LEICESTER FOREST EAST PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Planning, Trees & Highways Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 1 st June 2011 in the John Pickard Committee Room, Parish Hall, Kings Drive, Leicester Forest East, commencing at 7.00pm. Present: R. Darlison – Chairman R. T. Neal – Vice-Chairman Mrs. B. Mitchinson P. Preston S. J. Coar Mrs. S. L. Jones – Clerk to the Parish Council 2 Members of the Public PTH11/37 Apologies for Absence – None. PTH11/38 To elect a Chairman of the Committee – Proposed by Mr. Neal, Seconded by Mrs. Mitchinson that Mr. Darlison be elected as Chairman. Carried. PTH11/39 To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Committee – Proposed by Mr. Darlison, Seconded by Mr. Preston that Mr. Neal be elected as Vice-Chairman. Carried. PTH11/40 To receive Disclosures of Interest – None. To adjourn the meeting to receive Questions from the Public: Mr. Shaw raised the following questions: (a)Mr. Shaw asked if the Developers of the proposed new town at Lubbesthorpe were still planning to create access/egress from the development on to Beggars Lane. If so, in his opinion this would create a ‘rat-run’ through Forest House Lane/Warren Lane. The Committee advised Mr. Shaw that yes, that was the proposal and that the parish council were aware of Forest House Lane/Warren Lane possibly becoming a ‘rat-run’. Mr. Shaw had also raised queries with BDC regarding Ancient Hedgerows etc., on the proposed development site and had heard nothing further from the District Council on this matter. Mr. Shaw was advised that he could view any of the documents relating to the proposed new town at the parish offices. Mr. Shaw commented that in his opinion the M1/M69 link bridges should be constructed in the first phase of any proposed building. Mr. Shaw also commented on whether or not any new cycle lanes could be shared with footpaths. The Committee Members discussed the matter. Meeting reconvened PTH11/41 To confirm the Minutes of the Planning, Trees & Highways Committee Meeting held on 4/4/11 – Proposed by Mr. Coar, Seconded by Mr. Neal, Carried. PTH11/42 Matters arising from those Minutes: (a)PTH11/35 – Proposed developer funding for traffic calming on Wardens Walk – The Clerk advised the Committee that the County Council would not consider ‘Priority’ speed calming measures. They discussed this matter and Mrs. Mitchinson Proposed that the Clerk should write to the County Council stating that the Parish Council does not see any need for traffic calming 1 measures on Wardens Walk and that they see this expenditure as a waste. Seconded by Mr. Coar. Carried. Clerk to Action. PTH11/43 Planning Applications returned with No Observations: 11/0135/1/PX – Demolition of public house and erection of 16 x 2 bedroom houses with associated landscaping and car parking – 16 Wardens Walk. Revised scheme. 11/0274/1/PX – Joshi, single storey rear and side extensions, 66 Forest House Lane. PTH11/44 Planning Applications returned with Observations: 11/0178/1/PX – Bellway Homes Ltd., Residential development of 145 houses and associated access, parking, landscaping (to include demolition of No. 59 Hinckley Road), 59 Hinckley Road. 11/0264/1/OX – Taylor Wimpey UK Limited, proposed residential development, (maximum 145 dwellings), associated landscaping, public open space and infrastructure with vehicular accesses off Hinckley road and Beggars Lane (Outline). Land south of Hinckley Road (A47 and West of Beggars Lane, Leicester Forest East. PTH11/45 Planning Permission Granted/Refused: Approved: 11/0136/1/PX, 10/899/1/PX. Refused: 11/0032/1/PY At this point of the Agenda the Chairman let Mr. Shaw ask a further question regarding the traffic calming measures on Wardens Walk. Mr. Shaw understood that Park Drive/Holmfield Avenue West is being made 1 way and he wondered how the calming measures would fit in with this. Matter discussed. PTH11/46 New Notice Boards – The Chairman asked for approval to purchase 4 x new notice boards. Carried. Clerk to action. PTH11/47 Planting of flower tubs – The Chairman asked for approval to purchase summer bedding plants for the tubs in the parish. Carried. Chairman to action. PTH11/48 Date of next meeting – 29th June 2011 at 7.00pm. The meeting closed at 8.10pm. 2