is available on ozone cleaning. Mike Apte suggested that it is much like the chicken and egg problem. Unless industry perceives that there is a problem with ozone they are not going to bring products to market. Something needs to be done to get industry involved. There is a huge market available for someone. The SSPC needs to guide industry in this area; it could make a big difference in people’s health. Little information is available in the marketplace and the SSPC should push for more research in this area. Larry Schoen added that Michael Apte did review the paper and did provide input. TC Liaison Reports Continued... TC 1.4 – Control Theory and Application. At this point the Chair recognized Len Damiano, TC 1.4 Liaison. Len announced that the TC would meet Tuesday from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. TC 1.4 is sponsoring a program for Salt Lake City that might be of an interest to the project committee, Seminar 7 on Sunday titled “Using Direct Digital Controls as a Tool to Commission Sustainable Buildings.” X. Future Addenda Discussion The Chair, Dennis Stanke, gave a presentation pointing out the weak spots of Standard 62.1 and possible future updates for the standard, from the Chair’s perspective. Potential weak sports for future action include the IAQ procedure, dynamic reset (DCV), VRP complexity, natural ventilation in Section 5.1, and occupancy categories. The Chair proceeded to lead a discussion of each of these issues. (See Attachment I) The IAQ procedure is weak and requires a lot of judgment on the part of the user. The designer must decide on a list of contaminants of concern, perhaps a possible list of contaminant of concern could be added to the standard. Common sources of these contaminates could also be added to the standard. There are many loopholes and outcomes from this procedure vary widely and allow for too much non-engineering judgment. It can’t be used for LEED or for building codes. With regard to dynamic reset he committee needs to provide better instructions for DCV for multiple zone systems. 14 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 The Ventilation Rate Procedure seems to need a simpler compliance path that could be used by some designers and code officials. The VRP has been labeled as too complex by many designers. Can the calculated compliance path be simplified? Natural ventilation in Section 5.1 needs stronger requirements. The Chair indicated that he has received many questions regarding this and the standard does not provide very good guidance in this area. Can the committee improve the requirements? Occupancy categories were the last item of discussion. Space types and occupancy categories should be coordinated with model codes. With the IMC, UMC or both? Another possible suggestion for change and improvement in the standard would be to address and clarify high-rise residential. Is it correct to separate them at three stories? What’s the difference between three and four stories? Improvements could be made to better address ventilation in high-rise residential buildings. XI. ATTACHMENT I – PowerPoint Presentation – Standard 62.1 Future Addend Needs, Where Should We Go? Administration Subcommittee Report John McFarland, Administration Subcommittee Chair, distributed six handouts that include recommendations the subcommittee would bring to the full committee during the Sunday session. See Attachments J through O. John indicated that the subcommittee got through many but not all of the items on its agenda. It did not get to DA-17 (IAQ Procedure Update), DA-15 (Section 8 Cleanup and Compliance with Standard 180), DA16 (Separation Distances), and the request for an official interpretation from Avery Colter (Natural Ventilation in Kitchen). Included are the Administration Subcommittee minutes from their Friday (6/20/2008) meeting. See Attachment P. a. Request for Interpretation. John distributed a copy of the subcommittee approved response to the request for official interpretation from Diogo Prado. The subcommittee intends on recommending the response for approval by the SSPC during the Sunday session. See Attachment O. b. Change Proposals and Expected Motions. No change proposals. c. Addenda Status and Expected Motions. John provided handouts and gave updates on the responses to commenters and revised drafts for Addenda 62.1c, 62.1d, 62.1g and 62.1i, and a new proposed draft Addenda DA-09 to 62.1-2007 as follows: i. 62.1c (2007) – OA Cleaning, response to 3rd public review. John provided some background information on the 4th publication public review draft of Addendum 62.1c and the responses to the 3rd public review comments. During the Sunday session the subcommittee will bring forward a motion to the full committee for approval of the 4th publication public review of 62.1c. There were 5 comments from 5 commenters on the 3rd public review draft. See Attachment J. 15 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 ii. 62.1d (2007) – Table 6-1 revisions, response to 2nd public review. John indicated that on Sunday the subcommittee would bring forward a motion to approve a 3rd publication public review for Addendum 62.1d (ISC independent substantive change to the 2nd public review draft) and the draft response to the 2nd public review comment. There was 1 comment from 1 commenter on the 2nd public review draft. See Attachment K. iii. 62.1g (2007) – Demand Controlled Ventilation, response to 1st public review. John provided some background information on the 2nd publication public review draft of Addendum 62.1g and the draft responses to the comments on the 1st public review which the subcommittee will bring forward to the full committee for approval during the Sunday session. See Attachment L. iv. DA-09 (Section 8 Operation and Maintenance). John distributed a copy of the 1st publication public review of DA-09 that the subcommittee will bring forward to the full committee for approval during the Sunday session. See Attachment M. v. 62.1i (2007) – ETS Ventilation, response 3rd public review. John indicated the subcommittee had taken a new approach to this addendum. There are clearly three parts to the addendum so the subcommittee decided to look at the options available. The addendum can be separated into three parts: (1) Table 6-1 General Note 2, (2) Section 6.2.9, and (3) Note to Section 6.2.9. In the handout for 62.1i John presented three public review options. The subcommittee did not prioritize these options. During the Sunday session John intends to narrow these options down to one or two in order to limit the discussion. The intent is to select an option from A, B and C and package that for a vote for a 4th publication public review of Addendum 62.1i. See Attachment N. XII. ATTACHMENT J – Addendum 62.1c (2007) ATTACHMENT K – Addendum 62.1d (2007) ATTACHMENT L – Addendum 62.1g (2007) ATTACHMENT M – Addendum DA-09 ATTACHMENT N – Addendum 62.1i (2007) ATTACHMENT O – Request for Official Interpretation from Diogo Prado ATTACHMENT P – Administration Subcommittee Minutes for Friday, June 20, 2008 Public Comments Session The Chair asked if there was anyone who had any comments. The Chair recognized Cynthia Hallett who stated that she had participated in the Administration Subcommittee discussions on Addendum 62.1i during the Friday meeting and that it was very helpful and productive. Cynthia submitted the original continuous maintenance proposal that generated this addendum. She indicated that her intent was to remove conflicts and 16 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 increase the clarity of the standard. She wants the standard to provide guidance to designers without setting any rate for acceptable ETS. There were no other comments. XIII. Recess The meeting was recessed until 1:00 PM, Sunday, June 22, 2008. 17 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 SSPC 62.1 June 22, 2008 XIV. Call to Order/Introductions The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dennis Stanke at 1:00 p.m. at the Hilton Salt Lake in Salt Lake City. Introductions were made around the room and it was determined by the Staff Liaison that a quorum was present. Voting Roster: (Stanke, Hedrick, Apte, Clements, Conover, Danks, Fisher, Girman, E. Howard, R. Howard, Magee, McFarland, Rogers, Schoen, Sheinman, and Woodford) The Chair asked if there were any changes to the agenda. There were no changes. The Staff Liaison announced that the purple Bias/Conflict Notebook was available for any member wishing to review it. A sign-up sheet was circulated. (Secretary’s Note: PC Chairpersons can no longer allow anyone other than PC members to view Bio and Bias of Conflict information and this information may not be copied by any member to which it is shown. This information is treated as sensitive and confidential material. See Section of PC MOP.) XV. SPLS Liaison Report / Comments The Chair recognized the SPLS Liaison, Donald Brandt. Don welcomed everyone to Salt Lake City and announced that Standards Committee had approved Addendum “a” to Standard 62.1-2007 for publication during their Saturday meeting. He also brought to their attention the presentation given during the PC Chair’s Breakfast on the online comment database and the fact that it was put into operation during the spring 2008 public review period for some Standard 135 addenda and is currently in use for some 90.1 addenda. The public review for the 135 addenda went well. For the fall 2008 public review period the online comment database could be used for a limited number of documents or for all public review drafts. That decision has yet to be made. AI#4 SPLS Liaisons for 62.1, 55 and Guideline 10 should look at the TPS for each of these documents to see if there are any conflicts. XVI. SPC 189.1 Liaison Report The Chair recognized the SPC 189.1 Liaison, Molly McGuire. Molly provided an update on the status of the project committee. They have been reviewing and drafting responses to the comments on the second public review that was held back in February 2008. She stated that the comments on Section 8 of the draft standard would be of the most interest to the members of SSPC 62.1 and this discussion is included on the SPC 189.1 agenda for Monday night at 6:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to attend. Molly thanked everyone on SSPC 62.1 for reviewing the public review draft of Standard 189.1 and for providing comments. She indicated a possible third public review may follow (ISC public review). XVII. Education Subcommittee Actions 18 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 Eli Howard, Chair of the Education Subcommittee, reminded everyone that the Chapter presentations will be posted on the Members Only section of the SSPC 62.1 website and for everyone to please take a look and get comments back to him by July 31st. He would like to include these presentations in the 2008-2009 program schedule. He asked for everyone to provide comments via e-mail and send those comments to him. Eli brought the following motion to the full committee: It was moved by Eli Howard and seconded by Waller Clements: 2 Approve the Program Plan for Chicago (Winter Meeting 2009) and Louisville (Annual Meeting 2009). See below and Attachment F. Chicago Programs: 1. Demand Control Ventilation – Meeting the Requirements of Standard 62.1 (SEMINAR) 2. Is 30% More Outdoor Air Really Better? (FORUM) 3. What does the society need from ASHRAE 62.1 regarding industrial facilities? (Cosponsor FORUM) Louisville Programs: 1. Energy Efficient Ventilation Air Conditioning and Air Distribution (SEMINAR, cosponsor with TC 5.5 and TC 5.7) 2. Risk and Ethics in HVAC Energy Conservation in Schools (SEMINAR, cosponsor with EHC) MOTION 2 PASSED 12-0-12, CNV. (Hand count) XVIII. Action on Addendum 62.1i (2007) John McFarland, Chair of the Administration Subcommittee, referred to the handout from the Saturday session dated 6/21/2008. Based on the handout John preceded with a series of straw poll votes to determine the preferred options and to narrow the options down to one or two that could be packaged as the 4th publication public review of Addendum i to 62.1-2007. Committee members could only vote for one or the other option as presented. Below are the straw poll results for the various options presented. See Attachment N. 2 Table 6-1 General Note 2: Vote Option A1 vs. A2 3 8 Vote A2 vs. A3 0 12 Reason for abstention: Dennis Stanke – Chair not voting (CNV). 19 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 Vote A3 vs. A4 3 10 Vote A4 vs. A1 11 1 From the straw poll results it appears as though the committee preferred Option A4. Section 6.2.9: John added “designed to be” after the words “shall be” in Options B2 and B4 as follows: Option B2: “6.2.9 ETS Areas. Outdoor airflow rates in ETS areas shall be designed to be determined using other methods, but shall be designed to be no less than the rate for comparable ETS-free spaces.” Option B4: “6.2.9 ETS Areas. Outdoor airflow rates intended to control comfort and odor shall be designed to be greater than those for comparable ETS-free areas.” Vote Option B1 vs. B3 7 6 Vote B1 vs. B2 6 7 Vote B2 vs. B4 9 4 Vote B1 vs. B4 8 5 From the straw poll results it appeared like the committee preferred Option B1. Note to 6.2.9: John deleted the word “specific” from Options C2, C3a, C3b and C5 as follows: Option C2: “Note: This standard does not prescribe specific outdoor airflow rates for ETS areas since acceptable minimum concentration limits for ETS have not been established.” Option C3a: “Note: This standard does not prescribe specific outdoor airflow rates for ETS areas since acceptable minimum concentration limits for ETS have not been established. Dilution ventilation in ETS areas has not been shown to eliminate adverse 20 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 health effects, even at outdoor airflow rates that are substantially higher than those prescribed for comparable ETS-free areas.” Option C3b: “Note: This standard does not prescribe specific outdoor airflow rates for ETS areas since acceptable minimum concentration limits for ETS have not been established. Dilution ventilation in ETS areas has not been shown to provide acceptable indoor air quality, even at outdoor airflow rates that are substantially higher than those prescribed for comparable ETS-free areas.” Option C5: “Note: This standard does not prescribe specific ventilation rates for ETS areas. Vote Option C2 vs. C5 5 8 Vote C1 vs. C2 2 11 Vote C1 vs. C5 2 11 Vote C3a vs. C3b 2 10 Vote C3b vs. C4 11 2 Vote C3b vs. C5 7 6 David Conover stated that he prefers no note. The scope already states that nosmoking areas are not covered by the standard. Joe Fisher stated that there is no conflict in Option C5. The Chair stated that C5 states the obvious. Note C3b should explain why the standard doesn’t include any prescribed rates in Section 6.2.9. David Conover suggested adding a note to the foreword of the document rather than in Section 6.2.9. John McFarland indicated that there seemed to be a consensus that there should be a note in Section 6.2.9, but not whether there should be a Section 6.2.9. Larry Schoen suggested some new language, perhaps an Option C6 that reads “Note: There is no known rate that achieves acceptable risk.” Eli Howard spoke against this language stating that the term “risk” should not be used in the standard. John McFarland stated that Options C2, C3a and C4 are not out of the running. Vote Option C1 vs. C3b 4 9 21 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 Vote C2 vs. C3b 6 7 To summarize, John stated that there is a strong preference for Option A4; B2 received the most votes and B1 was second to B2. C3b received more votes when compared to the other options. After some discussion John took a second straw poll with regard to Options B1 and B2. Vote Option B1 vs. B2 8 5 John concluded that deleting Section 6.2.9 seemed to be preferred (Option B1). Break....15 minutes. After the break John made the following motion: It was moved by Joe Fisher and seconded by Harris Sheinman: 3 Approve the 4th publication public review of Addendum 62.1i to delete Section 6.2.9. DISCUSSION: Roger Hedrick spoke against the motion to delete Section 6.2.9. He stated that by specifying no minimum rate for ETS areas unscrupulous designers could meet the requirements of the standard by posting a sign that states “ETS Area” and thus show LEED compliance. Leon Alevantis stated that this doesn’t seem to be a valid argument, 0 cfm doesn’t meet 62.1. Eli Howard stated that it conflicts with the scope of Standard 62.1 and stated that the committee doesn’t need to concern itself with whether or not is does or doesn’t meet LEED. Larry Schoen stated that if a designer doesn’t have integrity there are many things they can do to beat the system and still comply with the requirements. Leon Alevantis spoke in favor of the motion stating that the committee should do what’s right. Eli Howard spoke in favor of the motion adding that leaving Section 6.2.9 in the standard causes a conflict with the scope. David Conover asked what the commenters from the previous public reviews thought about this motion. Those commenters present were given an opportunity to speak. Hoy Bohanon stated that it seemed appropriate to delete Section 6.2.9 and that he was ok with the change. Eli Sterling stated that the motion to delete Section 6.2.9 is ill founded and that he agrees with Roger Hedrick. There will be misunderstandings of what the project committee is trying to accomplish. Designers will be able to meet the requirements of the standard even with ETS areas. Standard 62.1 is supposed to be an international standard and where will countries such as China turn, to ASHRAE? Eli went on to state that it seems the committee is taking the easy way out by simply deleting the section. There were some agreements between the commenters on the first, second and third public review drafts 22 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 that the committee could work with. The committee was on a good track in New York and now seems to have taken a U-turn. The committee should expect to receive comments on this latest draft. Cynthia Hallett stated that she appreciated all of the subcommittee’s hard work on this issue. She supports the deleting of Section 6.2.9, as she originally proposed. It eliminates any conflict in scope and ASHRAE Board position with regard to ETS. Mike Apte spoke for the motion and stated that he doesn’t think the committee is taking the easy way out. It’s been a long road to get where it is now and currently the standard cannot deal with ETS. This change will make the standard more consistent. The Chair called for the motion. See Attachment Q. MOTION 3 OPEN (10-33-0 CV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) It was moved by John McFarland and seconded by Waller Clements: 4 Approve the 1st publication public review of a new addendum that modifies General Note 2 of Table 6-1 to read as follows: “2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke: This table applies to ETS-free areas. Refer to Section 5.18 for requirements for buildings containing ETS areas and ETS-free areas.” See Attachment S. MOTION 4 OPEN (11-14-15 CNV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) ATTACHMENT Q – 4th Public Review Draft of 62.1i(2007) ATTACHMENT R – Motion 3 Roll Call Vote Record 3 Reasons for negative votes: David Conover – Would not fully respond to commenters on the 3 rd public review. More importantly, while Section 2.5 of 62.1 says 62.1 does not provide specific rates for ETS areas, if there is no “general” guidance in 6.2.9 on ETS area ventilation and the note to Table 6-1 is approved then I am concerned. The silence on the issue, while not providing “specific” rates would lead to someone not at least applying Table 6-1 as a minimum to ETS areas. Roger Hedrick – I voted against the motion because I believe that removing Section 6.2.9 means that buildings with ETS spaces can claim compliance with Standard 62.1, regardless of the ventilation rate provided to those spaces, even if it is quite low, such as 5 cfm/person. I find this situation to be undesirable, and might in fact provide an incentive for designating spaces to be ETS spaces. At worst, it opens a loophole for a designer to claim compliance with the Standard while supplying low ventilation rates simply by designating spaces as ETS, even if smoking is not allowed, thereby gaining an energy advantage. John McFarland – By eliminating a minimum threshold for outdoor air flow rates in ETS-areas, provides an opportunity of an ETS-area to comply with the Standard with an outdoor airflow rate below that for a comparable ETS-free area. 4 Reasons for negative votes: David Conover – Would not fully respond to commenters on the 3 rd public review. More importantly, while Section 2.5 of 62.1 says 62.1 does not provide specific rates for ETS areas, if there is no “general” guidance in 6.2.9 on ETS area ventilation and the note to Table 6-1 is approved then I am concerned. The silence on the issue, while not providing “specific” rates would lead to someone not at least applying Table 6-1 as a minimum to ETS areas. 5 Reason for abstention: Dennis Stanke – Chair not voting (CNV). 23 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 ATTACHMENT S – 1st Public Review Draft of a New Addendum that Modifies General Note 2 of Table 6-1 (Secretary’s Note: identified as DA-18) ATTACHMENT T – Motion 4 Roll Call Vote Record XIX. Administration Subcommittee Actions John McFarland, Chair of the Administration Subcommittee, referred everyone to the handouts provided during the Saturday session. No new handouts were provided. John then proceeded to bring subcommittee recommendations to the full committee for vote. a. Requests for Interpretations. See below immediately following the Addenda Motions. b. Addenda Motions. Addendum 62.1c (2007) - See Attachment J. It was moved by John McFarland and seconded by Waller Clements: 5 Approve the 4th publication public review of Addendum 62.1c. DISCUSSION: The words “or guideline” were added after the word “standard” in Sections and as a friendly amendment. Leon Alevantis suggested that columns 3 and 4 in Table XX-2 be deleted and the duplicate counties with the same design values be reduced. This was accepted as a friendly amendment. Hoy Bohannon stated that the committee should be consistent or leave the standard as is. The current numbers in the standard are over a decade old and the committee should at the very least update the EPA standards that have changed. Larry Schoen stated that the rationale should be included in the foreword for the addendum so that reviews know where the numbers come from. Hoy Bohanon indicated that someone should substantiate the calculation. Larry Schoen suggest the word “summary” be changed to “selected” in the notes to Sections and This was accepted as a friendly amendment. Additional changes to the informative appendix and the notes where suggested and accepted as friendly amendments. See Attachment U. The Chair called for the question. MOTION 5 OPEN (10-16-17 CNV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) Addendum 62.1d (2007) - See Attachments K and W. It was moved by John McFarland and seconded by Waller Clements: Michael Woodford – I object to including the ozone requirement of 0.107 ppm in Section in the body of the Standard. ASHRAE should not be specifying the level. Also, I believe we do not have valid information yet to extend the requirement to the large numbers of geographic areas now included. 7 Reason for abstention: Dennis Stanke – Chair not voting (CNV). 6 24 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 6 Approve the 3rd publication public review of Addendum 62.1d (independent substantive change to the 2nd public review) and the response to the commenter from the 2nd public review. MOTION 6 OPEN (12-0-18 CNV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) Addendum 62.1g (2007) - See Attachments L and Z. It was moved by John McFarland and seconded by Waller Clements: 7 Approve the 2nd publication public review of Addendum 62.1g. DISCUSSION: Hoy Bohanon, a commenter on the previous public review, stated that the addendum was much improved, although he hadn’t had time to thoroughly review it. A suggested change to the language was suggested and accepted as a friendly amendment. MOTION 7 OPEN (12-0-19 CNV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) Addendum DA-09 - See Attachments M and AB. It was moved by John McFarland and seconded by Waller Clements: 8 Approve the 1st publication public review of draft Addendum DA-09 (Section 8 changes). DISCUSSION: The Chair stated that he wasn’t sure the last sentence in Section 8.3 actually accomplished what it was intending. Larry Schoen suggested the last sentence of Section 8.3 be changed to read “Systems shall be operated such that spaces are ventilated when they are expected to be occupied.” This was accepted as a friendly amendment. Roger Hedrick suggested striking Section 8.1.2 completely. This was also accepted as a friendly amendment. MOTION 8 OPEN (11-110-111 CNV, Pending a Continuation Letter Ballot to Absent Members) 9 Approve the response to the request for an official interpretation of Standard 62.1-2004 from Diogo Prado. See Attachment AD. MOTION 9 PASSED 12-0-112, CNV ATTACHMENT U – 4th Public Review Draft of 62.1c(2007) Reason for abstention: Dennis Stanke – Chair not voting (CNV). Reason for abstention: Dennis Stanke – Chair not voting (CNV). 10 Reason for negative vote: Richard Danks - No written reason provided. 11 Reason for abstention: Dennis Stanke – Chair not voting (CNV). 12 Reason for abstention: Dennis Stanke – Chair not voting (CNV). 8 9 25 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 XX. ATTACHMENT V - Motion 5 Roll Call Vote Record ATTACHMENT W - 3rd (ISC) public Review Draft of 62.1d(2007) ATTACHMENT X - Response to Commenter on 2nd Public Review of 62.1d(2007) ATTACHMENT Y – Motion 6 Roll Call Vote Record ATTACHMENT Z - 2nd Public Review Draft of 62.g(2007) ATTACHMENT AA - Motion 7 Roll Call Vote Record ATTACHMENT AB - 1st Public Review Draft of DA-09 ATTACHMENT AC - Motion 8 Roll Call Vote Record ATTACHMENT AD - Response to the Request for Official Interpretation from Diogo Prado New Business a. Next Meeting. The next SSPC 62.1 meeting will be held in conjunction with the ASHRAE Winter Meeting in Chicago, IL, January 23-25, 2009. Hoy Bohanon provided the committee with some feedback that he had received from the course he taught on Saturday in Salt Lake City. The IAQ procedure needs beefing up; the committee either needs to ignore it or state its limitations. There are mistakes in the appendix for the IAQ procedure (Appendix D) that need fixing. The Education Subcommittee will identify these and sent them to John McFarland. These will be on the agenda for the ASHRAE winter meeting in Chicago in January 2009. The Chair gave a special thanks to the committee members rolling off June 30th: Richard Danks, John Girman, Roger Howard, Larry Schoen, and Chris Magee. XXI. Adjournment A motion to adjourn was moved by Joe Fisher and seconded by Larry Schoen. Motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. 26 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 ATTACHMENTS (Double-click icon to Open Document) ATTACHMENT A SSPC 62.1 Salt Lake Agenda ATTACHMENT B Request for Unofficial Interpretation from Mr. Luis Garcia. ATTACHMENT C Request for Unofficial Interpretation from Mr. Luis Garcia. ATTACHMENT D Request for Unofficial Interpretation from Mr. Brian Coldwell. ATTACHMENT E Request for Unofficial Interpretation from Mr. Jacob Blevins. ATTACHMENT F Draft Education Subcommittee Minutes for Friday, June 20, 2008 ATTACHMENT G Chapter Presentation: ASHRAE 62.1 Update: Overview – Where are we now? ATTACHMENT H Chapter Presentation: Ventilation Rate Procedure and IAQ Procedure ATTACHMENT I PowerPoint Presentation – Standard 62.1 Future Addend Needs, Where Should We Go? ATTACHMENT J Addendum 62.1c (2007) ATTACHMENT K Addendum 62.1d (2007) ATTACHMENT L Addendum 62.1g (2007) AttachmentA-SSPC6 2.1SLCAgenda.doc AttachmentB-Luis Garcia(U).doc AttachmentC-Luis Garcia2(U).doc AttachmentD-Questi ons from Coldwell.doc AttachmentE-JacobBl evins(U).doc AttachmentF-EducSu bMinutes6-20-08.doc AttachmentG-62Upd ate.pdf AttachmentH-62Upd ateRates.pdf AttachmentI-62.1Fut ureAddendaNeeds.pdf AttachmentJ-62.1c_ 3rdPPRComment_Responses.doc AttachmentK-62.1d_ 2ndPPRComment_Responses.doc AttachmentL-62.1g_ 1stPPRComment_Responses.doc 27 SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 ATTACHMENT M Addendum DA-09 ATTACHMENT N Addendum 62.1i (2007) ATTACHMENT O Request for Official Interpretation from Diogo Prado ATTACHMENT P Administration Subcommittee Minutes for Friday, June 20, 2008 ATTACHMENT Q 4th Public Review Draft of 62.1i(2007) ATTACHMENT R Motion 3 Roll Call Vote Record ATTACHMENT S 1st Public Review Draft of a New Addendum that Modifies General Note 2 of Table 6-1 (Secretary’s Note: identified as DA18) ATTACHMENT T Motion 4 Roll Call Vote Record ATTACHMENT U 4th Public Review Draft of 62.1c(2007) ATTACHMENT V Motion 5 Roll Call Vote Record ATTACHMENT W 3rd (ISC) public Review Draft of 62.1d(2007) ATTACHMENT X Response to Commenter on 2nd Public Review of 62.1d(2007) ATTACHMENT Y Motion 6 Roll Call Vote Record AttachmentM-DA-09 _1stPPR.doc AttachmentN-62.1i_ 4thPPRDevelopment.doc 28 AttachmentO-IC62.1 -2004-DiogoPrado.doc AttachmentP-AdminS ubMinutes6-20-08.doc AttachmentQ-62_1i_ 4thPPRDraft_2008-06-22.doc AttachmentR-Motion 3 Vote Record(62.1i)6-22-08.doc AttachmentS-DA-18 2008-06-22.doc AttachmentT-Motion 4 Vote Record(NewAddendum)6-22-08. AttachmentU-62_1c_ 4thPPRDraft_2008-06-23.doc AttachmentV-Motion 5 Vote Record(62.1c)6-22-08.doc AttachmentW-62_1d _-_3rd_PPR_Comment_Responses_-_20 AttachmentX-62_1d_ -_2ndPRDraft_Commenter_Response_2 AttachmentY-Motion 6 Vote Record(62.1d)6-22-08.doc SSPC 62.1 Minutes June 21-22, 2008 ATTACHMENT Z 2nd Public Review Draft of 62.g(2007) ATTACHMENT AA Motion 7 Roll Call Vote Record ATTACHMENT AB 1st Public Review Draft of DA-09 ATTACHMENT AC Motion 8 Roll Call Vote Record ATTACHMENT AD Response to the Request for Official Interpretation from Diogo Prado 29 AttachmentZ-62_1g_ 2ndPPRDraft_2008-06-22.doc AttachmentAA-Motio n 7 Vote Record(62.1g)6-22-08.doc AttachmentAB-DA-0 9-2008-06-22.doc AttachmentAC-Motio n 8 Vote Record(DA-09)6-22-08.doc IC_62_1-2004-Diogo Prado-2008-06-22.doc