M ission The Dickinson Area Community Foundation’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for all residents of Dickinson County, adjacent Michigan & Wisconsin communities, and the Forest Park/Crystal Falls communities. The Foundation will provide leadership by attracting resources, managing endowments, serving donors, and distributing funds to meet changing community needs, now and in the future. B oard of Directors: Karen Thekan – President Richard Debelak – Vice President Patti Petschar – Treasurer Grant Carlson – Secretary Tom Clarke Jay Olivares F Dave Kashian William Trudell Bill Miller Beau LaFave – YAC Jordan Barbeau – YAC oundation Staff Tamara Juul – Executive Director Faith Peterson – Administrative Assistant Bryan Kessler - Accountant F inancials Dickinson Area Community Foundation Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2009 ________________________________________________________________________ Assets Cash Prepaid fundraiser Interest receivable Investments Office equipment Less accumulated depreciation $48,883 250 111 5,170,134 10,032 8,556 Total Assets 1,476 5,220,854 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accrued payroll & payroll taxes Funds designated for other non-profit organizations 1,374 1,245 2,619 Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilities & net assets (265,284) 636,521 4,846,998 5,218,235 5,220,854 FLEURY SINGLER & COMPANY PC The complete financial statements of the Dickinson Area Community Foundation have been independently audited by Fleury, Singler & Company PC, Certified Public Accountants. The Foundations financial statements and IRS Form 990 are available to the public through the Foundation office. From the Desk of: Tamara Juul Executive Director I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, my name is Tamara Colenso Juul, and I am the new Executive Director at DACF. I am originally from this area and am thrilled to be serving the community in this new position. Additionally, we have Faith Peterson as the new Administrative Assistant, and Bryan Kesler as the Accountant, with the dedicated new staff, the Community Foundation is moving in a new and positive direction. All three of us are passionate about the Foundation and the great work we do in the communities in which we serve. Initially, my focus has been on community awareness of DACF, CFACF and NACF. In our prosperous community, I have been concentrating on getting involved in the community and educating our population on exactly what we do here and how we serve the people of our community. I will continue to work on public relations and community awareness as it is an ongoing effort to become more visible in Dickinson County and the surrounding areas. In 2010, we gained two new funds, The Dickinson Hospital Foundation Fund and McLeod Fund from the Crystal Falls Area. With a stronger community presence, we strive to further build our endowment funds in 2011. As 2010 closes, we look back on the many changes we have experienced and are anxiously looking towards the future. Due to the tough economic environment, DACF also faced tough decisions in regards to granting and scholarships, seeing much more need than funds available. The fourth quarter improvement in the majority of our funds allowed for numerous additional scholarships to be awarded in 2011. Our fund balances continue to recover as we move into the next fiscal year. Looking ahead to the next year, we will be renewing our commitment to excellence by submission for acceptance to National Standards, which occurs every five years. The National Standards Seal shown here signifies that our Foundation has met rigorous National Standards and has demonstrated its commitment to financial security, transparency and accountability. We plan to continue that dedication to excellence in the field of philanthropy and achieve certification once again in November of 2011. Thank you for your loyalty to Dickinson Area Community Foundation and our affiliates, Norway Area Community Foundation and Crystal Falls Area Community Foundation. Because of you, we make a positive impact on improving the lives of the residents of our area, and will continue to do so for generations to come. Sincerely, Tamara C. Juul Executive Director G rants Grants for 2010 totaled - $13,232.64 Agency: Camp Batawagama Champion Romney (DICSA) Education & Youth Dickinson County 4-H IM Area Little League Girls Softball IM Public Schools – The Seven Projects IM Elementary School – Reading with Athletes Norway High School Baseball Health & Wellness Norway/Vulcan Area Schools – Healthy Choices Day Norway YAC’s – Healthy Parenting Education NAMI Wishigan Upper Peninsula Health Education Corp – AGES Project Community Dickinson County Library – Keys to Success Summer Program Squadron 50 War Memorial Corp – War Memorial Park & Memorial S cholarships 2010 In 2010 the Foundation and its Affiliates paid out $75,050 in new and renewing scholarships to area students from Iron Mountain, Kingsford, Niagara, North Dickinson, Florence, and Forest Park High Schools. New Scholarships awarded in 2010: Gust K Newberg Construction Scholarship Assn. of Student Artists Scholarship Blomquist Family Scholarship Forgette Scholarship Francis Scholarship L. Gibson Kingsford Scholarship Caviani Scholarship Golden K Scholarship Debelak Scholarship Hagerup Nursing Scholarship Kingsford Scholarship Anne Look Scholarship Rotary Scholarship Thornberry Scholarship Norway Bal Scholarship Norway Cameron Scholarship Norway Nora Scholarship Norway Tomasoski Scholarship Norway Maurina Scholarship Norway-Vielmetti Scholarship Norway—Anderson (Medical) Norway—Anderson (General) Norway—DeRidder Scholarship Norway—Dierickx Scholarship Norway-Maurina Scholarship CF/FP Business Ass. Scholarship FP Dahm Family Scholarship FP Flood Scholarship FP Groeneveld FP Koob Scholarship FP McLeod Scholarship FP Schook Scholarship FP Sedberry Scholarship FP Schmid Scholarship FP Snell Scholarship FP Schwedler Memorial Scholarship D onations DACF is extremely grateful to have received $73,386.37 in contributions in 2010. We received gifts from 96 donors. Two new funds were established in 2010: Forest Park McLeod Scholarship Endowed Fund Dickinson County Hospital Community Endowed Fund S trategies for More Effective Giving Start philanthropy early—many small gifts grow to become a legacy. Find passion and focus gifting—this makes a larger impact. Think of philanthropy as a child—investing in the future Teach philanthropy to the next generation. Make philanthropy fun—celebrate birthdays or other occasions by donating to causes that the honoree believes in. Philanthropy—the giving and sharing of time, talent, or treasure intended for the common good. For Good For Ever Dickinson Area Community Foundation 333 S Stephenson Suite 204 Iron Mountain, MI 49801 906 774-3131 Fax: 774-7640 dacf@uplogon.com www.dickinsonareacommunityfoundation.org Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations