Effects of a regulated flow regime on the geomorphology and vegetation of the Rusape River, Save Basin, Zimbabwe Faith Love a*, Christopher Chapano b, George Savanhu c†, Elisha Madamombe d and Richard Owen a a Mineral Resources Centre, University of Zimbabwe, PO Box MP167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe b National Herbarium and Botanic Garden, Box A889, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe c Department of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Zimbabwe, PO MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe d Data and Research Branch, Zimbabwe National Water Authority, Harare, Zimbabwe Abstract The world’s rivers are increasingly being modified through impoundments such as dams and weirs, which affect the downstream channel and vegetation. This in turn affects the aquatic and riparian ecosystems as well as the people who depend on the riverine ecosystems for subsistence use. As part of an environmental flow assessment of the Rusape River, the downstream effects of Rusape Dam on geomorphology and vegetation were investigated. The downstream channel morphology shows a multi-threaded channel, islands, a sandy bed and greater erosion, in contrast to the confined channel with rocky riffles and pools upstream. There is a more diverse topography upstream than downstream. The lower dynamic zone has increased in width downstream and the tree/shrub zone has decreased downstream. These changes are likely to be linked to the observed increase in intra-annual floods and decrease in some inter-annual floods, respectively. Vegetation downstream appears to have been little affected by the dam, although there is a reduction in the abundance of the reed Phragmites mauritianus, which could be related to the increased erosion downstream. However, human and livestock influence on vegetation downstream are also likely, as the area is communal land. The downstream channel thus has less diverse river resources for the local community, notably the scarcity of reeds for basket-making and similar crafts. Keywords: Channel morphology, Geomorphology, Managed releases, Save Basin, Vegetation 1. Introduction The world’s rivers are increasingly being modified through impoundments such as dams and weirs, leading to extensive physical and biological changes to the riparian environment (Stromberg, 2001). It is now well established that such changes are a major factor influencing the development and maintenance of riverine ecosystems and their diversity (Arthington et al, 1991; Malan and Day, 2003; Molnar et al., 2002). The structure of riparian ecosystems can be readily disturbed by flow regulation and damming (Shafroth et al., 2002). For example, where dams cause channel-narrowing, the former channel bed can be colonised by exotic or indigenous pioneer vegetation (Friedman et al., 1998). Dams also cause changes in the fluviogeomorphic processes, including channel narrowing or a reduction in channel migration rate (Friedman et al., 1998). Such changes can lead to either siltation or erosion of riparian zones (World Commission on Dams, 2000). Environmental flow is the water left in a river, or released into it, for the specific purpose of managing the condition of that ecosystem (Brown and Joubert, 2003; King et al., 2003). As part of an environmental flow assessment of the Rusape River, the downstream effects of Rusape Dam on geomorphology and vegetation were investigated. * † Corresponding author, tel.: +44-1923-350298, email.: fthmbi@yahoo.co.uk George Savanhu passed away, 15 March 2008 1 2. Methods 2.1. Study area The Rusape is a tributary of the Save, which drains an area of south-eastern Zimbabwe before flowing into Mozambique. The river rises on Lesapi Source farm 45 km north-east of Rusape Dam, which has a catchment area of 674 km2, see Figure 1. Figure 1. The study area, after Love et al. (2006). Flow in the Rusape river is perennial but highly variable, reaching a peak of around 25 Mm 3 per month in February falling to about 2.5 Mm3 in October. The mean number of days with zero flow ranged from two above the dam to 12 below it (Love et al., 2006). Rusape Dam, the only impoundment on the Rusape river was built to supply water to agricultural estates at Chisumbanje, as well as to the town of Rusape. It now operates in conjunction with two other large dams in the Save Catchment, Osborne, and Ruti, to supply water to Chisumbanje and most of this demand is met by releases from Osborne Dam. Thus water from Rusape Dam is currently the main source of water for Rusape town, and commercial farmers downstream of the dam. Major changes in the flow regime of the Rusape River, downstream of Rusape Dam, were reported by Love et al. (2007). Two main issues can be considered: (i) The large number of intra-annual floods occurring in the dry season downstream as compared to upstream of the dam. (ii) The magnitude of the inter-annual floods has been significantly reduced downstream. 2 2.2. Field data collection Fieldwork at both sites was carried out at the start of the rainy season. Two transect lines were made across the river with one transect made on both upstream and downstream sites of the dam. The first transect, that is 72 m in length is approximately 4 km away from the dam upstream, this was followed by the second transect 112 m long, is approximately 3 km away from the dam wall downstream. Along each transect, a topographic survey was made, the vegetation was recorded and the geomorphology was analysed. 3. Results 3.1. Geomorphology The Rusape river bed is largely composed of coarse-to-fine sands. This is a result of the geology: the Rusape catchment is mainly granitic terrain, characterised by rock outcrops that include domes and castle kopjes, and by sandy soils that are poor in nutrient content. These are fragile soils susceptible to erosion upon disturbances such as deforestation and overgrazing. The Rusape River’s channel pattern is greatly controlled by the structure of the underlying granitic bedrock. It follows fault-lines for most of its length. Rock outcrops are common along the river length; forming natural local base levels. Thus the river long profile shows localised areas of steep gradient with rapids, interspaced by zones of low gradient with developed pool-riffle sequences. Both transects were made in between rapids. Examination of the active channel morpohology (figure 2) shows that upstream, the river is in a confined channel with rocky riffles, rapids and pools with no sandy bed development. The downstream channel morphology shows a multi-threaded channel, with much larger islands and a sandy bed. There is greater erosion, in contrast to the upstream, including bank erosion and gully erosion. 3 Figure 2. Active channel morphology, upstream (left) and downstream (right). The multi-threaded channel is also apparent downstream in cross-section, leading to wider active channel and wet bank zones (figure 3). The lower dynamic zone is broader downstream, and composed entirely of silty deposits, with no rock outcrops, which are present upstream. The tree/shrub zone is greatly reduced downstream, and is the locus of bank erosion. Figure 3. River cross-sectional morphology, upstream (top) and downstream (above). 3.2. Vegetation The regional vegetation in the area is tropical savanna. The upper reaches of the Rusape River is dominated by savanna grassland dominated by the species hyparrhenia. The area around Rusape Town is dominated by tree savanna characterized by the acacia species. Beyond Rusape Town the natural was savanna woodland but over time this has degraded to tree savanna (acacia) with isolated pockets of woodland (dominated by the brachystegia speciformis and julbernadia globiflora species) along river valleys and on residual granite kopjes. 4 Table 1. Botanical characteristics of the surveys sites. With a few exceptions (identified in the table), the botanical assemblage was the same upstream and downstream. Zone Upstream Site Downstream Site Aquatic This zone was covered by flowing The active channel is flowing with zone water. some few plant species rooted in shallow depth close to the banks. These plant species include Phragmites mauritianus and Persicaria senegalensis. Part of the active channel is now under sandy deposits, with plant species Salix mucronata, Cynodon dactylon, and Schoenoplectus and Syzygium cordatum present. Wet bank Plant species identified on both sides This bank comprised of Hemarthria zone of this zone include Eulalia sp. altissima, Centella asiatica, Cyperus (forming dense clusters here and denudatus var. denudatus, there), Phragmites mauritianus (this Schoenoplectus sp., Persicaria was growing as a runner into the senegalensis, Sacciolepis africana, flowing channel), Ischaemum afrum Lipocarpha chinensis, Fimbristylis (on small islands on the river), dichotoma, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Imperata cylindrica (only recorded Kyllinga alba, Verbena bonariensis, here in clusters), Persicaria Juncus oxycarpus and Pycreus senegalensis and Thelypteris flavescens var. flavescens on the left confluens (grows where there is side of the channel. The wet zone on permanent moisture in grasslands or the right side of the channel on shores of lakes, rivers and dams). comprised of Lipocarpha chinensis, In addition to this was Cyperus sp. Centella asiatica, Panicum repens, and Verbena bonariensis. More Pycreus polystachyos, Syzygium species were recorded in this zone cordatum and Cynodon dactylon. downstream than here however, at this site few species recorded were dense together covering much of the ground. Lower This zone comprised of Combretum This zone was steep on the left side dynamic erythrophyllum that is a riparian as compared to the right hand side of zone species, occurring alongside rivers or the channel. Plant species like Salix away from rivers where sufficient mucronata, Sida alba, Cynodon groundwater is available. Other dactylon, Vernonia glabra, species recorded here were Richardia scabra and Sporobolus Ledebouria sp., Eriosema pyramidalis. The right hand side of psoraleoides, Panicum repens, the channel had equally the same Flueggea virosa, Cyperus denudatus species with Syzygium cordatum, var. denudatus, Salix mucronata Nuxia oppositifolia, Crinum (riparian tree), Aeschynomene macowanii, Senna petersiana, abyssinica, Carissa bispinosa, Psidium guajava and Verbena Trichopteryx sp., Cynodon dactylon, bonariensis as additional. Mariscus pubens, Vigna unguiculata, Justicia sp., Rumex sagittatus, Acacia sieberiana, Asparagus 5 Zone Tree/shrub zone Back dynamic zone Upstream Site africanus, Verbena bonariensis Tagetes minuta, Persicaria senegalensis and Phragmites almost common in this zone especially on the right bank. This zone was made up of Ziziphus mucronata, Pterocarpus rotundifolia, Acacia karroo, Acacia rehmanniana, Tagetes minuta, Commelina erecta, Acalypha petiolaris, Lippia javanica, Lannea edulis, Aloe zebrina, Eragrostis lappula, Verbena bonariensis, Eriosema psoraleoides, Hemizygia bracteosa, and Asparagus virgatus. Also recorded were Combretum molle, Hyparrhenia filipendula, and Euclea crisp. Downstream Site This zone on the left side of the channel has Lantana camara (recorded downstream only), Dodonaea viscosa, Syzygium cordatum, Psidium guajava (recorded downstream only), Combretum erythrophyllum, Salix mucronata and grasses like Perotis patens, Pogonarthria squarrosa, Hyparrhenia filipendula, and Richardia scabra. Other species recorded here include Senna petersiana, Mundulea sericea, Rhus chirindensis, Clerodendron eriophyllum and Dicerocaryum senecioides. Other plant species recorded on the right hand side of the channel include Ziziphus mucronata, Senna petersiana, Clerodendron eriophyllum, Lippia javanica, Acacia karroo, Flueggea virosa, Rhus chirindensis and Combretum erythrophyllum. Recorded plant species include Plants recorded on the left side of the Asparagus africanus, Acacia karroo, channel were Lantana camara, Diospyros mespiliformis, Diospyros Dodonaea viscosa, Vitex payos, lycioides, Senecio oleracea, Carissa Terminalia sericea, Acacia bispinosa, Portulaca foliosa, Fuirena sieberiana and Rhus longipes var. sp, Fuirena pachyrrhiza, Cyperus longipes. The herbs and grasses sp., Morella sp., Themeda triandra, include Dicerocaryum senecioides, Verbena bonariensis, Kyllinga alba, Sida alba, Richardia scabra, and Eragrostis plana?, Acacia sieberiana Sporobolus pyramidalis. The right and Pterocarpus rotundifolia. Also hand side of the channel composed recorded are Elephantorrhiza of Dichrostachys cinerea, Senna goetzei, Dolichos kilimandscharicus, petersiana, Dodonaea viscosa, Commelina-yellow flowers, Ochna Acacia sieberiana, Combretum molle pulchra, Vitex payos, Asparagus sp1, and Mundulea sericea. Asparagus sp2., Terminalia sericea, Ziziphus mucronata and Burkea africana. Although the diversity of plant species does not appear to be very different between the two survey sites, the abundance of some species varied. Notably, the mature population of the reed Phragmites mauritianus was much greater upstream. 6 Discussion The downstream channel morphology shows a multi-threaded channel, islands, a sandy bed and greater erosion, in contrast to the confined channel with rocky riffles and pools upstream. There is a much more diverse topography upstream than downstream. The lower dynamic zone, which is maintained by intra-annual floods (King et al., 2000), is greatly extended downstream. This is consistent with the observed increase in number and magnitude of intra-annual floods downstream compared to upstream (Love et al., 2007). The tree/shrub zone, which is maintained by 1: 2 to 1 : 20 year floods (King et al., 2000),, is greatly decreased downstream. This is consistent with the observed downstream decline in magnitude of 1: 5 to 1 : 20 year floods and decline in number of 1 : 10 to 1 : 20 year floods (Love et al., 2007). However, the decline in the tree/shrub zone could also have been caused by the bank erosion taking place in this zone. There is not much difference in species composition between the upstream site and the downstream site. However, invasive plant species like Lantana camara and Psidium guajava were recorded only on the downstream site with Imperata cylindrica and Ischaemum afrum recorded upstream only. This could be as a result of the fact that this site lies within the communal area unlike the upstream site that is close to Rusape town. Grazing animals and human beings could have played an important role in the spread of these invasive plants. The reduction in the abundance of mature Phragmites mauritianus could be related to the increased erosion downstream. However, human and livestock influence on vegetation downstream are also likely. The downstream channel thus has less diverse river resources for the local community, notably the scarcity of reeds for basket-making and similar crafts. Acknowledgements This paper is a contribution to the “Environmental flow requirements for the Rusape River, downstream of Rusape Dam” project, funded by the Water Research Fund for Southern Africa (WARFSA, Project 238). The support and cooperation of the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (especially the Data and Research Branch and the office of the Catchment Manager: Save), made this study possible. 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