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Ms. Kim
6th Grade
WHG: Ancient Civilization
I. Course Description: This course provides substantive, research-based instruction to
effectively prepare sixth grade students to learn Ancient Civilizations and Geography
(Paleolithic era, Mesopotamia and Kush, Ancient Egypt, Roman Empire, Ancient
Greece, Ancient India, Ancient China, and Ancient Hebrews) in the middle school. It
will emphasize an integrated approach to learning economic interactions, political
forces, religious/philosophical beliefs, and daily lives of the ancient civilizations. In
addition, it will ultimately highlight the importance of learning about the past to all
students, including English language learners. The course has been designed in
accordance with the California Social Studies Content Standards.
II. Course Outline/Schedule:
A. Paleolithic Era (July)
1. What is History?
2. Hunters and Gatherers
3. Beginning of civilizations
4. Culminating Activity – Archeological Report of an ancient tool
B. Ancient Mesopotamia and Kush (August)
1. What is civilization?
2. Economic interactions, political forces, religious/philosophical beliefs, and daily
3. Culminating Activity – Analyze the important factors of Ancient Mesopotamia
civilization and create your own civilization
C. Ancient Egypt (November)
1. Economic interactions, political forces, religious/philosophical beliefs, and daily
2. Culminating Activity – Research Project on an Ancient Egyptian leader (each
group has different leader)
D. Ancient Greece (January, February)
1. Economic interactions, political forces, religious/philosophical beliefs, and daily
2. Culminating Activity – Influences from Ancient Greece
E. Roman Empire (December, January)
1. Economic interactions, political forces, religious/philosophical beliefs, and daily
2. Culminating Activity – Analyze the glory and the fall of the Roman Empire and
what would you do if you were a Roman leader
F. Ancient India (May)
1. Economic interactions, political forces, religious/philosophical beliefs, and daily
2. Culminating Activity – Compare and contrast different religions
G. Ancient China (May, June)
1. Economic interactions, political forces, religious/philosophical beliefs, and daily
2. Culminating Activity – Choose one of the Ancient Chinese Philosophies and
create your own classroom using your favorite one
III. Grading System and Rubrics:
A. In-class assignments/Homework (3 points each) – approximately 10% of the final
3 points: Complete, neat, and followed directions
2 points: Complete but does not have total understanding
1 point: Incomplete
B. Quizzes, Tests, Essays, and Projects - approximately 90% of the final grade
Quizzes and Tests will be given at the end of the week.
Essay/Project Rubric
 Excellent understanding of material
 All ideas are clear and thorough
 All ideas are logically organized
 All statements are supported with details
 Work shows excellent language skills
 Strong understanding of material
 Ideas are clear
 Most ideas are logically organized
 Most statements are supported with details
 Work shows strong language skills
 Some understanding of material
 Some ideas are clear, but not many
 Some ideas are logically organized
 Some statements are supported with details
 Work shows minimum language skills
 Little or no understanding of material
 Ideas are unclear
 Ideas are not logically organized
 Statements are not supported with details
 Work shows little or no language skills
 No attempt
E. Final Grading Scale
Final Grade = (total homework and in-class points x 0.20) + (total participation points
x 0.20) + (total quizzes, tests, and projects points x 0.70)
90-100%+ = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% =D
0-59% = F