[GLASSFISH-14868] Error while creating a network listener in a new configuration. Created: 29/Nov/10 Updated: 28/Feb/11 Resolved: 22/Dec/10 Status: Project: Component/s: Affects Version/s: Fix Version/s: Closed glassfish admin_gui 3.1 Type: Reporter: Resolution: Labels: Remaining Estimate: Time Spent: Original Estimate: Environment: Bug shaline Fixed None Not Specified Tags: 3_1-approved, 3_1-verified 3.1_ms08 Priority: Assignee: Votes: Major srinik76 0 Not Specified Not Specified OS: Solaris Sparc 10 Browser: firefox 3.6 Description Build used : GF 3.1 nightly dated 11/29. Create a new configuration (ins1-config) by copying from default-config. Create a new standalone instance by referring this new ins1-config and start the instance. Under ins1-config/Network-config/Protocols, create a new protocol (ins1-protocol) with "server" as default server and all values default. Under ins1-config/Network-config/Network-listeners, create a new listener by selecting the new protocol "(ins1-protocol)", and all other values default. click "Ok" button. We see the below Error: "Error An error has occurred An error occurred during replication" server.log has the below: [#|2010-11-29T17:19:42.645-0800|SEVERE|glassfish3.1|org.glassfish.admingui|_Thre adID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|RestResponse.getResponse() failed. endpoint = 'ht tp://localhost:4848/management/domain/configs/config/ins1-config/network-config/ network-listeners/network-listener'; attrs = ' {port=8888, enabled=true, threadpo ol=http-thread-pool, protocol=ins1-protocol, transport=tcp, address=, jk enabled=null, name=ins1-listener, target=instance1} '; RestResponse: {"message": "An error occurred during replication","exit_code":"FAILURE"} "|#] [#|2010-11-29T17:19:43.065-0800|INFO|glassfish3.1|javax.enterprise.system.std.co m.sun.enterprise.server.logging|_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|com.sun.webui .jsf.component.DropDown::The current value of component propertyForm:propertyShe et:propertSectionTextField:prop1:vs does not match any of the selections. Did you forget to reset the value after changing the options? |#] Comments Comment by srinik76 [ 29/Nov/10 ] Tried in my workspace it works fine. Not able to reproduce. I will update my workspace and try it. (My workspa updated last weekend, I do not see any changes within 3 days in this code, any way i will try with latest workspa update you) If possible test it once again in your build and let me know your observation. Comment by Anissa Lam [ 30/Nov/10 ] I have the latest code, (just did svn update), and i can reproduce the problem following the exact same step. However, this is NOT GUI issue. If you use the CLI command to create the network listener, you will see the following : %asadmin create-network-listener --listenerport 3434 --target ST-config --protocol testP testListener org.glassfish.api.admin.CommandException: remote failure: An error occurred during replication FAILURE: Command create-network-listener failed on server instance ST: org.glassfish.api.admin.CommandEx remote failure: Protocol testP has neither a protocol nor a port-unification configured Command create-network-listener failed. So, GUI is displaying this error correctly. Not sure if this 'admin' or 'grizzle' issue. Tom can dispatch. Comment by Tom Mueller [ 30/Nov/10 ] The problem here is related to a missing command: asadmin create-http --target ST-config --default-virtual-server server testP If this command is executed before the create-network-listener command, then the error does not occur via asadm This sequence of commands reproduces the error message: asadmin create-local-instance i1 asadmin start-instance i1 asadmin create-protocol --target i1 testP asadmin create-network-listener --listenerport 3434 --target i1 --protocol testP testL However, if the create-http command above is inserted after the create-protocol, then there is no error. Comment by Tom Mueller [ 30/Nov/10 ] Anissa, can you please verify that the admin console is correctly calling the create-http command in this case? Comment by srinik76 [ 09/Dec/10 ] Issue 15055 and 14846 are because of same reason. When SSL is not available for the listener it throws error. Comment by srinik76 [ 14/Dec/10 ] created a blocking Issue 15159 create-ssl and update ssl attributes have inconsistent attribute names in REST API Comment by Anissa Lam [ 14/Dec/10 ] I can see that blocks . However, I don't see why this bug depends on the fix of SSL attribute name As Tom points out, the fix of this bug is to create the <http> element first before creating network-listener. So, the sequence GUI should perform is: 1. create protocol 2. create http 3. create-network-listener Please look into this. Comment by srinik76 [ 14/Dec/10 ] The actual issue is fixed. While saving I face some other issues, because Now same SSL GUI page is used for both edit and create. During create the backend attributes come as different during edit it is different. So both the cases we need consistent attributes.So I have raised 15159 for fixing this. Comment by srinik76 [ 21/Dec/10 ] How bad is its impact? (Severity) During protocol creation it will not creates http and ssl element. Also ssl creation/updation is not possible under listener,protocol, iiop listener. How often does it happen? Will many users see this problem? (Frequency) When ever user tries to create protocol using GUI and also updation of SSL How much effort is required to fix it? (Cost) fix is ready What is the risk of fixing it and how will the risk be mitigated? (Risk) No risk in fixing. Just adding create-ssl and create-http rest request before updating ssl, http elements. Index: common/src/main/resources/shared/sslPrepare.inc =================================================================== — common/src/main/resources/shared/sslPrepare.inc (revision 43863) +++ common/src/main/resources/shared/sslPrepare.inc (working copy) @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ } if (! # {requestScope.exist} ){ setPageSessionAttribute(key="edit" value="# {false}" ) - gf.getDefaultValues(endpoint="#{pageSession.selfUrl}", valueMap="#{pageSession.valueMap}") + gf.createEntity(endpoint="#{pageSession.createSslUrl}" attrs="#{pageSession.valueMap}" convertToFalse="#{pageSession.convertToFalseList}"); + gf.getEntityAttrs(endpoint="#{pageSession.selfUrl}.json" valueMap="#{pageSession.valueMap}"); convertToDifferentCiphersGroup(ciphers="#{pageSession.valueMap['ssl3TlsCiphers']}" CommonCiphersList="#{pageSession.selectedCommon}" EphemeralCiphersList="#{pageSession.selectedEphemeral}" @@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ //set the following for including buttons.inc setPageSessionAttribute(key="convertToFalseList" value={"ssl3Enabled" "tlsEnabled" "clientAuthEnabled" }) +setPageSessionAttribute(key="skipAttrsList", value={"sslInactivityTimeout"}); setPageSessionAttribute(key="showDefaultButton" value="#{false} ") setPageSessionAttribute(key="hasPropertySheet" value="# {true}" ) setPageSessionAttribute(key="hasPropertyTable" value="#{false}" ) Index: common/src/main/resources/shared/sslButtons.inc =================================================================== — common/src/main/resources/shared/sslButtons.inc (revision 43863) +++ common/src/main/resources/shared/sslButtons.inc (working copy) @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ <!command convertCiphersItemsToStr(common="#{pageSession.selectedCommon}" ephemeral="#{pageSession.selectedEphemeral}" other="#{pageSession.selectedOther}" ecc="#{pageSession.selectedEcc}" ciphers="#{requestScope.ciphers}") mapPut(map="#{pageSession.valueMap}" key="ssl3TlsCiphers" value="#{requestScope.ciphers}") - gf.createEntity(endpoint="#{pageSession.selfUrl}" attrs="#{pageSession.valueMap}" convertToFalse="#{pageSession.convertToFalseList}"); + gf.createEntity(endpoint="#{pageSession.selfUrl}" attrs="#{pageSession.valueMap}" skipAttrs="#{pageSession.skipAttrsList}" convertToFalse="#{pageSession.convertToFalseList}"); prepareSuccessfulMsg(); gf.redirect(page="#{selfPage}&alertType=${alertType}&alertSummary=${alertSummary}&alertDetail=${alert /> Index: web/src/main/resources/grizzly/protocolNewButtons.inc =================================================================== — web/src/main/resources/grizzly/protocolNewButtons.inc (revision 43829) +++ web/src/main/resources/grizzly/protocolNewButtons.inc (working copy) @@ -66,8 +66,13 @@ if ("#{pageSession.valueMap['noCompressionUserAgents']} = #{null}") { listAdd(list="#{pageSession.skipAttrsList}" value="noCompressionUserAgents"); } - gf.createEntity(endpoint="${newProxy}/#{pageSession.valueMap['Name']}/#{pageSession.childType2}" + mapPut(map="#{pageSession.httpMap}" key="target" value="#{pageSession.valueMap['target']}") + gf.createEntity(endpoint="${newProxy}/#{pageSession.valueMap['Name']}/create-http" attrs="#{pageSession.httpMap}" + onlyUseAttrs={"target", "defaultVirtualServer"}); + + gf.createEntity(endpoint="${newProxy}/#{pageSession.valueMap['Name']}/http" + attrs="#{pageSession.httpMap}" onlyUseAttrs={"enableCometSupport", "defaultVirtualServer", "serverName", "redirectPort"} convertToFalse={"uploadTimeoutEnabled", "cometSupportEnabled", "dnsLookupEnabled", "rcmSupportEnable "traceEnabled", "authPassThroughEnabled", "chunkingEnabled", "xpoweredBy"}, skipAttrs="#{pageSession.skipAttrsList}" Index: web/src/main/resources/grizzly/ssl.layout =================================================================== — web/src/main/resources/grizzly/ssl.layout (revision 43829) +++ web/src/main/resources/grizzly/ssl.layout (working copy) @@ -61,8 +61,13 @@ setPageSessionAttribute(key="childType" value="ssl") setPageSessionAttribute(key="parentUrl", value="#{sessionScope.REST_URL}/configs/config/#{pageSession.configName}/networkconfig/protocols/protocol/#{pageSession.Name}"); setPageSessionAttribute(key="selfUrl", value="#{pageSession.parentUrl}/#{pageSession.childType}"); + setPageSessionAttribute(key="createSslUrl", value="#{sessionScope.REST_URL}/configs/config/#{pageSession.configName}/network-config/networklisteners/network-listener/#{pageSession.listenerName}/create-ssl"); setPageSessionAttribute(key="rest-api" value="true"); setPageSessionAttribute(key="showCancelButton" value="#{true} ") + createMap(result="# {pageSession.valueMap}"); + mapPut(map="#{pageSession.valueMap} " key="target" value="server"); +#include "/common/shared/targetsConfig.inc" + mapPut(map="# {pageSession.valueMap} " key="certName" value=""); #include "/common/shared/sslPrepare.inc" /> </event> Comment by Anissa Lam [ 21/Dec/10 ] I reviewed the code. Looks fine to me. thanks. Comment by srinik76 [ 22/Dec/10 ] Added code in ssl common code to create ssl if ssl element does not exist before updation Sending common/src/main/resources/shared/sslButtons.inc Sending common/src/main/resources/shared/sslPrepare.inc Sending web/src/main/resources/grizzly/protocolNewButtons.inc Sending web/src/main/resources/grizzly/ssl.layout Transmitting file data .... Committed revision 44029. Comment by srinik76 [ 22/Dec/10 ] checked in the fix Generated at Tue Feb 09 10:41:52 UTC 2016 using JIRA 6.2.3#6260sha1:63ef1d6dac3f4f4d7db4c1effd405ba38ccdc558.