Group Assignments

Group Assignments
You will be responsible for conducting a dramatic reading of a section of The
Crucible that will also include analysis and current event discussion. Here are the
sections, main characters (for analysis), and a short summary of the section.
Takes place at the Salem meeting house which is serving as the court.
Pages 83-94 –Giles Corey, Francis Nurse, and John Proctor are there to argue that their
wives are being falsely accused. Proctor has brought Mary Warren who is prepared to
say the girls were faking. Francis Nurse brings a petition which has been signed by
ninety-one farmers who attest to their wives being good Christian women. Judge
Danforth orders all who signed be brought in for questioning. Main Characters:
Proctor, Francis Nurse, Parris, Danforth, Hale
Pages 94-107 – Giles Corey defends his wife by revealing the motivation of her accuser.
He is arrested for contempt for not giving the name of the man who provided him with
his evidence. Mary Warren accuses Abigail and the girls of pretending. Main
Characters: Proctor, Giles Corey, Hale, Danforth, Mary Warren
Pages 108-120 – Danforth begins to question and doubt Abigail until she threatens him,
and claims that Mary Warren is sending our her spirit on them. Proctor accuses Abigail
of being a whore admitting his affair with her. He tells Danforth that is why his wife put
her out of the house. Danforth brings Elizabeth in to be questioned because she is known
to be honest, but she lies to protect her husband. Abigail and the girls repeat everything
Mary Warren and pretend to see her spirit as a bird. Mary Warren crumbles under the
pressure and turns on Proctor. Main Characters: Proctor, Mary Warren, Abigail,
Danforth, Elizabeth
Act 4 - Set in a Salem jail cell
Pages 121-129 – Parris and Hale have been praying with the condemned prisoners. The
country side is in bad shape with so many in jail. Hale worries that there will be a
rebellion. Abigail and Mercy Lewis have fled with Parris’ savings, and Rebecca Nurse is
to be hanged along with John Proctor and five others at daybreak. Hale and Parris plead
with Danforth for a postponement, but he refuses. Unless they confess they will die.
Main Characters: Hale, Danforth, Parris, Tituba, Hathorne
Page 130-137 – Danforth plans on using Elizabeth Proctor (who is pregnant) to get her
husband to confess. Hale pleads with her and admits that he believes they all are
innocent and he feels guilty. Elizabeth talks to John. Main Characters: Elizabeth
Proctor, John Proctor, Hale, Parris, Danforth
Page 137-145 – Proctor decides he wants to live and will confess. He discusses this with
his wife who refuses to judge him one way or the other. Cheever comes to write down
the confession which will be posted for the village to see. Rebecca Nurse is also brought
in to witness it. Danforth wants him to name others, but Proctor refuses. When they ask
him to sign the confession he does so reluctantly and then refuses to give them the paper.
It is dawn and Rebecca and Proctor are taken out to hang. Main Characters: Elizabeth,
Rebecca, Proctor, Danforth, Hale
To begin work, decide what each group member’s responsibility will be and indicate
it below.
Group Member Assignments
Director (will also complete a character analysis):
Analysis Leader: _____________________________________________________
Current Event Connection Leader:_______________________________________
Main Character 1: ________________________ ___________________________
Main Character 2: ________________________ ___________________________
Main Character 3: ________________________ ___________________________
Main Character 4: ________________________ ___________________________
For homework EACH group member must read the essay by Arthur Miller and
answer the questions. This will be the basis for group work on Monday.
Brit, Nick B., Hillary, Maggie, Andrew, Erika
Jana, Tyler, Jessy L., Kyle, Cassie, Mike W.
Nikki, John, Emily, Tom, Chloe, Jess W.
Sean, Jumana, Zac, Jill, Jen, Tori
Nick C., Kendra, Cara, Dave, Jared, Lauren
Dorian, Joanna, Anna, Greg, Sam, Jeff