Appendix A – Fife Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 - 2011: Fife Council/ Fife Coast & Countryside Trust Actions Status March 2010 Action Lead Organisation Progress A1. Aspen Species Action Plan: Source Scottish provenance male stock for planting at Little Ballo and Glen Vale. Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS A2. Aspen Species Action Plan: Identify new sites for new planting schemes. Fife Coast & Countryside Trust Fife Coast & Countryside Trust COMPLETE C3. Bluebell Species Action Plan: Ensure the protection of identified key large populations in Development Plans. Fife Council NOY YET ACTIVE C4. Bluebell Species Action Plan: Develop an Integrated Habitat Network to protect priority habitats by incorporating them into a coherent, managed, Fifewide network, recognised within all the statutory plans prepared by Fife Council and its partners, including statutory development plans, and minimising fragmentation as far as possible. Fife Council/Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS E2. Great Crested Newt Species Action Plan: Develop guidance and training opportunities for planners and developers. NOT YET ACTIVE F1. Red Squirrel Species Action Plan: Establish and maintain a Fife Red Squirrel Group to implement action and support and develop volunteer input. Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG)/ Fife Coast & Countryside Trust Fife Coast & Countryside Trust F3. Red Squirrel Species Action Plan: Develop interpretation material and deliver four talks and attend four events in the first year. Fife Coast & Countryside Trust COMPLETE/ ONGOING F4. Red Squirrel Species Action Plan: Develop two pilot projects to demonstrate positive management of areas for red squirrels. Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS C1. Bluebell Conservation: Survey the bluebell population in Fife over 3 years to identify key large populations and report on it through Fife Nature NOY YET ACTIVE COMPLETE/ ONGOING F5. Red Squirrel Species Action Plan: Establish funding to support one longterm red squirrel project in Fife per year. IN PROGRESS G1. Water Vole Species Action Plan: Increase the number of landowners involved in the programmed trapping of mink from 30 to 100. Fife Coast & Countryside Trust/Fife Red Squirrel Group Fife Coast & Countryside Trust G3. Water Vole Species Action Plan: Carry out a one-year Fife-wide water vole survey targeted at Fife's main water bodies and major tributaries. Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS G4. Water Vole Species Action Plan: Develop a 'Fife Water Vole Trail' tourism initiative to highlight the plight of the species, and publicise sites where voles can be observed. Fife Coast & Countryside Trust NOY YET ACTIVE H2. Ancient, Semi-Natural and Long-Established Woodlands (ASNLE) Habitat Action Plan: A questionnaire will be circulated to all educational establishments to ensure that they are aware of and have access to educational initiatives e.g. Forest Schools, Natural Connections. Fife Council/ FCCT NOY YET ACTIVE H3. Ancient, Semi-Natural and Long-Established Woodlands (ASNLE) Habitat Action Plan: Develop an Integrated Habitat Network to protect priority habitats by incorporating them into a coherent, managed, Fife-wide network, recognised within all the statutory plans prepared by Fife Council and its partners, including statutory development plans, and minimising fragmentation as far as possible. Fife Council/Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS J2. Buildings Habitat Action Plan: Develop a planning toolkit (based on Association of Local Government Ecologists toolkits) to ensure that effective surveying techniques will be applied to planning applications submitted. Fife Council/Fife Biodiversity Partnership NOY YET ACTIVE J5. Buildings Habitat Action Plan: Where priority buildings and structures are identified in regeneration projects, take full account of biodiversity interests. Fife Council Development Services NOY YET ACTIVE K3. Field Margins and Boundaries Habitat Action Plan: Develop an integrated Habitat Network to protect priority habitats by incorporating them into a coherent, managed, Fife-wide network, recognised within all the Fife Council/Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS COMPLETE statutory plans prepared by Fife Council and its partners, including statutory development plans, and minimising fragmentation as far as possible. L3. Species-Rich Grasslands Habitat Action Plan: As part of the Integrated Habitat Network map, identify where grasslands overlap with livestock farms. Fife Council/Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS L4. Species-Rich Grasslands Habitat Action Plan: Bring all Fife Council owned grasslands into positive management for biodiversity. Fife Council IN PROGRESS L5. Species-Rich Grasslands Habitat Action Plan: Develop an Integrated Habitat Network to protect priority habitats by incorporating them into a coherent, managed, Fife-wide network, recognised within all the statutory plans prepared by Fife Council and its partners, including statutory development plans, and minimising fragmentation as far as possible. Fife Council/Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS M1. Heath and Moorland Habitat Action Plan: Develop an awarenessraising project "Healthy Heaths & Moors" for the benefit of landowners and managers, planners and developers. Fife Coast & Countryside Trust NOY YET ACTIVE M3. Heath and Moorland Habitat Action Plan: Develop an Integrated Habitat Network to protect priority habitats by incorporating them into a coherent, managed, Fife-wide network, recognised within all the statutory plans prepared by Fife Council and its partners, including statutory development plans, and minimising fragmentation as far as possible. Fife Council/Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS N3. Inland Freshwater Habitat Action Plan: Develop an Integrated Habitat Network to protect priority habitats by incorporating them into a coherent, managed, Fife-wide network, recognised within all the statutory plans prepared by Fife Council and its partners, including statutory development plans, and minimising fragmentation as far as possible. Fife Council/Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS P2. Intertidal Communities Habitat Action Plan: Develop sea level rise model mapping for Fife as part of the integrated habitat management into shoreline management plans. Fife Council/Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) NOY YET ACTIVE P4. Intertidal Communities Habitat Action Plan: Develop Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) for Fife's coastline. Fife Council NOY YET ACTIVE S2. Mixed Lowland Woodlands Habitat Action Plan: Employ a Woodland Project Officer to promote the importance and appropriate management of woodlands. Fife Council COMPLETE V1. Urban Woodlands Habitat Action Plan: Circulate a questionnaire to all education establishments to ensure that they are aware of and have access to educational initiatives e.g. Forest Schools. Fife Council NOY YET ACTIVE V2. Urban Woodlands Habitat Action Plan: Ensure the management, improvement and protection of ecological value of urban woodlands within the Greenspace Strategy, through the provision of an urban woodland policy statement within the strategy. Fife Council IN PROGRESS V4. Urban Woodlands Habitat Action Plan: Fife Council will bring all woodlands under Council ownership and/or control into positive management for biodiversity. Fife Council IN PROGRESS V5. Urban Woodlands Habitat Action Plan: Develop an Integrated Habitat Network to protect priority habitats by incorporating them into a coherent, managed, Fife-wide network, recognised within all the statutory plans prepared by Fife Council and its partners, including statutory development plans, and minimising fragmentation as far as possible. Fife Council/Fife Coast & Countryside Trust IN PROGRESS W4. Veteran Trees and Parks Habitat Action Plan: Ensure all Fife Council managed parks and designated landscapes are brought into positive management for biodiversity. Fife Council IN PROGRESS