WEBSITES FOR HEALTH INFORMATION IN OTHER LANGUAGES British Heart Foundation Urdu rdu Hindi indi Gujarati ujarati Punjabi unjabi Bengali engali Breast Screening The Facts in other languages Cervical Screening The Facts in other languages Bowel Cancer Screening in other languages Breast Cancer Care - Asian Languages Poster Breast Cancer Care - Being breast aware - DVD (BCC108) This short film looks at breast awareness and breast screening. It features a range of case studies, together with expert information from a breast care nurse. It is ideal for use in groups to inform and prompt discussion about breast health and what it means to be breast aware. The film is in English with Gujarati, Sylheti, Urdu, Cantonese and Arabic voice-over options, English or Welsh subtitles and British Sign Language.*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/55/ Department of Health publications in other languages This page lists DH publications and resources that have been translated into other languages and are available electronically from this website. There are other DH publications, not listed here, that have foreign language translations that are only available in hard copy. For details of these you will need to contact the DH publications centre. Diabetes UK Diabetes UK is devoted to the care and treatment of people with diabetes in order to improve the quality of life for people with the condition. They provide information in Bengali, Chinese, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and Welsh Equip Information in languages other than English and for ethnic groups Go Smokefree The NHS stop smoking website contains links to several other language guides on this page. HARP: Health for asylum seekers and refugees portal Multilingual health information by language. Health Information Translations Information sheets on numerous health conditions and giving health advice in Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese, French, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Portuguese Brazilian, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian and Vietnamese. Each sheet also has the English translation. Health in my Language Information about health and health related services in Scotland which have been translated into 14 different languages, including British Sign Language. Supported by NHS24, NHS Health Scotland and NHS Education for Scotland. Health Scotland Health Scotland publications and other documents available online. Search by topic (including sexual health), and/or language and publication type. Immunisation Programme This site is for any person, parent, carer or health professional who would like to know more about immunisation. Leicestershire Action for Mental Health Project (LAMP) LAMP works for the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to promote good mental health for all. MIND mental health booklet and fact sheets in other languages Multicultural communication Information about health issues and health services to people who speak languages other than English Multikulti Information, advice, guidance and learning materials in community languages. There is culturally appropriate and accurately translated information in the following areas of welfare law - debt, employment, health, housing, immigration and welfare benefits. Multilingual Community Rights Shop The Multi-Lingual Advice Shop is concerned with the delivery of multi-lingual advice and information in the following areas: welfare benefits/rights, housing and homelessness, immigration, nationality and Aasylum, debt, consumer, employment, education, family and relationships, community care and health (including drugs, alcohol, mental health, and HIV/AIDS), disability rights Oral Health Patient Information Leaflets An initiative by Department of Dental Public Health at Leeds University to make available oral health patient information Leaflets in multiple languages Naz Project London Naz Project London provides sexual health and HIV prevention and support services to the South Asian, Middle Eastern, North African, Horn of African and Latin American communities in London. (Leaflets available to order but not download) NHS Choices See the links to health information in other languages on the bottom of the home page. Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust A searchable database of quality approved health information in other languages. Search by language or keyword. Polish Information Plus Provides information about public services in Scotland translated into Polish but includes links to health information in Polish from different sources on the Web. Sounds Healthy Provides health information in audio and text formats in Arabic, Chinese, Gujarati, Somali, Bengali, Punjabi, Urdu and English. The project covers the preventive aspects of Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cervical Screening and TB. Terrence Higgins Trust THT is the leading HIV & AIDS charity in the UK and the largest in Europe. It was one of the first charities to be set up in response to the HIV epidemic and has been at the forefront of the fight against HIV & AIDS ever since. Some leaflets are available in other languages. The Refugee Council Provide advice and assistance to asylum seekers and refugees