East Aberdeenshire (Buchan)

East Aberdeenshire (Buchan)
Branch of The Pony Club
Open Winter Indoor Show Jumping League 2013/2014
Waulkmill Show Centre, Kinharrachie AB41 8PS
By kind permission of Fiona Keller
Classes commence at 10am
Saturday 15th March 2014
Classes for Juniors and Adults
Prizes to be awarded to juniors placed 1st to 6th at final league date.
Prizes to be awarded to adults placed 1st to 3rd at final league date
* denotes league classes for both junior and adult.
*Max heights mean that no jump will be higher than height stated for the jump off, but
some may be lower
Juniors and Seniors may jump together, (a) denotes adult classes
Class 1
Class 2*
Class 3
Class 4, 4(a)*
Class 5, 5(a)
Class 6, 6(a)*
Class 7, 7(a)
Class 8, 8(a)*
Class 9, 9(a)
Class 10, 10(a)*
Lead Rein & Assisted Class
Lead Rein & Assisted League
Never to have been placed in any unassisted class
Lead Rein & Assisted Height Class
Warm up class for Minimus League
Junior Minimus League + Adult Clear Round
To include those 10 years and under no longer
eligible for minimus but not ready to move up to
Novice League
Junior Mininmus Height Class
Warm up class for Novice League
Junior Novice League + Adult Minimus
To include those 12 years and under no longer
eligible for novice but not yet ready to move up to
Intermediate League
Junior Novice Height Class
Warm up class for Intermediate League
Junior Intermediate League + Adult Novice
Junior Intermediate Height Class
Warm up class for Open League
Junior Open League + Adult Intermediate
Max 30cm*
Max 40cm*
Max 50cm*
Max 60cm*
Max 70cm*
Max 75cm*
Max 85cm*
Max 90cm*
Max 95cm*
Max 105cm*
Rules and Regulations
Points will be awarded as per number of starters per league class on the day. Max 6
points for first place down to 1 point for sixth place. If less than 6 competitors in class
then points awarded accordingly ie. (If only two people start then only 2 points can be
awarded for first place.)
Horses/pony/rider can move up and down league classes during the league season
with the understanding that they will forfeit any points already won.
Rider/Pony/Horse combination will be given a number at their first competition, which
will be their number through the league season (please remember your number)
Four ponies/horses maximum to be ridden by any rider in one class.
All Pony Club members ride as juniors, together with non members who are 16 and
under. Non members 17 and over ride as Adults
League class will be split into Adults and Juniors and points will be awarded
All clear rounds will jump off against the clock.
Lower placing will be decided by times from the first round.
No points will be given at the final league show, as prizes will be presented to juniors
on this date for placings 1st to 6rd in classes 2,4,6,8 and 10 and for adults placings 1st
to 3rd in adult classes 2,4,6,8,10
Competitors must compete on a minimum of 2 dates to be eligible for a prize.
Rider may be allowed to stay in league they have already won at DC’s and Chief
Instructor’s discretion, if rider is not ready to move up due to lack of confidence or
lack of experience.
Horse/Pony from a welfare point of view can enter no more than 3 classes. Same
pony/horse can enter same class with different riders but can only do a total of 3
class entries.
East Aberdeenshire Pony Club members - £8.00
Other Pony Club members - £9.00
Non-Pony Club members - £10.00
PLUS £1 per rider for First Aid
Cheques to be made payable to East Aberdeenshire Pony Club
Show day telephone number 07917411204
Health and Safety Policy
This competition is organised in accordance with the Health and Safety legislation and
therefore we ask:
Emergency services must have access to all parts of the competition site at all times
therefore members of the public must not park vehicles so as to obstruct access
Any action hazardous to Health and Safety should be reported to the organiser
All riders must wear hats manufactured to the minimum specification PAS015:1998,
EN1384:1996; BS EN 1384:1997 and the British kite mark; Snell E2001; AS/NZS 3838 1998;
AS/NZS 3838 2003
In case of emergency, members of the public should contact the nearest official or dial 999.
First Aid cover is provided.
Rules of the Competition
Rosettes 1st – 6th place.
This competition will be run in accordance with Pony Club Show Jumping Rules 2013
The judge’s decision is final and may not be questioned
6 First Aid
£1 per rider
The organisers reserve the right to alter classes
Legal Liability
Save for death or personal injury caused by negligence of the organisers or anyone for who they are in
law responsible, neither the organisers, nor the Pony Club, nor any agent, employee or representative of
these bodies accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners,
riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories, or any other person or property
whatsoever caused by negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever.
The organiser has taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present.
For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents
occurring and must obey the instructions of the organiser and all official stewards. There will be no
supervision provided in the warm up arena therefore riders/spectators using this arena do so at their
own risk, children should be accompanied/supervised by parent or responsible adult.
I agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set out on the entry form
(Entries must be signed by Parent or Guardian if rider is under 17 years of age)