GRPE-PMP-31-04 rev 1 20140512_JRC e…

JRC experimental plan
V02, 12 May 2014
Main targets
Measure emissions during regeneration, estimate weighted emissions
Effect of loading procedure on regeneration emissions
Ensure robustness of PMP protocol
Measure >10nm particles in extreme cases (regeneration)
Gain experience with CS and sub 23 nm measurements
Check newer technologies on PN (e.g. SCR, LNT etc)
Effect from desorption from pipe between vehicle and CVS
The project will be combined with PN-PEMS project
PMP system+10 nm CPC (CVS)
PMP with CS system and 23 nm and 10 nm CPCs (maybe 3 nm CPC as well) (CVS)
(if no PMP with CS is available at least a standalone CS)
PMP system at tailpipe
Size distribution measurements in real time (probably connected to CS)
CS specssee separate document
Same temperature at all systems (wall temperature 350C)
Euro 6 vehicle with newer emission control technologies
Test plan
1) Pre-conditioning of system (ideally with gasoline vehicle at high speed) and monitoring of
emissions + regeneration of vehicle
2) Only if OEM data are available: Continuously NEDCs until regeneration to compare with
OEMS data. 4 – 5 tests per day (only 1 cold)
3) Continuously WLTCs until regeneration. 4 – 5 tests per day (only 1 cold)
4) Estimation of regeneration distance and repeat with loading at low temperature mode. Then
WLTC cycles until regeneration.
Test procedure:
See updated file: WLTP-DTP-PM/PN-10-02, Dardiotis and Carriero ‘Discussion Document on
Experimental Protocol for PM/PN emissions of Periodically Regenerating Exhaust After-treatment
Devices over the Validation Phase 2’
Open points:
How to ensure that the regeneration will not happen during the loading phase (e.g. a
switch/procedure to prevent active regeneration (e.g. to deactivate post injection))
Ideally the regeneration would start at the same part of the WLTC
Indicators of regeneration or parameters that should be monitored to confirm the start of
regeneration (HC and/or CO engine out emissions, EGR rate, state of post injection (on/off)
Any available info on regeneration frequency (in km, based on x type of loading)