Art preview: A trio of solo shows at Buffalo Arts Studio

Art preview: A trio of solo shows at Buffalo Arts Studio
By Colin Dabkowski -- NEWS ARTS WRITER
Updated: 01/11/08 11:14 AM
“Ladder” by Amanda Wachob can be seen in the Buffalo Arts Studio.
Though Buffalo Arts Studio closed its portion of “Beyond/In Western New York” back
in November, the ghosts of Toronto-based artist Osvaldo Ramirez Castillo have not quite
faded from the walls.
His is a tough act to follow, but three local artists will give it a shot with a trio of solo
shows that open with a reception at 7 p.m. Saturday. BAS will show works from Phillip
Hendrickson, Stephen Houseknecht and Amanda Wachob.
Hendrickson’s collages juxtapose disembodied appendages with various industrial
devices and implements, while Wachob finds her subjects in vintage imagery from the
’40s, ’50s and ’60s, which she presents in a series of oil paintings that portray what BAS
curator Brooke Fitzpatrick called “unsettling domestic and feminine imagery.”
Houseknecht, somewhat disparately, presents photographic diptychs of the view from
inside World War II bomber planes.
The show, Fitzpatrick writes, is bound together by each artist’s reaction to modern
technological advancements. The show runs through Feb. 22 at BAS (2495 Main St.).
Call 833-4450 or visit for more information.
— Colin Dabkowski