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Prof. Leonardo Palmisano was born in Termini Imerese (Palermo, Italy) on 13/04/1950.
He is Full Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemical Engineering of Processes and
Materials of the University of Palermo (Italy).
The scientific activity has been mainly focussed in the field of heterogeneous photocatalysis used
for environmental applications both in gas-solid and in solid-liquid systems. More recently the
group of Prof. Palmisano has used TiO2 heterogeneous photocatalysis for selective oxidation of
aromatic alcohols to aldehydes in green conditions. Professor Palmisano has been the co-ordinator
of many national and international research projects and in particular he has obtained financial
support by EU (European Union) to carry out experiments in the Plataforma Solar of Almeria
(Spain) by using solar photoreactors. He has collaborated with many scientists all over the world
producing many joint papers in journals and books (220), many papers and Abstracts in proceedings
of national and international conferences (305), and a patent. Prof. Palmisano has been invited to
carry out research work in U.K., University of Bradford, School of Studies in Chemistry and
Chemical Technology (laboratories of Prof. R.I. Bickley) from 01/03/1986 to 31/08/1986, in
Germany, Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin (laboratories of Prof. H. Tributsch) in August 1989, and
several times in Italy, Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica ed Inorganica (laboratories of Prof. S.
Coluccia). Prof. Leonardo Palmisano worked as visiting professor at Hokkaido University,
Catalysis Research Center, Sapporo (Japan) in August-November 2001. Prof. Palmisano has been
the Chairman of SPEA5 (Solar Chemistry & Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications), an
international conference that was held in Palermo in 2008 and he has been co-chairman or member
of the international committee of many other national and international conferences. He is member
of the international board of Current Organic Chemistry, International Journal of Photoenergy and
referee of many international journals. He is member of Italian Chemical Society, member of
America Chemical Society and Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry.
Prof. Palmisano is co-author of the Glossary of terms in Photocatalysis and Radiation Catalysis that
is in press. The initiative to publish the Glossary was sponsored by the IUPAC.
Prof. Palmisano has been the editor of the book “Processi e metodologie per il trattamento delle
acque” (translation: Processes and methodologies for waste water treatment), and he is co-author of
didactical books “Fondamenti di Chimica” EDISES, “Elementi di Chimica” EDISES, and
“Fundamentos de Química”, Ariel Ciencia ed., Barcellona (Spain).