אינטליגנציה חברתית / דניאל גולמן

Tel Aviv University.
The Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation
Social Psychological Approaches to Conflict and Conflict
Prof. Yechiel Klar
Department of Psychology
Tel Aviv University
yklar@post@tau.ac.il Tel: 03-6409292
Tursday 19.15 20.45
Nafthali 210
Office: Sharet 231a
Tel: 03-6409292
Office Hours:
By appointment.
Social Psychology provides many critical insights into the understanding of social conflicts
and their management. These include the interaction of personalities and situations in the
outbreak of conflicts and attempts at resolution, the critical importance of the subjective
construal of conflict, and the roles of groups and group membership in conflicts. Among the
topics to be covered in this introductory course are perception in conflict, naïve realism,
justice considerations, personal styles in conflicts, conflict escalation, roots of violence,
altruism and reason, intra-group and intergroup relations, stereotypes, social and group
identity conflict between groups, destructive and constructive strategies in managing and
resolving conflict, conflict in collectivist and individualistic societies.
Students’ duties and grade assignment
Six weekly posts commenting on target papers (* papers) and several
short assignments to be announced. Class attendance. Extra posts
provides extra credit
3. Written assignment (take-home)
Will be submitted by email (To Prof. Klar and a copy to the program’s
A tentative outline and syllabus
Note: Almost all readings can be found at the course site. Additional
background and enrichment resources will be added as we go.
First Topic
Introduction: About conflicts:
*Target Reading:
Rubin J. Z., Pruitt, D.G., & Kim, S.H. (1994). Social conflict: Escalation,
Stalemate and Settlement. (Chapter 2: Nature and sources of conflict. pp.
Second Topic
Construal of the Conflict: The Naïve Realism Approach
*Target Reading:
Ross L., & Ward A. (1996) Naive Realism: Implications for social
conflict and misunderstanding. In: Reed, E.S., Turiel, E & Brown, T.
(eds.), Values and knowledge. Pp. 103-135
Third Topic
The concept of FENCE in conflict between Groups
Suggested reading:
Klar Y. & Baram H. (2012) In DeFENCE of the ingroup historical
narrative in an intractable intergroup conflict: An Individual-Difference
Perspective. Political Psychology
Forth Topic:
Perception, Cognitive Biases and Conflict
*Target Reading:
Thompson, L., Nadler, J., & Lount R. B., Judgmental biases in conflict
resolution and how to overcome them. In M., Deutsch, P.T., Colman, &
E.C. Marcus (2006). Handbook of Conflict Resolution. CA: Jossey Bass
. pp. 243-267
‫ מטר‬.‫ לחשוב מהר לחשוב לאט‬2102 )(.‫כהנמן דניאל‬
Fifth Topic
Emotions, the Brain and Conflict
*Target Reading
Lindner, E.G., Emotion and conflict: Why it is important to understand
how emotions affect conflict and how conflict affects emotions. In
Deutsch et al (2009) pp. 268-293
Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.
Ch. 1, 2 & 3
‫ דניאל גולמן‬/ ‫אינטליגנציה חברתית‬
Suggested Window Presentation:
On emotional intelligence
Sixth Topic:
Culture and Conflict
*Target Reading
Cohn, D., Nisbett, R.E. Bowdle, B.F., & Schwarz, N. (1996) Insult,
aggression, and the southern culture of honor: An "experimental
ethnography.". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 70(5),
Gelfand, M. J., Raver, J. L., Nishii, L., Leslie, L. M., Lun, J., Lim, B. C.
et al. (2011). Differences between tight and loose cultures: A 33-nation
study. Science. (and supporting materials)
Suggested Window Presentation
On collectivist and Individualist cultures
Personality and conflict
*Target Reading
Thomas, K. W. (1992). Conflict and conflict management: Reflection and
update. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 13, 265-274.
Suggested Window Presentation
On personality and conflict (2 presentations are possible)
Eighth Topic:
Justice Trust and Values
*Target reading
Tyler, T. ( 2000 ) Social Justice: Outcome and Procedure, International
Journal of Psychology 35 , 117-125
Nineth Topic:
The Psychology of Demonization
*Target reading
Alon N. & Omer, H. ( 2006) The psychology of demonization
Suggested Window Presentation
Demonization and Conflict: Personal perspectives (Up to 3 presentations)
Tenth Topic:
Stereotyping. Prejudice and Discrimination and social conflict
Gilovich, T. Keltner, D. & Nibsett, R. E. (2011). Social Psychology (2nd
ed). Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination. New York: Norton
(Chapter 12 pp. 441-482)
Suggested Window Presentation
On stereotypes and prejudice
The social psychology of intergroup conflict
*Target Reading
Topic 1
To be posted
The Transactional Analysis Approach to Personality and Conflict
(Optional: students presentations)
Relevant Reading
Berne, E.(1961) Games people play: The psychology of human
Harris, T. (1969) I am OK, you are OK
Background reading
Can be found in the course site.
Why do we say Yes? A Perspective on Persuasion
Relevant Reading
Cialdini R. B. (2001). Harnessing the science of persuasion. Harvard
Business Review. Oct
The long reading:
Cialdini R. B. (2001) Influence: Science and Practice (appears in many