Assessment Results for GEOL 310 Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology Student: ________________________________________ Learning Outcome Term:______________ ID No._________________________ Associated Activities Assessed Activity Raw Score Method Score (1-4) Program Outcome BA G310.B G310.E G310.F G310.H Be able to interpret and use phase diagrams Understand the origins of magmas Understand and be able to interpret how magma compositions evolve Understand the various types of metamorphism and metamorphic conditions 1 Use various types of binary and ternary phase diagrams to interpret equilibrium and fractional crystallization and melting histories Lab 1 convert % A4 A4 2 Use a petrogenetic grid and descriptions of metamorphic rocks (of various grades) from an area to interpret the P-T conditions Lab 7 convert % A4 A4 1 Describe the three mechanisms for melting source rocks (addition of heat, decompression, and addition of H2O) and explain where they operate (tectonic settings) exam 1 convert % A4 A4 2 Describe the distinguishing compositional characteristics of the three igneous rock series and how they relate to the processes through which and conditions under which the three series develop exam 2 convert % A4 A4 1 Describe the processes through which magma compositions change and their possible mechanisms igneous project Rubric A A4 A4 2 Use various lines of evidence to interpret magmatic processes responsible for compositional variations within a suite of igneous rocks igneous project Rubric B A4 A4 1 List and give basic descriptions of the types of regional and local metamorphism, their characteristic conditions, and the nature of the metamorphic rocks produced exam 3 convert % A4 A4 2 Describe what is meant by metamorphic grade, zones, isograds, and facies exam 3 convert % A4 A4 A4 G310.I Understand the types of metamorphic reactions and the role of kinetics 2 Be able to represent metamorphic reactions on appropriate compositional plots, and interpret net reactions from such plots Lab 6 convert % A4 G310.J Be able to make and effectively communicate petrologic interpretations 1 Synthesize and interpret data from a suite of igneous or metamorphic rocks to determine the processes through which they formed, and communicate the interpretations making effective use of text, tables, and graphics igneous project convert % (total project score) E1 Convert % 100-90 = 4 BSE 89-80 = 3 79-65 = 2 < 65 = 1 Rubric A 4 3 2 1 Shows sophisticated understanding of processes through which magma compositions change, and possible physical mechanism involved. Shows solid understanding of processes and possible mechanisms. No key misunderstandings, but certain parts are simplistic. Shows somewhat simplistic understanding of processes or possible mechanisms that suggest some key misunderstandings. Shows little understanding of processes and possible mechanisms. Rubric B 4 3 2 1 Magmatic processes interpreted are completely consistent with available evidence; sophisticated understanding of how to use evidence. Magmatic processes interpreted are generally consistent with available evidence. Magmatic processes interpreted are only partially consistent with available evidence; some key evidence misinterpreted. Magmatic processes interpreted are not consistent with most of the available evidence; shows little understanding of how to use evidence.