First Year

(University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL)
The Division of Pediatric Cardiology is an integral part of the Department of Pediatrics. It
obtained divisional status in June 1973.
University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center (Overview)
UM/JMH medical center is the sponsoring institution with responsibility for the pediatric
residency program and the program in pediatric cardiology. The medical center is a 1500 bed
tertiary care facility which serves as a regional and international referral center for patients
requiring complex and sophisticated medical care. There is a transcultural and socially diverse
group of patients providing a unique exposure for the pediatric cardiology resident. The
Transplant Center is one of the major transplant centers in the nation and performs a large volume
of solid organ transplants including heart and lung. The Children’s Hospital Center (part of the
UM/JMH center) is a facility with 253 beds dedicated to Pediatrics, including 66 to newborn
intensive care, 60 intermediate and 100 to normal newborns. There are 21 beds dedicated to
pediatric intensive care. The new pediatric intensive care unit (1/2 completed) will have a total of
30 beds with 10 dedicated to cardiovascular patients. The pediatric emergency room services
over 29,000 patients yearly.
The educational mission of the Pediatric Cardiology Training Program is to provide subspecialty
residents with broad clinical experience, factual knowledge, technical skills, and clinical
judgment to effectively manage patients from fetal life to adulthood for congenital and acquired
heart disease to enhance their skills and to promote their involvement in research. This is
achieved by a progressive delegation of increasing responsibility in the clinical area, non-invasive
laboratories and invasive laboratories; delegation of teaching roles; and exposure and
participation in research. The trainees will receive didactic instruction, clinical exposure to
patients with mild and serious heart disease in both surgical and medical settings and assignments
for didactic teaching and research projects.
This experience is enhanced by incorporation of support services, social, ethical and preventive
General description of each year of training
First Year: The subspecialty resident receives 2 months of clinical inpatient service and 1 month
of cardiac ICU. It includes responsibilities for medical and surgical patients as well as
consultations. There are 2 months of non-invasive experience which includes treadmill and other
stress studies and tilt studies. There are 3 months of rotation in imaging which includes twodimensional, color flow imaging, spectral Doppler, M-Mode and contrast echo, as well as
transesophageal echo and stress echocardiography. This may also include fetal echo. There are 2
months cardiac catheterization/electrophysiology and 1 month of protected research.
Second Year: Two months of clinical service and 1 month of cardiac ICU and 2 months of rotation
in imaging. There are 2 months of cardiac catheterization/electrophysiology, 1 month non-invasive
and 3 months of protected research time.
Third Year: There are 2 months of clinical inpatient service, 1 month rotation in imaging, 2
months of cardiac catheterization and 6 months of protected research time.
Summary of Content of Pediatric Cardiology Subspecialty Training Program
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
1. Clinical:
a. Frequency of night call
b. Number of clinical rounds
10 months*
Every 3-4th night
7 per week for 3 mo.
9 months**
Every 4-5th night
7 per week for 3 mo
5 months***
Every 5th night
7 per week for 3 mo
2. Research:
a. Clinical
b. Laboratory
c. Frequency of night call
1 month
2-3 months
5-6 months
Every 3-4th night
Every 3-4th night
Every 4-5th night
In-house call coverage is shared by all cardiac fellows. The “service fellow” does not
normally have in-house call. During the months when cardiac ICU coverage is provided by
the Pediatric Critical Care fellow, there are several days when the service fellow will take
“back-up” call from home. In addition, fellows on other rotations rotate with the service
fellow on backup call. Otherwise, the in-house call person takes the night call from 5:30 pm
to 7:00 am on week days and from 7:30 am to 7:30 am on weekend days.
Summary of Clinical Inpatient experience
Our daily pediatric cardiology census consists of 6-10 patients in addition to the consult service of
6-10 patients daily. Medical and surgical patients are cared for in the general pediatric areas, the
critical care unit and the newborn intensive care unit.
There are 16 semi-private rooming-in beds equipped with state-of-the-art remote monitoring.
Annual number of inpatient visits was 4000.
Operating rooms are specifically designed for management of infants and children with congenital ,
acquired heart disease and transplant.
Each pre-operative patient is evaluated by a team consisting of a cardiovascular surgeon, attending
pediatric cardiologist, subspecialty resident, and anesthesiologist. The Cardiology subspecialty
resident is responsible for the evaluation of the patient along with the cardiac surgical resident and
is further responsible for the review of the past history, non-invasive studies, cardiac
catheterization and angiographic data. Each patient is reviewed at a formal CV conference.
The surgical experience includes a total of 2 months of concentration on surgical patients where
responsibilities include observation in the operating room and performance of transesophageal
echocardiograms and experience in the critical care unit for management of post-operative patients
in conjunction with the surgical and cardiac intensive team.
The subspecialty residents are also responsible for pre-operative evaluation, operative observation
and post-operative follow-up of cardiac transplant patients. They are expected to be familiar with
the various immune suppressive agents and proper management. The pediatric heart transplant
program was established in 1991. It is complimented by a strong Division of Transplantation with
extensive immunologic support.
For those inpatients for whom consultations have been provided, it is expected that the resident will
follow these patients closely and be familiar with the various underlying problems that impact the
cardiac status, for example: neonates with persistent fetal circulation, diaphragmatic hernia,
hyaline membrane disease; pulmonary patients with chronic lung disease and asthma, nephrology
patients with hypertensive heart disease, end-stage renal disease and lupus erythematosis;
hematological patients with sickle cell anemia, leukemia, and drug induced cardiomyopathy;
gastroenterology patients, post liver transplant and infectious disease patients with AIDS
cardiomyopathy and endocarditis.
All of these patients are the responsibility of the subspecialty resident in conjunction with faculty
The neonatal intensive care unit is a busy service where a special unit is identified for babies with
cardiac disease. The responsibility for the evaluation and management of these babies rests upon
the cardiac resident and neonatal resident with faculty supervision. These infants are followed
regularly by the cardiology service along with the neonatal service for decisions regarding
management and care. The subspecialty resident is responsible for all consultations on the
newborn unit.
Supervision: Every patient is reviewed and examined by a faculty member after the evaluation or
conjointly with the evaluation by the resident. Our consultation and follow-up visits are recorded
on specially designed consultation and progress forms divided for entries by the subspecialty
resident and the faculty member.
Rounds: There are daily rounds with the faculty member and the hours vary from 2 to 6 depending
upon the census.
Logs: Hospital accreditation committees often require a log of patients evaluation and diagnosis.
At least 1 month of such encounters should be entered into a database for future reference.
Summary of Clinical outpatient experiences
There are approximately 4000 outpatient visits yearly. Residents are required to attend, evaluate
and manage outpatients in the following clinics: weekly general cardiac clinic at Jackson Memorial
Hospital and weekly State supported clinic. All of the subspecialty residents attend the general
cardiac clinic. Each is responsible for one state supported clinic monthly. The resident is assigned
to the same State supported clinic monthly. These outpatient experiences are throughout the year
and provide for longitudinal follow-up. For patients who have been followed in the hospital, there
is an appointment system and a database system maintained in our Division, which allows
channeling of these patients to the specific subspecialty resident. All of the residents are
supervised by faculty and each patient is evaluated by the faculty member with appropriate chart
Residents are responsible for consulting on patients in the emergency room and this accounts for
approximately 60 consultations per year. The emergency department is located in our primary
teaching hospital, Jackson Memorial Hospital. There is faculty oversight on location for 90% of
the patients seen in the Emergency room with faculty oversight off location for 10% (phone, fax of
EKG, etc).
Additionally, those residents who are rotating on the non-invasive service have the opportunity and
responsibility to attend the arrhythmia and pacemaker clinic weekly where approximately 200
children with pacemakers and defibrillators are followed. This is primarily a learning experience
for the fellows initially, but, as experience is gained in the use of pacemakers and defibrillators,
more responsibility is given to the trainees.
All clinics are with faculty oversight.
1. Specific cardiac defects/Journal Club
3. Cardiovascular Conference
4. Echocardiographic Conference
Person(s) responsible for
conducting conference
1, 2, 3
Fellow Presentations
Fellows Quizzed
Presents Cases and
Fellows Quizzed
5. Pathology/M & M
Observers & Q/A
6. Guest/Special Problems
Open Questions
7. Pediatric Grand Rounds
Open Questions
8. Pediatric Staff Conference
Open Questions
9. Pediatric Mortality/Morbidity
Open Questions
10. Embryology Course
Attends Formal Course
11. Research Seminar
Presentation & Exhibition
12. Scholarship Oversight
Report Progress
13. Research Lectures
Participation Q/A
14. Modified Clinical Scientist Training
Participation Q/A
R = Required
O = Optional
UM/JMH: Internet access for literature searches is available within the resident’s office, located
within the divisional office.
In addition, the Louis B. Calder Memorial Medical Library is located on the medical complex, with
access to all hospital and university employees. The hours of operations for the library are:
Monday - Thursday, 7:30am - 12:00 am
Friday, 7:30am - 8:00pm
Saturday, 8:00am - 8pm
Sunday, 12:00pm - 12:00am
This library is a full service library, with interlibrary loan and document delivery services
available. In addition, there is an extensive collection of textbooks, journals, and audiovisual
materials. Computer workstations with internet access are available.
Teaching Staff (Interaction with Subspecialty Resident):
a. Evaluation of subspecialty residents:
 Interaction with the faculty member on various rotations for informal discussions and
suggestions throughout the duration of the various rotations (example, cardiac
catheterization, non-invasive, service). An evaluation is provided at the end of the rotation,
a copy of which is kept in the record and a copy is given to the trainee.
 The Division Director is available for discussion in addition to the other faculty members.
 There are twice yearly formal assessments by all faculty members and the Division
Director meets with each fellow on a twice yearly basis for discussion of these evaluations.
The residents and Division Director discuss the reviews and these are signed by the
resident. These records are retained on file. Logs of numbers of catheterizations,
echocardiograms, consultations, tilt studies, stress studies, etc. are reviewed. It is required
that these logs be updated on a regular basis.
 There is a yearly in-training examination and all residents are expected to take the exam.
There is an exit summary and interview prior to the termination of the training period. This exit
summary includes highlights of the training period as well as a review of the various procedures
performed. Comments are solicited regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the progress.
Dear Dr.
It is with great pleasure that we offer you a Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship position in the
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Cardiology for the academic year beginning July 1,
200_ and ending June 30, 200_. You will be designated as a PGY-4 earning a corresponding
stipend of $
. This offer is contingent upon the completion of satisfactory reference
check, background check, employee physical and alcohol/drug testing as well as proof of a
medical/osteopathic doctorate degree, proper immigration status/work visas/permits, if applicable,
and proper licensing by the State of Florida.
As a Pediatric Cardiology Fellow, the terms and conditions of your fellowship are detailed
in the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Committee of Interns and Residents, the Jackson
Health System (JHS) Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual, and the Residents and Active
Academic Attending Responsibilities manual. Enclosed is a copy of the JHS policy on Sexual
Harassment and a copy of the Residents and Active Academic Attending Responsibilities. The
Collective Bargaining Agreement and the JHS Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual may
be reviewed online at
We hope you find this offer to be satisfactory and await confirmation of your acceptance.
Please sign and return this letter as acceptance of this conditional offer of employment.
Gerard A. Kaiser, M.D.
Executive Vice President
Chief Medical Officer
By my signature below, I accept this offer of employment as it has been described in this letter
and enclosures. I understand that if the reference check, background check, physical
examination or alcohol/drug test produce an unsatisfactory result, or if I do not produce proof of
my medical/osteopathic degree, appropriate immigration status/work visa/permit or proper
licensing with the State of Florida, that this offer will be revoked.
Grace S. Wolff, M.D.
Director, Pediatric Cardiology Training Program
University of Miami
Miller School of Medicine
Diane L. McMullen
Training Program Coordinator
Pediatric Cardiology
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 016960 (R-76)
Miami, FL 33101
Street Address:
1611 N.W 12th Avenue
Holtz Center, Room 5043
Miami, FL 33136
Department of Pediatrics WebSite:
Selection of Candidates
All applications are reviewed by several faculty members and ranked for interview. The
majority of the faculty members interview each candidate and rank these candidates. A
meeting is held and the ranking is reviewed and selection in rank order is identified and
submitted to the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP).
Training Requirements
We follow those outlined by the American Board of Pediatrics for Sub-Specialty
In addition to the training requirements, which are specific to each of the pediatric
subspecialties, the following are required of candidates seeking certification in the
pediatric subspecialties of adolescent medicine, cardiology, critical care medicine,
developmental-behavioral pediatrics, emergency medicine, endocrinology,
gastroenterology, hematology-oncology, infectious diseases, neonatal-perinatal
medicine, nephrology, pulmonology, and rheumatology. Each candidate must be
familiar with specific subspecialty training requirements as well as the policies
stated in the current Booklet of Information.
Certification by the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP)
An applicant must be currently certified in general pediatrics to be accepted for a
pediatric subspecialty certifying examination. Applicants whose time-limited
certification will expire before the examination must complete the requirements
for maintenance of certification at least 5 months before the examination date.
An applicant must have a valid (current), unrestricted license to practice medicine
in one of the states, districts, or territories of the United States or a province of
Canada in which he or she practices or have unrestricted privileges to practice
medicine in the US Armed Forces. If licenses are held in more than one
jurisdiction, all licenses held by a physician should meet this requirement.
An applicant who is practicing the subspecialty abroad exclusively may be
exempted from this license requirement upon presentation of proof of licensure in
the country in which he or she practices. Candidates who practice or plan to
practice abroad exclusively must submit a letter, in addition to the licensure,
stating this fact. A copy of the license must accompany the application material.
Verification of Training
An applicant will be asked to list the program(s) where fellowship training
occurred as well as the name(s) of the program director(s). The ABP will provide
a Verification of Competence Form to the program director(s) for completion.
(Note: For new subspecialties, alternatives to the usual training requirements,
such as practice experience, will be acceptable as criteria for admission to the
examination. Candidates should refer to the specific subspecialty eligibility
criteria for details.) The role of the program director in the certification process is
to verify completion of training, evaluate clinical competence including
professionalism, and provide evidence of the trainee's meaningful
accomplishment in research or scholarly activity.
An applicant must have the Verification Form(s) on file at the ABP in order to be
admitted to the subspecialty examination. If an applicant's training is not verified
or if the applicant receives an unsatisfactory evaluation in any of the competences
(with the exception of professionalism alone), the applicant will be required to
complete an additional period of subspecialty fellowship training before
reapplying. The director of the program where the additional training occurred
must complete a separate Verification of Competence Form. If the unsatisfactory
evaluation is in professionalism only, the applicant will be required to complete
an additional period of fellowship training or, at the program director's
recommendation and at the ABP's discretion, a period of observation may be
required in lieu of additional training. A plan for remediation must be submitted
for review and approval by the ABP.
The specific requirements for each rotation are found under Core Curriculum
(Orientation booklet). The guidelines for procedure numbers are also included in the
section (Training Requirements JACC 46:1380, 2005).