Academic Council Minutes February 5, 2008 3:00 pm. South Administration Conference Room Chair: Present: Donna Dillingham-Evans Karen Bauer, David Borris, Steve Bringhurst, Mo Eckroth, Louise Excell, Carole Grady, Brent Hanson, Gary Koeven Philip Lee, Pam Montrallo, Brenda Sabey, Becky Smith, Martha Talman, Sheila Bastian Excused: Don Hinton, Frank Lojko Absent: Colton Cox, Kaden Feller Visitors: David Roos, Dana Kelvington Agenda Items Motions Vote Results Action/Discussion M: Becky Smith Academic Council Minutes APPROVED MOTION BY BECKY SMITH, SECONDED BY BRENDA (December 4, 2007) S: Brenda Sabey SABEY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 4, 2007, AS WRITTEN. M: Carole Grady APPROVED MOTION BY CAROLE GRADY, SECONDED BY BECKY Curriculum Committee S: Becky Smith Minutes SMITH, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE (November 27, 2007) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETINGS HELD (January 8, 2008) NOVEMBER 27, 2007 AND JANUARY 8, 2008, AS WRITTEN. OLD BUSINESS 2006-2007 Program Reviews Social Sciences Developmental Studies M: Louise Excell S: Brent Hanson APPROVED Louise Excell explained to the Council that consistent with Board of Regent Policy R411, “Review of Existing Programs,” the Institutional Effectiveness Committee and the Program Review Teams submit the following Executive Summaries of Program Review Evaluations for Developmental Studies and Social Sciences to the Academic Council for an Institutional Response, which will then be forwarded to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees will review the proposed Institutional Response and either approves or alters it and Agenda Items Motions Vote Results Action/Discussion submits it to the Board of Regents. Louise explained that internal faculty evaluators have evaluated these program reviews. Each program received the faculty evaluator’s recommendations and has responded to their recommendations. In addition, the Curriculum Committee has reviewed and approved these two-program reviews. Donna said the institutional response would come from the Curriculum Committee. She explained the Curriculum Committee is a sub-committee appointed by the Academic Council. The composition of this standing committee, that is now the Program Review Committee, changes from year to year depending on what programs or degrees are coming forward. According to Donna, the committee recommendation, combined with the review by the Curriculum Committee gives us the response from the institution as a whole. MOTION BY LOUISE EXCELL, SECONDED BY BRENT HANSON, REQUESTING APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENTAL STUDIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM REVIEWS. In response to concerns expressed by David Borris, tracking of the recommendations made by the institutional committees is outline in the DSC policy. Louise explained the policy actually has a section where the program responds by developing plans for improvement with a timeline. Agenda Items Full-time Music Faculty Work Load Recommendation Motions M: Brent Hanson S: David Borris Vote Results Action/Discussion APPROVED Brent Hanson said this is a proposal for reassignment workload in connection with private lessons in the music program. There are two key components to the proposal. First, includes private instruction as part of the workload for full-time music faculty. Faculty would receive 2 credits of workload for every 3 hours of private instruction per week. The portion of regular workload assigned to private lessons will be approved by the department chair. Secondly, private instruction beyond the regular workload (overload) will be limited to 4 credit hours (or 6 hours of instruction) per semester. Overload and adjunct private instruction will be compensated directly through student fees. Brent said the 3 to 2 ratio is the standard by the National Associate of Schools of Music (NASM) and as we are advancing our degree proposals, we are realizing how important it is to be in line with NASM. Brent indicated there are some mechanical things the department needs to deal with that are a direct spin off from these changes. One of them is that under our current system when a student signs up for private lessons, he signs up for lessons with a teacher. That is how they are listed in the catalog. Brent said we are not going to allow students that luxury. Instead they will sign up for voice lessons and then the department will assign them a teacher based upon where they are in the program, who they believe the student can study with and whether they are a music major or not. According to Brent, that is typically how private lessons are handled at other institutions. Agenda Items Proctored Assignments in Online Courses Motions Vote Results Gary will rewrite the Proctor Statement Draft for next meeting. Action/Discussion Martha asked if private instruction beyond the regular workload, overload, limited to 4 credit hours per semester, is the total overload or can they also teach class overload? Brent said their intention is that it is total overload. Brent said he would make that clarification. Gary Koeven presented a brief statement that he used as a starting point for discussion on what we want to define as approved proctors: Proctor Statement Draft (Modified from Weber State University version) Students who live outside the area are required to located an appropriate proctor such as school principals, superintendents, guidance counselors, full-time school or public librarians, embassy officials, military education officers (for military personnel only), hospital education directors, local college/professional testing center (proctor fee may be assessed), and other appropriate individuals. Proctors cannot be current school teachers, employment supervisors, your own church officials, relatives, friends, neighbors, athletics personnel, coaches, etc. Students are required to submit a Proctor Approval/Agreement form and to request that their exam information be sent to their approved proctor. Recommendation were made as follows: Two proctor assignments for every student in a 3 credit class. The testing center should be listed as the first preferred place for proctoring. Friends and relatives will not be approved as a proctor. Proctors cannot be the student’s current schoolteacher. Becky indicated that she has a form that she adopted from college and universities that is geared more for college Agenda Items Motions Vote Results Action/Discussion proctoring. Becky said it has a paragraph that specifies who does and does not qualify to be a proctor. Becky will email this information to Gary. Gary will rewrite the statement, incorporating the comments from today’s meeting and the information from Becky and bring back to our next Academic Council meeting. NEW BUSINESS (Information Items) David Roos noticed that our Fall 2008 semester break (October 9th and 10th) does not match the Washington County School District’s Fall Break (October 16th and 17th). David said that in past years we have tried to keep these dates in sync so that faculty with school-aged children could take advantage of the break with their children. We have not yet created the Fall 2008 class schedule, so there is still time to adjust our dates to match the district dates. 2008-2009 Academic Calendar – Proposed Changes Summer Semester Weekend Access to the Library and Computer Facilities M: David Roos S: Philip Lee APPROVED MOTION BY DAVID ROOS, SECONDED BY PHILIP LEE, M: David Roos S: Philip Lee APPROVED MOTION BY DAVID ROOS, SECONDED BY PHILIP LEE, TO REQUESTING SUSPENDTION OF THE RULE THAT THIS AGENDA ITEM CANNOT BE AN ACTION ITEM AT TODAY’S MEETING. APPROVE MOVING FALL SEMESTER 2008 BREAK TO OCTOBER 16TH AND 17TH AND SPRING SEMESTER 2009 BREAK TO MARCH 16TH TO MARCH 20TH. Becky Smith said that it is her philosophy if we are going to get into the summer school business we need to make our facilities available for our students. Martha said that the library has increased their hours from 77 hours to 91 hours during regular semesters, open five holidays a Agenda Items Health Science Program Reassign Time Dental Hygiene Nursing Medial Radiography EMS Motions Vote Results Action/Discussion year, and is open 7 days a week. Martha said this coming summer the library will be open from 7:00 am until 9:45 pm – Mon through Thursday. On Friday, they will be open from 7:00 am until 6:45 pm. On weekends they will be open 5 to 7 hours each on Sat and Sun. Martha said that in terms of computer lab coverage in the library, personnel are not provided to keep the lab open. Donna said that she will contact and work with Jim Cox to see what is needed to extend the Testing Center hours for summer semester. Carole reviewed the Health Science Program reassign time for the following areas: Dental Hygiene Dental hygiene program coordinator administrative workload release should be 24 credits per year calculated as follows: Student FTE Base 0.6 X Clinical/Practicum Adjustment Factor 2 = 1.2 Adjustment for below 3 = 3 + degree administration 3 = Total reassigned time 6/semester or 12/year + additional yearly 12 = 24 workload release factors for fall and spring semesters. Summer semester is administrative only. Nursing Nursing programs director administrative workload release should be 24 credits per year calculated as follows: Student FTE Base 3 X Clinical/Practicum Adjustment Factor 3 = 9 + degree administration 3 = Total reassigned time 12/semester or 24/year. Agenda Items Motions Vote Results Adjourned: 4:15 pm Action/Discussion Medial Radiography Medical Radiography program coordinator administrative workload release time should be 9 credits per year calculated as follows: Student FTE Base 0.3 Adjustment for below 3 = 3 per semester/6 per year + additional yearly 3 = 9 credits per year. EMS EMS/Paramedic program coordinator administrative workload release time should be 9 credits per year.