Numerical Groundwater Flow Modeling Of the Dire Dawa Area By Minalah Bushra Yousuf A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Hydrogeology (AAU) February, 2007 Acknowledgements First of all I would like to thank Dr. Tamiru Alemayehu, my advisor and initiator of this work. Further more I would like to acknowledge him in special way that advised and generously shared his experience and giving me reference materials. His critical reading of the zero draft and his invaluable comments give the present shape of this thesis. I am grateful to Oromiya water works construction enterprise (OWWCE), especially to Ato Tariku Negera (General manager of OWWCE) for giving me the chance to resume my post graduate study, encouraging me during study time and facilitating the necessary logistics through east Hararge project office. I gratefully acknowledge all organizations and individuals who directly or indirectly supported me in my study. First I would like to thank my friends Ahmed Jemal, Adane Bekele, Legese Geda and Mesele Siyum for all their financial and material supports during my study. I would also like to thank Ingida Zemedagenyehu, WWDSE, for all the data he gave me .I also would like to forward my hear felt thanks to Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and ministry of water resources for giving me the opportunity to participate in 3rd International groundwater modeling training, without which this work was not possible; Dire Dawa Water resource office; Dire Dawa town water supply sewerage Authority and Harar water supply project office. Last but not least, I would like to forward a profound gratitude to my wife, Sr. Seada Amin, for her blessing, guidance, encouragement and support which gave me strength to carry out the work. 2 Table of Contents pages Acknowledgement ................................................................................... i List of figures ......................................................................................... v List of tables ......................................................................................... vi List of annexes ...................................................................................... vi Abstract ................................................................................................ vii 1. Introduction 1.1. Back ground ............................................................................... 1 1.2. Objective .................................................................................... 3 1.3. Methodology .............................................................................. 3 1.4. Pervious works .......................................................................... 6 2. General overview of the study area ............................................. 7 2.1. Historical overview of Dire Dawa and the surroundings ............ 7 2.2. Location ..................................................................................... 7 2.3. Physiography and drainage ....................................................... 9 2.4. Land use/Land cover ............................................................... 12 2.5. Climate .................................................................................... 13 3. Regional geology and hydrogeology ......................................... 17 3.1. General ................................................................................... 17 3.2. General geologic setting .......................................................... 17 3.2.1. Precambrian Basement rocks ........................................ 18 3.2.2. Mesozoic Sedimentary rocks ......................................... 18 Adigrat Sandstone/ Lowe Sandstone ................... 19 Hamaneli Limestone ........................................... 19 Amba Aradam sandstone/ Upper sandstone ...... 19 3.2.3. Tertiary volcanic ............................................................. 19 3 Table of contents ------ Continued 3.2.4. Quaternary sediments .................................................. 20 3.3. Structural and Litho-logical features ......................................... 22 3.4. Effects of faulting system on the modeled zone ...................... 23 3.5. Regional Hydrogeology ........................................................... 23 4. Conceptual model ........................................................................ 25 4.1. Local geologic setting and geologic structures ......................... 26 4.1.1. Local geologic settings ................................................... 26 4.1.2. Local geologic structures ................................................ 27 4.2. Hydro-geologic setting of the area ........................................... 28 4.3. Aquifer system ......................................................................... 33 4.4. Boundary condition .................................................................. 35 4.5. Geometric characteristics ........................................................ 36 4.6. Hydraulic Properties ................................................................ 39 4.7. Groundwater recharge zonation .............................................. 42 4.8. Groundwater Discharge .......................................................... 43 4.9. Groundwater level and movement ........................................... 47 4.10. Conceptual groundwater balance ......................................... 50 4.11. Model in put Data processing ............................................... 57 5. Numerical simulation of groundwater flow ................................ 59 5.1. General concept and modeling approach ................................. 59 5.2. Well distribution ....................................................................... 61 5.3. Governing Equation and model code ....................................... 62 5.4. Spatial discretization ............................................................... 65 5.5. Boundary condition .................................................................. 66 5.6. Mode input parameters ........................................................... 71 5.6.1. Initial and prescribed Hydraulic heads ........................... 71 5.6.2. Hydraulic properties ....................................................... 72 4 Table of contents ------ Continued 5.7. Model simulated stresses ........................................................ 74 5.7.1. Recharge ....................................................................... 74 5.7.2. Discharge ...................................................................... 75 6. Calibration and sensitivity Analysis ........................................... 76 6.1. Model calibration ..................................................................... 76 6.2. Data used for calibration .......................................................... 77 6.3. Steady-state calibration ........................................................... 77 6.4. Calibration Results .................................................................. 81 6.5. Simulated water budget ........................................................... 89 6.6. Sensitivity analysis .................................................................. 90 6.7. Scenario Analysis .................................................................... 92 6.8. Model limitations ...................................................................... 94 7. Conclusions and Recommendations ......................................... 96 7.1. Conclusions .............................................................................. 96 7.2. Recommendations .................................................................. 99 References---------------------------------------------------------------------------101 5 Lists of figures Pages Fig.1.1 Flow chart showing the general methodology followed------------- 5 Fig.2.1 Location map of the study area------------------------------------------- 8 Fig.2.2 Profile showing elevation drop along south-North------------------ 10 Fig.2.3 Drainage map of the study area----------------------------------------- 11 Fig.2.4 Mean annual rainfall of Dire Dawa area------------------------------- 15 Fig.2.5 Average yearly rainfall at Dire Dawa area---------------------------- 15 Fig.2.6 Mean monthly rainfall & evapotranspiration of the area----------- 16 Fig.4.1 Geologic map of the study area & its surrounds--------------------- 31 Fig.4.2 Hydro-geologic map of the study area & its surroundings-------- 32 Fig.4.3 Operating principle of water circulation in the study area---------- 34 Fig.4.4a 3D map of layer-1----------------------------------------------------------- 37 Fig.4.4b 3D map of layer-2----------------------------------------------------------- 38 Fig.4.5 Transmissivity values of different geologic formation---------------- 41 Fig.4.6 Map of the study area showing water points used in the Model--- 49 Fig.4.7a Static water level contour map of layer-1------------------------------ 51 Fig.4.7b Static water level contour map of layer-2------------------------------ 51 Fig.4.8 Color composite land sat TM image of the study area--------------- 58 Fig.5.1 Quasi 3dimensional and full 3dimensional models-------------------- 61 Fig.5.2 Location map of the existing water points------------------------------- 64 Fig.5.3a Model area showing boundary condition of layer-1------------------69 Fig.5.3b Model area showing boundary condition of layer-2------------------70 Fig.6.1a Distribution of observation well in layer -1----------------------------- 79 Fig.6.1b Distribution of observation wells in layer -2---------------------------- 80 Fig.6.2a Scatter plot comparing observed and simulated heads-------------82 Fig.6.2b Histogram showing error distribution-------------------------------------83 Fig.6.3a Comparison of observed and simulated contour map of layer-1--82 Fig.6.3b Comparison of observed and simulated contour map of layer-2--83 Fig.6.4 Plot of result of sensitivity analysistest on head ------------------------92 Fig.6.5a Simulated hydraulic conductivity zonation of layer-1-----------------84 Fig.6.5b Simulated hydraulic conductivity zonation of layer.2-----------------85 6 Lists of tables Pages Table2.1 Mean monthly values of Dire Dawa Meteorological elements-----------------------------------------------14 Table3.1 Generalized geological events of Dire Dawa area --------------21 Table4.1 Classification and description of hydro-stratigraphic units--- -34 Table4.2 Summary of transmissivity of the different geologic units----- 41 Table4.3a Summary of daily groundwater abstraction rates form Wells, Boreholes, and Springs--------------------------------------52 Table4.3b Daily groundwater abstraction rate from water point, and Discharge contribution of each wells------------------------53 Table4.4 Summary of location and Spring discharges ---------------------56 Table6.1 Calibrated and observed water levels------------------------------ 87 Table 6.2 Model simulated steady-state hydrologic budget--------------- 90 Table6.3 Results of sensitivity test on water level--------------------------- 91 Lists of Annex ANNEX-1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------105 7 Abstract Groundwater pumping from the study area is currently increasing and hence there is a concern that future water demands associated with expansion of urbanization, industrialization and increasing trend of local population in utilizing groundwater for their irrigation demand could cause water level declines. To address these concerns a steady–state groundwater flow model of the Dire Dawa area was developed to help better understand the aquifer system, assess the long-term availability of groundwater, and evaluate groundwater conditions owing to current pumping and to plan for future water needs from the area. A two layer groundwater flow model with a confining unit in between was developed. Boundary conditions, hydraulic conductivity, altitude of the bottom of the layers, storage, coefficient, recharge, and discharge were determined using exiting geohydrologic data. Rates and distribution of recharge and discharge were determined from existing data and estimated when unavailable. Steady-state groundwater flow is simulated in the model by the finite-difference method using MODFLOW-96+interface with advective transport. The finite-difference grid consists of two layers, 87 rows and 125 columns. The model uses a uniform grid size of 400m by 400m and contain 8011 active cells in both layers. Model calibration was accomplished by varying parameters within plausible range to produce the best fit between simulated and observed hydraulic heads. Two calibration criteria were set for this calibration. The first criterion was visual matching of simulated contours to those of observed contours. The second criterion sited was matching simulated hydraulic heads at 80% of the point to within 10m of the observed hydraulic heads. Both criteria are found sufficiently achieved. 8 The importance of each input parameter and their effect on simulation results were evaluated through sensitivity test, in which the value of hydraulic parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and recharge were adjusted above and below their calibrated values. The model was found most sensitive to hydraulic conductivity and recharges Water management alternatives were evaluated by simulating hypothetical scenarios of increased withdrawals and altered recharge of the steady–state condition with in the model. 9 CHAPTER - 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background In recent decades it has become evident in many countries of the world that groundwater is one of the most important natural resources. As a source of water supply groundwater has a number of essential advantages when compared with surface water: as a rule it is of higher quality, better protected from possible pollution including infection, less subject to seasonal and perennial fluctuation, and much more uniformly spread over large region than surface water. Putting groundwater well fields in to operation can be gradual in response to growing water demand while hydro-technical facilities for surface water use often require considerable one time investment. These advantages coupled with reduced groundwater vulnerability to pollution particularly have resulted in wide groundwater usage for basic human needs, agricultural and industrial developments in the world. To meet the increase demand of water due to rapid growth of population, urbanization and industrialization especially in developing countries, it is very important to evaluate groundwater resources quantitatively to make management strategies. Generally, evaluation of groundwater resources starts from basic studies such as geological and hydro-geological investigations, meteorological analysis, and water balance analysis. Based on these studies, groundwater basin and aquifer units are identified and aquifer characteristics are evaluated. After these studies, groundwater flow system and its potential is evaluated by means of numerical groundwater flow modeling using the above parameters and finally the management strategy is established for economical utilization of the resources. 10 Numerical models have become important tools, in modern hydrogeology. There are two areas of this discipline where we need to rely up on models of the real hydro-geologic system to understand why groundwater flow system is behaving in a particular way and to predict the future behavior of such a system. Groundwater hydrologists are often called up on to predict the behavior of groundwater systems by answering questions like: what changes can be expected in groundwater levels in the aquifers beneath some city?; how will a change in stream stage affect the water table in an adjacent aquifer?; What is the most likely pathway of pollutant if there is a leak from particular source? And so on. Providing answers to these seemingly simple questions involves formulating a correct conceptual model, selecting parameter values to describe spatial variability within groundwater flow system, as well as spatial and temporal trends in hydrologic stresses and past and future trends in water levels. Although some decisions can be made using best engineering or best geologic judgment, in many instances human reasoning alone is inadequate to synthesize the model. Moreover, due to their flexibility and easy implementation the use of models permits us to generate and simulate hypothetical situations of the flow system to gain insight in it. In Dire Dawa area, groundwater is exploited by different industries and institution in addition to wells and boreholes that are operated by Dire Dawa Council Water Supply and Sewerage Authority and used for public services. In long terms, extended and uncontrolled withdrawal may result in water level declines, which causes imbalance among hydrologic stresses. So, this groundwater flow model simulation may project the risk of such uncontrolled withdrawal on the hydrologic system, based on which necessary action to be taken would be proposed to alleviate such a problem. In addition, this thesis work gives an insight about the response of the Dire Dawa groundwater basin groundwater flow system to different possible occurring scenarios like decreased recharg and increased groundwater abstraction. So, this model may be used as a tool to water resource managers to assess the regional affects of change in stresses to the steadystate system. Moreover, it improves the understanding of the groundwater system and 11 the regional affects of various groundwater use alternatives on the water resource of the area. 1.2. Objectives The general objective of this study is to establish groundwater management system through subsurface flow simulation and aquifer sensitivity analyses for Dire dawa area. This management system establishment helps for effective and economical utilization of groundwater resources and environmental protection in order to attain the regional and national water policy. The specific objectives of the study include: - Conceptually model the aquifer parameters and the hydrologic condition of the study area. - Simulate groundwater flow to wells and natural flow condition depending on the aquifer characteristic of the area. - Calibrate the simulated groundwater head data with the observed head data under steady-state condition. - Predict the consequences/ effects on the local and regional groundwater conditions when Dire Jara well filed start pumping water to Harar town. - To evaluate the behavior of the groundwater system under possible future utilization scenario. - Propose the future groundwater management system so that to keep the natural balance of the environmental condition. - Recommend the way by which groundwater condition of the study area can be enhanced. 1.3. Methodology In order to attain the objective of the study the following methods are used; 12 . Analysis of available in formation: - Checking and updating well databases. - Selection of appropriate wells and well parameters. - Study of previous work and literature. - Preparation of a new data base. - Estimation of well parameters. . Filed observation and desk tasks: -Pumping test data collection and evaluation. -Description of well litho-logic logs. -Geologic observation. . Modeling: -Construction of conceptual model. -Selection of a specific steady-state numerical model. -Model run. -Model calibration. -Interpretation of results and conclusion. A flow chart of this methodology is presented in fig (1) 13 Figure1.1 The general methodology followed (Anderson and Woessner, 1992). Field Data Conceptual Model Mathematical Model Numerical Formulation and Code Selection/Computer Program Field Data Comparison with field data Model Design Calibration Prediction and Sensitivity Analysis Results Presentation 14 1. 4. Pervious works Previously several geological, hydro-geological, pollution studies, and other related works have been performed for different purpose in the Dire Dawa area. The main hydrogeological work were to plane and design water supply facilities for Dire Dawa and Harar towns as the ever increasing water demand far exceeded water supply. Most of the previous works deal with specific issue but comprehensive work was done by WWDSE (Water Works Design and supervision Enterprise). Same of the relevant work done on hydro-geology were: Associate Engineers (1990), Groundwater exploration and production well construction and testing at Dire Dawa. Contaminant of the hydro-geologic system in Dire Dawa town by Taye Almaayehu(1988). Dire Dawa Administrative council integrated resource development master plan study project by WWDSE (2004). Hydro-chemical variation and aquifer characterization in the Dire Dawa and its surroundings by Eyilachew Yitayew (2004) Harar water supply and sanitation project groundwater development hydro-geological report by BCEOM in association with EEDSE and CECE (2004). Hydro-geology of Dire Dawa area by Tesfamichael keleta (1961) and several ground water augmentation reports by mezmure Hailemicheal (1980), ketema Tadesse (1981), Ereitzer (19 61), and others. 15 CHAPTER - 2 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY AREA 2.1. Historical overview of Dire Dawa and the surroundings The history of Dire Dawa is rather recent since it owes its existence to the famous "chemen de fer Franco-Ethiopian" railroad, which was built by the French between the years 1897-1917 and founded 1902. The railroad connects Addis Ababa with the port of Djibouti and at one time was intended to go all the way to the White Nile. Dire Dawa hosts headquarter of the railroad with repair shops and maintenance facilities and emerged as the major town in the eastern part of the country. Since its foundation Dire Dawa have had a considerable number and divers population. Part of the population was drained from the central region of Ethiopia and the first settlement pattern within Dire Dawa is closely connected to the railway terminal. (Eyilachew Yitayew, 2004). 2.2. Location The study area encompasses an area of 885km 2 in Awash River basin in eastern part of country. Geographically it is located between 795000m – 845000m Easting and 1045200m – 1080000m Northing (Projection: UTM, Datum: world geodetic system 1984, zone – 37) at about 520 km East of Addis Ababa (fig 2.1) location map of the study area. It is found at the Awash River basin and has an elevation generally ranging from less than 1000 M.A.S.I. to more than 2300 M.A.S.I. 16 Fig.2.1 Location map of the study area. 17 2.3. Physiography and drainage The study area is the southern margin of the Afar depression; and therefore, physiography of the area is mainly controlled by volcano-tectonic rather than erosional activities. The area is characterized by successive short running E-W oriented step faults forming half graben and horsts. The aggregate throw of the fault made the area to drop its elevation from more than 2200m at Dhangago to below 1000m at the north part of shinile (fig 2.2 profile showing elevation drop along south-north direction). The geomorphology of the study area can be classified into three major features: the escarpment, the transitional and the alluvial plains. There is an altitude difference of about 1120 m between the alluvial plain and the mountain peaks of the escarpment over a distance of about 13,300m. The escarpment area is characterised by steep slops, gullies and dry wadies mainly underlain by sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. As the result of step faults tilting the sedimentary rocks towards the south, a number of bench shape plateaus with southerly dip form the escarpment areas. Wadies mostly cut across these rocks mainly following the NE trending fault systems. In these areas runoff is high due to the steep slope and the rock surfaces permitting low retention period. The transitional areas are mainly characterised by small outcrops of sedimentary rocks, basalts and some recent coarse alluvial sediments. In this area the topography is gentle and the rocks are close to the surface. The alluvial plains are characterised by gentle to flat topography. Except some volcanic hills of younger age, the Mesozoic and the tertiary rocks are buried deep inside the sediment. The presence of high relief in the area made it dissected by many tectonically controlled small intermittent rivers, which are tributaries to the main perennial river Awash. Most of the rivers run N-S to NNW-SSE following the trend of the major NNE-SSE running lineaments which cross the rift margin, (Fig.2.3, drainage map of the area). Because of the faults and faulted blocks the drainage has generally rectangular drainage pattern in the mountains. 18 Fig.2.2 Profile showing elevation drop along south-north direction 19 20 2.4. Land use / Land cover Present land use pattern of the area were mapped by Water Works Design Supervision Enterprise on land use / land cover study of the Dire Dawa administrative council. The land use is dominantly agricultural land use pattern vary geographically with climate, physiographic, and population density. In general the land suitable for crop production is being used for that purpose. Generally the land use / land cover type of the area have been grouped by WWDSE in to four major classes. They are designated as urban build up, cultivated land, physiognomic vegetation types, and bare land. The land use systems of the area can also be classified on the basis of agro-ecological conditions in to crop, livestock and tree production components, and socio–cultural and economical characteristics. The cereal farming system occurs in the valley bottoms. Sorghum, maize and sweet potato are the major crops grown below the escarpment in the valleys. Chat is also grown as an important cash crop. Eucalyptus plantation around the homesteads is also growing for energy as well as construction purposes. The agro-pastoral systems occur in the foot of the mountains, particularly in south eastern and northern part of the study area. Where the farming system is agro–pastoral, the main subsistence component is cropping but extensive livestock rearing is also important. The land use practice of the study area had brought negative impact on soil conservation and management. High populate increases over the limited land area of the study area resulted in the indiscriminate forest clearing, overgrazing, absence of soil conservation and poor soil management and land use practice coupled with the erosive nature of the area have caused much amount of soil erosion. The major constraint to agricultural 21 development (livestock, crop, forestry production as well as wild life development) identified for the area is the harsh climate condition. Moisture stress and high temperature affects the development of the region. 2.5. Climate Climate, which can be defined as prevailing weather conditions of an area, is a long– term view of the weather pattern of a particular locality. It is frequently more useful as an environmental tool. In order to understand the environment and the possible impact of human activity on it, a basic knowledge of climate is required. The climate of the study area is dominated by various inter–related factors. But the main factors are the near equatorial location of the area and altitude. There is only one 1st class metrological stations in the study area that is located at Dire Dawa town that measures all meteorological elements including continues rainfall and mounted with automatic rain gage. The station is founded at 811000 Easting and 1061000 Northing at altitude of 1260 m (M.A.S). As explained in pervious section lowland and highland areas characterize the study area. There is more than 1000m altitude difference between the two. The mean temperature varies between 22oc to 28oc in the lowland area and 14oc to 16oc in the highland area. Both have similar temperature pattern with the maximum mean temperature in June and the minimum value in January. The hottest months are from the months of May to Septembers, where as the coldest months are from November to February. (table2.1) 22 Table 2.1.Mean monthly values of Dire Dawa Meteorological element Jan. Feb. Mar Apr May Jun Jul Max. Temp. 28.2 29.9 30.2 31.7 33.6 34.8 33.3 Min. Temp. 15.3 16.6 19.2 20.5 21.6 22.6 Relative humidity 39.3 42.5 44.4 47.5 35.2 Sun Shine(hr) 8.8 8.0 7.8 7.4 Evaporation 217. 199. 283 245. 6 8 (mm) Aug Yearly Sep Oct Nov Dec 32.6 31.4 32.0 30.2 28.6 31.50c 21.1 20.6 20.9 18.9 15.9 15 19.00c 30.0 41.4 40.8 34.6 27.6 29.6 29.9 41.4% 8.4 8.1 7.5 8.0 7.7 8.3 9.4 9.3 283 323 293. 283 266. 283 242. 221. (open 2 3 water 7 . 8 8 mean portion) Wind Speed 4.2 3.8 4.4 4.6 4.1 5.5 5.6 5.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 3.6 4.5m/sec 20.7 21.6 84.5 68.3 45.3 20.6 91.8 146. 85.3 32.2 12.9 11.1 640.3 (m/sec) Rainfall (mm) 0 * Average Maximum Dire Dawa Rainfall (daily) in mm = 56.3 mm * The Maximum of Daily maximum Dire Dawa Rainfall = 115mm (in 1955) * The minimum of Daily maximum Dire Dawa Rainfall = 23mm (in 1972) N. B. Taken from WWDSE Climatology and Hydrology Report. 23 Mean rainfall (mm) 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year Mean annual rainfall series Mean annual rainfall Fig 2.4.Mean annual Rainfall of Dire Dawa Tatal annual rainfall trend of Dire Dawa station (1981-2002) 1000 900 rainfall 800 Rainfall (mm) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 19 81 19 82 19 83 19 84 19 85 19 86 19 87 19 88 19 89 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 0 Year Fig.2.5. Average yearly rainfall (mm) at Dire Dawa (1981-2002) 24 Rain Fall & PET at Dire Dawa PET/Rainfall (mm) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month Mean Monthly Rainfall ETP (NMSA) ETP (CESEN & ANSALDO) Fig.2.6. Mean monthly Rainfall and evapo-transpiration of the Dire Dawa area. The mean rainfall in the study area varies between 500mm and 1000mm with the minimum values in the lowland and maximum in the mountains around Dhangago. The area experiences two rainfall seasons. The small rain of March to May and the summer rain of July to September (Table2.1) The annual mean rainfall of Dire Dawa town is 631 mm. (Fig.2.4). The potential evapotranspiration for every month is greater than the monthly average rainfall for the study area Fig (2.6). This implies there is no infiltration to the groundwater system. However, there is infiltration that is explained by the vast groundwater reservoir in the well fields of the study area. The groundwater recharge in the well fields of the study area is hence mainly from the heavy rains at the vicinity and runoff from the escarpment areas that spreads in the alluvial plain as flood water and from heavy rain in short periods to recharge the groundwater reservoir before there is loss as evaporation due to high temperature. 25 CHAPTER - 3 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology 3.1. General One of the most remarkable features of the Earth's crust is the rift valley of eastern Africa. The valleys, rather than just a single valley, form a more or less continuous scar from Israel and Jordan in southwestern Asia to Mozambique in southeastern Africa (Ase et al, 1986). One of the prominent part of the valley system is the so called the main Ethiopia rift valley. The main part of the Rift valley faulting took place during the middle Pleistocene times (Wiberg, 1974), possibly along older fault lines and continued in to upper Pleistocene, although some investigation suggest that the development of the fault system continues now a days (Ase et al, 1986). 3.2. General geologic setting Ethiopia is a country with a broad range of geomorphic provinces:- A high and rugged mountainous core cut by deep gorges and incised river valleys; fault bound plateaus and basins; a prominent rift valley that hosts a number of lakes; and bordering plains that range from the harshest of deserts to subtropical jungles. Elevations range from 4620m above mean sea level at Ras Dashen to 110m below mean sea level in the Afar depression. In terms of their surface exposure, the main lithologic units of the country have been grouped as follows (Dr. Tamiru Alemayehu, 2006). i Precambrian metamorphic basement rocks, ii Mesozoic sedimentary rock, iii Tertiary volcanic rocks (largely basalts) and, iv Quaternary volcanic rocks, largely ignimbrites and sediments 26 These all geologic units of Ethiopia are also exposed in the Eastern part of the country and at the study area. Generally the regional geology in comparison with local geology is described based on their regional stratigraphic position, form the older to younger as follow: 3.2.1 Precambrian Basement rocks Precambrian metamorphic rocks are exposed in the northern, western, southern and Eastern parts of the country. In the Eastern part of the country, the basement rocks consist of crystalline acidic migmatites, gneisses and granites. The main components of this formation are migmatic quartz rich gneisses and the intrusive pegmatite-feldspathic granite (Tamiru Alemayehu, 2006). The Precambrian metamorphic rocks of the study area belongs to Archean complex of Alghe group and is mainly composed of high grade quartz-fieldspar-biotite, gneiss, biotie-hornblende gneiss and pegmatite. 3.2.2. Mesozoic sedimentary rock At the end of the Precambrian, the crust was uplifted, so very few Paleozoic sedimentary rocks are found in Ethiopia. Conditions changed at the onset of the Mesozoic, when shallow seas spread initially over the Ogaden region and then extended further north and west as the land continued to subside. Sandstone was deposited on the old land surface, followed by the deposition of shale and limestone as the depth of water increase. In the west of the country sedimentation ended up with the deposition of clay, silt, sand and conglomerate as the sea reduced during the Jurassic. The sea invaded again in the lower cretaceous, and the sedimentation sequence was repeated (table 3.1 shows the Generalized geological events of the study area). Mesozoic sedimentary rock of the study area which is the result of transgression and regression events are grouped in to three formation known as Adigrat sandstone, Hamaneli limestone and Amba Aradam sandstone. 27 Adigrat sandstone/ Lower Sandstone This formation is unconformable overlying the basement complex and is exposed mainly in the southern parts of the area under laying the Hamaneli limestone. Triassic to lower Jurassic in age, this sandstone is medium to coarse–grained and red to brown in color. The thickness of the Adigrat sandstone in Dire Dawa area does not exceed over 50m. But kazmin (1975) indicates in his study records a maximum thickness of 800m for Ethiopia. Hamaneli Limestone The Hamaneli limestone comformably, overlies the Adigrat sandstone and is the dominant formation in the study area. It is exposed in the southern part of the area forming different step ridges extended in the east-west direction and decreasing topographic elevation from south towards the north. In the absence of the Adigrat sandstone, it unconformably overlies the Precambrian basement rocks. Hamaneli limestone is composed of alternating layers of shale and chock at the lower part and brown to gray color limestone at the upper part. The overall thickness is not known although Gretzer (1970) cited in his study estimated to reach 175m for the upper limestone. Amba Aradam sandstone/upper sandstone This upper Jurassic to lower cretaceous formation is unconformbly overlaying the Hamaneli limestone and is exported mainly in the west, central, north and northeastern part of the area. This unit is estimated to have a thickness of about 200m (Tesfamichael Keleta, 1974). 3.2.3. Tertiary Volcanic The Tertiary volcanic rocks mapped in the study area are Alaji basalts and the stratoid basalt of the Afar series. (seife Mikael Berhe, 1985). 28 The Alaji basalt is unconformably overlying the Amba Aradam sandstone and is exposed mainly in the northwest, central and northeastern part of area. This unit mainly consists of a phyric flood basalts associated with rhyolites and subordinate trachytes and ranges in age between 36-13 Ma (kazmin, 1979). The stratoid basalt exposed in the study area is the upper part of the Afar series and represented by the transitional type basalt (selfe Mikael Berhe, 1985). The age of the upper part of the Afar series range between 4 and 0.37 Ma (Mengesha, 1996). This rock unit is exposed in the northwest and northeast of the study area forming an east-west trending continuous ridge, which is most likely fissural eruptions and serves as a barrier for the surface run off in the Dire Dawa area. 3.2.4. Quaternary Sediments The quaternary sediments of the area consisting of alluvial sediments, lacustrine deposit (travertine) and river sand deposit. Alluvial Sediments: The alluvial deposit, which is the weathering product of the existing rocks in the area, is mainly covering the lower most elevation of the study area. This deposits consisting of boulders, gravel, sand, silt to clay sizes of the rock units of metamorphic rocks, sandstone, limestone and basalts. The alluvial sediment is mainly deposited over the tertiary basalts and has variable thickness. Travertine: Lacustrine deposit, travertine, is out cropped in Dire Dawa and Melka Jebdu area. The rock is associated within the alluvial sediments. In both areas, the travertine is used for construction of houses and fences. River sand deposits: These are the most recent sediment in the study area; it is deposited in the flood plains of the main streams of the area. Significant deposits are associated with Goro, Dechatu and Lega Hare intermittent streams crossing the Dire Dawa town. The sand deposit is the weathering product of the rocks with in the 29 watershed of the main streams and their tributaries. The deposit is composed of fragments of metamorphic, sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the area. Table3.1. Generalized geological events of Dire Dawa area Chronology Quaternary Events Litho-logical formation Fluvial activities and Alluvial deposits and young volcanic basic volcanic rocks eruptions Pliocene Cenozoic Volcanic eruptions and Pyroclastic and lava rift formation Tertiary deposits Trap volcanoes Uplifting Miocene erosion Eocene Paleocene Mesozoic Cretaceous Regression Upper sandstone Antalo Limestone Jurassic Transgression Adigrat sandstone Intrusion and High grade metamorphism metamorphic rocks Triassic Paleozoic Precambrian 30 3.3. Structural and litho-logical features Structural features such as faults in the rocks often optimize storage, transmissivity and recharge, particularly when they occur adjacent to or within surface drainage system. Faults will have the highest impact on hard and massive rock types, elastic formations such as tuffs and weakly consolidated deposits will bend rather than break. As a result, they tend to suppress the radius of influence and the magnitude of the damage caused by tectonic events. In the study area a series of parallel faults runs in east-west, forming normal faults down throw towards north (rift valley) with steep to gentle dips. The general trend of these faults is related to the main rift system. These faults are visible only in the escarpment. Due to the cover of thick superficial, there is no visible fault indication in the northern plain. But the scattered hills of the upper sandstone suggest that, fault blocks are probably buried by superficial deposits. The faults are normal faults down throw to the north as part of the synthetically faulted margin resulting from crustal attenuation of the Harar plateau. They strike east west in the south and east, gradually change to ESEWNW towards the NW and W. Some NW-SE trending cross faults are common in the central part of the basin. 3.4. Effects of faulting system on the modeled zone Although the faulting process has been intense and of long duration its effect on the shallow aquifer formation in the modeled zone does not appear to be of great importance with the exception of the boundaries of the model, which in some cases, have been selected according to the existence of fault line. As mentioned before, the effect of tectonic activity upon the upper unconfined aquifer, which is unconsolidated sediments, will be suppressed and the influence of faults can be safely neglected. In addition, during the field work no evidence was found that could indicate that, the fault system plays an important roll in the upper shallow groundwater flow. In the case of lower more productive aquifer, the case is different. The fault structure in the area strongly affects the movement of groundwater. In the escarpment area, these 31 rocks are highly fractured and especially the limestone is karatstified and generally offers a good recharge area. The disadvantage is that they are situated on the ridges and hills and part of the groundwater percolating in this formation is found emerging as springs at the base of sedimentary rocks or on the surface of metamorphic rocks. The step E-W trending fault system at some areas resulted in the lateral discontinuity of sedimentary rocks and making them to have lateral contact with the basement complex and also with tertiary basalts (Fig 4.3). This lateral discontinuity is also one of the disadvantages for confined aquifer in the rift valley, which would reduce the rate of lateral flow of the groundwater recharge from the mountain areas towards this lower aquifer. However, the faults oriented in NE and North direction facilitates the flow of groundwater from the mountain towards the deep confined aquifers. These fracture medium consists of solid rocks with some primary porosity by a system of cracks, micro cracks, joints, fracture zones and shear zones that create secondary porosity and form a network for flow when interconnected. Therefore, forming a conceptual model for such system requires a gross simplifications or a detailed description of the aquifer properties controlling flow. However in this study conceptual model is made on the assumption that the flow is like flow in porous medium due to numerous fault system that is interconnected. 3.5. Regional Hydrogeology From the standpoint of groundwater development, the rocks of the Precambrian metamorphic complexes are notoriously problematic. Fracture rock aquifers exist within them, but in shallow reaches can only produce very modest amounts of water, often barely sufficient to satisfy the drinking needs of small settlements. The deeper reaches of this aquifer could have higher yields but exploration and deep drilling will be expensive and time consuming. The Mesozoic sequence is much more promising in terms of groundwater development. For example, springs are often found at the contact between the Adigrat sandstone and the Precambrian basement rocks, so this contact is a key exploration target. As far as large-yield aquifers needed, the limestone of the Antalo group is by far the most 32 promising exploration target in the country. They have prominent secondary permeability in the form of solution cavities. In the study area too the main aquifer is the upper sandstone and the Hamaneli limestone. The tertiary flood basalts can be major sources of groundwater, which under some circumstances are easy to tap. For example, high-yield springs are common at the contact between the flood basalts and Mesozoic rocks, and at the contact between individual lava flows. Furthermore, many springs are high enough above the valley floors that water can be delivered by gravity with relative ease. On the other hand, most spring have modest yield so they are not a viable alternative for irrigation water or larger settlements. Extraction through wells would undoubtedly afford higher yields. But in the study area this unit is are impervious and only serves us confining unit. The Quaternary sedimentary units host some of the most promising groundwater resources. Groundwater development in alluvial filled graben has highest potential for making a difference in further development of the agriculture of Ethiopia, because these valleys are scattered throughout the mid elevations of the country, where most of the population lives and are recharged every year by mountain streams, so their water tables are shallow, and they are filled with coarse-grained alluvial with good hydraulic conductivities. In the study area this unit is represented by upper low permeable aquifer and yields water for dug wells and shallow drilled wells. 33 Chapter - 4 Conceptual model Groundwater models attempt to represent an actual groundwater system with a mathematical counterpart. A conceptual model is a pectoral representation of groundwater flow system, frequently in the form of a block diagram or a cross section. It is a representation of the understanding of the real physical system. The purpose of building a conceptual model is to simplify the field problem and organize the associated field data so that the system can be analyzed more readily. Simplification is necessary because a complete reconstruction of the field system is not possible. In theory, the closer the conceptual model approximates the field situation, the more accurate is the numerical model. It is critical that the conceptual model be a valid representation of the important hydro-geologic conditions; failure of numerical models to make accurate predictions can often be attributed to errors in the conceptual model. However, the conceptual model is nothing else than a simplified representation of reality, because it can not reflect all the complexity of the real system even if it is based on a large amount of information about the system it describing, " our conceptual model will always be less complex than the real system, a conceptual model could never fully describe all details of the real system" (Fetter, 1994) The steps followed in development of conceptual models for the Dire Dew area are: - 1) Definition of geologic settings, Aquifer and confining units, 2) Identification of hydraulic properties of the aquifers, 3) Identification of sources and sinks of water, and 4) Identification and delineation of hydrologic boundaries encompassing the area of interest. 34 4.1. Local Geologic settings and Geologic Structures 4.1.1. Local Geologic Settings Geology of Dire Dawa area (according to Dire Dawa Administration council integrated Resource Development Master Plan Study Project) can be classified as follows (Fig4.1): Basement complex rocks: composed of gneiss, pegmatite and granodiorite of metamorphic rocks. Fractured and weathered part of this formation may have very little water. Practically it is impervious. Mesozoic sediments: Adigrat sandstone (lower sandstones) un-conformably overlies the basement complex with a thickness of not more than 20m, fractured and pervious formation. Hamanlei (Antalo) limestone: varies in thickness up to 200m and its lower part is interbeded with shale and overlain with oolitic limestone. This formation together with upper sandstone makes the main water bearing horizon in the area. Amba-aradam (upper) sandstone:- composed of quartzos sandstone, thickness from 150 to 200m at some places intercalated with basaltic flows ( lava flows within the sediments or sills) and limestone intercalation. This formation is the main water bearing horizon in the area. Tertiary volcanics: Alaji formation (lower trap basalts) predominantly basalts and stratoid basalts. The Alaji formation overlies the upper sandstone unconformabley. It has a wide spread area coverage and practically impervious. This formation is considered as confining layer for the bottom confined aquifer. 35 Quaternary formation: All rivers and streams descending from the escarpment have built large aerial extent and thick alluvial deposits. These deposits consist of cobbles and coarse-grained sediments near the escarpment, while they consist of fine detrital sediments in plain area. The alluvial sediment is one of the water bearing formation in the area. This unit represents the upper unconfined aquifer of the area with relatively low yield. 4.1.2. Local Geological Structures The major structural features of the study area and of the region are faults. Numerous faults that runs east west forming normal faults down-thrown towards north with steep to gentle dips. The great East African Rift System started to develop in Miocene. Rifting began from the presently oceanic Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Rifts, which join with the younger and continental Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) at the complex proto-oceanic Afar Triple Junction (Afar Depression) where three rift systems; the Main Ethiopian Rift, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea Rifts intersect. The study area is located in the southeastern escarpment of the Afar Depression (Huchon, 1989). According to Habteab Zeray and Jiri Sima (1986) and Mesfin Aytenfisu, (1981), the area consists of three tectonic units: the plateau, the escarpment and the depression. The river headings toward the Rift Valley are highly influenced by series of faults, which are forming the escarpment. The plateau and escarpment is dominated by E-W or ENE-WSW trending faults and perpendicular to the drainage system in the area. Abrupt change in slope gradient on the escarpment caused decreases in velocity of surface water, which resulted in forming coalescent fan at the foot of the escarpment. This normal fault that forms graben-horst structure strongly affects the movement of groundwater. Other prominent structural feature in the limestone area is a joint of tectonic origin. The faulted blocks of limestone are highly jointed and fractured. These are common in limestone especially in the area where these units are exposed to the surface, and solution cavities (Karst is well developed) are clearly visible. 36 4.2. Hydro-geologic setting of the area An aquifer is a saturated permeable geologic unit that is capable enough to yield economic quantity of water to wells or springs, where as a confining unit has low permeability that restricts the movement of groundwater and limits the usefulness of the unit as a source of water supply. The Dire Dawa area groundwater occurrence, distribution and flow regime is highly governed by topography, geological formation, and aerial and topological relationship of the geological formation. Based on major factors, the study area can be categorized into two groundwater systems:- that is, the escarpment and the down throw block (ground water basin of Dire Dawa)(Eyilachew Yitayew,2004). The escarpment groundwater system The escarpment occupies the southern, southeastern and eastern parts of the study area. It is highly rugged areas and intensively faulted by east-west trending tectonic lineaments. Geologically, the western part is dominated by sedimentary formations (limestone and sandstones), at the central part and south of Dire Dawa town sedimentary and basement rocks dominate, to the east, volcanic and sedimentary rocks dominate. Generally, the groundwater of this part of the study area is the recharge area for the down throw block at the foot of the escarpment. However, at the eastern part of the escarpment downstream of the sedimentary formation, basement rocks outcrops and the topography highly enhances complete drainage of the groundwater of the sedimentary formation. To the west, the sedimentary formation forms extensive distribution from watershed divide to the foot of the escarpment, which highly facilitates the recharge condition of the groundwater of the down throw block (Dire Dawa Groundwater Basin). At some localities the groundwater is partly discharged as springs at the contacts, joints and depression from the various geological formations. The groundwater potential of this part of the study area is evaluated by the discharge of the springs. 37 Groundwater of the down throw parts (Dire Dawa groundwater basin) It occupies the plain part of the study area. This area is considered to have high groundwater potential, where Dire Dawa town water supply source is found and where Haseliso well field, the future water supply source of Harar town is located. The groundwater occurrence and distribution in the basin is mainly a function of the geological formations, geomorphology and tectonics. Here the hydrological condition of each aquifer is presented. The Adigrat sandstone and Basement rocks are not encountered by drilling in the basin, therefore these formations are not characterized here. The hydro-stratigraphic units that are identified with in the study area are: - Alluvial aquifers The process of denudation, transportation and accumulation of the major rocks from the escarpment forms the alluvial deposits. These alluvial sediments are distributed in Dire Dawa groundwater basin, overlaying the basalts, upper sandstone and limestone at different places. These deposits occur in the basin as river sand deposit along the river channel with limited aerial extent; travertine with limited aerial extent and alluvial sediments with large aerial extent. From hydro-geological point, these formations are categorized as alluvial sediments by the dominant aerial coverage. The thickness of alluvial sediment varies in thickness and composed of clay, silt, sand, gravel and rock fragments. The groundwater depth varies in the alluvial sediments from 5 to 45m. The top elevation of this layer is ground surface. The bottom elevation of this layer is estimated to be 900m a.s.l. The discharge of wells from this aquifer varies from dry to a specific well discharge of 3lit/sec/m. The Transmissivity of the alluvial formation as obtained from pumping test results varies from 8 to 700m2/day. The estimated average value is 27.5m2/day (Hydro geologic Report, WWDSE, 2005). 38 Tertiary volcanic rocks Tertiary volcanic rocks in the study area are mainly stratiod basalts and Alaji basalts outcrops that occupy the elevated areas at the north and northeastern part of the area. This formation is generally a regional aquiclude and is the confining layer for the lower highly productive confined aquifer with transmissivity less than 5m2/day (the average T value is 5.7m2/day). For modeling purpose this unit is assumed to have a constant thickness of 50m. Upper Sandstones The upper sandstone outcrops in a small aerial extent at Haseliso, north of Dire Dawa at the airport and Northwest of the town. This unit is assumed to be found below the confining layer and alluvial deposits in most part of the lower part of the study area. The drilled wells in the aquifer show that the thickness of the aquifer is variable. The minimum thickness of the aquifer penetrated at the Direjara well field is 36m. However the estimated average thickness of the unit is 200m (Tesfa michael). The static water level varies from 9.3m (Sabiyian) to 69.3m (Direjara) with the specific discharge of 0.13 to 68.97lit/sec/m. Hamanalei limestone The Hamanalei limestone outcrops in the Dire Dawa groundwater basin together with the upper sandstone in a lesser aerial extent. Drilling results show that the limestone uncomfortably underlies the upper sandstone. The limestone in the study area could not be independently characterized and the aquifer characterization for the upper sandstone applies also for the limestone. The lower part of the limestone is a gray-white limestone inter-bedded with shale overlain with oolitic limestone and the upper part is well-bedded gray fossiliferous limestone (Seife Mikael Berhe. 1982, Habteab zeray & Jiri Sima,1986). For modeling purpose only the upper jointed & cavernous part of this unit is assumed (175m) and below this it is considered as a quiclude (no flow boundary). 39 40 41 4.3. Aquifer system As it was described before, the aquifer systems are characterized by the upper relatively low productive unconfined aquifer (which composed of alternation of silt, sand, and gravels, outcropped and weathered basement, sandstone and limestone) and the lower relatively high productive confined aquifer composed of fractured sandstone and highly jointed and cavernous limestone which are found below confining unit at the lower part of the study area.. This confined aquifer is overlain by tertiary basalts, which are the confining unit in the area and underline by lower part of the limestone that composed of the massive limestone intercalated with shale. For this modeling purpose this lower part of the limestone is considered as aquicludes. To build the conceptual model for this particular case the concept of hydro-stratigraphic units has been applied. Thus concept implies that geologic units of similar hydro-geologic properties may be combined into single hydro-stratigraphic unit or a geologic formation may be sub divided into aquifers and confining units. In fig (4.3) a diagrammatic geologic representation of the model zone is presented, this figure also shown how complex the zone is. In turn Table (4.1) represents a simplified scheme with the purpose of modeling. For this purpose it is assumed that the confining layer is assumed to have an average thickness of 50m and the lower relatively more productive confined aquifer has an average thickness of 375m. Accordingly the area is classified into two layer aquifer system such as the upper unconfined aquifer (layer 1), and the lower more productive aquifer (layer 2). The exact vertical aquifer thickness data is rarely available for these hydro-geologic units as the available wells are hardly penetrate to the full thickness of the aquifer or has not described and organized. However, it is assumed as described in the above for modeling purpose based on the discussion in the section of hydrogeology. 42 Fig.4.3. Operating principle of water circulation in the study area Table (4.1) Classification and description of hydro-stratigraphic units Hydro- Label geologic Estimated Litho-logic and thickness characteristics hydrologic unit Alluvial (Layer-1) Ground surface It Aquifers consists of poorly sorted, elevation minus uncertified mixture of clay, silt, sand, bottom of the gravel, cobbles, layer=900m.a.s.l weathered for each cell. rock basement fragment, rocks and highly weathered sandstone and limestone. Tertiary (Coning Unit) 50m Tertiary volcanic rocks in the region Volcanic are mainly stratiod and Alaji basalts rocks outcrops that occupy elevated areas at the north and northeastern part of the basin. Upper (Layer-2) Sandstone (The and aquifer Limestone area) 375m of This unit contains the fractured and main permeable the Limestone. sandstone and 43 4.4. Boundary Conditions One of the components of a mathematical model is the boundary conditions. Boundary conditions are mathematical statements specifying the dependent variable or the derivative of the dependent variable (Anderson etal, 1992). For groundwater system of the given area, there are two types of aquifer boundaries which control the groundwater flow direction (Anderson and Woessner, 1992). These boundaries are: 1) Physical boundaries of groundwater flow system which are formed by physical presence of an impermeable body of rock or a large body of surface water. 2) Hydrologic boundaries of groundwater flow system which are formed as a result of hydrologic conditions. These invisible boundaries include groundwater divides and streamlines. . When described mathematically, groundwater flow problems are classified as boundary value problems. This indicates that the selection of appropriate boundary conditions is critical to the accurate definition and analysis of the problem. In groundwater models, which are used for analyzing groundwater flow problems, the specification of the boundary conditions usually defines the source of water to the system and its ultimate manner of discharge. Thus, boundary conditions are one of the key aspects in the proper conceptualization of a groundwater system and representation of that system in a numerical computer code. Conceptualizing the physical process at the boundaries of a groundwater system and devising a mathematical counterpart that can be incorporated in to a model is usually not straightforward. The boundaries in the model of Dire Dawa are selected following geological features and structures, geomorphologic features and hydro-geological evidences. Among geological features, faults are the most important. The fault lines are usually serves as physical boundaries. In the study area most of the boundaries are surface water divides, which is assumed to coincide with groundwater divides. 44 The lateral and vertical boundaries of the aquifer system of the groundwater basin are formed, in most cases, by hydraulic boundaries as groundwater divided and physical boundaries where the aquifers are in contact with the bed rock. The lateral boundary of the layer-1 of the aquifer system is the groundwater divides except at the northern parts, where groundwater of this layer is thought to flow out from the system. The northern topographically low area is considered the way through which water from layer-1 escapes to the Afar area. The bottom boundary of layer 1 is the confining unit where it assumed to be underline by tertiary basalts through out the study area. Top boundary of layer-1 is the ground surface. The lateral boundary of the confined aquifer (layer-2) of the aquifer system, in most area, is the physical boundaries (basement complex), where the aquifer pinches out and surface water divides which is considered to coincide with groundwater divides and serves as no flow boundary. The northern and southern boundaries of this unit conceptualized as General Head boundary where the layer is recharged by numerous south-north trending faults and where water is thought to escapes from the area respectively. The bottom boundary of this layer is also assumed to be no flow boundary. In the model area, this aquifer unit underlies the confining unit (Tertiary basalt). 4.5. Geometric Characteristics As can be seen in the conceptual model and from the assumed boundary conditions the aquifers aerially extend in the non-uniform manner (fig 4.4). The maximum length from south to north is 35km and the width is 45km in the widest part. Layer-1 which consists of poorly sorted uncertified mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, rock fragments, weathered basement rock and highly weathered sandstone and limestone and covers the entire area (fig 4.4a showing 3D view of Layer-1). The aerial extent of these alluvial deposits in the study area is determined from published and unpublished geologic maps and mainly from Digital elevation model of the area in collaboration with fieldwork by the author of this paper. 45 Layer-2which consists of the upper sandstone and the highly jointed and cavernous upper part of the limestone. This layer is assumed to be found below the confining layer and alluvial deposits in most part of the lower part of the study area (Fig4.4b showing 3D view of Layer-2). 46 47 4.6. Hydraulic Properties: The hydraulic conductivity is the constant of proportionality in Darey's law. It is defined as the volume of water that will move through a porous medium in unit time under a unit hydraulic gradient through a unit area measured at right angles to the direction of flow. The hydraulic conductivity of the material in an aquifer or confining units is a measure of the ease with which water can move through the material. It is a function of properties of both the matrix and the fluid. Hydraulic conductivity can have any units of Length/Time, for example m/d. Water in the regional flow system was assumed to have a uniform density and viscosity, and thus the hydraulic conductivity only varies as the grain size, shape, sorting & packing (freez and cherry, 1979).Horizontal hydraulic conductivities generally were greater than vertical hydraulic conductivities, as a result of the depositional history of the sediments. The hydraulic conductivities of the upper low permeability aquifer used in the model for its first run were obtained or estimated from literature. The hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity and specific yield and/or storage coefficient of poorly sorted alluvial aquifers are estimated by different literatures such as Davis and De Wiest, 1966, Driscoll, 1986, Freeze and Charry, 1979, , Todd, 1980, Fetter, 1994 and others. Accordingly the hydraulic conductivity for this layer in the study area is estimated to be 10-3m/day to 10 1 m/day. The specific yield of the first layer of the aquifer is also estimated from literature. It is defined as the volume of water that an unconfined aquifer releases from storage per unit surface area of aquifer per unit decline of the water table. The values of the specific yield range from 0.01 to 0.1 and are much higher than the storativity of confined aquifers. It is sometimes called effective porosity (P.kruseman, 1990). The horizontal hydraulic conductivities of the lower high permeability aquifer (layer-2) used in the model for its first run were obtained from the analysis of pumping test data conducted by different organization. Results of aquifer tests at Sabiyan wells, Direjara 48 wells, and geologic logs from wells and boreholes indicated horizontal hydraulic conductivities that ranged from 10 3 to 10 3 m/day. This range is typical of carbonate rocks and sandstones. Transmissivity is the ability of the aquifer to transmit water. Its definition as it stands in the groundwater literatures falls in to one of the following categories. It is the product of the average hydraulic conductivity ’K’ and the saturated thickness of the aquifer ‘D’. It is the rate of flow under a unit hydraulic gradient through a cross-section of unit width over the whole saturated thickness of the aquifer ( kurseman, 1990). It is the ratio at which water prevailing density and viscosity is transmitted through a unit width of an aquifer or confining bed under a unit hydraulic gradient. It is a function of the property of the fluid, the flow media and thickness of the media. The storativity or storage coefficient of a saturated aquifer of thickness D is the volume of water released from storage per unit surface area of the aquifer per unit decline in the component of hydraulic head normal to that surface. In vertical column of unit area extending through the confined aquifer, the storativity S equals the volume of water released from the aquifer when the piezometric surface drops over a unit distance. (Kurseman,1990). As storativity is the volume of water per volume of aquifer, it is a dimensionless quantity. Its volume in confined aquifers range from 5 x 10 -5 to 5 x 10-3 indicating that large pressure changes over extensive areas are required to produce substantial water yields (Todd, 1980). Generally speaking the magnitude and spatial distribution of hydraulic properties of the aquifers are not well known for the zone and for the last model runs have been estimated and calibrated during the process of model calibration. 49 Table4.2. Summary of transimissivity of the different geological formation Geological Formation Transimissivity in m2/day Aquifer productivity Min Max Mean Harmon ic mean Median Alluvial (Qa) 7.8 712.8 103.8 27.5 44.3 Moderate Basalts (P) 2.4 9.9 6.0 4.3 5.7 Very low Upper SS and Hamanlei LS (Ka+Jh) 9.0 5512.0 1801.9 88.0 375.3 High Fig.4.5. Transimissivity values of the different geological formations Transmissivity of different geological formations 10000 Transmi ssivity, m2/day 1000 Transmissivity Harmonic mean 100 10 1 Alluvial Basalt Upper sandstone +limestone Formation 50 4.7. Groundwater recharge and zonation Groundwater recharge can be defined as the entry into the saturated zone of water made available at the water table surface together with the associated flow away from the water table within the saturated zone (Freez & cherry, 1997). Recharge, which is water contributing to groundwater passing through water table, could be direct, indirect or localized based on the source and mechanism by which water reaches the water table. The amount and type of recharge depends on land use / land cover, topography, climate, drainage, geographic location, vegetation, structure, soil conditions and others. Quantification of the rate of natural groundwater recharge is a basic prerequisite for efficient groundwater management, and is particularly vital in arid and semi-arid regions where such resources are often the key to economic development (David & Lerner, 1990). The main sources of recharge to aquifers of the study area are subsurface recharge from mainly the precipitation in the southern escarpment zone and direct recharge from precipitation. The physical setup of the well field surface catchments indicates that the east-west trending faults on the escarpment intercepts surface runoff and rainfall that drains to the groundwater. However, the faults oriented in the north direction facilitate the flow of groundwater from mountain towards the deep confined aquifer (Fig4.3). Groundwater recharge to the lower aquifer, springs and almost all perennial streams in the study area are developed from the precipitation taking place in the mountains south of the study area. And hence no direct recharge takes place on the plain to the lower high permeability aquifer because of the thick alluvial deposits and confining layer of basaltic origin (BCEOM & WWDSE, 2004). The recharged water flows laterally towards the north following the general regional topographical gradient. The step E-W fault systems at some areas resulted in a lateral discontinuity of these sedimentary rocks and making them to have lateral contact with the basement complex and also with the tertiary basalts. This lateral discontinuity of the confined aquifers in the rift valley would reduce the rate of lateral flow of the groundwater recharge from the mountain areas towards this 51 deep aquifers. However, the faults oriented in the north direction facilitate the flow of groundwater from the mountain towards the deep confined aquifers (Fig.4.3). Generally the southern and south western parts of the catchments get better recharges than the plain area as a result of its higher rainfall amount and ephemeral steams from the escarpments. In addition to this, faults facilitate recharge to the aquifer. The floor of the catchments gets recharge from precipitation as direct recharge and as indirect from ephemeral streams. The occurrence of groundwater of lower aquifers at the well fields is due to the hydraulic and hydro-geological conditions in the escarpment area. Therefore, the potential of the well fields is directly influenced by the recharge taking place in the escarpment area. Therefore, an initial recharge value of 10.4mm as estimated by Eyilachew Yitayew(2004), to the area of valley depression(plain), situated in the vicinity of the town of Dire Dawa extending to the west, east and north of Shinile which constitute about 53%(470km2) of the area; 24mm as estimated by BCEOM in association with WWDSE to be 4% of the average annual precipitation(608mm) to the area of steeped margin of the valley depression, extending from the plateau to the southern limit of Dire Dawa town, that covers about 36%(318km2) of the study area; and 56.3mm as estimated by Eyilachew Yitayew(2004) using Water balance approach for the plateau margin area, which demarcates the southern limit of the study area, that covers about 11%(97km q2) of the area are used. From the above the total recharge to the area is computed to be 48493m3/day.These values are used to start running the model and lately modified during calibration. 4.8. Groundwater discharge Groundwater discharge can be defined as the removal of water from the saturated zone across the water table surface, together with the associated flow toward the water table within the saturated zone (Freez and cherry, 1997). Groundwater use in the study area has steadily increased since the last two decades, as the result of population increases 52 which is highly influenced by urbanization, industrial developments and due to growth trends of the local population in using groundwater for their irrigation demands. The groundwater discharge from the two aquifer units of the area is mostly through withdrawals from wells and boreholes, from springs and as evapotranspiration where groundwater level is near to ground surface and groundwater underflow that might occur as flow through aquifers across the study area boundary at topographic low area (fig.4.6. Show the boreholes and wells that extract water from the aquifers). Because the withdrawal record for the system is incomplete, it was not possible to determine the actual average annual withdrawal rates for each well. Instead an estimate of the average annual withdrawal rate in each well was made from the available record, under the assumption that the average of the known record would approximately equal to the true record. The average annual rate of evapotranspiration from water table in the study area is unknown but is presumed to be insignificant compared to groundwater pumpage from the system. Therefore, evapotranspiration that might occur from shallow groundwater are not quantified and are not considered by the model. The considered discharge systems of the aquifer are springs, pumping wells and boreholes and groundwater out flow at topographically low area. Some springs occur in the escarpment within the model area. The output from these springs is drawn out from the model by assigning them as they are extraction wells for the modeling purposes. Groundwater withdrawals from wells in the study area are mostly used for domestic, industries, and irrigation purposed. The pumping system of groundwater from both aquifer system of the study area is either of the followings: a) The hand-dug wells, which were dug in the upper low permeability aquifer, are used mostly for irrigation purposes. The data obtained from Dire Dawa Council Water Mine and Energy Resource Development Office shows that there are 98 hands dug wells in the study area. The hand-dug wells are assumed to be 53 pumped for five hour a day at 2 lit/sec pumping rate and the wells serves for eight months of a year during dry seasons. Generally the groundwater abstraction rate by this method as computed from the above was 2352m3 /day. The groundwater pumpage by this system was assumed to be directly goes to evapotranspiration after irrigating the crops. b) The shallow wells, which were drilled in almost all cases in layer-1 of the aquifer system, are installed with hand pumps and used as water supply for rural community. The data collected from Dire Dawa Council Water, Mine and Energy Resource Development Office show that there are about 88 functional such wells. The hand pumps yields on average about 1 lit/sec. and serve for eight hours a day for the whole year. Based on this it was estimated that the groundwater abstraction by this method is 3168m3 /day. c) The deep wells installed with submersible pumps, abstract water mostly from the lower high permeability aquifer. The water is mainly used for water supply for the urban community, for industrial purposes and small amounts for irrigation. Generally, there are more than hundred such wells in the study area with the main in Sabiyan well fields, Melkajebdu well fields, private wells and Aseliso well fields. However, at present there are no boreholes in Aseliso well field tapping water from both the upper aquifer and the lower aquifer. However, the boreholes in the Aseliso well field would be implemented within near feature and are considered as outputs under scenario simulation. The amount of daily discharge of these wells was obtained from the water meter readings of the well owners and where not installed with water meter, estimated from pumping test discharge. The current water demand of Dire Dawa town is about 14,000m 3/day. But the Town’s Water Supply and Sewerage Authority is currently provides only about 10,000 to 11,000 m3/day of water (Dire Dawa Water Supply and Sewerage Authority). The water supply authority extracts water from Sabbiyan well field. Out of the nine old Sabbiyan boreholes only three of them (PW-4, PW-6, and PW-9) are functional and the rest of them are out of use and are no more functional. Currently another 54 8 new boreholes were constructed and out of which 6 (PW-12, PW-13, PW-14, PW-15, PW-16 and TW-1(2006)) are connected to the existing systems and are contributing more than 70% of the current supply. The average daily discharge of the Sabbiyan wells, which is equal to 10,500m3/day, cannot be exactly distributed to the functioning nine boreholes because of the absence of data. But for modeling purpose I tried to distribute for each wells after consulting Dire Dawa Water Supply and Authority officials. Accordingly the total discharge of groundwater by such wells from the lower aquifer is compute to be 10,500m 3/day and the percentage contribution of each well is summarized in Table (4.2A.) below. The average daily discharge from Melka Jebdu Town Water supply boreholes (BH-81, BH-08, and BH-09) and Melka Jebdu Irrigation Boreholes (MJIBH) are estimated to be 2332.8m3/day and their daily percentage contribution is summarized in Table (4.3B). The functioning private boreholes, which are found in the study area, are inventoried and collected from secondary data and are found to be 55. These wells are assumed to pump groundwater at 3lit/sec for four hour a day for all years. The groundwater abstraction by this method as computed from the above is 2376m3/day. For modeling purpose these 55 boreholes are assigned by 3 boreholes situated at the center of the town with pumping rate of 2376m3/day altogether. Therefore, the total amount of water discharged from the lower aquifer in this case summed to be 15208.8m3/day. See Table 4.2. d) During the field visit and from secondary data, a total of 19 spring data has been collected. These springs are found on the escarpment (steep sloped), highly faulted part of the study area. The springs come out at the contact of the sedimentary rocks and the basement rocks, contact of dyke and sedimentary rocks and at slope breaks, and along fault zones. Most of the springs with relatively high yield are distributed on the Hamanalei limestone formation on the escarpment emerging along joints of the limestone and contact with basement rocks. In the upper sandstone the occurrence of springs is very rare due to high permeability of the fractured sandstone and it may drain the groundwater down to Hamanalei limestone and some proportion is discharge as spring from the 55 limestone. Most of these springs are perennial and are used for irrigation and domestic water supply purposes. Groundwater discharges from springs are estimated to be 180 lit/sec (Data obtained from Dire Dawa council Water, Mine and Energy Resource Development Office). The output from these springs is drawn out from the model by assigning them, as they are extraction wells. Accordingly five assumed wells that pump cumulatively 180 lit/sec (=15552 m3/day) were applied to the upper aquifer, which compensate the springs. Generally, the groundwater outflow includes withdrawals from supply, industries and irrigation wells, springs, groundwater evapo-transpiration (not considered for balance) and subsurface outflow from the study area at the topographically low area. This groundwater outflows that were not quantified in the water balance, such as groundwater evapo-transpiration, may account for some discrepancy. The magnitude of this groundwater evapo-transpiration is not quantified. However, they are likely to be small relative to the total water balance, given the magnitude of supply, industry and irrigation wells withdrawals relative to the total outflows. 4.9. Groundwater level and movement Water level in the aquifers fluctuates in response to charges in the rate of groundwater recharge and discharges, which are partly a function of changes in climate conditions. The groundwater level in the study area is governed by the rate of recharge to the aquifer and water abstraction. The static water levels of the boreholes drilled in both aquifer collected from drilling data which was measured during different periods were used to confirm the upper alluvial aquifer is unconfined and the lower sandstonelimestone aquifer is confined. The static water level for both aquifers is nearly equal. Even through there is an automatic water level recording instrument installed in PW-7 of Sabiyan well field; the data could not be downloaded from the instrument at the time of visit. Therefore, the trend of groundwater level could not be shown and mapped. The general groundwater flow system in the basin is to the north direction (WWDSE-2002). 56 The water level elevation data of 166 wells, boreholes and springs collected from drilling report data compiled by WWDSE was used to develop the water table map shown in (fig.4.7). Groundwater moves through the aquifer in the direction of lower water level altitudes. The altitude and water table contours (fig.4.7a and 4.7b) indicate that the general direction of groundwater flow is from the southern recharge area to the northern discharge area. Water supply wells, however, intercept groundwater that would have flowed to natural discharge areas. Groundwater movement from recharge areas to discharge areas depends on many factors such as available water for recharge, aquifer characteristics and the mode of recharge. Recharge of the deep groundwater flow system in the area is thought to be mostly from the southern escarpment area. The water table map shown on fig (4.7), which is established based on measurements taken by WWDSE in bore holes of Aseliso well fields, Melkajebdu and Sabbiyan well fields and springs shows groundwater in the aquifer system generally flows from the south to the north across the study area and is discharged primarily by wells and spring flow. In the conceptualized groundwater map, where there is recharge in the mountains in the south with northerly direction of regional slope, one can expect a northerly direction of groundwater flow. 57 58 4.10. Conceptual Groundwater balance A steady-state water balance for Dire Dawa area groundwater basin describes the aquifer system and provides a conceptual framework for groundwater flow models. The water balance identifies and quantifies the hydrologic inflow and outflow components of the aquifer system and provides data that are used in the development and calibration of the numerical models of the system. In the steady-state water balance, inflows to and out flows from the aquifer systems are identified and quantified on the average annual basis. The water balance described here includes the components simulates in a groundwaterflow model; thus the evapotranspiration and the runoff component of stream flow is not included. Inflow to the groundwater in the study area is from precipitation and groundwater inflow for the lower aquifer and hence precipitation is the ultimate source of water to the study area. Outflows include withdrawal from supply, industries and irrigation wells and springs and groundwater outflow. Precipitation recharge rate that was estimated by water balance method by Eyilachew and WWDSE was used for groundwater balance. Accordingly an initial recharge value of 48493m 3/day (=17699945m3/years) as estimated by Eyilachew and others have been taken. The primary outflows from the study area are through withdrawals from shallow and deep wells and through spring flows. The total groundwater withdrawal from the well is 20728.8m3/day (=7462368m3/ years) and from springs 15552 m3/day (=5598720 m3/ years) and 12202.2 m3/day is thought to be discharged as groundwater outflow. Groundwater evapotranspiration that might occur from shallow groundwater are not quantified and are therefore not considered by the model. Estimated average annual groundwater withdrawal of the study area is summarized in table (4.2) below. 59 60 Table .4.3a).Summary of Daily Groundwater Abstraction Rates from Wells and Boreholes and springs of the study area and names of the Boreholes and their codes (Source Water meter reading of the boreholes owners). SUMMARY OF WELLS AND BOREHOLES FOUND IN THE STUDY AREA AND THEIR DISCHARGE CONTRIBUTION FOR TOWN WATER SUPPLY, IRRIGATION AND INDUSTRIES. Well Name of the Boreholes Dire Dawa Code Number of Average Total Daily Boreholes Discharge (m3/d) 9 10500 4 2332.8 Town Boreholes(Sabiyan SBPW pumping wells) Melka Jebdu Boreholes MJBH &MJIBH Private Boreholes PRVBH 3 2376.0 Hand dug & Shallow Wells HDSHW 5 5520.0 Springs SPBH 5 15552.0 26 Wells 36280.8 Total 61 Table (4.3b). Daily Groundwater Abstraction Rates from Water points of the study area and Discharge Contribution of each well with geographic locations of the wells. Average Daily Discharge Contribution of the Dire Dewa town Water Supply Deep Wells: Borehole Geographic Ground Each Coordinate Elevation Daily well % contribution Discharge Code Easting Northing (m) (m3/d) SBPW-4 812527 1063543 1163 1155.0 11 SBPW-6 812767 1063462 1174 472.5 4.5 SBPW-9 813111 1063263 1169 472.5 4.5 SBPW-12 818644 1068005 1470.0 14 SBPW-13 812681 1068000 1438.5 13.7 SBPW14 811995 1063764 1501.5 14.3 SBPW-15 812399 1063264 1438.5 13.7 SBPW-16 812586 1062405 1202 955.5 9.1 SBTW1(2006) 808291 1066600 1105 1596.0 15.2 10500 100.0 Total 62 Table (4.3b) Continued Average Daily Discharge Contribution of the Melka Jebdu town Water Supply Deep Wells: Borehole Geographic Ground Each Coordinate Elevation Daily well % Contribution Discharge Code Easting Northing (m) (m3/d) MJBH-81 808534 1064055 1140 173.0 7.4 MJBH-08 805241 1063462 1141 258.8 11.1 MJBH-09 805167 1063299 1131 173.0 7.4 MJIBH 804049 1062101 1728 74.1 2332.8 100.0 Total Average Daily Discharge Contribution of Boreholes assigned for Springs: Borehole Geographic Ground Each Coordinate Elevation Daily well % Contribution Discharge Code Easting Northing SPBH-1 804500 1053400 3110.4 20 SPBH-2 800251 1050406 3110.4 20 SPBH-3 815902 1049763 3110.4 20 SPBH-4 820010 1062550 3110.4 20 SPBH-5 819000 1048400 3110.4 20 15552 100 Total (m) (m3/d) 63 Average Daily Discharge Contribution of deep wells assigned for Private Boreholes: Borehole Geographic Ground Each Coordinate Elevation Daily well % Contribution Discharge Code Easting Northing 815100 1062500 815125 810270 (m) (m3/d) PRVBH1 PRVBH2 PRBVH3 831.6 35 1065000 831.6 35 1061400 712.8 30 2376 100 Total Average Daily Discharge Contribution of the Boreholes assigned for shallow and dug Wells: Borehole Geographic Ground Each Coordinate Elevation Daily well % Contribution Discharge Code Easting Northing HDSHW-1 810500 1064000 1104 20 HDSHW-2 815762 1062000 1104 20 HDSHW-3 810072 1064800 1104 20 HDSHW-4 805500 1065200 1104 20 HDSHW-5 815906 1055100 1104 20 5520 100.0 Total (m) (m3/d) 64 Table.(4.4). Summary of location and spring discharge ID UTM UNTMN ALTITUDE NAME DISCHARGE 1 793411 1051018 1607 Lege Oda Gunfeta 25 l/s 2 798838 1048407 1644 Ulul Mojo Spring 20 l/s 3 798698 1048633 1802 Mede Lugo Spring (Ulul Mojo) 7 l/s 4 798792 1049361 1761 Meda Adem Abdi Spring (Ulul Mojo) 5 l/s 5 802293 1049764 1685 Wahil Spring 6 l/s 6 802321 1050025 1673 Wahil Cheleleka Spring 4 l/s 7 803435 1050512 1621 Bishan Gende Boru 4 l/s Dujuma Spring Diverted for water Supply of 8 804443 1052225 1357 Sheneni Village 1 l/s 9 804305 1052207 1531 Dujuma springs 7 l/s 10 804132 1052121 1538 Dujuma springs 7 l/s 11 807516 1053914 1381 Lege Merti Elbe (Halo Busa Spring) 3 l/s 12 799366 1051072 Koriso 30 l/s 13 799700 1052250 1560 Hulul Shile 30 l/s 14 803522 1050333 1620 Hara Watu 4 l/s 15 800391 1049534 1766 Borte 5 l/s 16 807621 1053559 1390 Lege meda 3 l/s 17 800664 1052906 1484 Gende Bule Spring 3 l/s 18 807741 1054345 1361 Lago Merti Spring 6 l/s 19 802444 1048155 Gende Mesno 10 l/s 65 4.11. Model input Data processing Because the information used for the model construction was originally coming from different sources and formats a process of checking, selection and organization had to be carried out. One important step in data processing was to remove wells where levels might be erroneously measured because of problems with the datum. Another important part was to organize all necessary information in tables. GIS (Geographic Information System) was also used to get a better general picture of the study area and to decide on model boundaries. The images used in the work were LANDSAT TM, all bands. Having the images in the necessary format the next step was to geo-reference them, this step was performed using the topographic map of the area with scale 1:50,000 and Global mapper-7. This Geo-referenced image was covered a large area than that needed and therefore a subarea had to be selected, which is proved to be useful in reducing the computing and processing times. Another important aspect of this new image was its usefulness in constructing and validating the conceptual model of the study area. On top of its segment, polygon and point maps were overlain in order to check the model boundaries and location and distribution of bore holes in the area. Finally this image was saved as background for the different variations of the conceptual models during the calibration process. Fig (4.8) shows color composite land sat TM image of the study area. 66 67 CHAPTER - 5 Numeric simulation of Groundwater flow 5.1. General Concept and Modeling Approach Numerical groundwater flow modeling helps to have a good understanding of the current or to predict the long term tendencies of a hydro-geological system and it allows analysis of the movement of water through hydro-geologic unit that constitute the groundwater flow system. A numerical groundwater flow model of the study area is developed to help better understand the aquifer systems of the basin and to determine the long-term availability of groundwater by simulating groundwater condition at present and predict the future condition under different hydrologic and pumping scenarios for various groundwater management alternatives. It is mandatory to have good initial data on boundary conditions, fluxes and aquifer hydraulic parameters for a model to give simulation output that approaches the real situation. In other words, models can only be good if the input data is good enough. Especially, input parameters that have the most control on the model output have to be carefully investigated and correctly estimated. In this study, a shortage of standard hydro-geological data has been encountered in most parts of the area to have good estimates of these parameters but collection and assemblage of relevant hydrogeological data in the conceptual model has been made. There is no water level monitoring data for any wells and boreholes in the area and there is also no measured daily discharge for any wells and boreholes. The existing records obtained from Dire Dawa town Water Supply and Sewerage Authority of water levels in wells is not consistent, therefore, transient simulation calibration was not possible. Because a reliable head distribution is necessary for a correct model calibration, only 68 those wells and boreholes in which water levels are correctly measured and recorded are used in the model. A computer program, MODFLOW 96 +interface to MTD 96 and later, by Mc Donald and Harbaugh (1988) was used to simulate groundwater flow within the study area aquifer system. The program uses a finite difference scheme to integrate the equation for three dimensional/ quasi-three dimensional, saturated groundwater flows under equilibrium (i.e. steady state) condition. MODFLOW is a versatile finite-difference groundwater modeling program used to construct numerical flow models of the study area. A MODFLOW model consists primarily of a set of input files that contains information on the physical properties of the modeled system such as the geometry, boundary conditions, internal properties (such as the distribution of hydraulic conductivity and storage coefficient), and sources and sinks such as groundwater recharge, springs, and pumping wells. The underlying concept of the approach used was that an understanding of related basic principles and an accurate description of the specific system under study will enable an accurate quantitative understanding of the cause and effect relationship. This quantitative understanding of the relationships allows one to understand the response of the system under consideration to any proposed scenario or to make predictions for any defined set of conditions. Once these files are created, the model program is run to solve a set of equation that describes the distribution of head at discrete points with in the system and the flow in response to that head distribution. Aquifer system of Dire Dawa area is modeled following quasi-three-dimensional model which simulates a sequence of aquifers with intervening confining layers. Like twodimensional aerial models of leaky confined aquifers, confining Layers are not explicitly represented in a quasi-three-dimensional model, nor are heads in the confining beds calculated. The effect of confining bed is simulated by means of leakage term (Lij) representing vertical flow between two aquifers. The leakage term is a function of the leakance and the head difference across the confining bed. In a quasi three-dimensional model the head in the unit overlaying the top confining bed, usually an unconfined aquifer can be calculated directly by the model (Marry p. Anderson & William 69 W.Woessner, 1992). Ignoring horizontal flow in the confining beds causes less than a 5%difference in heads in the modeled layers when the contrast in hydraulic conductivity between the aquifer and confining beds is at least two order of magnitude (Neuman and wither spoon. 1969), (fig.5.1 comparing a full three-dimensional and quasi-threedimensional model). Fig.(5.1)Showing quasi-three-dimensional and full-three-dimensional models. 5.2. Well distribution A modeled area has been characterized by rough topography and by the absence of any rivers that can be used as water supply. Due to the fact that the topography is rough in the area and to low values of precipitation during the year, not all zones are suitable for an agricultural development at large scale. For those farms if available, the only source of water is groundwater. The population is also concentrated only in some parts of the area such as near and/or at Dire Dawa town and melka Jebdu town. These together with the topography can answer why the wells are found in clusters in the area rather than being homogeneously distributed. In some part of the modeled area there are no wells at 70 all. Fig (5.2) shows the well distributions in the area and fig (4.6) shows the well distribution for calibration. 5.3. Governing Equation and Model Code The movement of groundwater through porous media is described and solved, for two layers aquifer system under a steady-state flow (as used in this study), on the basis of the following partial differential equation, which is based on Darcy’s law and the law of mass conservation (McDonald & Harbaugh, 1988). This equation assumes flow system viewpoint that allows both vertical and horizontal components of flow throughout the system and there by allows treatment of flow in three-dimensional profiles (Anderson and Woessner, 1992). The Governing partial differential equation used by the MODFLOW to describe the groundwater flow is:- ∂ Kxx ∂h ∂x ∂x + ∂ Kyy ∂h ∂y ∂y + ∂ ∂z Kzz ∂h ∂z ∂h - W = Ss ∂t (1) Where: Kxx, Kyy, and Kzz are values of hydraulic conductivity in the x, y and z directions along Cartesian Coordinate Axes, which are assumed to align with principal directions of hydraulic conductivity (LT-1), h is hydraulic head (L), W is a volumetric flux per unit volume and represents Sinks and/or sources (T-1), Ss is the specific storage of the porous material (L-1), and t is time (T). 71 This equation describes the distribution of hydraulic head and flow throughout a continuous region. It is continuous in space and time, and generally cannot be solved analytically for practical applications involving complex system (Anderson and Woessner, 1992). Practically, the continuous system described in the above equation is replaced by a set of spatially and temporally discrete points using numerical methods, which form a set of simultaneous algebraic equations that describe the distribution of hydraulic head at each point and flow through the system in response to this head distribution. These simultaneous equations are set up in a matrix form and then solved. Available data are limited to horizontal properties in aquifers and no relation can be established regarding the anisotropy of units. Thus, for this study, a hydraulic property within the layer is assumed isotropic. Consequently Kx and Ky are considered to be equal at any given location and Kx and Ky are replaced in this discussion by the single term K to describe horizontal hydraulic conductivity. Since the study is on a Steady-state condition there is no change in head with time, therefore, this part of the right hand side of equation (1) becomes zero and it can be re-written as: ∂ (Kxx ∂h ) + ∂ (Kyy ∂h ) + ∂ (Kzz ∂h) - W = 0 ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z (2) ∂z 72 73 5.4. Spatial discretization The numerical method used to approximate governing equation requires that the modeled domain be divided into discrete volumes, called cells. The three-dimensional array of cells is known as the model grid. The center of each cell defines the point for which hydraulic head is determined. The head is taken to represent the average head within the cell. The regional groundwater flow system of the Dire Dawa area was represented as an array of cells arranged in 87 east-west trending rows, 125 north-south trending columns and 2 layers. The model area corresponding to the study area of 885km2 and it was selected on the basis of preliminary numerical modeling. Extent of the modeled area is 35km east by 50km north and contains the entire study area. The model uses a uniform grid size of 400m by 400m and contains 11,062 cells, 2 layers, 87 columns and 125 rows. The regular grid spacing facilitated data in put from DEM and surfer files. The irregular shape and the locally bounded nature of the two aquifers of the study area reduced the number active cells in the model to 8,011, with 5491 active cells in layer-1 and 2520 active cells in layer-2. Layer-2 has fewer active cells than layer-1, because some of the cells, along the southern edge of the basin which is affected by west-east trending faults, are in area of basement complex that are higher in elevation than that of the top of layer-2. The aquifers are discretized vertically into two layers (layer-1 and layer-2). The relationship between the hydro-geologic units and equivalent layers used in the groundwater flow model is shown in Table 4.1. Layer-1 corresponds to the upper part of aquifer where poorly sorted clay, silt, and sand in the central and northern part of the study area and weathered and fractured basement complex at the hill sides and weathered sandstone and limestone along the southern border of the study area and this layer is unconfined aquifer. Layer-2 corresponds to the lower part of the aquifer where the upper sandstone and Hamanlei limestone are fractured and cavernous. Thus layer is assumed to be confined in most areas during conceptual model. The two layers of the aquifer system of the study area have variable 74 thicknesses depending on the geologic type and structures. The height of each cell in the model was equal to the estimated formation thickness, which was determined based on the USGS 90-meter resolution shuttle Radar Terrain model (SRTM) of the land surface. The top altitude of layer-1 represents ground surface elevation above sea level and the bottom altitude of this layer is 900m above sea level through out the study area, which is conceptualized from the bottom of poorly sorted alluvial sediments as observed from borehole logs and geophysical survey result that were conducted by different Organizations. Layer-2 represents the confined, lower high permeability aquifer underlies the confining layer in most areas. The top of layer-2, which is the bottom of the confining layer, is 850m above sea level and the bottom of layer-2 is the altitude of the lower part of the Hamaneli limestone unit which is equal to 475m.a.s.l. 5.5. Boundary condition Boundary conditions in a groundwater flow model define the locations and manner in which water enters and exits the active model domain. Boundary conditions define the geographic extent of the flow system as well as the movement of groundwater into and out of the system, such as flow to or from streams. They are Mathematical statements specifying the dependent variable (head) or the derivative of the dependent variable (flux) at the boundaries of the problem domain (Anderson and Woessner, 1992). The choice in the type and location of model boundaries is important, as this may affect the simulation result. Boundary conditions may be of three general types. One type is a specified-flux boundary, of which no flow boundary is a special case. This no-flow boundary indicates that there is no exchange of water between the model cell and the area outside the model. Known or estimated hydrologic fluxes, such as recharge and well discharge, are represented using specified-flux boundaries. A no-flow boundary condition set by specifying flux to be zero. A second type is a specified-head boundary for which head is given. The third type is a head-dependent flux boundary, for which the boundary flux is the product of a specified factor and the difference between the simulated head at the 75 boundary and specified head of an external source/sink. These boundary conditions greatly affect the result of simulation and therefore, actual hydro-geologic settings should be taken into account to assign appropriate boundary conditions. The boundaries in the model are selected following geologic feature and structures, geomorphological features and hydro-geological evidences. The geographic boundaries of the study area groundwater model are chosen to correspond as closely as possible with natural hydrologic boundaries across which groundwater flow can be assumed negligible, such as groundwater divides, or can be reasonably estimated. Major topographic divides are often considered no-flow boundaries because topographic divides are typically coincide with groundwater divides. Groundwater on either side of a groundwater divides flows away from the divide and not across it, so the divide itself acts as a no-flow boundary. Topographic divides often coincides with groundwater divides because up land areas commonly have larger amounts of precipitation and recharge than surrounding areas, so water table surface develops a coincident high elevation region from which groundwater flow diverges. Lateral Boundary Physically the lateral boundaries of the model area are generally represented as no-flow boundaries, with the exception of one area in layer-1 and two areas in layer-2, where it is represented as head dependent flux boundary fig 5.3a and 5.3b. The lateral no-flow boundaries are located at the surface water divide of the study area by assuming that groundwater divide coincides with surface water divide for layer-1 and general head boundary is used for this layer at topographically low area as shown in fig.5.3a. The existence and location of this boundary is inferred from water table and topographic maps. Groundwater-table divides define the no-flow boundary. For the second layer of the model aquifer system, the lateral no-flow boundary is located at the contact of sedimentary aquifer and the bed rocks at the east and southwestern direction and general head boundary at the southern and northern direction, where water enter the area from the southern direction following the north-south orienting faults and leaves to 76 the north direction. At these localities (General Head Boundaries) water can enter or leave the system depending on the gradient of the water level at the boundaries. These head dependent flux boundaries of the model are simulated with the General-Head Boundary (GHB) module of the MODFLOW. Upper Boundary The upper boundary of layer-1, of the groundwater model flow system is defined by the ground surface elevation. The ground surface elevation is calculated for each cell of the top layer of the model by overlaying a geographically referenced digital coverage of the ground surface map (DEM) onto a geographically referenced coverage of the model grid. The location of these boundaries is partially determined by the flux of the water across this boundary and by head dependent-flux boundaries. The specific-flux boundary is the aerially applied groundwater recharge and the head dependent-flux boundaries represents springs. A value of recharge over the water table boundary is estimated from previous works. The upper boundary of the second layer is the lower boundaries of the confining unit. . Lower Boundary The lower boundary of the Layer-1 of the aquifer system is defined as the contact between the base of the intermediate permeability upper aquifer and the top of the confining unit, which was characterized by the head distribution along this contact. This head distribution is assumed to have a value that, although variable with time, is the same everywhere on the lower boundary (uniform spatial distribution) for a given moment in time. No-flow boundary is used below the modeled area to represent contact of Layr-2 with lower massive limestone and basement complex. 77 78 79 5.6. Model input parameters In general, model input parameter consists of recharge, evapotranspiration and other artificial stresses imposed on the aquifer such as; hydraulic parameters, boundary conditions and time discretization in the case of transient simulation. Model input parameters which include aquifer properties, such as hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, vertical conductance, specific yield, and storage coefficient, control the rate at which water moves through the aquifer, the volume of water in storage, and the rate and aerial extent of water level declines caused by groundwater development. For this study, the aquifer system properties are initially estimated from well logs, analysis of pumping test conducting by different Organizations and from different groundwater literatures. Arial recharge estimation was obtained from Eyilachew Yitayew (2004) and from hydro-geologic repot by WWDSE, and pumpage was estimated, as described in the conceptual model, from daily pumping records and estimation of hand dug wells and shallow drilled well discharges. These aquifer property values can vary considerably spatially because of the heterogeneity of the aquifer system material. To reduce the number of parameter values required in the model, the flow regime of each model layer is divided into zones within the model domain and each zone is characterized by a uniform set of values. The definition of each zone is based on the analysis of available geologic and hydro-geologic data. 5.6.1. Initial and prescribed Hydraulic Heads MODFLOW requires initial hydraulic heads at the beginning of a flow simulation. For steady-state flow simulation, the initial heads are used as starting values for the iterative equation solvers. Therefore, to estimate this initial hydraulic heads in the model, DEM land surface data source is used for each model cell. This land surface elevation is calculated from 90m resolutions Shuttle Radar Terrain Model (SRTM) image data using computer software called Global mapper-7 and surfer-8. Accordingly the initial and 80 subscribed hydraulic head for the model was assigned for each cell of the model layer by the following methods: a) Areas where land surface elevation is below 1050m, hydraulic head is assigned by land surface minus 20m. b) Area where land surface elevation range from 1050m-1150m, hydraulic head is assigned by land surface minus 35m. c) Areas where land surface elevation range from 1150m-1350m, hydraulic head is assigned by the land surface minus 60m. d) Areas where land surface elevation is above 1350m, initial hydraulic head is assigned by the land surface minus 10m. 5.6.2. Hydraulic properties Aquifer properties, such as vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, vertical conductance, specific yield, and storage coefficient, control the rate at which water moves through the aquifer, the volume of water in storage, and the rate and aerial extent of water level declines caused by groundwater development. The scarcity of information on the subsurface geology in the saturated zone and of aquifer test data that is uniformly distributed in the study area precludes mapping hydraulic conductivity on a cell-by-cell basis. A practical alternative is to represent hydraulic conductivity in a set of discrete sub regions or zones within which conditions are considered uniform. Aquifer hydraulic properties required for the quasi 3D steady-state simulations were horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity and vertical leakance. In the following discussion, the term “hydraulic conductivity” with no modifier refers to horizontal hydraulic conductivity. Aquifer test data at the well fields, geological logs from wells and boreholes and secondary data were used to characterize hydraulic conductivities. A generalized approach was used to estimate the spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity and values may be adjusted during model calibration to match observed data. 81 The horizontal hydraulic conductivity for layer-1 was estimated from groundwater literatures depending on the geologic and hydro-geologic properties of the aquifer unit. This layer of the model consists of different geologic units (such as poorly sorted clay, silt, sand, gravel, weathered and fractured basement complex and highly weathered sandstone and limestone) and the hydraulic conductivity values for this layer was estimated to range from 10-3m/day for weathered basement to 10-1m/day for weathered limestone. The horizontal hydraulic conductivity of layer-1 was applied to each activate model cell by zoning the similar hydraulic areas depending on the surface spatial distribution of geologic materials. The Transmissivity of layer-2 (the main aquifer) was estimated from the analysis of the preexisting aquifer test data of several boreholes conducted by WWDSE, Water well drilling and Pile foundation, Hydro PLC, OWWCE, and others; from hydro-geologic report of Dire Dawa Council by WWDSE; and from literatures (see table 4.2 and fig.4.5). Based on the above, the aquifer Transmissivity values ranges from 2.4m 2/day to 55124m2/day. The hydraulic conductivity for layer-2 of the model is calculated from pumping test result through dividing Transmissivity by the total length of the screen. The horizontal hydraulic conductivity value so estimated for layer-2 of the model was used for the initial run of the model. In MODFLOW, the vertical hydraulic conductivities of two vertically adjacent cells are used to compute a vertical leakance term. Vertical leakance between layer-1 and layer-2 occurs only where there is a hydraulic head difference between the layers. Theoretically the leakage properties of the confining beds are used to connect aquifer of layer -1 and aquifer of layer -2 in the plain area due to the presence of confining layer of very low permeability. But the occurrence of groundwater at the well fields with in the lower aquifer is assumed to be due to the hydrologic, and the hydro-geologic conditions in the escarpment area and hence no groundwater movement vertically from alluvial aquifer to the lower more productive aquifer which means no vertical leakage (Hydrogeologic Report by WWDSE, 1995). 82 5.7. Model simulated stresses. As explained before, water demand in the study area has increased dramatically during the last two decades and therefore groundwater consumption as there is no other alternatives like rivers, lakes etc. The main source of water for domestic, industrial and agricultural uses is form groundwater. This situation, associated with the prevalence of arid and semi-arid climate in the region and low value of annual rainfall and recharge, may lead to substantial change in aquifer water level. This expected aquifer water level change is due to responses to stresses on the system and such stresses are due to recharge and discharges. 5.7.1. Recharge Recharge rates for the steady-state simulation were taken form previously estimated values by different researchers (Eyilachew Yitayew and others). Accordingly an initial recharge value of 10.4mm as estimated by Eyilachew(2004), to the area of valley depression(plain), situated in the vicinity of the town of Dire Dawa extending to the west, east, and north of Shinile which constitute about 53%(470km 2) of the area; 24mm as estimated by BCEOM in association with WWDSE to be 4% of the average annual precipitation(608mm) to the area of steeped margin of the valley depression, extending from the plateau to the southern limit of Dire Dawa town, that covers about 36%(318km 2) of the study area; and 56.3mm as estimated by Ato Eyilachew Yitayew (2004) using Water balance approach for the plateau margin area, which demarcates the southern limit of the study area, that covers about 11%(97 km 2) of the area are used. From the above the total recharge to the area is computed to be 48493m 3/day.These values are used to start running the model and lately modified during calibration. 83 5.6.2. Discharges In the study area discharge from groundwater system includes groundwater pumpage from wells and boreholes and from springs. Groundwater withdrawals from pumping wells and boreholes and from springs are simulated with the well package of MODFLOW depending on geographic coordinates of the wells. The pumpage from each model layer is distributed such that much of pumpage is from layer -2 of the model. The following assumptions are made regarding groundwater withdrawals from study area for the sake of simplification. a) All groundwater withdrawal through borehole pumpage is from layer -2. This is supported by the data obtained from different sources. b) Pumpage from individual private boreholes are replaced by three assumed wells, which pump cumulatively 2376m3/day from the lower aquifer. c) Five assumed wells, which pump cumulatively 15552m3/days of water, were applied to the upper aquifer, which compensates the springs. d) Five assumed wells that pump cumulatively 5520m3/days of water were applied to the upper aquifer, which compensates the hand dug and shallow wells in the area. Withdrawals from pumping wells and boreholes and from springs were simulated as specified flows from the aquifer. Because there are limited well-constriction data available, all wells were assumed to be fully penetrating in the layers. 84 CHAPTER - 6 Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis 6.1. Model Calibration Calibration of a flow model refers to a demonstration that the model is capable of producing field measured heads and flows which are the calibration values. Model calibration is the process where by model parameter values are adjusted and refined to provide the best match between measured and simulated values of hydraulic heads and flow (Anderson and woessner, 1992) A complication in groundwater problems is that the distribution of heads is always incomplete and flux calculations are not always known accurately. Estimates of flux have associated errors that are usually larger than errors associated with head measurements (Anderson et al, 1992). Nevertheless, it is advisable to use estimates of flow as calibration values in addition to heads in order to increase the likelihood of achieving a unique calibration. Dire Dawa area groundwater flow model is calibrated using a trail-and-error method in adjusting initial estimates of aquifer properties, recharges and boundary condition to get a best match between simulated hydraulic heads and measured water levels, and selected water-budget items. Model fit is commonly evaluated by visual comparison of simulated and measured heads and flows or by listing measured and simulated heads together with their differences and some type of average of the differences, which is then used to quantify the average error in the calibration. The objective of calibration is to minimize this average error which is called calibration criterion. 85 6.2. Data Used for Calibration Dire Dawa area groundwater flow model is calibrated to steady-state condition of average head collected at different times. This was done due to the fact that measuring water levels in some wells [such as private wells, sealed wells, wells installed with hand pump and even most of the wells does not have observation pipes] during field work was not possible. In some cases water level measured during pumping test were used, in other cases where possible head measuring was conducted during field work Observations for calibration of the study area groundwater flow model consists of water level measured data from 64 wells. These head observations were not evenly distributed through out the model domain but were clustered geographically in the populated areas of the study area (fig 6.1a and 6.1b) and vertically to the lower layer. Head observations were related to specific cells (horizontally and vertically) based on the well location and on the depth of the well's open interval. The time of measurements of some of the wells were uncertain, as a result, head data were examined carefully and anomalous values due to measurement or location errors, pumping effects and other errors were removed from the calibration data set. 6.3. Steady-state calibration The steady-state calibration involved matching the simulated hydraulic heads to measured water levels from wells in the study area. Steady-state flow conditions exist when inflow is equal to outflow and aquifer storage does not exist. Prior to the calibration of the model, there were criteria established to assess the simulated results in relation to measured data. The first calibration criterion for the simulation was that the simulated groundwater surface and hydraulic gradient generally match those of the estimated one, which were done by comparison of the two. A second calibration accounts of matching more 80% of wells to within 10m of the observed hydraulic heads. To provide an over all indication of the quality of the calibration summary statistics on the differences between simulated and measured water level were calculated after model calibration. The root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and the mean error 86 (ME) are common ways to express the average differences between simulated and measured water levels (Anderson and woessner, 1992). Hydraulic heads for steady-state conditions are sensitive to the amount of water that recharges to and discharges from the groundwater system, the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer system, the boundary conditions, and aquifer thickness. In a calibration procedure there are three accepted steps (Anderson et al, 1992) A. To first change the values in cells where the highest deviation occurs. B. To change just one parameter in each run. C. To determine if any change of that parameter has a positive or negative effect in other cells. Accordingly initial estimates of model impute parameters; especially hydraulic conductivity, recharge, general head boundary, interface conductance, and boundary conditions were adjusted within reasonable limit to get satisfactory fit. Initially adopted recharge values and zones were modified within plausible range. Then horizontal hydraulic conductivity was adjusted manually to get best fit between observed and calculated heads. The final calibrated hydraulic conductivity values ranged from 0.05m / day to 11 m / day for layer-1 and from 0.001 m / day to 120 m / day for layer-2. The lowest value is to the southern part of the study area and the value increases to north attaining maximum in sabiyan well field (fig.6.5a and fig.6.5b). 87 88 89 6.4. Calibration Results. Calibrated water levels and observation wells for the calibrated steady-state model are shown in table 6.1. Based on the first calibration criteria set earlier for the model, the simulated groundwater surface and hydraulic gradient generally match those of the estimated one. Comparison between contour maps of measured and simulated heads (fig 6.3) were done to get some idea on the spatial distribution of error in the calibration. The simulated water level gradient of the southern, southwestern, and northwestern parts of the study area deviates from the measured one. In these part of the study area the difference between the measured and simulated water level contour may be due to lack of available water level data, due to problem in boundary conceptualization, or due to interpolation error of the measured gradient. In general the simulated groundwater surface is similar to the estimated average groundwater surface in comparison to both hydraulic heads and gradients, which shows fulfillment of the first criterion. Comparison between contour maps of measured and simulated heads provides a visual, qualitative measure of the similarity between patterns, there by giving some idea of the spatial distribution of errors in the calibration. However, contour maps of field data include errors introduced by contouring and therefore should not be used as the only proof of calibration. A scatter plot (fig 6.2a) of measured against simulated heads is another way of showing calibration fit. The second calibration criterion is matching simulated hydraulic heads at 80% of the points within 10m of the observed hydraulic heads. Simulated hydraulic heads matched observed values within 10m difference heads for 81% of the 64 observed wells and 96 % of the observed wells matched to the simulated heads within 20m difference. 90 91 92 93 94 The overall average difference between simulated and measured heads was expressed, as given in Anderson and Woessner (1992), using the following three statistical methods: 1- The mean error (ME) is the mean differences between measured heads (hm) and simulated heads (hs ) ME = n 1 n (hm-hs) i 1` Where hm is measured head, hs is calculated head and n is number of head measurements. The ME of the calibration for all observation measurements considered has about 0.007m. 2- The mean absolute error (MAE) is the mean of the absolute value of the differences in measured and simulated heads. MAE = 1 n n / (hm-hs)/ i 1 The MAE calculated for hydraulic heads is 4.89m. 3- The root mean square (RMS) error or the standard deviation is the average of the squared differences in measured and simulated heads and can be calculated using the equation. RMS = [ 1 n (hm-hs)i2] 0.5 The fitted RMS heads for observation point is about 6.7m. Since RMS is a measure of differences between the measured and simulated data, lower number reflect a better model fit. xcv Table 6.1 comparisons of Simulated and Observed Heads for steady-state Simulation. Groundwater altitude, in meters No. Observation Calculated Observed name Heads(S) Heads(M) (M-S) (M-S)2 │M - S│ 1 PW-17 1139.061 1126.65 -12.411 154.03 12.411 2 BH-32 1181.752 1179.55 -2.202 4.85 2.202 3 BH-43 1144.329 1133.5 -10.829 117.29 10.829 4 BH-24 1148.919 1133.43 -15.489 239.94 15.489 5 BH-54 1150.506 1147.8 -2.706 7.34 2.706 6 BH-56 1149.672 1148 -1.672 2.79 1.672 7 BH-70 1149.422 1149.2 -0.222 0.048 0.222 8 BH-68 1148.442 1148 -0.442 0.194 0.442 9 BH-74 1140.555 1143 2.445 6 2.445 10 BH-51 1149.461 1147.75 -1.711 2.89 1.711 11 BH-49 1149.412 1148 -1.412 1.99 1.412 12 BH-48 1147.905 1148 0.095 0.01 0.095 13 BH-47 1145.302 1149 3.698 13.69 3.698 14 BH-46 1147.115 1147 -0.115 0.01 0.115 15 BH-45 1144.353 1149 4.647 21.62 4.647 16 BH44 1144.083 1146 1.917 3.69 1.917 17 BH-20 1157.905 1154 -3.905 15.23 3.905 18 BH-06 1156.914 1152 -4.914 24.11 4.914 19 BH-52 1154.674 1150.23 -4.444 19.71 4.444 20 BH-95 1149.349 1138.3 -11.049 122.1 11.049 21 BH-105 1156.765 1149 -7.765 60.37 7.765 22 BH-12 1154.229 1154 -0.229 0.05 0.229 23 BH-101 1162.417 1163 0.583 0.34 0.583 24 BH-99 1160.558 1166.7 6.142 37.7 6.142 25 BH-86 1155.756 1159.5 3.744 13.99 3.744 xcvi 26 BH-21 1167.238 1164 -3.238 10.5 3.238 27 BH-11 1159.851 1168.5 8.649 74.82 8.649 28 BH-10 1160.967 1168.5 7.533 56.7 7.533 29 BH-33 1182.073 1181.2 -0.873 0.76 0.873 30 BH-31 1180.191 1180.4 0.209 0.04 0.209 31 BH-30 1181.29 1180.5 -0.79 0.62 0.79 32 BH-29 1180.191 1181.06 0.869 0.76 0.869 33 BH-41 1181.002 1181.36 0.358 0.13 0.358 34 BH-40 1180.69 1180.44 -0.25 0.06 0.25 35 BH-36 1180.292 1181.29 0.998 1 0.998 36 BH-35 1180.575 1180.55 -0.025 0 0.025 37 BH-26 1178.255 1180.4 2.145 4.62 2.145 38 BH-23 1149.37 1137 -12.37 153.02 12.37 39 BH-22 1160.045 1170.9 10.855 117.94 10.855 40 BH-07 1149.352 1147 -2.352 5.52 2.352 41 BH-112 1167.483 1161 -6.483 42 6.483 42 DW-28 1151.118 1162 10.882 118.37 10.882 43 DW-24 1149.764 1163 13.236 175.3 13.236 44 DW-29 1145.787 1156 10.213 104.24 10.213 45 DW-33 1154.237 1154 -0.237 0.06 0.237 46 BH-83 1138.087 1130 -8.087 65.45 8.087 47 BH-80 1130.165 1130.6 0.435 0.19 0.435 48 DW-14 1156.53 1158 1.47 2.16 1.47 49 BH-85 1158.141 1168 9.859 97.22 9.859 50 BH-64 1148.866 1158 9.134 83.36 9.134 51 BH-71 1138.93 1140 1.07 1.14 1.07 52 BH-100 1162.417 1162 -0.417 0.18 0.417 53 BH82 1155.557 1160 4.443 19.71 4.443 54 BH-98 1144.046 1132 -12.046 145.2 12.046 55 BH-93 1149.295 1148 -1.295 1.69 1.295 xcvii 56 BH-94 1156.147 1147 -9.147 83.72 9.147 57 BH-103 1155.313 1164 8.687 75.52 8.687 48 BH-93 1149.176 1161.8 12.624 159.26 12.624 59 BH-94 1156.147 1146.58 -9.567 91.58 9.567 60 BH15 1149.163 1147 -2.163 4.67 2.163 61 BH-14 1133.171 1150 16.829 283.25 16.829 62 BH-16 1158.266 1163 4.734 22.37 4.734 63 BH-34 1179.13 1178 -1.13 1.28 1.13 64 BH-32 1181.752 1179.5 -2.252 5.06 2.252 4.264 2879.452 312.742 ME=0.007 RMS=6.7 MAE= 4.89 From the result of the above three statistical error analysis methods, the following are concluded. The mean error is 0.007m for all water level measurement for both aquifers. This indicates that the model is positively skewed in which it favors to the observed water level, which mean that in the overall calibration of head levels, observed heads were greater than calibrated heads by about 0.007m. The root mean square error for all wells is 6.7m and the mean absolute error for all wells is 4.89m. The statistical computation for residual errors is summarized in table 6.1. 6.5. Simulated water budget The steady-state model water budget which is evaluated with the calibrated model is shown in table 6.2. The water balance in the model closes to within about 0.04 per cent. The comparison of steady-state water budget for the numerical simulation shows that, estimated groundwater balance for conceptual model is more or less similar to simulated value with some variation which might be caused by boundary delineation for numerical model. xcviii Table 6.2 Model simulated steady-state hydrologic budget Hydrologic budget component Cubic meter per day(m3/day) Million cubic meter per year (MCM/year) Inflow Recharge from precipitation 47194.39 16.99 Total inflow 47194.39 16.99 Pumpage and springs Outflow through General-head boundary 36845.4 10369 13.26 3.73 Total outflow 47214.4 227.5 Outflow Budget error (inflow-outflow) Percent discrepancy (%) 20.01 0.04 6.6. Sensitivity analysis The purpose of sensitivity analysis is to quantify the uncertainty in the calibrated model caused by uncertainties in the estimates of the aquifer parameters, stresses, and boundary conditions (Anderson et al, 1992). Money assumptions and estimates are used in the design and construction of groundwater flow model. To test the response of the calibrated model to a range of values for the initial hydraulic properties and stresses, a sensitivity analysis is done. This is done by varying the values of one input parameter while keeping all others constant for this analysis; it is possible to observe the relative sensitivity of the model to various input properties. Thus separate model simulations are made with varied input properties and the changes in simulated hydraulic head and in components of the water budget are recorded. The results of the sensitivity analysis for this study were evaluated by calculating the root mean square deviation (error) between measured and simulated heads in the modeled area. It is done to determine the relative response of calculated water level and in components of xcix the water budget to uniform changes in the simulated values of recharge and, hydraulic conductivity values. Each variable was separately increased and decreased by 20, 40, and 60, per cent of it calibration value for both aquifers. Results of the sensitivity analysis indicated that model calculated water level were most sensitive to variations in the values specified for hydraulic conductivity, and recharge (Fig.6.4.). These imply that small variation in hydraulic conductivity and/or recharge from the calibrated values brings about high changes in the distribution of simulated hydraulic head. The parameter and range of values used in the sensitivity analysis are shown in table 6.3. As shown in fig.6.4. a +15% or – 15% change in both hydraulic conductivity and recharges causes a large deviation of hydraulic head from the calibrated residual. Generally speaking, if a parameter has a high sensitivity, observation data exist to effectively estimate the value. Table 6.3 Results of Sensitivity Analysis Test on Water Levels No Change in sensitivity parameter from the Respective RMS head change calibrated value, in % from the calibrated value, in % 1 Recharge increased by 20,40 & 60 9.09, 9.23, 9.30 2 Recharge decreased by 20, 40 & 60 9.04, 8.97, 8.91 3 Hydraulic conductivity increased by 20, 40 & 8.3, 9.1, 11.5 60 4 Hydraulic conductivity decreased by 20, 40& 7.7, 15.5,15.6 60 c 6.7. Scenario Analysis The calibrated groundwater flow model can be used to simulate the potential effect of alternative water management plans on hydraulic head and groundwater movement in the study area. It can also be used as a tool to evaluate and compare the responses of an aquifer system to potential future stresses. One of the aims of this working was intended to test the responses of the hydrologic system to different scenarios. So, alternative scenarios were developed to test the responses of the hydraulic system to changes in water uses or hydrologic stresses under steady-state condition. In general, the results of the scenarios or their accuracy depend on the validity of the assumptions behind the scenarios. Moreover, errors introduced due to limitations associated with the model also affect the result of the scenarios and should be taken in to consideration during interpretation and application of results. In all scenarios, other ci model parameters were kept to the steady-state values except the stress for which the projection was carried out. The resulting changes in water level and fluxes were interpreted as the response of the system to the changes introduced on it. The first scenario, which is pumping of DireJara well field to the satisfaction of the needs for phase I demand of Harar town. In this scenario the demand is estimated to be 242 lit/ sec. which is equal to (20909m3/day) (Data form Harar water supply project office).This amount of withdrawal is then distributed among the Dire Jara wells. This scenario is to investigate the effects of water-management practices that could mitigate potential adverse effects of increased water withdrawals. Then model simulated results of water table elevation in the scenario is compared with model calculated steady-state result and the head calculated for this scenario shows a maximum decline of the water level by 7m near Dire Jara well field and a minimum of 8cm at Sabiyan well field. This shows that pumping water from Dire Jara well field at the rate of 20909m 3/day which is equal to the amount demanded for the first phase of Harar town water supply doesn’t bring about any significant effects to Sabiyan well field. Phase two water demand of Harar town is estimated to be about 500lit/sec, which is equal to 43200m 3/day. Pumping such amount of water from Dire Jara well field can causes a total decline of current water level of the field by about 12m. From this it is possible to say that, second phase water demand of Harar town can affect the water level of Sabiyan well field, and hence not recommended. The second scenario simulates a case of decreased recharge to aquifers by 50% that may results from lower than normal precipitation. It is real that changes in climate conditions from time to time are affecting precipitation amount in the county adversely and reducing recharge to groundwater, as the main source of recharge is precipitation. The heads calculated for this scenario shows a maximum decline of the water level by 6m and a minimum of 0.45m. And decreases in recharge caused decreases of groundwater discharge through the general head boundary. cii 6.8. Model Limitation A numerical model is useful for testing and refining a conceptual model of a groundwater flow system, developing an understanding of the system, guiding data collection, and projecting aquifer responses to change in aquifer stresses within specified limits. However, a model can only approximate the actual system as it is based on simplified assumptions. Thus the results of model simulation are as accurate as the measured or estimated data used to construct the simulations. Therefore, it is essential that for this groundwater model to be interpreted and used properly these limitations should be understood. The limitations associated with numerical groundwater flow simulation of the Dire Dawa area are: Study area groundwater flow simulation was based on various assumptions regarding the real natural system. Some of these assumptions were that the system was represented as a two layer aquifer and a confined unit, the upper layer is considered unconfined and the lower aquifer, confined. The lower confined layer is considered perfectly confined and vertical movement of groundwater from the upper aquifer to the lower aquifer is assumed to be zero. This assumption and approximation may lead to error where there is lack of understanding of a detailed geology in most part of the area. Highly fractured and tectonically active areas can have a widely variable hydraulic conductivity, although groundwater level and flow in these areas may be simulated indirectly, by increasing hydraulic conductivity values, the effects of these structures on the aquifer system may not be appropriately addressed within the model. Hydro-geologic parameter values used in the model were chosen with in the general ranges of previously estimated values, and therefore, model accuracy is dependent, in part, on the accuracy of that estimation. Uncertainty stem largely from the fact that this estimated hydro-geologic parameters and observed water level data were concentrated in the central part of the study area where the population is high. ciii Lateral discretization of the study area in to a rectangular grid of cells and vertical discretization in to layers forced an averaging of hydraulic properties. Each cell represents a homogeneous block or some volumetric average of the aquifer medium. Discretization errors occurred because the permeable features of the study area aquifers are joints, fractures, and dissolution features that might be considerably smaller than the volume of a model due to the averaging of the hydraulic properties; the model can not simulate local anomalies in potentiometric surface of the study area aquifers. Aquifer thickness can also be changed at intervals smaller than the current model resolution (400m x 400m), especially in the current study area, where structures are extensive. This level of discretization used in the model was too coarse to incorporate the effects at local scale, like the effect of numerous faults and lineaments found in the study area and therefore, the model is not suitable for analysis of site-specific issues. However, without more field data, finer discretization was not justifiable. No short or long-term monitored data, that can provide information about the way the system responses to changes in stresses. Data that are collected during wide time range was used for model construction with the assumption that no significant change occurred. This also leads to model uncertainty. In the numerical groundwater simulation of the study are, all limitations and uncertainties involved were clearly stated so that the model can not be misused. Therefore, the model outputs should be interpreted and applied by considering all these associated limitations. Hence, the results of simulations considered under different scenarios reflect the error or uncertainty in the model and the outputs are used as general guides that will help to understand how the system will respond to new stress and should not be considered as exact predictions. The fact that the fit between simulated and observed hydraulic heads during calibration was not perfect might be due to errors and uncertainty introduced in to the model because of these factors. civ CHAPTER - 7 Conclusions and Recommendations 7.1. Conclusions Groundwater is the primary source of drinking water for population of the study area, for industry, irrigation and other uses. Therefore, the potential of this precious resource should be properly assessed and managed. The intensive utilization of groundwater can lead to negative environmental impacts, such as land subsidence, water resource mining etc. Thus, it is found vital to study and have the knowledge about the spatial and temporal distribution, occurrence, and groundwater level for the basin, catchments or, sub-catchments rather than site specific day to day investigation activity. To accomplish this task groundwater modeling has wide application in developed countries and recently got good attention in the developing country too. Dire Dawa area groundwater flow system is found in the eastern part of the country at lower part of Awash River basin. In this study a homogeneous, an isotropic and two layer aquifer with a confining unit between them are considered. Aquasi-three dimensional numerical groundwater flow model under steady-state condition was constructed as a tool to understand the aquifer system and to predict the response of the system to future changes in stresses. In doing so, conceptual model was developed based on the geology and hydrogeology of the area. Combination of noflow boundary and general head boundaries were used to best represent boundary conditions. The numerical groundwater flow model was simulated using MODFLOW, 1996. The study area was represented by 8,011 cells oriented in south-north directions and each cell with side of 400m x 400m. cv Quantification of the rate of natural groundwater recharge was a basic prerequisite for efficient groundwater management, and is particularly vital in arid and semi-arid region, like my study area, where such resources are often the key to economic development. The main sources of recharge to aquifers of the study area are subsurface recharge mainly from precipitation in the southern escarpment zone and direct recharge from precipitation. The physical setup of the well fields surface catchments indicate that, the east-west treading faults on the escarpment intercepts surface runoff and rainfall that drains to the ground. However, the faults oriented in the north direction facilitate the flow of groundwater from mountain towards the deep confined aquifer. These shows that occurrence of groundwater in the lower aquifer of the well fields is due to the hydraulic and hydro-geologic conditions of the escarpment area. The recharge used in the model is adopted from the work of Eyilachew Yitayew (2004) and others. Groundwater discharge from the two aquifer system of the study area is mostly through withdrawal from wells and boreholes, through springs, evapotranspiration where groundwater level is near to ground surface (not quantified) and through groundwater underflow that occurs across the study area boundary at topographic low area. Because the withdrawals record for the system is incomplete it was not possible to determine the actual average annual withdrawal rate for each well. Instead an estimate of the average annual withdrawal rate in each well was made from the available record, under the assumption that the average of the known record would approximately equal to the true record. The model was calibration using contours constructed from heads measured in 64 water points. Recharge, hydraulic conductivity, and boundary conductance were varied within plausible ranges during model calibration. The calibration was considered sufficient when observed heads and simulated heads were with in the calibration criteria set before calibration, which includes visual comparison of simulated heads to calculate heads and fitting 80% simulated heads to calculated heads within a maximum difference of 10m. Large differences between calibrated and observed heads at some places was due to the degree of accuracy of model input parameters, overall limitations cvi of the model design like coarser grid size, or due to errors in observed heads. The summary statistics after steady-state calibration for residual heads between observed and simulated values were calculated for 64 measured water levels. The mean errors (ME), the root square mean error (RMS), and mean absolute error (MAE) were calculated for the residuals and found to be 0.007m, 6.7m, and 4.89m respectively. Model simulated heads were found sensitive to hydraulic conductivity and recharge. In general, if a model is more sensitive to one parameter than the others, the degree of uncertainty of that parameter will have a greater effect on the model results than the other parameters. So, care has been taken during the calibration of such parameter to which the model was most sensitive. The model was used to simulate the response of the aquifer to different scenarios, which includes increased withdrawals and decreased recharges. The effects of these scenarios were evaluated with respect to changes on groundwater heads and sub surface outflows compared to the steady-state simulated values. A numerical model is useful for testing and refining a conceptual model of a groundwater flow system, developing an understanding of the system, guiding data collection, and projecting aquifer responses to changes in aquifer stresses within specified limit. However, a model can only approximate the actual system and is based on simplified assumption and on averaged and estimated conditions. Thus, the results of the model simulations are only as accurate as the measured and estimated data used to construct the simulation. These limitations starting from aquifer system conceptualization which was developed from limited data sources, assumption and generalizations of the field conditions, estimation of aquifer parameters, identification of aquifer system boundaries and others, affects the accuracy of the model results even if some parameters were adjusted during calibration. 7.2. Recommendations cvii The Dire Dawa area groundwater flow modeling is constructed under many assumption and simplifications. Therefore, this model could be improved with additional detailed hydrologic and geologic knowledge of the area. From the situation encountered and the result of this very simplified model, the following points are recommended. Groundwater is among the nations most precious natural resources. Measurements of the water level in wells provide the most fundamental indicator of the status of this resource and are critical to meaningful evaluations of the quantity and quality of groundwater. Therefore, groundwater level monitoring wells should be placed in the study area. This also helps to carry out transient groundwater flow modeling so that the system responses to induced stresses can be predicated with greater confidence. Water level measurements from observation wells are also the principal sources of information about the hydrologic stresses acting on aquifers and how these stresses affect groundwater recharges, storages, and discharges. The sensitivity analysis has shown that the model is more sensitive to recharge and hydraulic conductivity. Therefore, environmental protection activities, and artificial recharges, which enhance groundwater recharge, should be done. The existence of highly fractured and recent tectonic areas can have widely varied hydraulic properties in short distance. As a result, there is a mixture of over and under simulated water levels that are often adjacent to each other. Moreover, hydro geologic data, including measuring water levels, are sparse in many areas, making interpretations using the model results difficult. Therefore, a detailed investigation of geology, hydrogeology and structures of the area should be carried out. The distribution and rate of recharge and the effect of human activity on recharge area is poorly understood. Therefore, detailed recharge estimation has to be carried cviii out and the action of protecting recharge area from probable causes of pollution should be carried out. Pumping water from Direjara well field to the satisfaction of Harar town water supply phase I demand doesn’t bring about any effects on water level of the area. 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