Chapter 5

Instructor’s Manual, Database Processing, 8th Edition
Chapter 5
The Relational Model and Normalization
Answers to Group I Questions
What restrictions must be placed on a table for it to be considered a relation?
A cell contains one and only one data value; a column must contain data of the same
type; no row can be duplicated; the order of the columns is immaterial; the order of the
rows is immaterial.
Define the following terms: relation, tuple, attribute, file, record, field, table,
row, column.
Relation is a two-dimensional table that meets the restrictions in question 5.1; tuple is a
row of a relation; attribute is a column of a relation; file is often considered the same as
relation; record same as tuple; file same as attribute.
Define functional dependency. Give an example of two attributes that have a functional
dependency, and give an example of two attributes that do not have a functional
A functional dependency is a relationship between attributes such that given the value of
one attribute it is possible to determine the value of the other attribute. Example of
functional dependency: Name--->Phone#. Example of attributes that are not functionally
dependent: Age and Address.
If SID functionally determines Activity, does this mean that only one value of SID can
exist in the relation? Why or why not?
No, a particular value of SID can occur many times in the relation. A determinant (such
as SID) is not necessarily unique within a relation. However, a particular value of SID
will have only one corresponding value of Activity, no matter how many rows they
appear in.
Define determinant.
A determinant is an attribute whose value enables us to obtain the value(s) of other
related attributes. It appears on the left side of a functional dependency. Thus, in
A--->B, the determinant is A.
Give an example of a relation having a functional dependency in which the determinant
has two or more attributes.
TOWN-RESIDENTS (Name, Age, Citizenship, Voter-eligibility) where (Age, Citizenship)-->Voter-eligibility.
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
Define key.
A key is a group of one or more attributes that uniquely identifies a tuple.
If SID is a key of a relation, is it a determinant? Can a given value of SID occur more
than once in the relation?
Yes, SID is a determinant. No, multiple values of SID may not occur in a relation in
which it is the key.
What is a deletion anomaly? Give an example other than one in this text.
A deletion anomaly occurs when facts about two themes are lost with one deletion.
Example: the relation VENDOR-PART (VendorName, Phone, Part#), and assume
Vendor 123 supplies only one part. When that part is deleted, information about the
vendor is deleted from the database as well.
What is an insertion anomaly? Give an example other than one in this text.
An insertion anomaly occurs when insertion of a fact about one theme requires a fact
about another theme. Example: in VENDOR-PART in the answer to question 5.9,
suppose engineering is developing a product that requires a new part, but the vendor
has not been selected. With an insertion anomaly you cannot add the part to the
database until the vendor is also added.
Explain the relationship of first, second, third, Boyce–Codd, fourth, fifth, and domain/key
normal forms.
Each higher normal form includes the one(s) preceding it. A relation in 3NF is also in
1NF and 2NF.
Define second normal form. Give an example of a relation in 1NF but not in 2NF.
Transform the relation into relations in 2NF.
A relation is in 2NF if all nonkey attributes are dependent on all of the keys. This relation
is not in 2NF:
LINE-ITEM (OrderNumber, ItemNumber, Description).
Key: (OrderNumber, ItemNumber).
Dependencies: (OrderNumber, ItemNumber)--->Description.
These equivalent relations are in 2NF:
LINE-ITEM (OrderNumber, ItemNumber).
STOCK (ItemNumber, Description).
Define third normal form. Give an example of a relation in 2NF but not in 3NF.
Transform the relation into relations in 3NF.
A relation is in 3NF if it is in 2NF and has no transitive dependencies. This relation is not
in 3NF:
DOG (Name, Breed, MaxSize)
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
Key: Name
Dependencies: Name--->Breed
These equivalent relations are in 3NF:
OFFERINGS (Breed, MaxSize)
Define BCNF. Give an example of a relation in 3NF but not in BCNF. Transform the
relation into relations in BCNF.
A relation is in BCNF if every determinant is a candidate key. Consider this relation:
FAC-OFFICE (FID, Department, Building, Office). Assume faculty members in the same
department have offices in the same building. The key is FID. FID determines
Department, Building, and Office. But Department (not a candidate key) determines
Building. These relations are in BCNF:
FACULTY (FID, Department, Office)
DEPARTMENT-LOCATIONS (Department, Building)
Define multi-value dependency. Give an example.
A multi-valued dependency exists if there are three attributes in a relation and an
attribute is dependent on only one of the other attributes. An example is: PROF (Name,
Hobby, Class-taught). Assume professors have many hobbies and teach many classes.
The key of the relation is (Name, Hobby, Class-taught). When a professor takes up a
new hobby, all of the class-taught values must be duplicated. This requirement makes
no sense.
Why are multi-value dependencies not a problem in relations with only two attributes?
Multi-valued dependencies must exist in pairs because a multi-valued dependency calls
for two independent attributes that can have multiple values.
Define fourth normal form. Give an example of a relation in BCNF but not in 4NF.
Transform the relation into relations in 4NF.
A relation is in 4NF if it is in BCNF (every determinant is a candidate key) and it has no
multi-valued dependencies. The following relation is in BCNF but not 4NF: EMPLOYEEHISTORY (Name, Project, PublicServiceActivity). Project can be multi-valued because
an employee could have worked on many projects. PublicServiceActivity can also be
multi-valued. But Project and PublicServiceActivity are unrelated. These relations are in
EMPLOYEE-SERVICE-HIST (Name, PublicServiceActivity)
Define domain/key normal form. Why is it important?
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
A relation is in DK/NF if every constraint on the relation is a logical consequence of the
definition of keys and domains. DK/NF is important because if a relation is in DK/NF,
then there will be NO modification anomalies.
Transform the following relation into DK/NF. Make and state the appropriate
assumptions about functional dependencies and domains.
EQUIPMENT (Manufacturer, Model, AcquisitionDate, BuyerName, BuyerPhone,
PlantLocation, City, State, ZIP)
BuyerName --> BuyerPhone, PlantLocation, City, State, Zip
Zip --> City, State
(Manufacturer, Model, BuyerName) --> AcqDate
BUYER (BuyerName, BuyerPhone, PlantLocation, City, State, Zip)
PURCHASE (Manufacturer, Model, BuyerName, AcqDate)
Ignore Zip functional dependency.
Transform the following relation into DK/NF. Make and state the appropriate
assumptions about functional dependencies and domains.
INVOICE (Number, CustomerName, CustomerNumber,
CustomerAddress, ItemNumber, ItemPrice, ItemQuantity,
SalespersonNumber, SalespersonName, Subtotal, Tax, TotalDue)
Number --> CustomerNumber, ItemNumber, ItemQuantity, SalespersonNumber,
SubTotal, Tax, TotalDue
ItemNumber --> ItemPrice
CustomerNumber -- > CustomerAddress
SalespersonNumber --> SalespersonName
INVOICE (Number, CustomerNumber, ItemNumber, ItemQuantity, SalespersonNumber,
SubTotal, Tax, TotalDue)
ITEM (ItemNumber, ItemPrice)
CUSTOMER (CustomerNumber, CustomerAddress)
SALESPERSON (SalespersonNumber, SalespersonName)
Answer Question 5.20 again, but this time add attribute CustomerTaxStatus (0 if
nonexempt, 1 if exempt). Also add the constraint that there will be no tax if
CustomerTaxStatus 1.
CUSTOMER becomes two relations:.
EX-CUSTOMER (CustomerNumber, CustomerName, CustomerAddress,
Constraint: CustomerTaxStatus = 1.
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
NOT-EX-CUSTOMER (CustomerNumber, CustomerName, CustomerAddress,
Constraint: Customer-tax-status = 0.
Give an example, other than one in this text, in which you would judge normalization to
not be worthwhile. Show the relations and justify your design.
BASKETBALL-PLAYER (Number, Name, Position, GameDate, PointsScored), with key
(Number, GameDate). Not normalized because Number  (Name, Position), but
(Number, GameDate)  PointsScored. People are used to looking at this data in nonnormalized format.
Explain two situations in which database designers might intentionally choose to create
data duplication. What is the risk of such designs?
Two reasons are de-normalization and controlled redundancy. De-normalization might
be done because people are accustomed to seeing data in a particular way – the
example of Zip  (City, State) and the answer to question 5.22 are examples.
Controlled normalization usually occurs to improve performance — creating a table that
has a subset of the data for query or high-transaction applications. The first is less risky
because people expect it — if a player changed her number, everyone would expect to
update all of her score data — or would adjust it their minds. The second is unexpected
— even unknown by the users.
Answers to Group II Questions
Answers for relation and questions starting on page 147.
True, but only because EmployeeName  Employee Salary. Sometimes this is
stated that (ProjectID, EmployeeName) is not a minimal key.
(ProjectID, EmployeeName)
No. EmployeeSalary is dependent only on EmployeeName
1st but not in 2nd
Insertion: to give an employee a salary, we must first assign the employee to a
project. Deletion: If project 200c is deleted we lose Parks’s salary.
No. (Actually, for the data given, it is a determinant. This is most likely
happenstance unless the organization has a rule that only one employee can
have a given salary. This seems unlikely. This illustrates the dangers of inferring
dependencies from sample data. Ask the users!)
ASSIGNMENT (ProjectID, EmployeeName)
SALARY (EmployeeName, EmployeeSalary)
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
Answers for relation and questions on page 148:
This relation is a mess. Certainly, EmployeeName multi-determines ProjectID. From
the hint “TaskID is the name of a standard task” it appears that EmployeeName
multidetermines TaskID as well. It could be, however, that there is a transitive
multidependency: EmployeeName multidetermines ProjectID and Project ID
multidetermines TaskID. The answers below follow the hint and assume that ProjectID
and TaskID are independent.
True, but not minimal (see answer to 5.24c)
Assuming there is not transitive multidependency, EmployeeName is the only
Assuming note at start, there is no transitive depedency.
Yes, the two unrelated attributes are ProjectID and TaskID. Note, too, that even
if TaskID were not in the relation, there would still be a multivalued dependency
because of the presence of Phone and TotalHours.
If you delete the second row, you must also delete the fourth row to preserve the
multi-valued dependency.
Three: employees and their projects, employees and their tasks, and employees
and their personal data (Phone, TotalHours). You could even say four if you split
Phone and TotalHours, but that seems too fine, to me.
EMPLOYEE-PROJECT (EmployeeName, ProjectID)
EMPLOYEE-TASK (EmployeeName, TaskID)
EMPLOYEE-DATA (EmployeeName, Phone, TotalHours)
Three; one theme each.
In this question, EQUIPMENT is like a machine or medical equipment or something
Modify the definitions to ass this constraint: An employee may no sign up for
more than one equipment appointment.
To enforce this constraint, we need EmployeeName to determine
EquipmentName. Think of this as a typical normalization problem and say that
EmployeeName  EquipmentName in APPOINTMENT. In this case, we split
EQUIP-APPT (Date, Time, EquipmentName) with key (Date, Time,
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
EMP-EQUIP (EmployeeName, EquipmentName) with key (EmployeeName,
Define nighttime to refer to the hours between 2100 and 0500. Add an attribute
Employee Type whose value is 1 if the employee works during nighttime.
Change this design to enforce the constraint that only employees who work at
night can schedule nighttime appointments.
Make the following changes to the design:
Add EmployeeType to EMPLOYEE:
EMPLOYEE (EmployeeName, PhoneNumber, EmployeeType)
Define new attribute NightEmp with domain in (EmployeeName of EMPLOYEE,
where EmployeeType = 1)
Define new attribute DayTime with domain HH >05 and <21
Define new attribute NightTime with domain HH <=21 or <= 05
Replace the APPOINTMENT relation by
DAY-APPT (Date, DayTime, EquipmentName, EmployeeName)
NIGHT-APPT (Date, NightTime, EquipmentName, NightEmp)
This design effectively enforces a business rule using domain and key definitions. It
probably, however, is not worth the effort because of the problems it will cause when
building the rest of the application. It would most likely be a better choice to enforce the
rule in application code. This does illustrate, however, a means for using DK/NF to
enforce such constraints.
FiredUp Project Questions
See also note 9 at the start of the Chapter 5 discussion in the Instructor’s Manual.
FiredUp hired a team of database designers (who should have been fired!) who created
the following elations for a database to keep track of their stove, repair, and customer
data. See the projects at the end of Chapters 1 through 3 to review their needs. For each
of the following relations, specify candidate keys, functional dependencies, and multivalued dependencies (if any). Justify these specifications unless they are obvious. Given
your specifications about keys and so on, what normal form does each relation have?
Transform each relation into two or more relations that are in domain/key normal form.
Indicate the primary key of each table, candidate keys, foreign keys, and specify any
referential integrity constraints.
In answering these questions, assume the following:
Stove type and version determine tank capacity.
A stove can be repaired many times, but never more than once on a given day.
Each stove repair has its own repair invoice.
A stove can be registered to different users, but never at the same time.
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
 A stove has many component parts and each component part can be used on many
stoves. Thus, FiredUp maintains records about part types, such as burner value, and not
about particular parts such as burner value number 41734 manufactured on 12
December 2001.
In the following, keys are underlined, foreign keys are italics.
PRODUCT1 (SerialNumber, Type, VersionNumber, TankCapacity, DateOfManufacture,
Candidate Keys:
Functional Dependencies:
SerialNumber  all other attributes
(Type, VersionNumber)  TankCapacity
Multi-valued dependencies:
Normal form:
1NF but not 2nd because of the transitive dependency:
SerialNumber  (Type, VersionNumber)  TankCapacity
Domain/Key Normal Form Relations:
PRODUCT (SerialNumber, Type, VersionNumber, DateOfManufacture, InspectorInitials)
STOVE-TYPE(Type, VersionNumber, TankCapacity)
No candidate keys.
Referential integrity constraint:
(Type, VersionNumber) in PRODUCT must exist in
(Type, Version Number) in STOVE-TYPE
PRODUCT2 (SerialNumber, Type, TankCapacity, RepairDate, RepairInvoiceNumber,
Candidate Keys:
(SerialNumber, RepairDate)
Functional Dependencies:
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
RepairInvoiceNumber  all other attributes
(SerialNumber, RepairDate)  all other attributes
SerialNumber  (Type, TankCapacity)
(note, without VersionNumber, Type does not determine TankCapacity)
Multi-valued dependencies:
Normal form:
3NF, but not BCNF because SerialNumber is not a candidate key.
Domain/Key Normal Form Relations:
STOVE(SerialNumber, Type, TankCapacity)
STOVE-REPAIR (RepairInvoiceNumber, RepairDate, RepairCost, SerialNumber)
(RepairDate, SerialNumber) is a candidate key
SerialNumber in STOVE-REPAIR must be in SerialNumber of STOVE
REPAIR1 (RepairInvoiceNumber, RepairDate, RepairCost, RepairEmployeeName,
Note: this relation has no stove attributes, so ostensibly it is for a repair of
something other than a stove.
Assuming one repair person per repair:
Candidate Keys:
Functional Dependencies:
RepairInvoiceNumber  all other attributes
RepairEmployeeName  RepairEmployeePhone
Multi-valued dependencies:
Normal form:
1NF, but not 2NF because of transitive dependency
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
RepairInvoiceNumber  RepairEmployeeName  RepairEmployeePhone
Domain/Key Normal Form Relations:
REPAIR(RepairInvoiceNumber, RepairDate, RepairCost, RepairEmployeeName)
EMP-PHONE (RepairEmployeeName, RepairEmployeePhone)
No candidate keys.
RepairEmployeeName in REPAIR must exist in RepairEmployeeName in EMPPHONE.
Assuming more than one repair person per repair, that employee names are unique
(likely for FiredUp) and that two or more employees can share the same phone number
(also likely for FiredUp). By the way, the case of more than one employee per repair is
unlikely – it’s here for discussion purposes, only.
Candidate Keys:
(RepairInvoiceNumber, RepairEmployeeName)
Functional Dependencies:
RepairEmployeeName  RepairEmployeePhone
Multi-valued dependencies:
Normal form:
3NF, but not BCNF because RepairEmployeeName is a determinant, but not a
candidate key.
Domain/Key Normal Form Relations:
REPAIR (RepairInvoiceNumber, RepairDate, RepairCost)
REPAIR-EMP (RepairInvoiceNumber, RepairEmployeeName)
EMP-PHONE (RepairEmployeeName, RepairEmployeePhone)
No candidate keys.
RepairInvoiceNumber in REPAIR-EMP must exist in RepairInvoiceNumber in
RepairEmployeeName in REPAIR-EMP must exist in RepairEmployeeName in
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
REPAIR2 (RepairInvoiceNumber, RepairDate, RepairCost, RepairEmployeeName,
RepairEmployeePhone, SerialNumber, Type, TankCapacity)
The following assumes one employee per repair and one or more employees per
phone. The (less realistic) case of multiple employees per repair is similar to that
Candidate Keys:
(RepairDate, SerialNumber)
Functional Dependencies:
RepairInvoiceNumber determines all other attributes
(RepairDate, SerialNumber) determines all other attributes
SerialNumber  Type, TankCapacity
RepairEmployeeName  RepairEmployeePhone
Multi-valued dependencies:
Normal form:
1NF, but not 2NF because
(RepairDate, SerialNumber)  Type, but
SerialNumber  Type
Domain/Key Normal Form Relations:
REPAIR (RepairInvoiceNumber, RepairDate, RepairCost, RepairEmployeeName,
EMP-PHONE (RepairEmployeeName, RepairEmployeePhone)
STOVE (SerialNumber, Type, TankCapacity)
Candidate key: in REPAIR (RepairDate, SerialNumber)
RepairEmployeeName in REPAIR must exist in RepairEmployeeName in EMP
SerialNumber in REPAIR must exist in SerialNumber in STOVE
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
REPAIR3 (RepairDate, RepairCost, SerialNumber, DateOfManufacture)
Candidate Keys:
(RepairDate, SerialNumber)
Functional Dependencies:
(RepairDate, SerialNumber) determines all other attributes
SerialNumber  DateOfManufacture
Multi-valued dependencies:
Normal form:
1NF but not 2NF because DateOfManufacture is not dependent on all of the key
(RepairDate, SerialNumber)
Domain/Key Normal Form Relations:
REPAIR (RepairDate, SerialNumber, RepairCost)
STOVE (SerialNumber, DateOfManufacture)
No candidate keys.
SerialNumber in REPAIR must exist in SerialNumber in STOVE.
STOVE1 (SerialNumber, RepairInvoiceNumber, ComponentPartNumber)
For this relation, we assume that the component parts are those used for a
particular repair.
Candidate Keys:
(RepairInvoiceNumber, ComponentPartNumber)
Functional Dependencies:
RepairInvoiceNumber  SerialNumber
Multi-valued dependencies:
RepairInvoiceNumber  ComponentPartNumber (noting also that it  SerialNumber)
Normal form:
Chapter 5 – The Relational Model and Normalization
3NF but not BCNF nor 4NF
Domain/Key Normal Form Relations:
REPAIR (SerialNumber, RepairInvoiceNumber)
REPAIR-PART (RepairInvoiceNumber, ComponentPartNumber)
No candidate keys.
RepairInvoiceNumber in REPAIR-PART must exist in RepairInvoiceNumber in REPAIR.
STOVE2 (SerialNumber, RepairInvoiceNumber, RegisteredOwnerID)
Assume there is a need to record the owner of a stove, even if it has never been
This example shows a good application for domain key/normal form. The assumption
that every stove has a RegisteredOwnerID means that every stove will have at least one
row in STOVE2. That row will have a value for SerialNumber and RegisteredOwnerID,
and RepairInvoiceNumber will be null. Furthermore, because a stove may be registered
to more than one owner, SerialNumber cannot determine RegisteredOwnerID. Also,
because an owner may own more than one stove, RegisteredOwnerID cannot determine
SerialNumber. So both SerialNumber and RegisteredOwnerID have to be in the key.
However, for stoves that have been in for repair, there will be multiple rows for a given
(SerialNumber, RegisteredOwnerID), so the key has to be (SerialNumber,
RepairInvoiceNumber, RegisteredOwnerID).
But now we have the following constraint:
If RepairInvoiceNumber is not null, then
RepairInvoiceNumber  SerialNumber
(If RepairInvoiceNumber is null, then this is not true.)
This is a constraint within the Fagin’s definition of constraint within domain key/normal
form, but it is not directly discussed in any of the 5 normal forms. Thus, its current
normal form is unclassifiable, but we know it is not DK/NF because of the
RepairInvoiceNumber constraint that is not implied by the key definition. Hence, it will
have modification anomalies.
To construct dk/nf relations, split into two as follows:
REPAIR (SerialNumber, RepairInvoiceNumber)
STOVE-OWNER (SerialNumber, RegisteredOwnerID)
There are no candidate keys, and there is the referential integrity constraint:
SerialNumber in REPAIR must exist in SerialNumber in STOVE-OWNER.