To forecast HEPI values out of sample – We will assume for now that the deviations of the HEPI from its linear trend are i.i.d. N(0,2). Point Forecasts – Under these assumptions, the point forecasts of the HEPI are the same as the point forecasts of the trend values: hepiforeT+h,T = -7.06 + 4.96*(T+h), where, in this example, T = 44. So my point forecasts of the HEPI for 2005-2010 (under the assumption of a linear trend and i.i.d. deviations from the trend) are: Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Forecast 231.5 (Actual) 216.1 221.1 226.1 231.0 236.0 240.9 The implied forecasted HEPI inflation rates are: Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Inflation Rate Forecast -6.9% 2.27 2.22 2.17 2.12 2.08 So, if the Regents had been presented with this forecast of the HEPI inflation rate for 2005 and used it to determine your current tuition, your tuition would be nearly 7% less than it was a year ago. (However, since this model has been underestimating the HEPI over the last part of the sample, my bet is that this forecast will severely underestimate the actual 2005 HEPI inflation rate.) Interval Forecasts – Recall that under our current assumptions, a 95-percent confidence interval for the h-step ahead forecast of y is yˆ T h ,T 1.96ˆ The y-hats are the point forecasts we computed above. -hat comes from the EViews regression output: ̂ ( = standard error of the regression = 11.38 ̂ = sqrt(sum of squared residuals/(T-2)) = sqrt(5435.15/42) = 11.38) So our point forecasts along with the lower and upper bounds for the 95% confidence interval are: Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Lower Bound Point Forecast Upper Bound 193.8 198.8 203.7 208.7 213.6 216.1 221.1 226.1 231.0 236.0 238.5 243.4 248.4 253.4 258.3 218.6 240.9 263.3 To contruct these intervals in EViews – Call hepiup95 the upper bound of the 95% interval and call hepilow95 the lower bound of the 95% interval. Then using the Genr command construct the two series: hepiup95 = hepifore+1.96*11.4 hepilow95 = hepifore-1.96*11.4.) Forecasting the HEPI with other trend models – These forecasts were constructed using the linear trend model, but we saw from the graph of the HEPI and the graph of the deviations of the HEPI from the estimated linear trend that a quadratic or log linear trend model may be more appropriate for this series. Consider, for example, the quadratic trend model hepit = 0 + 1t + 2t2 + t where t denotes the deviation of hepit from its trend. To construct the forecasts of hepi2005,… for this model, we will continue to assume that the ’s are i.i.d. N(0,2). In this case: hepiforeT h,T ˆ0 ˆ1 (T h) ˆ2 (T h) 2 where the -hats are the OLS estimates of the ’s obtained from the regression of hepi on t, t2 and a constant. This regression can be run from the EViews workfile in two ways: A. 1. Create a new variable, tsquare, using the Genr command and entering tsquare = t^2 2. Click on hepi, then simultaneosly click on “control” and “t” then “control” and “tsquare”. The names hepi, t, and t-square should now be highlighted. 3. Right-click on any of the highlighted areas, then left-click on “open” and “as equation”. This should open the Equation Specification window, with hepi as the first variable (the dependent variable), followed by t, tsquare, and c. Make sure the method and sample are correctly set. Then click “OK” to run the regression. B. 1. Click on hepi, then simultaneosly click on “control” and “t”. The names hepi and t should now be highlighted. 2. Right-click on any of the highlighted areas, the left-click on “open” and “as equation”. This should open the Equation Specification window, with hepi as the first variable, followed by t and c. In the Equation Specification box, add t^2 to the list of variables anywhere after hepi, e.g., hepi t t^2 c Check the method and sample, then click OK to run the regression. The results – Model Fit with Quadratic Trend Dependent Variable: HEPI Method: Least Squares Date: 09/07/05 Time: 14:33 Sample: 1961 2004 Included observations: 44 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. T C T^2 1.770474 17.42289 0.070968 0.218784 2.134468 0.004714 8.092322 8.162635 15.05384 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat 0.995381 0.995156 4.506589 832.6832 -127.1235 0.108927 Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) 104.6295 64.74760 5.914704 6.036354 4417.526 0.000000 Model Fit with Linear Trend Dependent Variable: HEPI Method: Least Squares Date: 09/07/05 Time: 14:35 Sample: 1961 2004 Included observations: 44 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. T C 4.964024 -7.060994 0.135053 3.489237 36.75606 -2.023650 0.0000 0.0494 R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat 0.969849 0.969132 11.37578 5435.149 -168.3953 0.047114 Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) 104.6295 64.74760 7.745239 7.826338 1351.008 0.000000 Note that all of the coefficients in the estimated quadratic trend model appear to be statistically significant and the R2 of the regression is approximately 99.5%. What does the estimated quadratic trend look like? What do the deviations from the trend look like? How do the HEPI forecasts compare across the two models, continuing to assume that the deviations from trend are i.i.d. N(0,2)? Point forecasts: 1. Assuming a linear trend, hepiforeT+h,T = -7.06 + 4.96*(T+h) 2. Assuming a quadratic trend, hepifore T+h,T = 17.42 + 1.77*(T+h) + 0.07(T+h)2 HEPI Level: Year Forecast (Linear) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 231.5 (Actual) 211.3 238.8 216.3 247.0 221.3 255.2 226.2 263.7 231.2 272.2 236.2 Forecast (Quadratic) 280.9 HEPI Inflation Rate: Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Forecast (Linear) -6.9% 2.27 2.22 2.17 2.12 2.08 Forecast (Quadratic) 3.41% 3.35 3.30 3.25 3.20 3.15 So, if the Regents used the forecast generated from the quadratic trend model to set this year’s tuition, your tuition would have increased by about 3.4% from last year’s tuition. Which of these two forecast models is likely to perform better? Your instincts are probably telling you that the forecast model using the quadratic trend is likely to perform better. Why? If we just look at the time series plot of the HEPI data it seems clear that a quadratic trend is more reasonable than a linear trend. What other criteria might we use to help back up this feeling? In particular, what criteria might we use when it is not so apparent from the graph which model to select? Which estimated model fits the data sample better? That is, which estimated model has the smaller sum of squared residuals? larger R2? smaller mean squared error (MSE) = SSR/T? The answer to these three questions will always be the same. (This is clear from the formulas used to construct SSR, R2, MSE. See p. 85.) If we apply these to compare the quadratic trend model to the linear trend model – SSRq = 833, SSRL = 5435 R2q = 0.995, R2L = 0.970 MSEq = 18.93, MSEL = 123.5 This criteria, which is obvious when we look at the graphs of the fitted trend lines to the actual data, indicate that the quadratic trend provides a better fit than the linear trend. However …