Calculator Contract - Boone County Schools

Calculator Contract
If you choose to use a TI-84 graphing calculator that belongs to the school, these
guidelines will be followed.
 Student and parent must sign the contract unless student is over 18 years
 Student will be assigned a specific calculator for use during class; use of a
different school calculator will result in loss of privileges.
 Calculators will not be taken home.
 If the student sees damage or inappropriate use of the calculator he/she is
assigned, it must be reported to the teacher at the beginning of class,
otherwise the student will be responsible for the damage.
 Calculators must be returned to the box at the end of class, covers shut,
turned off. They must be in their appropriate spot in the cover.
 Misuse of the calculator will result in loss of privileges.
 Student may choose to use his/her personal calculator and does not have
to return contract. Student must bring the personal calculator to class
every day.
 Student may sign and return contract and still use a personal calculator.
The school calculator will be available in that case when student forgets the
personal calculator.
 Student will be assigned a calculator when contract is returned. Signing the
contract means that both student and parent agree to follow the guidelines
Student Name_________________________________
Student Signature__________________________________
Parent Name______________________________________
Parent Signature_____________________________________