Thank you for participating in the 2010 Lung Walk & 5K Run! We

Thank you for participating in the 2010 Lung Walk & 5K Run!
We look forward to your participation in the Lung Walk & 5K Run on Saturday, June 12 at Como Park.
We are also pleased to announce some new additions to the event.
This year, we have added a competitive 5K Run that will start at 8:00 am. We have also added a Lung
Champion Walk to celebrate people living with Lung Disease. There is only a registration fee for the
5K Run and all participants are encouraged to raise the suggested minimum of $100. Event t-shirts
will be awarded to all participants raising over $100.
With your help, we can reach our event goal of $100,000 to protect the more than one million
greater Minnesota residents living with chronic lung disease who struggle to breathe each day.
As a valued participant, you can help us by collecting pledges from friends, family and co-workers.
We have attached some helpful tools to get you started. You can also look on our website at We encourage you to use the online fundraising tools,
create your own webpage and create an online fundraising campaign.
Pledges can be collected online through your personal page on the event website. If you are
collecting cash or checks, there is a pledge form contained within the packet to help you keep track of
your donations. You can mail them into our office at:
American Lung Association
Attn: Lung Walk
490 Concordia Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55103
You may also turn in donations at the Registration Table on the day of the event.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at 651-227-8014 or
Thank you again for being a part of the American Lung Association’s mission to save lives by
improving lung health and preventing lung disease! We look forward to seeing you on June 12th!
FUN Fundraising Ideas for You and Your Team
At Your Worksite:
Bake Sale: No one ever tires of bake sales! Hold a bake sale at your worksite. Hold one once a
week in different locations if you choose! (Some of your co-workers may even decide to pay a fee
rather than have to bake an item.)
Vacation Days are Here: Hold a drawing for a BONUS vacation day!
Shave you head: have someone at your worksite shave their head once a certain goal is met!
Soup Sales: Take orders from co-workers and provide soup
Boss: Allow individuals to enter a raffle to be the boss for the day!
Brown Bag it: Ask co-workers to bring their lunch for one day and then donate the $5-$15 they
would have spent on lunch that day.
Change Makes a lot of Cents: Place collection boxes around your office to collect spare change. It
can really add up!
Cutest Baby: Hold a cutest baby contest at your worksite and place a jar in front of all the babies'
pictures. The baby with the most $$ at the end of the contest wins!
Dress-Down Days: A lot of business will allow workers to dress down for a day for a price!
Lunch is Served: Hold a hoagie, brat, Italian Beef, hot dog or BBQ sale at your worksite for lunch!
Kiss a Pig: Enter your supervisors in a popularity contest! When a certain amount is raised, they
have to KISS A PIG!
Matching Gifts: Ask your company to match the amount your team raises for the Asthma Walk!
Pie Sale: Need I say more?
That will Cost you!: Do you ever see the frustration on your boss' face when he/she is asked that
100th question for the day? Ask him/her to start charging for every questioned asked-you will see
how many of your co-workers will support this FUN game!
In Your Personal Life:
Block Party: Ask the local authorities to close off a neighborhood street and hold an old-fashioned
block party! A local band may be willing to donate a few hours and a local restaurant the BBQ.
Have FUN raising money for your team.
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts: Sell Krispy Kreme Doughnuts through their Fundraising program. Team
members can take orders and then deliver them on the pick-up date.
Candy Bar Sales: You can purchase box kits from SAMS or other warehouse locations. A local
candy store could also give you a discount or donate a certain number of candy bars for your sale.
Car Washes: Car washes have to be the most FUN activity to raise money!
Cook/Taste-off: Hold a chili, soup or even lemonade taste-off.
Wine Tasting: Designate one or two wine bottles per team member to bring to your very own
wine tasting! Don't forget the cheese and crackers.
Concession Stands: If Team Members Agree to staff the local concession stand for an evening,
ballpark officials may be kind enough to donate all the proceeds to your American Lung
Association Asthma Walk Team.
Raffle, Raffle, Raffle: There are many stores in your area that would love to donate to the Asthma
walk and YOUR Team especially. Ask each team Member to try to get a hotel room, dinner for
two, movie tickets, etc, donated and then hold a huge raffle!
Salon Idea: Have your local salon donate their tips for a day to your Lung Walk Team.
Fifty/Fifty drawings: Everyone will jump at the chance to win some cash! AND 50% of the proceeds
will be for your Team!
Garage Sale: Team Members work together to set up a garage sale to remember.
Door-to-Door: Go door-to-door in your neighborhoods to collect donation for your team! Split up
the streets and routes evenly amongst Team Members. This is an east way to collect you $100 in a
few hours!
Plant Sales: Have team members break up those hostas and sell the bulbs for $1 each! I probably
have 20 that need to be split in my yard right now!
Dear Friends and Family,
Get ready for some great news! I am participating in the Lung Walk to benefit the American Lung
Association of Minnesota.
Many of you know that my grandmother died of complications from lung disease last year. I am
writing to ask for your support in this effort through your good thoughts and generous contributions
to the American Lung Association.
I will be participating in this event in memory of my grandmother and will wear a special bracelet
with her name on it during the event. If you have a friend or loved one who has been affected by
lung disease, I would be honored to complete this event in his or her name as well. I am excited
about this effort and look forward to participating on behalf of many who cannot due to lung diseases
such as asthma, lung cancer and COPD.
Please join me in reaching the finish line and my fundraising goal. Your support will help put an end
to lung disease.
Dear Friends and Family,
Take a breath and see if you can hold it until you finish reading our letter.
I am writing to you today for Barbara. Barbara is a little girl in our son Brandon’s class at school. She
is seven years old and has asthma. It is a chronic disease that never goes away and only lurks, waiting
to turn a happy child into a frightened one fighting for their breath.
Barbara is one of an estimated 24 million Americans that have asthma – a disease that is on the rise.
It is the leading cause of school absenteeism due to chronic disease and the number one cause of
hospitalization in children. Tragically, deaths from asthma are on the rise. Perhaps you know
someone with asthma.
Ron, Brandon, and I are very excited to be participating in the American Lung Association’s Climb Indy
event. We will be climbing 47 flights of stairs to help support clean air legislation and research
Are you still holding your breath? Good!
You can support our climb by making a pledge to our team, Breathe Easy. Your tax-deductible
donation can be made payable to the American Lung Association and placed in the return envelope
that I have enclosed for your convenience. Our goal is to raise $1,000 to help Barbara and millions of
others whose lives are complicated by the effects of lung disease.
If you are still holding your breath, try to take another one. If you can’t…you know what it feels like to
have asthma.
Because if you can’t breathe, nothing else matters.
Lung Walk Pledge Form
Participant Name: ___________________________ Team Name:___________________________________
City: _____________________________ State: _____________________ Zip: ______________________________
Phone: _______________________________Email: ___________________________________________________
Donor's Name
Please mail pledge forms to: American Lung Association
Attn: Lung Walk
490 Concordia Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55103
You may also turn in donations at the Registration Table on the day of the event
Donation Total