
Region 5
March 7, 2008 Minutes
Location: UC Merced – Fresno
Members Present:
Greg Keen, College of the Sequoias (CO-Chair)
Jack Saunders, San Joaquin Delta College, (Co-Chair)
Alexis Graham, University of the Pacific
Cynthia Eisenhut, U.C. Merced
Susan Fauroat, U.C. Merced
Marta Hendrickson, West Hills College, Lemoore
Vicki Herder, Taft College
Erica Lassen, CSU Fresno
Dahne Watson, Fresno Pacific University
Kelly Schroeder, Fresno Pacific University
Rose Stock, Fresno City College
Meeting called to order by Greg Keen at 9:30 AM
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Approval of fall 2007 Minutes: Approved as submitted.
3. LDTP Discussion of level of participation which is declining. It was noted that a new
participation survey was to be released shortly. Issues leading to declining participation
included no new course descriptors, benefit of program not clear, and lack of feedback
regarding submissions. Mention was made of the CCC Academic Senate CID project and
it potential relationship to LDTP. CID is progressing and has focused on Chem-PhysBiol-Psy course descriptors and numbering. The group has agreed to not work on
descriptors undergoing LDTP review. LDTP will be addressed in depth at NCIAC.
4. IGETC Standards, Policies and Procedures. New standards were discussed. Use of AP
scores to clear areas discussed. Partial certification w/o good cause seen as desirable
feature of revision. Certification of English and Math as well as other standard
introductory courses (Ex. Introduction to Psychology) from non-California campuses is
outlined in Standard 5.2 which also allows certification of a course not offered on
certifying campus if offered at another campus and is qualified for IGETC on that
campus. Review of non-CCC courses in Area 1B, Critical Thinking and Composition
require careful review of course outlines by discipline faculty as most out of state second
semester English Composition courses do not meet IGETC standards. Upper division
courses can be used for certification. CSU US History, Constitution, and AI requirement
not part of IGETC but may be listed in Areas 3B and 4. Individual CSU campuses
determine whether courses used to satisfy the above requirement may count in both areas
and meet the AI requirement. It was suggested that CSU produce a grid depicting how
individual CSU campuses apply this.
5. CCC AO Grant Funds ($5K) all funds from current grant must be spent by 6/30/08.
Funding for next year is unlikely given the current budget situation.
6. CCC Transfer Studies & Non-transfer Liberal Arts/General Studies: Lengthy
discussion about Title 5 changes for the Associate Degree. Greg and Jack discussed
conversation with Stephanie Low at the Regional AO meeting held in February. Idea of
an interdisciplinary degree based on GE areas was suggested as one possible way to meet
new Title 5 guidelines. Greg shared the transfer studies degrees with area of emphasis his
campus is developing for transfer students as well as a liberal arts degree with area of
emphasis for non-transfer students. The degree requires completion of a minimum 18 unit
GE pattern, 18 designated units in major and 60 units. Additional changes effective fall of
2009, include successful completion of a Freshman Composition level course and
successful completion of a mathematics course at the level of Intermediate Algebra.
Major and Area of Emphasis must contain a “well defined pattern of learning” and not an
unrelated grouping of courses. Campuses are encouraged to submit Certificate of
Achievement in CSU general Education Breadth and IGETC.
7. CVHEC Guaranteed Transfer Admissions Program. Current status of program
discussed. No pipeline for implementation currently exists. Guidelines/procedures not
clear or available. Lack of communication from CVHEC has led to confusion and
questions about expending additional resources to this project. Changes in Title 5
seemingly invalidate current degree. Group decided to designate Vicki Herder to present
concerns to CVHEC Board. Vicki will prepare presentation in consultation with Greg and
Jack. Update at fall meeting.
8. Nomination of new Region 5 Co-Chair. Ann Anderson was elected as Co-chair to
replace Greg Keen whose term has been completed.
9. Nomination of new Chancellor’s Office Regional Representative. Greg Keen was
elected to replace Jack Saunders, who has completed his 2 year obligation.
10. Other
UCM will use biology courses that are articulated at UCLA to satisfy major prep for the
Biological Sciences major.