MINUTES Sub-group on Ion Therapy Of DICOM’s Working Group Seven Elekta Office, Sunnyvale, CA January 20 – 21, 2010 Members Present Elekta Moyers, Michael Philips Healthcare Varian Represented by Stuart Swerdloff Michael Moyers (Consultant) Mark Pepelea Paivi Tuhkanen Members Absent Kooy, Hanne Newman, Michael Nucletron Scandanavia RaySearch Laboratories Siemens Healthcare Represented by Hanne Kooy (Massachusetts General Hospital) Michael Neumann (Inst. for Clinical Biochemistry and PathobioChemistry) Nina Tilly Anders Murman Claus-Peter Hoeppner Others Present Scott Mitchell Oliver Vierlinck David Wikler Howard Clark Associated with Elekta IBA Particle Therapy IBA Particle Therapy MITA Presiding Officer: Stuart Swerdloff, Chair 1 _____________________________ Ion Therapy Sub-group of DICOM’s Working Group Seven (Radiotherapy) January 20 – 21, 2011 1. Administrative Details WG-07-Ion Chair Pro-Tem Stuart Swerdloff called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. on January 20, 2011. Participants identified themselves and their employers. The secretary noted that a quorum was not present. The agenda was modified to include a discussion of CP1013, a review of minutes from previous meetings, and election of a chair. As this was the first face-to-face meeting since the group was revitalized in August of 2010, the secretary presented minutes from each of the following Tcons: August 4, 2010 September 1, 2010 September 14, 2010 October 19, 2010 November 23, 2010 All were approved as presented. The secretary confirmed the desirability of conducting an election for an official chair of the subgroup, since it now fully engaged in developing a new supplement to the DICOM Standard. Chair Pro-tem Stuart Swerdloff offered to continue as chair if that was the will of the members. The secretary asked if there might be any other volunteers or nominations. As none were forthcoming, Mr. Swerdloff was elected by affirmation. The chair noted that one of the key resources for this meeting was the Split-out of Ion Therapy material from Draft Supplement 147. A copy of that document may be found in the Minutes Folder for the Tcon on October 19, 2010, which is located at: FTP://medical.nema.org/MEDICAL/Dicom/Minutes/WG-07-ION/2010-10-19_Tcon 2. CP1013 After a three-hour discussion of CP1013, members agreed to remove from the CP that portion of the text concerned with the Number of Scan Spot Positions in the RT Ion Beams Session Module. Members also engaged in a detailed discussion of the definition of “Delivered Scan Spot Delivery Order Map.” Some wondered whether it could be made a Type 1C rather than a Type 3 if the delivery order were modified by the delivery device. After some discussion, and particularly in view of safety considerations, they voted (with one abstention – Michael Moyers), to remove this topic from CP1013. At this point, it was clear that the CP needed either to be withdrawn or subjected to major modifications. The following reasons were articulated and transmitted to the WG-07 member who was planning to present it to WG-06 the following week: 1) Redefining Number of Scan Spot Positions in RT Ion Beams Session module alters the expected values elsewhere (Scan Spot Position Map, Scan Spot Meterset). A redefinition should be placed in the Attribute Description, and not just in a definitions section. Good reason to go back to WG7 for review/approval. _____________________________ 2 Ion Therapy Sub-group of DICOM’s Working Group Seven (Radiotherapy) January 20 – 21, 2011 2) Redefining Number of Scan Spot Positions can result in having zero spots delivered in previously delivered Ion Control Points, and the maps which are 1C are now empty (an inconsistency). Good reason to not have this in the CP (it can't be changed without breaking the SOP Class and/or existing implementations) 3) Zero filling (previous delivery) and Zero padding (undelivered) of spot meterset is unnecessary if Number of Scan Spot Positions is redefined (as proposed). If Number of Scan Spot Positions is *not* redefined, then zero filling/zero padding as a clarification is ok. The constructor of the Treatment Record is responsible for manipulating the data to fit in to the defined construct (Number of Scan Spot Positions in the plan, regardless of any potential multiple spot deliveries intended in the plan for one spot, i.e. if multiple delivered spots were actually delivered which were intended for one planned spot, one coordinate value must be provided for the corresponding Scan Spot Position Map entry). The last spot delivered may have non-zero meterset that should not be considered as complete delivery or complete lack of delivery to the spot. An interrupted spot must be accounted for with a non-zero value. 4) Specification of type 3 Scan Spot Energy Map and Delivered Scan Spot Energy Map results in a Hazard due to specification. A delivery using previously conformant implementations could result in misadministration and no record of that misadministration. 5) The wording describing conditionality of behavior regarding zero filling/zero padding (according to the CP v04) with respect to the presence of the Delivered Scan Spot Delivery Order Map element indicates that one can (according to the CP v04) list only those spots delivered in the current session. If one does this for spots that were previously delivered (not the current session), the possibility exists to provide no values in the Delivered Scan Spot Meterset map (or Scan Spot Position Map) for those spots not delivered. Those elements are type 1C, and it would break conformance to encode nothing. So the wording regarding "and Delivered Scan Spot Delivery Order is not encoded" should be struck. One must always do zero fill and zero pad as described regardless of the presence of Delivered Scan Spot Delivery Order Map. The Delivered Scan Spot Delivery Order Map is still desired, only the description of the conditional behavior regarding zero filling/padding should be struck. 3. Gaps in the Current RT Ion Plan Members listed the following examples of gaps in the current RT Ion Plan. They include RecordedIonWedge (There is only Recorded Wedge). It should have IsoCenterToWedgeTrayDistance. Uniform Scanning: Scan Field Size X, Scan Field Size Y, Recorded/Delivered Scan Field Size X and Y. Physical Dose Rate (Not Meterset Rate; members wondered why IBA believes this may be necessary). Is the Referenced RT Plan Sequence type 2 or type 3? Since the Referenced Beam Number is type 1, what does one refer to if the Plan isn't referenced? 3 _____________________________ Ion Therapy Sub-group of DICOM’s Working Group Seven (Radiotherapy) January 20 – 21, 2011 4. Proposed Additions to RT Ion Plan Michael Moyers suggested the addition of three new attributes to address organ motion in the Ion Beam Delivery Device Module. These were named: Motion Mitigation Techniques Painting Characteristics Recorded Beam Tracking Offset Map Members noted that information about motion signal is needed to correlate to actual patient motion. If we moved something, where was the patient anatomy at the time, and where did the beam end up in the patient? There is a need for clear separation of the Plan side (to tell the machine where it will get its signal from) and the Record side (to enable dose reconstruction and/or delivery continuation). Time information is also required for motion mitigation activities (e.g., start time/end time). How are respiratory cycle phases utilized in Beam On vs. Beam Off? 5. Other Topics As the meeting proceeded, the discussion touched on each of the following topics: Ion Applicator vs. Snout vs. Applicator Carriage. Precise definitions are needed. C.8.14.12 (referred to by Applicator section) is missing in PS 3.3 (2009/2008/2004). A CP might be useful here. Snout/Applicator tend to be confounded/combined in current implementations. (No Applicators of ION_xxx type found in current RT Ion Plan objects). Corrections regarding Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC). (e.g., VSAD issues/formula error; noting that distance from IsoCenter to Device is different from conventional.) Ion Classes. A better name is needed. Drilling bit size (milling tool diameter) for blocks, not just compensators. Inclusion of margin information for re-planning and milling purposes (e.g. CTV to Aperture edge distance/margin). This could be a TPS responsibility or a Milling device responsibility. Spot meterset tolerances (e.g. Poisson statistics or machine limitations). Tolerances for all devices and settings specific to Ion therapy, which the clinician may wish to vary from beam to beam or patient to patient. What does one do with this tolerance? Defining differing types of Patient Support with their own parameters, rather than attempting to do so in terms of the traditional couch. Collaborate with IEC regarding parameters. Coordinate with Christof Schadt's effort. Definition of Support angle being different from Imaging/Sim patient support angle. Need to address systematic rotation correction separate from prescribed rotation. Embed Patient Coordinate System on top of Table Top Coordinate System. This comes up in specific with dynamic re-projection of DRRs vs. the CT. The ultimate expression is 4x4 relationship between Beamline reference frame and Patient Coordinate System reference frame. (IEC is Yaw, then Pitch, then Roll). Organ Motion: Phase Shifting/Gating, alternative spot patterns, etc. Need a record of what was done for Organ motion/gating. Timing information? Phase information? Finer grain of control for various spot parameters. High-level use cases -e.g.: o Prescription (BED?) (Physician Level, e.g. Physician Intent) _____________________________ 4 Ion Therapy Sub-group of DICOM’s Working Group Seven (Radiotherapy) January 20 – 21, 2011 o Immobilization and initial imaging, including 4D imaging o Planning o Device Fabrication o QA o Patient Position Verification o Treatment Delivery (Motion Management/Mitigation? or Tuning?) o Continuation of Interruption (from Treatment Record) o Dose calculation from delivery information (Treatment Record, BED?) o Potential re-planning. o Sending data to RTOG for comparisons (BED? Physical Dose?) Discussion of Spot Tune ID. Significant disagreement regarding requirement for it and its implications. Is there common interpretation among machine vendors regarding what correlates (DICOM elements) are affected/constrained by the value of Spot Tune ID? There is a need to get machine vendors to attempt to come to common agreement regarding Spot Tune ID (or equivalent). Proposal for 2nd SOP Class that takes an alternative perspective on responsibility for incorporation of detailed machine information. TPS specifying desired parameters instead of machine settings. 6. Action Items The secretary will explore the availability of rooms at NEMA and ASTRO for a meeting on June 20 – 24, 2011. Stuart Swerdloff will alert Uli Busch of the group’s decision regarding CP1013. 7. New Business No new business was introduced at this meeting. 8. Next WG-07 Ion Therapy Meeting A one-hour Web-enhanced Tcon will be held on February 10, 2011 beginning at: 9 p.m. CET 3 p.m. EST 12 p.m. PST 9 a.m. in New Zealand A two hour web-enhanced Tcon will be held on March 15, 2011 at: 5 p.m. CET 11 a.m. EST 8 a.m. PST 5 a.m. in New Zealand 9. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. PST. 5 _____________________________ Ion Therapy Sub-group of DICOM’s Working Group Seven (Radiotherapy) January 20 – 21, 2011 Reported by: Howard Clark, Secretary February 8, 2011 Reviewed by counsel: February 9, 2011 6 _____________________________ Ion Therapy Sub-group of DICOM’s Working Group Seven (Radiotherapy) January 20 – 21, 2011