Price Transmission in Thai Aquaculture Product Markets: An Analysis along Value Chain and across Species KEHAR SINGH Former Research Associate, Aquaculture/Fisheries Centre, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, AR 71601, USA Presently Research Scientist (Agricultural/Resource Economics), Canada Excellence Research Chair - Aquatic Epidemiology (CERC), Atlantic Veterinary College, Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3, Canada Email: MADAN M. DEY* Professor Aquaculture/Fisheries Centre, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, 1200 North University Dr., Mail Slot 4912, Pine Bluff, AR-71601, USA. Email: Amporn Laowapong Economist, Senior Professional Department of Fisheries , Ministry of Agriculture and cooperative – Thailand E-mail: Umesh Bastola Former Graduate Assistant, Aquaculture/Fisheries Centre, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, AR 71601, USA Presently Ph D Student, School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164, USA Email: * Corresponding Author 1 Price Transmission in Thai Aquaculture Product Markets: An Analysis along Value Chain and across Species Abstract We have examined the presence of price transmission asymmetry along the value chain, and the price transmission across four main aquaculture species in Thai fish market. This is an attempt to contribute to the horizontal and vertical price transmission in the seafood markets literature including the price transmission asymmetry in the developing countries. We did not find any evidence of asymmetric price transmission in walking catfish (except in long-run), vannamei shrimp and tilapia; however, it is evident in Thai seabass market; wholesalers exercising some market power. In most of the cases, none of the species considered affect significantly prices of other species at the same level of value chain. Key words Vertical price transmission, price transmission asymmetry, price transmission across species, price transmission models, Thai fish market. Running Title Price Transmission in Thai Fish Market JEL Classification C22, D4, Q13 2 Introduction Horizontal and vertical prices linkages are important areas of research in the food markets. The extent to which a price shock at one market/level of value chain affects a price in other market/value chain level provides an assessment of the functioning of markets. The number of studies on horizontal price linkages in the seafood markets in the developed world has increased recently; however, it is hard to find studies in the developing countries. There are limited studies on vertical price transmission including the asymmetric price transmission in seafood markets in the world. Lack of the price transmission studies in seafood producing developing countries is primarily due to unavailability of the time series price data across species, markets and along the value chain. The present study is an attempt to contribute to the horizontal and vertical price transmission in the seafood markets literature including the price transmission asymmetry in the developing countries. We have examined the presence of price transmission asymmetry along the value chain, and the price transmission across four main aquaculture species in Thai fish market. The fish species considered in the analysis are vannamei shrimp (Penaeus vanamei), tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), walking catfish (Clarius sp.) and seabass (Lates calcarifer). The fisheries sector including aquaculture plays a vital role in the food security and economy of Thailand. In 2009, total fisheries production in the country was 3.78 million tons equivalent to 140,000 million baht (4,700 million US$) in value. The contribution of individual management sub-sectors to the total production included: marine capture (58%), inland capture (6%), coastal aquaculture (22%), and fresh water culture (14%). Marine capture fishery is mainly for exports while the coastal and fresh water aquaculture is for domestic consumption. Vannamei shrimp (Penaeus vanamei) constitutes 60% of total coastal aquaculture culture production. Seabass (Lates calcarifer) is the main marine finfish cultured in Thailand; about 63% of the total of marine fin fish farms cultured seabass during 2007 (Department of Fisheries, 2007). 3 Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and walking catfish (Clarius sp.) account for 32% and 19% of total fresh water production, respectively. Recent studies on the spatial price linkages in seafood markets in the developed world include Nielsen (2004); Asche et al. (2005); Nielsen (2005); Nielsen et al. (2007); Vinuya (2007); Lopez and Asche (2008); Lopez (2009); Nielsen, Smit, and Guillen (2009); Jimenez-Toribio, Guillotreau, and Mongruel (2010); Asche et al. (2012). Nielsen (2004) found that the ‘Law of One Price’ is in force between the Norwegian and Danish herring markets. Asche et al. (2005) examined market integration between wild and farmed salmon on the Japanese market and found that the species were close substitutes on the market, and that the expansion of farmed salmon had resulted in price decreases for all salmon species. Nielsen (2005) identified strong integration of European cod markets and partially integrated saithe markets. Nielsen et al. (2007) found that markets for farmed trout are related toothed fish markets in Germany, and that markets for these trout are more closely linked to markets for captured fish than to farmed salmon. Using import price data from Japan, United States, and European Union, Vinuya (2007) tested market integration and the ‘Law of One Price’ in the world shrimp market. Norman-Lopez and Asche (2008) found that imports of fresh and frozen tilapia fillets lie in different market segments, while fresh and frozen catfish fillets compete in the same market. Norman-Lopez (2009) showed that fresh farmed tilapia fillets compete with wild whole red snapper, wild fresh fillets of seabass, and back flounder in the U.S. market. Nielsen, Smit, and Guillen (2009) identified a loose form of market integration between 13 fresh and seven frozen fish species in Europe. They found that the Law of One Price is in force on the fresh market within the segments of flatfish and pelagic fish in Europe. Jimenez-Toribio, Guillotreau, and Mongruel (2010) examined the degree of integration between the world market and the major European marketplaces of frozen and canned tuna through both vertical and spatial price relationships. They found that the European market for final goods segmented between the Northern countries consuming low-priced canned skipjack tuna imported from Asia (mainly Thailand) and the Southern countries (Italy, Spain) processing and importing yellowfin-based products sold at higher prices. Asche et al. (2012) used detailed data on shrimp prices by size class and import prices to conduct a co-integration analysis of market integration in the 4 U.S. shrimp market. They found a significant evidence of market integration, suggesting that the ‘Law of One Price’ holds for this industry. The literature analyzing vertical price linkages has concentrated on evaluations of the links between farm, wholesale and retail prices (Vavra and Goodwin 2005). The price relationships along the value chain provide insights into marketing efficiency, and consumer and farmer welfare (Aguiar and Santana 2002). It is to mention here that the relationships between two stages in the value chain are well developed by the theory of derived demand; however, the high data requirements to estimate such relationships often make it impossible to estimate. Therefore, analysis of just prices at different levels of the market chain is more commonly employed. Vertical price linkages in seafood markets are not studied much. A few recent studies to site are: Jimenez-Toribio, Garcia-del-Hoyo, and Garcia-Ordaz (2003); Guillen and Franquesa (2008); Jimenez-Toribio, Guillotreau, and Mongruel (2010). JimenezToribio, Garcia-del-Hoyo, and Garcia-Ordaz (2003) used prices concerning ex-vessel markets, wholesale markets and foreign trade to study the impact of vertical integration on price transmission in the fishing distribution channel of the Striped Venus (Chamellea gallina). Using weekly data, Guillen and Franquesa (2008) analyzed the price transmission elasticity of the main twelve seafood products in the Spanish market chain (Ex-vessel, Wholesale and Retail stages). Jimenez-Toribio, Guillotreau, and Mongruel (2010) tested vertical price relationships between the price of frozen tuna paid by the canneries and the price of canned fish in both Italy and France. The two species show an opposite pattern in prices transmission along the value chain: price changes along the chain are far better transmitted for the “global” skipjack tuna than for the more “European” yellowfin tuna. The asymmetric price transmission, i.e., increasing and decreasing prices at one level of value chain transmit at different rates to another level, has received considerable attention in agricultural economics. Meyer and von Cramon-Taubadel (2004); Frey and Manera (2005) provide reviews of the literature on asymmetry price transmission. However, the issue of asymmetric price transmission has been overlooked in fish and fish product market studies (Jaffry 2005). A few studies to 5 mention are Jaffry (2005); Garcia (2006); Guillen and Franquesa (2008), Matsui et al. (2011); and Nakajima et al. (2011). Gonzales et al. (2003) detected the asymmetric price transmission in the distribution of wild cod and farmed salmon. Jaffry (2005) found asymmetry in price transmission in the whole hake value chain in France. Garcia (2006) studied the hake prices transmission along the Spanish market chain. Guillen and Franquesa (2008) investigated the price transmission asymmetry in the main twelve seafood products in the Spanish market chain (ex-vessel, wholesale and retail levels). Matsui et al. (2011) analyzed Japanese blue fin tuna market and discussed that entities having the market power shifted from upstream to downstream by tuna market structure change. Using a threshold autoregressive rolling window regression model, Nakajima et al. (2011) studied blue fin tuna market in Japan. The findings of this study supported those of Matsui et al. (2011). Common explanations of the existence of asymmetric farm-retail price transmission in the food sector include: market power, search costs, consumer response to changing prices, producer adjustment cost, and the behavior of markups over the business cycle (Jaffry 2005). The presence of asymmetric price transmission is often considered as an evidence of market failure (Meyer and Cramon-Taubadel 2004). Peltzman (2000) found that asymmetric pricing is not just anecdotal, it’s closer to universal, and asymmetric pricing to be as common in unconcentrated industries as it was in concentrated industries. Methodology We have used following procedure to fulfill the objectives of the study: i) Testing for a presence of the unit-root, Granger causality, and cointegration; ii) Testing for the price transmission asymmetry along the value chain; and iii) Specifying and estimating the price transmission models. Unit Root, Granger Causality and Cointegration Tests 6 Important issues in the price transmission analysis are: a) stationarity/non-stationarity of the time series, b) the Granger causation, and c) co-integration of non-stationary time series having same order of integration. Addressing these issues is important to decide on the regression model to adopt for the price transmission analysis (stationarity/nonstationarity and cointegration) and the R.H.S. variables in the model (the Granger causation). If the series under study are stationary at levels, one can use traditional econometric tools like ‘ordinary least square’ estimation procedure to determine relationships between those series. The non-stationary series having unit root may be co-integrated if their order of integration is same; one can use the ‘error correction models’ to determine the relationships. The ‘models in difference’ can be used for noncointegrated series having unit root. There are two types of tests used to test whether a time series is stationary or not: the unit root tests and the stationarity tests. The unit root tests test the null of a unit root against an alternative of stationarity, or mean reversion. If the unit root null hypothesis is rejected, then the series is said to be stationary. The presence of a unit root in the time series representation of a variable has important implications for both the econometric method used and the economic interpretation of the model in which that variable appears. The Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test of Dickey and Fuller (1979), the generalized least squares ADF (DF-GLS), the Point Optimal tests (PT) of Elliott, Rothenburg, and Stock (ERS) (1996), and the Phillips-Perron test (Phillips and Perron 1988) are commonly used univariate unit root tests. The stationarity tests test the null hypothesis of stationarity against a unit root alternative. If the test fails to reject the null, the time series is said to be stationary. The tests most widely used are those of 7 Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin (KPSS) (1992); Saikkonen and Luukkonen (1993); Leybourne and McCabe (1994). As is well known in the applied economics literature, even a test with DF-GLS’s favorable characteristics may still lack power to distinguish between the null hypothesis of nonstationary behavior (I(1)) and the stationary alternative (I(0)). The Ng-Perron test (Ng and Perron 2001) modifies the Phillips and Perron (1988) test in a number of ways in order to increase the test’s size and power. This testing procedure ensures that nonrejections of the null hypothesis of the unit root are not due to a low probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis, while rejections are not related to size distortions. The Ng-Perron test constructs four test statistics that are based upon the GLS de-trended data. These test statistics are modified forms of Phillips (1987) Zα statistics and Phillips and Perron (1988) Zt statistics, the Bhargava (1986) R1 statistic which is built on the work of Sargan and Bhargava (1983), and the ERS (1996) Point Optimal statistic. Keeping in view the improved size and power of Ng-Perroni (2001) test over other univariate unit root tests, we have used the same to test the null hypothesis of presence of unit root in the series. The next step is to determine whether the series having unit root are cointegrated or not. Cointegration between two time series integrated of same order can be tested with either by the Engle and Granger (1987) test or by the Johansen (1988) test; we have used the latter one. The Johansen (1988) cointegration test is an unrestricted cointegration test; Gonzalo (1994) discussed advantages/disadvantages of this test. The issue of testing whether or not a variable precedes another variable, i.e., the Granger causality (Granger 1969), is increasingly gaining attention in empirical research 8 (Hatemi-J 2012). We followed the Toda and Yamamoto (1995) procedure to test for the Granger causality: i) determining maximum order of integration of two series, ii) setting up a VAR model in levels, iii) selecting appropriate maximum lag length for variables in the VAR model, iv) testing for serial autocorrelation in the model, v) re-estimating the VAR model with appropriate lag length, and vi) testing the null hypothesis. As discussed earlier seabass farm, wholesale and retail price series, and tilapia retail price series price series are I(1), and all other series are (I(0). We have estimated appropriate maximum lag order using: i) FPE (Final prediction error), ii) AIC (Akaike information criterion), iii) SIC (Schwarz information criterion), and iv) HQIC (Hannan-Quinn information criterion). Then we have estimated the VAR model with lag order equal to maximum lag length selected using different information criteria plus maximum order of integration of two series. Then we conducted (post-estimation test) to check for autocorrelation in the model using the Lagrange-multiplier test (H0: no autocorrelation at lag order). If autocorrelation is found in the selected lag length, we increased the lag length until autocorrelation issue resolved and re-estimated the model. In the end we, tested the null hypothesis using the Wald test, which has asymptotically chi-square distributed with p degree of freedom under the null hypothesis. For this test, we included only lag length selected on the basis of different information criteria; extra lags (maximum order of integration and increased lags to resolve autocorrelation) used are just to fix up the asymptotics. Testing for the price transmission asymmetry along the value chain 9 Meyer and von Cramon-Taubadel (2004) provide a survey of the asymmetric price transmission methods. The results of the Johansen (1988) cointegration test, which will be discussed in the succeeding section, shows that none of the series having unit-root are cointegrated. Therefore, we followed the Houck (1977) and Ward (1982) approach. This approach basically splits the change in explanatory variable into positive and negative changes. We have considered three levels along the value chain: farm, wholesale and retail. Based on the pair-wise Granger causality test, we determined the direction of causation. The Granger causality test, which will be discussed in the results and discussion section, shows unidirectional in some cases and bidirectional causation in other cases; however, in some of the cases the price at one level of value chain (e.g. wholesale) is caused by the prices at other levels of value chain (farm and wholesale). Depending on these results, we have extended the Houck (1977) and Ward (1982) model to consider two regressors. The empirical model used in this paper for testing its asymmetry can be expressed as: p p q q ln Pi* 0t l cum(ln Pj ) t l l cum(ln Pj ) t l m cum(ln Pm ) t l l cum(ln Pm ) , (1) l 0 l 0 m0 m0 where, cum and ln stand for cumulative and natural logarithmic value, respectively. Subscripts ‘i’, ‘j’ and ‘k’ stands for value chain level; ‘l’ and ‘m’ denote lag number; t is the time; ln Pi * ln Pt ln Pt 0 ; (ln Pt ) ln Pt ln Pt 1 , if ln Pt ln Pt 1 and 0 otherwise; and (ln Pt ) ln Pt ln Pt 1 , if ln Pt ln Pt 1 and 0 otherwise. t is the error component. If the price series on the LHS of the equation are stationary at levels without trend, we did not use the time as a variable on the RHS of the equation. 10 The null hypotheses of no difference tested against the alternate hypotheses of inequality are as follows: (2.2) (2.3) Null H 0S 1 : l l against alternate H1S 1 : l l for l 1,2,3,... (2.1) Null H 0S 2 : m m against alternate H1S 2 : m m for m 1,2,3,... Null H 0S 3 : l m against alternate H1S 3 : l m for l m Null H 0S 4 : l m against alternate H1S 4 : l m for l m (2.4) ) (2.5) Null H 0L1 : l l against alternate H1L1 : l l o o o o l 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 q q q q m 1 o m 1 q m 1 o m 1 q l 1 m1 l 1 m1 o q o q l 1 m 1 l 1 m 1 Null H 0L 2 : m m against alternate H1L 2 : m im (2.6) Null H 0L 3 : l m against alternate H1L 3 : l im (2.7) Null H 0L 4 : l m against alternate H1L3 : l im H (2.8) The equality of the coefficients of the positive change and negative change S1 0 and H 0S 2 provides the test on short run asymmetry. The equality of the coefficients for the sum of positive change and sum of negative change H 0L1 and H 0L 2 gives the information on long run price transmission asymmetry. Testing the null hypotheses H 0S 3 and H 0L 3 provides the evidence whether degree of positive changes in two regressors on the changes in the dependent variable are significantly different from each other or not in short run and long run, respectively. Similarly rejection of null hypotheses H 0S 4 and H 0L 4 provides evidence of significant difference in the influence of negative changes in two independent variables on the dependent variable. Specifying and Estimating the Price Transmission Models 11 We have identified the regressors based on the Granger causality test results. If a price series on the left-hand side (LHS) and the right-hand side (RHS) price series (price series which are the Granger cause of the series on the RHS) do not have unit root, we have used a price transmission in levels (eq. 3.1). However, if any of the price series on the LHS and RHS have a unit root and two or more price series are not cointegrated, we have used a model in difference (eq. 3.2). ln Pik 0t ilk (ln Pik )t l ilv (ln Piv )t l jlk (ln Pjk )t l t , l 0 vk l j ln Pik 0t ilk (ln Pik ) t l ilv (ln Piv ) t l jlk (ln Pjk ) t l t , l 0 vk l (3.1) l j l (3.2) where subscript ‘i' and ‘j’ denote the species, ‘v’ and ‘k’ denote value chain level, ‘l’ denote lag order and ‘t’ denote time. ‘P’ stands for price series, ‘ln’ is the natural logarithmic value, denote parameter and t is the error component. If the price series on the LHS of the equation are stationary at levels without trend, we did not use the time as a variable on the RHS of the equation. Since we have used logarithmic form, therefore, the estimated parameters ( ) are price short run price transmission LR elasticities. The long run elasticities along the value chain (VC ) and across species ( SLR ) are computed as follows: LR VC ilv 1 il and SLR jl 1 il l l 0 l l 0 (4) The analyses have been done on the STATA12 software (STATACORP LP, Texas, U.S.). Equations 1, 3.1 and 3.2 were estimated using the Cochrane-Orcutt regression, which corrects for the auto-correlation, if any, in the time series. We have used EView6 software (IHS Inc.) for the Granger causality test. Using F-test in STATA12, we tested the null hypotheses given in equations 2.1 to 2.8. 12 We have used monthly price data on different fish species at different levels of supply chain, collected by different agencies. The time period of data used ranges from January 2001 to October 2010 (Appendix 1). Data on farm-gate price and wholesale level price of seabass, catfish, and tilapia were obtained respectively from Office of Agriculture and Cooperative and Fish Market Organization under Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand, while the retail prices were obtained from Ministry of Commerce. Prices on black tiger shrimp were obtained from central shrimp wholesale market, Sakot Sarom, Thailand. Results and Discussion Unit Root, Granger Causality and Cointegration Table 1 presents the unit root test results for different time series under study. The price series namely, shrimp farm, shrimp wholesale, shrimp retail, walking catfish wholesale, tilapia farm and tilapia wholesale are stationary at levels, whereas the price series namely walking catfish farm and walking catfish retail are trend stationary (table 1). Seabass farm, wholesale and retail price series, and tilapia retail price series price series have unit root. These series are stationary in first difference without a linear trend; we have taken the liberty not to present these results in table 1. For the pair wise Granger causality test, tables 2A and 2B present the selected number of lags. Tables 3A (along the value chain) and 3B (across the species) show results of the pairwise Granger causality test. The test rejected following null hypotheses (table 3A): i). Shrimp wholesale price does not Granger cause shrimp farm price, 13 ii). shrimp retail price does not Granger cause shrimp wholesale price, iii). shrimp wholesale price does not Granger cause shrimp retail price, iv). shrimp retail price does not Granger Cause shrimp farm price, v). walking catfish farm price does not Granger cause walking catfish wholesale price, vi). walking catfish retail price does not Granger cause walking catfish wholesale price, vii). seabass farm price does not Granger cause seabass wholesale price, viii). tilapia wholesale price does not Granger cause tilapia farm price, ix). tilapia retail price does not Granger cause tilapia farm price, and x). tilapia farm price does not Granger cause tilapia retail price. Across the value chain, the Granger causality tests rejected following null hypotheses up to 0.10 levels of significance (tables 3B): i). Walking catfish retail price does not Granger cause seabass retail price, ii). walking catfish retail price does not Granger cause tilapia retail price, iii). walking catfish retail price does not Granger cause shrimp retail price, iv). walking catfish farm price does not Granger cause seabass farm price, v). walking catfish farm price does not Granger cause tilapia farm price, vi). shrimp wholesale price does not Granger cause walking catfish wholesale price, vii). seabass wholesale price does not Granger Cause walking catfish wholesale price, and 14 viii). tilapia wholesale price does not Granger cause walking catfish wholesale price. Therefore, we conclude that shrimp retail price, shrimp wholesale price and walking catfish farm price are the Granger cause of shrimp farm prices. Shrimp wholesale and walking catfish retail prices are the Granger cause of shrimp retail prices. Shrimp retail price is a Granger cause of shrimp wholesale price. Walking catfish farm price, walking catfish retail price and seabass farm price are the Granger cause of shrimp farm price, seabass retail price, and seabass wholesale price, respectively. Walking catfish farm price, walking catfish retail price, and wholesale prices of shrimp, seabass and tilapia are the Granger cause of walking catfish wholesale price. Retail and wholesale prices of tilapia and walking catfish farm price are the Granger cause of tilapia farm price, whereas farm and wholesale prices of tilapia and walking catfish retail price are the Granger cause of tilapia retail price. None of the price series considered is a Granger cause of walking catfish farm and retail prices, and tilapia wholesale price. Our results suggest that prices in the Thai fish sector are not determined at one end and then passed down or up along the supply channel. That is, pricing patterns in the Thai fish sector are not just cost or demand driven. We found the direction of causality from retail to farm prices in vannamei shrimp; however, the direction of causality also found from wholesale to retail prices. In case of walking catfish, the pricing patterns are both supply and demand driven. The retail market shocks in case of tilapia are directly transmitted to farmers, and vice-versa. The wholesale prices of seabass adjust to shocks in farm prices; however, shocks in retail market remains confined to retail market. Tiffin and Dawson (2000) while studying the United Kingdom 15 lamb market found that lamb prices were determined in the retail market, and then passed upward along the supply chain. Goodwin and Holt (1999) and Goodwin and Harper (2000) found that retail market shocks were confined in retail markets for the most part, but farm markets adjusted to shocks in wholesale markets. However, BenKaabia, et al. (2002) found both supply and demand shocks were fully passed through the marketing channel; i.e., they found complete price transmission. Saghaian (2007) found that beef price causality in the U.S. markets at different levels of the supply channel are bi-directional, influencing and being influenced by each other at each stage. We have tested the cointegration along value chain for seabass; and at the retail level of value chain among seabass and tilapia. Other price series are either stationary at levels or trend stationary or there is only one price series having unit root at farm/wholesale level of value chain. Table 4 presents the results of the Johansen Cointegration test. The Trace and Eigen value statistics failed to reject the null hypothesis of maximum rank equal to ‘0’ in all other cases, which shows absence of cointegration between those price series. Price Transmission Analysis Equation 3.1 and 3.2 are a general model used to study the price transmission relations in Thai fish market. These models have AR-terms; therefore, it is necessary to decide the number of lags of AR terms. We have selected the lags using FPE, AIC, HQIC and SBIC criteria (table 5). Walking Catfish 16 Table 6A presents the estimates of equation 1 for walking catfish wholesale price and asymmetry price tests results. F-tests failed to reject all null hypotheses of no difference up to 0.10 levels of significance except for long run asymmetry test hypothesis for walking catfish retail prices, where the difference of the sum of positive change and negative change coefficients is statistically significant at 0.07 levels. The long run elasticity (sum of coefficients) of wholesale price with increasing retail prices (0.62) is significantly lower than decreasing retail prices (1.14). This means positive demand shocks in the walking catfish retail market are transmitted at a lower rate than negative shocks to the walking catfish wholesale market in the long run. Table 6B provides the estimates of the price transmission models for the walking catfish farm, wholesale and retail prices. As stated earlier, we did not find any of the price series along the value chain and across the species at the same level of value chain as a Granger cause for farm and retail prices (tables 3A and 3B). Also these price series are trend stationary (table 1), and lag length selection criteria showed optimum lag length three for farm prices and lag length two for retail price (table 5). The estimated models show very low but positive trends in walking catfish farm and retail prices (table 6B). Both farm and retail current prices of walking catfish are positively influenced by its previous month prices and negatively with two month lagged price (table 6B). Walking catfish wholesale price series is influenced by its farm and retail prices, and also vannamei shrimp, seabass and tilapia wholesale prices. Seabass wholesale price has unit root, and walking catfish wholesale price is stationary at levels without trend (table 1). Therefore, we have used model in difference without trend. The 17 estimates of the model (table 6B) show that walking catfish farm price do not have any significant influence on its wholesale price, whereas its retail price affected its wholesale price significantly. Walking catfish current month retail price does not affect its current wholesale price, whereas one and two month lagged retail price has positive (short run elasticity = 1.25) and negative (short run elasticity = -0.97), respectively, on walking catfish wholesale prices. Two month lagged vannamei shrimp wholesale price affects walking catfish current month wholesale price significantly (short run elasticity = 0.40). Current seabass wholesale price has negative and previous month has positive influence on walking catfish wholesale price. Only current month tilapia wholesale prices influence walking catfish wholesale prices significantly. In nutshell a positive and a negative changes in current month tilapia and seabass whole prices, respectively, lead to a positive change in current month walking catfish wholesale price. The reverse is true for effects of previous month wholesale prices of tilapia and seabass on current month wholesale price of walking catfish. Vannamei Shrimp We have presented the estimated price transmission asymmetry models (eq. 1) for vannamei shrimp farm, wholesale and retail prices in table 7A, and the asymmetric price transmission hypotheses tests results in table 7B.hypothesis. None of the estimated coefficients in vannamei shrimp farm price model are statistically significant up to 0.10 levels of significance. However, in case of wholesale/retail price models, current price coefficients of positive as well as negative cumulative changes in retail/wholesale prices are significant, and magnitudes of coefficients are almost equal. This means absence of asymmetric price transmission in Thai vannamei shrimp markets at farm, wholesale and 18 retail levels of value chain. This is confirmed by the hypotheses test results given in table 7B. Vannamei shrimp farm, wholesale and retail prices are stationary in levels without trend. Walking catfish retail price, which is trend stationary at levels, is the Granger cause of vannamei shrimp retail price. At the same level of value chain, price of none of the species understudy is the Granger cause of vannamei shrimp farm and wholesale prices. The test results showed the absence of asymmetric price transmission in Thai vannamei shrimp market along the value chain. Therefore, we have used model given in equation 3.1 (table 7C) to work out price transmission relationships. One month lagged prices of vannamei shrimp have significant influences on its current prices at respective levels of value chain; however, degree of influence is considerably higher at wholesale and retail levels than at farm level. Vannamei shrimp current wholesale price also affects vannamei shrimp farm price significantly; the short run price transmission elasticity of vannamei shrimp farm price with respect to its wholesale price is very low (0.30). Current and one month lagged vannamei shrimp wholesale/retail prices affect current vannamei shrimp retail/wholesale prices significantly. The log run price transmission elasticity of vannamei shrimp wholesale/retail price with respect to its retail/wholesale price is 0.84/0.77. Seabass All seabass price series have the unit roots (table 1); however, they are not cointegrated (table 4). Seabass farm price is the Granger cause of its wholesale price; the hypothesis of the Granger causality is rejected in other price pairs of seabass along value chain. 19 Keeping in view these results, we have estimated equation 1 for seabass wholesale price (table 8A). The coefficient of current cumulative positive change in seabass retail price is significant; however, the coefficient of current cumulative negative change in retail seabass price is non-significant up to 0.10 levels of significance. The coefficients of lagged (one and three month lags) cumulative negative change in retail seabass price are significant too. This means that if the seabass wholesalers pay higher prices (say 1%) to the farmers, they immediately receive higher prices (0.58%) from the seabass retailers. However, if the wholesalers pay lower prices to the farmers, they do not pass the decrease to the retailers immediately. They pass around 20% of decreased price to the retailers in next month and about 26% in third month. Less than 50% of decrease and 70% of increase in wholesalers’ purchase price is passed to the retailers in the long run. This indicates, and is confirmed by asymmetry hypotheses tests results (table 8A), presence of short run as well as long run asymmetric price transmission between seabass price in Thailand. It is to mention here that seabass production is mainly based on cage culture, which requires very high investments. Seabass farmers are well organized too. Retailers have very low, if any, control over prices. We have estimated models in difference given in equation 3.2 for seabass farm, wholesale and retail prices (table 8B). One month lagged seabass retail and farm prices influence respective prices. One month lagged farm price of walking catfish affects seabass farm price. Seabass current farm price is only factor which affects seabass wholesale price significantly. Three month lagged walking catfish retail price has significant influence on seabass retail price. Tilapia 20 Tilapia wholesale and retail prices are the Granger cause of tilapia farm price, and wholesale and farm prices of its retail price. Tilapia retail price have unit root, whereas wholesale and farm price series are stationary. The results of the asymmetric price transmission model shows that six month lagged cumulative positive change in wholesale price and five month lagged cumulative change in retail price affect tilapia farm price significantly (table 9A); however, there is no evidence of asymmetric price transmission in tilapia markets along the value chain in Thailand (table 9B). The estimates of the price transmission model (table 9C) for tilapia retail price show that walking catfish retail price influence tilapia retail price significantly (price transmission elasticity in current month = 0.32, and long run price transmission elasticity = -0.06). Recent historical prices affect tilapia prices at all levels of value chain. Conclusions and Policy Implications We have examined the presence of price transmission asymmetry along the value chain, and the price transmission across species in Thai fish market. This is an attempt to contribute to the horizontal and vertical price transmission in the seafood markets literature including the price transmission asymmetry in the developing countries. We found unidirectional Granger causation in some cases and bidirectional Granger causation in other cases; however, in some of the cases the price at one level of value chain is Granger caused by the prices at other levels of value chain. Therefore, we have extended the Houck (1977) and Ward (1982) asymmetric price transmission model to consider two regressors, which allow the researchers to test the hypotheses “whether degree of positive/negative changes in two regressors on the changes in the dependent variable are significantly different from each other or not in short run and 21 long run”. We estimated the price transmission relationships using regressors along the value chain and across the species at the same level of value chain. There is no evidence of short run asymmetric price transmission from either retail or farm level to wholesale level; however, there is weak evidence of long run asymmetric price transmission from retail to wholesale price. We did not find any evidence of asymmetric price transmission in Thai fish market for vannamei shrimp and tilapia in short- and long run. Short run and long run price transmission asymmetry is evident in Thai seabass market; wholesalers exercising some market power. In most of the cases, none of the species considered affect significantly prices of other species at the same level of value chain. The exceptions to this are: i) walking catfish price affects tilapia price at retail level in short as well as long run, ii) three month lagged walking catfish retail price affects seabass current retail price, iii) one month lagged walking catfish farm price influences seabass farm price, and iv) vannamei shrimp two month lagged price, current tilapia price and current and one month lagged seabass price affect significantly walking catfish prices at wholesale level. In all these cases, the price transmission elasticities are positive except for long run elasticity in case i (where it is negative but close to zero) and current month seabass wholesale price in case iv where it is -1.11. These results indicate lack of competition among different species in Thai seafood market. However, walking catfish faces some competition from tilapia in short run at wholesale level. Price transmission relationships along the value chain shows that walking catfish retail prices (one month and two month lagged) influence significantly its wholesale price in short run. Vannamei shrimp retail and wholesale prices affects each other in 22 short run as well as long run. Vannamei shrimp’s current wholesale price also influences its current farm price. Seabass current farm price affects its wholesale price. None of the prices along value chain in tilapia affect each other significantly. The results of the study have important policy implications. Various studies (Dey et al. 2008a; Dey et al. 2008b) indicate that, given elastic income elasticity of demand for fish, there will be tremendous increase in demand for various types of fish in Thailand over time due to population growth and increases in per capita income. Dey et al. (2008a) also indicates that fish exports from Thailand are expected to rise particularly of tilapia, cultured shrimp and high-value marine fish like seabass. It is projected that consumer prices of the various species studied are expected to rise faster than the posited inflation rate of 3.5%during 2005-2020, except for tilapia (with a yearly rise of 2.6%) (Dey et al. 2008a). The findings of no asymmetric price transmission of retail prices of aquaculture products , indicating that increases in the retail price of the aquaculture products are likely to pass fully to the primary markets , are beneficial to aquaculture farmers in the country. In recent years, almost all increases in fish production have come from aquaculture sector. However, increasing fish supply from aquaculture will exert a downward pressure on prices of aquaculture products. 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American Journal of Agricultural Economics 64(2): 205-212. 28 Species Shrimp Seabass Walking Catfish Tilapia Asymptotic critical values* Value Chain Level F W R F W R F W R F W R 1% 5% 10% Table 1 Ng-Perron Unit Root Tests Constant MZa MZt MSB MPT LL -16.20 -12.21 -18.11 -3.01 -0.10 -5.17 -2.83 -2.47 -3.00 -1.19 -0.07 -1.53 0.17 1.58 0.20 2.02 0.17 1.37 0.40 8.08 0.70 30.42 0.30 4.95 -5.17 -13.87 -0.53 -12.96 -8.69 1.16 -13.80 -8.10 -5.70 -1.42 -2.52 -0.30 -2.28 -2.00 0.55 -2.58 -1.98 -1.62 0.28 5.21 0.18 2.20 0.55 19.68 0.18 2.88 0.23 3.13 0.47 21.37 0.17 1.78 0.23 3.17 0.28 4.45 Constant + Linear Trend MZa MZt MSB MPT LL 1 2 1 0 0 1 -24.91 -20.42 -31.12 -6.26 -7.53 -15.03 -3.53 -3.14 -3.92 -1.70 -1.83 -2.72 0.14 3.68 0.15 4.80 0.13 3.05 0.27 14.53 0.24 12.33 0.18 6.18 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 -22.21 -27.56 -18.31 -23.11 -29.74 -2.68 -23.80 -17.30 -14.20 -3.33 -3.71 -2.98 -3.34 -3.86 -0.97 -3.42 -2.91 -2.62 0.15 4.10 0.13 3.31 0.16 5.23 0.14 4.29 0.13 3.07 0.36 28.26 0.14 4.03 0.17 5.48 0.19 6.67 0 0 1 0 0 0 MZa and MZt = Modified forms of Phillips (1987) Za statistics, Phillips and Perron (1988) Zt statistics, MSB = the Bhargava (1986) R1 statistics, MPT= the Elliott, Rothenberg, and Stock Point Optimal (ERS, 1996) Point Optimal statistic, LL= Lag length using Spectral GLS-detrended AR based on SIC. The unit root hypothesis is rejected in favor of stationarity when MBS and ERS are smaller than their respective critical values, and MZa and MZt are greater than their respective critical values. Figures in bold indicate rejection of null hypothesis up to the 0.05 level of significance. *Ng-Perron (2001, Table 1) 29 Table 2A Lag Length Selection for the Pairwise Granger Causality Test Price Series FPE AIC HQIC SBIC Selected Lag* Vannamei Shrimp Farm and Wholesale Price 3 3 3 1 3+0+0=3 Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale and Retail Price 3 3 3 1 3+0+0=3 Vannamei Shrimp Farm and Retail Price 2 2 1 1 2+0+0=2 Walking Catfish Farm and Wholesale Price 1 1 1 1 1+0+0=1 Walking Catfish Wholesale and Retail Price 2 2 2 2 2+0+0=2 Walking Catfish Farm and Retail Price 2 2 2 1 2+0+0=2 Seabass Farm and Wholesale Price 2 2 1 1 2+1+0=3 Seabass Wholesale and Retail Price 2 2 1 1 2+1+0=3 Seabass Farm and Retail Price 2 2 2 1 2+1+0=3 Tilapia Farm and Wholesale Price 5 5 1 1 6+0+0=6 Tilapia Wholesale and Retail Price 1 1 1 1 1+1+0=2 Tilapia Farm and Retail Price 1 1 1 1 1+1+0=2 Vannamei Shrimp and Seabass Retail Price 2 2 2 1 2+1+0=3 Vannamei Shrimp and Walking Catfish Retail Price 2 5 2 2 2+1+0=3 Vannamei Shrimp and Tilapia Retail Price 2 2 1 1 2+1+0=3 Seabass and Walking Catfish Retail Price 5 5 4 2 6+0+1=6 Seabass and Tilapia Retail Price 2 2 2 1 2+1+0=3 Walking Catfish and Tilapia Retail Price 2 2 2 1 3+0+0=3 Shrimp and Seabass Farm Price 1 1 1 1 1+1+0=2 Shrimp and Walking Catfish Farm Price 2 2 2 1 2+1+0=3 Shrimp and Tilapia Farm Price 2 2 1 1 2+0+0=2 Seabass and Walking Catfish Farm Price 2 2 2 1 2+1+0=3 Seabass and Tilapia Farm Price 1 1 1 1 1+1+0=2 Walking Catfish and Tilapia Farm Price 1 1 1 1 1+1+0=2 Shrimp and Seabass Wholesale Price 3 3 3 1 3+1+0=4 Shrimp and Walking Catfish Wholesale Price ** 5 5 2 2 5+0+1=6 Shrimp and Tilapia Wholesale Price 3 3 2 2 3+0+0=3 Seabass and Walking Catfish Wholesale Price 1 6 1 1 1+1+0=2 Seabass and Tilapia Wholesale Price 6 6 1 1 6+1+0=7 Walking Catfish and Tilapia Wholesale Price 2 2 1 1 2+0+0=2 * Selected lag is equal to lag length based on different criteria plus maximum order of integration plus additional lag(s) to adjust for autocorrelation. All shrimp and walking catfish price series, and tilapia farm and WPs series are I(0) levels. All seabass and tilapia RP series are I(1). ** Autocorrelation at lag 5 30 Table 3A Pairwise Granger Causality Tests on Prices of Fish Species in Thailand along Value Chain FNull Hypothesis Obs Prob. Statistic Vannamei Shrimp WP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp FP 78 5.78 0.00 Vannamei Shrimp FP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp WP 0.89 0.45 Vannamei Shrimp RP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp WP 66 2.42 0.08 Vannamei Shrimp WP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp RP 2.82 0.05 Vannamei Shrimp RP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp FP 67 5.29 0.01 Vannamei Shrimp FP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp RP 0.62 0.54 Walking Catfish WP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish FP 91 0.59 0.45 Walking Catfish FP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish WP 14.13 0.00 Walking Catfish WP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish RP 90 0.36 0.70 Walking Catfish RP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish WP 14.74 0.00 Walking Catfish RP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish FP 91 2.15 0.12 Walking Catfish FP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish RP 0.35 0.71 Seabass WP does not Granger Cause Seabass FP 63 0.44 0.64 Seabass FP does not Granger Cause Seabass WP 3.28 0.04 Seabass RP does not Granger Cause Seabass WP 62 0.76 0.52 Seabass WP does not Granger Cause Seabass RP 1.09 0.36 Seabass RP does not Granger Cause Seabass FP 64 0.24 0.87 Seabass FP does not Granger Cause Seabass RP 0.71 0.55 Tilapia WP does not Granger Cause Tilapia FP 83 1.93 0.09 Tilapia FP does not Granger Cause Tilapia WP 1.70 0.13 Tilapia RP does not Granger Cause Tilapia WP 87 0.60 0.55 Tilapia WP does not Granger Cause Tilapia RP 3.06 0.05 Tilapia RP does not Granger Cause Tilapia FP 91 2.62 0.08 Tilapia FP does not Granger Cause Tilapia RP 3.42 0.04 RP= Retail Price, WP= Wholesale Price, RP = Retail Price, F-statistics in bold shows rejection of hypothesis up to the 0.10 level of significance. 31 Table 3B Granger Causality Tests on Prices of Fish Species in Thailand across Value Chain Null Hypothesis Obs F-Statistic Prob. Seabass RP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp RP 64 1.32 0.28 Vannamei Shrimp RP does not Granger Cause Seabass RP 0.21 0.89 Walking Catfish RP does not Granger Cause Seabass RP 61 3.77 0.00 Seabass RP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish RP 0.62 0.72 Tilapia RP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish RP 91 0.75 0.53 Walking Catfish RP does not Granger Cause Tilapia RP 2.58 0.06 Walking Catfish RP does not Granger Cause Shrimp RP 66 2.38 0.08 Vannamei Shrimp RP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish RP 0.76 0.52 Tilapia RP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp RP 66 1.60 0.20 Vannamei Shrimp RP does not Granger Cause Tilapia RP 1.31 0.28 Tilapia RP does not Granger Cause Seabass RP 64 1.43 0.24 Seabass RP does not Granger Cause Tilapia RP 0.11 0.96 Seabass FP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp FP 65 0.43 0.65 Vannamei Shrimp FP does not Granger Cause Seabass FP 0.78 0.46 Walking catfish FP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp FP 78 0.65 0.58 Vannamei Shrimp FP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish FP 0.89 0.45 Tilapia FP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp FP 79 1.89 0.16 Vannamei Shrimp FP does not Granger Cause Tilapia FP 0.70 0.50 Walking Catfish FP does not Granger Cause Seabass FP 64 2.47 0.07 Seabass FP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish FP 0.43 0.73 Tilapia FP does not Granger Cause Seabass FP 65 1.16 0.32 Seabass FP does not Granger Cause Tilapia FP 1.13 0.33 Tilapia FP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish FP 91 0.77 0.47 Walking Catfish FP does not Granger Cause Tilapia FP 3.92 0.02 Seabass WP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp WP 61 1.54 0.20 Vannamei Shrimp WP does not Granger Cause Seabass WP 0.95 0.44 Walking Catfish WP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp WP 74 1.52 0.19 Vannamei Shrimp WP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish WP 3.22 0.01 Tilapia WP does not Granger Cause Vannamei Shrimp WP 74 1.01 0.39 Vannamei Shrimp WP does not Granger Cause Tilapia WP 1.81 0.15 Walking Catfish WP does not Granger Cause Seabass WP 63 0.26 0.77 Seabass WP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish WP 2.75 0.07 Tilapia WP does not Granger Cause Seabass WP 58 0.66 0.70 Seabass WP does not Granger Cause Tilapia WP 1.71 0.13 Tilapia WP does not Granger Cause Walking Catfish WP 87 3.35 0.04 Walking Catfish WP does not Granger Cause Tilapia WP 0.29 0.75 RP= Retail Price, WP= Wholesale Price, RP = Retail Price, F-statistics in bold shows rejection of hypothesis up to the 0.10 level of significance. 32 Table 4 Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test: Trace and Maximum Eigen value Constant Constant + Linear Trend Maximum rank trace statistic Max Eigen Value trace statistic Max Eigen Value Seabass: Farm and Wholesale Prices 0 13.50 8.59 21.80 15.17 1 4.91 4.91 6.63 6.63 Seabass: Retail and Wholesale Prices 0 18.27 13.38 19.63 13.56 1 4.89 4.89 6.07 6.07 Seabass: Retail and Farm Prices 0 17.21 11.11 19.19 13.17 1 6.10 6.10 6.02 6.02 Retail Prices: Seabass and Tilapia 0 15.71 14.09 20.62 15.24 1 1.61 1.61 5.38 5.38 Critical Value 5% 0 19.96 15.67 25.32 18.96 1 9.42 9.24 12.25 12.52 Figures in bold indicates rejection of null hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance. 33 Table 5 Lag Length Selection for Auto-regression in Price Transmission Model Price Series FPE AIC HQIC SBIC Selected Lag Vannamei Shrimp Farm Price 1 1 1 1 1 Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price 3 3 3 3 3 Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price 2 2 2 2 2 Walking Catfish Farm Price 3 3 3 1 3 Walking Catfish Wholesale Price 1 1 1 1 1 Walking Catfish Retail Price 2 2 2 2 2 Seabass Farm Price 2 2 1 1 2 Seabass Wholesale Price 1 1 1 1 1 Seabass Retail Price 3 3 3 3 3 Tilapia Farm Price 1 1 1 1 1 Tilapia Wholesale Price 2 2 2 2 2 Tilapia Retail Price 1 1 1 1 1 34 Table 6A Estimates and Tests for Asymmetric Price Transmission in Walking Catfish Prices in Thailand along the Value Chain Coefficient Variable Lag Sig. Level Symbol Estimates Dependent Variable: Cumulative Change in (∆) Walking Catfish Wholesale Price Cumulative + ∆ Walking Catfish Farm Price Cumulative - ∆ Walking Catfish Farm Price Cumulative + ∆ Walking Catfish Retail Price Cumulative - ∆ Walking Catfish Retail Price 0 0.5874 0.0250 1 -0.0327 0.8760 0 0.2120 0.2300 1 0.3379 0.1360 0 0.1652 0.6090 1 1.0967 0.0140 2 -0.6397 0.0600 0 0.5761 0.3120 1 1.6022 0.0090 2 -1.0324 0.0630 0.0214 0.5530 Constant Adjusted R-squared = 0.4344, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.8394 Testing for Asymmetry F-stat (df= 1, 77) Null Hypotheses (H0) 35 Sig. Level 1.38 0.2438 1.15 0.2862 0.00 0.9575 0.37 0.5436 0.41 0.5232 0.33 0.5682 3.30 0.0731 1.02 0.3158 0.31 0.5766 0.07 0.7950 1.27 0.2625 + ∆ = positive change, - ∆ = negative change Table 6B Estimated Price Transmission Equations for Walking Catfish in Thailand Variable Lag Coefficient Sig. Level Dependent Variable: Walking Catfish Farm Price Walking Catfish Farm Price 1 0.9165 0.0000 2 -0.2910 0.0450 3 0.2003 0.0660 Trend 0.0006 0.0230 Constant 0.5455 0.0130 Adjusted R-squared = 0.8744, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.9843 Dependent Variable: ∆ Walking Catfish Wholesale Price ∆ Walking Catfish Wholesale Price 1 -0.1580 0.2060 ∆ Walking Catfish Farm Price 0 0.1971 0.1850 1 0.1239 0.3970 ∆ Walking Catfish Retail Price 0 0.0774 0.8440 1 1.2524 0.0020 2 -0.9776 0.0060 ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price 0 -0.0523 0.6890 1 0.1178 0.4320 2 0.4051 0.0220 3 -0.3158 0.1010 4 0.1654 0.3380 5 0.0430 0.7720 ∆ Seabass Wholesale Price 0 -1.1133 0.0120 1 1.1883 0.0100 ∆ Tilapia Wholesale Price 0 0.2052 0.0080 1 -0.0794 0.3710 2 0.0698 0.3730 Constant 0.0014 0.8520 Adjusted R-squared = 0.4274, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.9822 Dependent Variable: Walking Catfish Retail Price Walking Catfish Retail Price 1 1.3004 0.0000 2 -0.4159 0.0000 36 Trend 0.0005 Constant 0.4204 Adjusted R-squared = 0.9719, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 2.0082 ∆ = first difference Note: All price series are in Natural Logarithmic form 0.0220 0.0050 Table 7A Estimates for Asymmetric Price Transmission in Vannamei Shrimp Prices in Thailand Coefficient Variable Lag Sig. Level Symbol Estimates Dependent Variable: Cumulative Change in (∆) Vannamei Shrimp Farm Price Cumulative + ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price Cumulative - ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price Cumulative + ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price Cumulative - ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price 0 0.2824 0.1590 1 -0.1714 0.3960 2 -0.1417 0.4870 3 0.1190 0.2700 0 0.2542 0.1920 1 0.1710 0.4040 2 -0.2196 0.3020 3 -0.0813 0.5000 0 0.0166 0.9300 1 0.3601 0.0600 2 0.0610 0.7410 0 0.1926 0.2930 1 -0.0964 0.6180 2 0.3200 0.1000 Constant 0.0361 0.7030 Adjusted R-squared = 0.5124, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.6498 Dependent Variable: Cumulative Change in (∆) Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price 37 Cumulative + ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price Cumulative - ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price 0 0.9203 0.0000 1 0.1137 0.3190 2 -0.1296 0.2540 3 0.0929 0.4040 0 0.7814 0.0000 1 0.1819 0.1520 2 0.0755 0.5390 3 -0.0664 0.6040 Constant -0.0243 Adjusted R-squared = 0.7538, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.8153 Dependent Variable: Cumulative Change in (∆) Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price 0.5980 Cumulative + ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price Cumulative - ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price 0 0.8564 0.0000 1 -0.0533 0.6780 2 0.2062 0.1070 3 -0.2159 0.0520 0 0.8845 0.0000 1 -0.0423 0.7480 2 -0.1276 0.3410 3 0.1120 0.3760 Constant 0.0203 Adjusted R-squared = 0.7659, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.8440 + ∆ = positive change , - ∆ = negative change Table 7B Tests for Asymmetric Price Transmission in Vannamei Shrimp Prices in Thailand Null Hypotheses (H0) F-stat Sig. Level Dependent Variable: Cumulative ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Farm Price (df = 1, 49) 38 0.01 0.9219 1.23 0.2736 0.06 0.7999 1.27 0.2660 0.02 0.8866 0.6440 0.42 0.5192 2.48 0.1216 0.89 0.3489 0.01 0.9384 0.53 0.4682 0.00 0.9731 0.63 0.4310 0.30 0.5851 Dependent Variable: Cumulative ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price (df = 1, 54) 0.54 0.4643 0.14 0.7133 1.28 0.2630 0.72 0.4009 0.33 Dependent Variable: Cumulative ∆ Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price (df = 1, 57) df = degree of freedom for F-test 39 0.5696 0.02 0.8801 0.00 0.9555 0.09 0.0921 3.20 0.0791 1.22 0.2746 Table 7C Estimated Price Transmission Equations for Vannamei Shrimp in Thailand Variable Lag Coefficient Sig. Level Dependent Variable: Vannamei Shrimp Farm Price Vannamei Shrimp Farm Price 1 0.4947 0.0000 Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price 0 0.0649 0.5620 1 0.1416 0.2540 2 0.0704 0.5460 Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price 0 0.3054 0.0090 1 -0.1717 0.2340 2 -0.1408 0.2920 3 0.0523 0.4090 Constant 1.1629 0.0020 Adjusted R-squared = 0.7733, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.9003 Dependent Variable: Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price 1 0.8658 0.0000 2 -0.3884 0.0250 3 0.3469 0.0110 Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price 0 0.7778 0.0000 1 -0.4878 0.0010 2 0.1414 0.3650 3 -0.2840 0.0350 Constant 0.1552 0.4380 Adjusted R-squared = 0.9270, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.9603 Dependent Variable: Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price Vannamei Shrimp Retail Price 1 0.9086 0.0000 2 -0.1737 0.2010 Vannamei Shrimp Wholesale Price 0 0.8321 0.0000 1 -0.7700 0.0000 2 0.1482 0.3690 3 -0.0064 0.9290 Walking Catfish Retail Price 0 -0.2388 0.2370 1 0.4223 0.1910 2 -0.2511 0.1730 Constant 0.5322 0.0900 Adjusted R-squared = 0.9400, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 2.0047 Note: All price series are in Natural Logarithmic form 40 Table 8A Tests for Asymmetric Price Transmission in Seabass Prices in Thailand Coefficient Variable Lag Symbol Estimates Sig. Level Dependent Variable: Cumulative Change in (∆) Seabass Wholesale Price Cumulative + ∆ Seabass Farm Price Cumulative - ∆ Seabass Farm Price 0 0.5874 0.0000 1 -0.0474 0.7140 2 0.2063 0.1140 3 -0.0886 0.4560 0 0.1183 0.1770 1 0.2005 0.0430 2 -0.1372 0.1650 3 0.2645 4.5826 0.0030 0.0000 F-stat (df = 1, 51 Sig. Level 8.18 0.0061 1.79 0.1871 3.32 0.0743 4.55 0.0378 91.29 0.0000 Constant Adjusted R-squared = 0.0897, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.6685 Testing for Asymmetry Null Hypotheses (H0) + ∆ = positive change , - ∆ = negative change 41 Table 8B Estimated Price Transmission Equations for Seabass in Thailand Variable Lag Coefficient Sig. Level Dependent Variable: ∆ Seabass Retail Price ∆ Seabass Retail Price 1 0.7074 0.0000 2 -0.1671 0.3160 3 -0.1626 0.2160 ∆ Walking Catfish Retail Price 0 0.5428 0.1450 1 0.0928 0.8580 2 -0.5254 0.3280 3 0.9517 0.0470 4 -0.0213 0.9610 5 -0.3462 0.2980 Constant 0.0009 0.8650 Adjusted R-squared = 0.4802, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.9852 Dependent Variable: ∆ Seabass Farm Price ∆ Seabass Farm Price 1 0.2381 0.0590 ∆ Walking Catfish Farm Price 0 0.0376 0.6640 1 0.1914 0.0200 2 0.0492 0.5480 Constant 0.0002 0.9520 Adjusted R-squared = 0.0766, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 2.0226 Dependent Variable: ∆ Seabass Wholesale Price ∆ Seabass Wholesale Price 1 0.0842 0.4960 ∆ Seabass Farm Price 0 0.2639 0.0000 1 0.1074 0.1300 Constant 0.0033 0.0830 Adjusted R-squared = 0.3840, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.9870 ∆ = change/first difference Note: All price series are in Natural Logarithmic form 42 Table 9A Estimates for Asymmetric Price Transmission in Tilapia Prices in Thailand Coefficient Estimate Sig. Variable Lag Symbol s Level Dependent Variable: Cumulative Change in (∆) Tilapia Farm Price Cumulative + ∆ Tilapia Wholesale Price Cumulative - ∆ Tilapia Wholesale Price Cumulative + ∆ Tilapia Retail Price Cumulative - ∆ Tilapia Retail Price 43 0 0.2639 0.2150 1 0.1071 0.6800 2 -0.1528 0.5910 3 0.0206 0.9370 4 -0.0701 0.7790 5 -0.2190 0.3930 6 0.4350 0.0620 0 0.2903 0.1590 1 -0.1105 0.6210 2 -0.0259 0.9040 3 -0.2455 0.2480 4 -0.0949 0.6800 5 0.4362 0.0620 6 -0.0570 0.7970 0 0.4995 0.5570 1 0.4465 0.6660 2 -1.0667 0.2000 0 0.4902 0.5940 1 -0.7139 0.5050 2 0.7437 0.4040 Constant 2.0702 Adjusted R-squared = 0.0897, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.6685 Dependent Variable: Cumulative Change in (∆) Tilapia Retail Price 0.2080 Cumulative + ∆ Tilapia Wholesale Price -0.0867 0.1190 0.0559 0.3500 0.0771 0.1790 -0.0439 0.3600 0.0133 0.8180 0.0219 0.7130 0.0327 0.5970 0.0203 0.7520 0.0877 0.1840 0.0450 0.4450 -0.0489 0.4020 -0.0084 0.8910 Cumulative - ∆ Tilapia Wholesale Price Cumulative + ∆ Tilapia Farm Price Cumulative - ∆ Tilapia Farm Price Constant 2.0702 0.2080 Adjusted R-squared = 0.0617, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.7371 + ∆ = positive change , - ∆ = negative change Table 9B Tests for Asymmetric Price Transmission in Tilapia Prices in Thailand Fsta Sig. Null Hypotheses (H0) t Level Dependent Variable: Cumulative Change in (∆) Tilapia Farm Price (df = 1, 48) 0.0 1 0.9354 0.2 9 0.5934 0.0 9 0.7631 0.4 8 0.4913 0.0 0 0.9478 44 3.0 7 2.2 3 0.0862 0.1418 0.5 3 0.4694 0.0 0 0.9947 0.4 4 0.5080 1.6 4 0.2071 0.2 9 0.5936 0.0 7 0.7866 0.0 4 0.8356 0.2 1 0.6503 0.1 2 0.7310 Dependent Variable: Cumulative Change in (∆) Tilapia Retail Price (df = 1, 60) 1.2 4 0.2695 0.1 3 0.7159 0.5 6 0.4554 0.0 0 0.9897 0.0 2 0.8967 0.5 0 0.4843 0.8 9 0.3494 0.8 8 0.3510 1.9 1 0.1721 0.1 1 0.7396 0.2 9 0.5916 45 0.0 8 0.7765 df = degree of freedom for F-test Table 9C Estimated Price Transmission Equations for Tilapia in Thailand Variable Lag Coefficient Sig. Level Dependent Variable: ∆ Tilapia Retail Price ∆ Tilapia Retail Price 1 -0.2825 0.0090 ∆ Walking Catfish Retail Price 0 0.3259 0.0040 1 -0.1252 0.2790 2 -0.2847 0.0110 ∆ Tilapia Wholesale Price 0 -0.0109 0.6840 1 -0.0175 0.5250 ∆ Tilapia Farm Price 0 0.0193 0.4860 1 -0.0314 0.2630 Constant 0.0045 0.3080 Adjusted R-squared = 0.2006, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.9823 Dependent Variable: Tilapia Farm Priceii Tilapia Farm Price 1 0.5449 0.0000 Walking Catfish Farm Price 0 0.1080 0.5550 1 0.2709 0.1390 Constant 0.1026 0.7960 Adjusted R-squared = 0.4635, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.9731 Dependent Variable: Tilapia Wholesale Price Tilapia Wholesale Price 1 0.8043 0.0000 2 -0.0458 0.6850 Constant 0.7182 0.0030 Adjusted R-squared = 0.5635, Durbin-Watson Statistics = 1.9922 ∆ = first difference Note: All price series are in Natural Logarithmic form 46 Appendix 1 Price Data and Summary Statistics Level Seabass Farm Jan 05 – July 10 108.75 9.59 8.82 Wholesale Jan 05 – May 10 116.48 10.65 9.14 Retail Jan 05 – July 10 140.84 23.92 16.98 Farm Jan 03 – Sep 10 26.98 3.08 11.41 Wholesale Jan 03 – Aug 10 30.12 3.15 10.46 Retail Jan 03 – Oct 10 46.45 6.33 13.62 Farm Jan 03 – Sep 10 19.47 3.11 15.98 Wholesale Jan 03 – May 10 29.25 4.57 15.61 Retail Jan 03 – Oct 10 37.91 4.64 12.25 Farm Jan 05 – Sep 10 119.28 14.68 12.31 Wholesale Jan 05 – Sep 10 135.58 18.31 13.50 Retail Jan 05 - Sep10 215.48 19.24 Hybrid Walking Catfish Tilapia Vannamei Shrimp (50pcs/kg) Time period Average S.D. (Baht/kg) Species 47 C.V. 8.93 i We have also used the ADF and Pillips-Perron unit root tests, and the Kwiatkowski- Phillips-Schmidt-Shin stationarity test. The ADF test concluded that walking catfish wholesale and tilapia farm price series are stationary at levels at the 0.05 level of significance, and shrimp retail, walking catfish farm, and tilapia wholesale price series are trend stationary. The Pillips-Perron test showed shrimp farm, walking catfish wholesale, and tilapia farm and wholesale series as stationary at levels, and walking catfish farm as trend stationary at the 0.05 level of significance. The KwiatkowskiPhillips-Schmidt-Shin test concluded that shrimp farm, wholesale and retail price series, seabass retail price series, and walking catfish and tilapia wholesale prices series are trend stationary at the 0.05 level of significance. All tests conducted including Ng-Perron test showed that tilapia retail price series, seabass farm, wholesale and retail price series have unit root. ii Walking Catfish Farm Price, Tilapia Wholesale Price and Tilapia Retail Price are the Granger cause of Tilapia Farm Price. However, we did not find significant fit for Tilapia Farm Price = f(Walking Catfish Farm Price, Tilapia Wholesale Price, Tilapia Retail Price, Autoregressive terms of Tilapia Farm Price). The null hypotheses that Tilapia Wholesale Price is a Granger cause of Tilapia Farm Price, and Tilapia Retail Price is a Granger cause of Tilapia Farm Price were rejected at 0.1 levels. Therefore, we dropped Tilapia Wholesale Price and Tilapia Retail Price from the model, and re-run the model Tilapia 48 Farm Price = f(Walking Catfish Farm Price, Autoregressive terms of Tilapia Farm Price). Since Tilapia Farm Price and Walking Catfish Farm Price at stationary at levels without a trend, therefore, we used a model in levels. 49