St. Columba Presbyterian Church

Sunday, December 8, 2013
If you are our guest this morning, we welcome your
children to participate in our programs for Nursery
(ages 0-3) and Columbakids (Jk-Gr.8) following the
children’s time in the service.
The Message: His Name Will be Called…
“Mighty God”
Scriptures: Isaiah 9:2-7; Luke 1:47-55
*Carol: “O little town of Bethlehem”
*The Benediction
* Please stand if you are able
*Carol: “Silent Night”
The Prelude
*Statement of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in the God the Father almighty, Maker
of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord who
was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the
Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was
crucified, dead and buried. He descended into
hell. On the third day he rose again from the
dead. He ascended into heaven and sits on the
right hand of God the Father almighty, from
whence he shall come to judge the quick and
the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic
Church, the communion of saints, the
forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the
body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
*Closing Chorus: “Hope is a star”
*Lighting the Advent Candle of Peace
Reader One: The light shines in the darkness and
the darkness has not overcome it.
Reader Two: We are easily distracted by the
darkness of force and power and we often choose
strife and turmoil.
All: Source of light, shine in our lives and in
your world with your everlasting peace.
(The Candle of Peace is Lit)
*Hymn: “Hope is a star”
(Vss 1&2)
(Vss 1&2)
The Postlude
This Week at St. Columba!
7:30pm Monday Night Bible Study
(Lillian M)
1:30pm Advent Bible Study
7:00pm F&M Team
7:00pm Choir Practice
12 noon Presbyterian Women
Coming Events!
17th Cookie Caper
19th Tree of Lights
22nd Carol Sing
24th Christmas Eve Services 7pm & 10pm
Opening Prayer
*We Present our Offerings To God
Our Church Family at Work
*Hymn: “Blest are they”
(Children may head to their Columbakids program
during the singing of the last verse)
Scripture Reading: Psalm 8
The Ministry of Music
The Prayers of the People with the Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us
debts our as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the
glory, forever. Amen.
Need a Ride to Church? Please contact the
Church office Monday to Thursday 9:30am to 12:30pm
or contact Maureen C. If you get no answer please
leave a message and she will return your call as soon
as possible. Thank You
2014 offering envelopes are ready for pick up in the
Please join us for a “Carol Sing” on Sunday December
22nd @ 2:30pm. Freewill offering will go to the
Columbakids’ 2013 Mission Project
Christmas Eve at St. Columba.
7pm Family Service: Children under 10 are invited to
wear their favorite pj’s!
10pm Lessons and Carols: A reflective sharing of the
Christmas story through readings and song
A freewill offering will be collected at both services in
support of Hospice Quinte
Tree of Lights: As the Christmas Season approaches
the fundraising team invites you to remember friends and
family by once again purchasing a light for the cost of
$10. The lighting of this tree will take place on Thursday
December 19th @ 7pm. To purchase a light please see a
member of the fundraising team. Hope to see you all
there. Pat G, Barb M, Kim S, Katie C
Christmas Sharing: The PW has 7 boxes that will be
given to 7 families in need. A list for you to sign,
indicating what you would like to contribute, is available
in the Narthex. Your donations need to be brought in by
Thursday December 19th, PLEASE DO NOT BRING IN
DECEMBER 15TH. If you have any questions please
contact Dierdre B Thank you for your generous support of
this outreach.
COOKIE CAPER – You are invited to help make a
difference for others at this special time of the year!
This year’s Cookie Caper will be held on Tuesday Dec
17th. If you would like to help, please come to the Church
by 10am. You may bring cookies with you that day or to
the church on Sunday the15th or during office hours on
Monday 16th. We have many cookie boxes to fill so all
bakers’ contributions will be appreciated! Cookie
boxes will be delivered to members of our church family
who will appreciate some special care from the church
at Christmas. If you have any questions please call
Maureen C Thank You!
Coffee Break: The Mid-Week Coffee Break invites you
to come for coffee/tea and fellowship on Wednesday
mornings from 10-11am. From now until December 15th
a basket will be set out for freewill donations to the
Columbakids Mission Project in support of refugees in
Syria. Come share your Wednesday morning coffee with
friends at St. Columba!
Sanctuary Renovations: The work has begun! For
safety reasons you are asked to please avoid the
sanctuary while the construction is in progress. The
contractor has assured us our worship space will be
ready for Sunday services each week, so you will be
able to see things taking shape when you come to
Mission at St. Columba
Are you wondering how to support the mission of the
church? The following are ongoing projects at St.
Columba. You are welcome to contribute to any of these
ways the church is showing the love of Jesus to people
throughout the world.
Columbakids 2013 Mission Project… our children are
giving support to thousands of Syrian refugees through
Presbyterian World Service and Development
(PWS&D). The goal is to raise $1200 by December 22nd.
Typhoon Haiyan Relief… PWS&D is receiving
donations for emergency relief in the Philippines as they
recover from the massive destruction caused by
Typhoon Haiyan. The Government of Canada will match
donations made until December 23rd.
If you wish to contribute to any of these projects, please
do so through your envelope, clearly marking the front of
the envelope with the name of the project to which you
wish your donations to be sent. If you are not using a
regular offering envelope, please clearly identify the
name of the project with your name and address on the
front of the envelope.
St. Columba Presbyterian Church
520 Bridge Street East, Belleville ON
K8N 1R6
Church Telephone: 613-962-8771
The Rev. Jennifer Cameron
Director of Music: John Brewster
Office Hours
Monday to Thursday
9:30 AM-12:30 PM
To offer joyfully to the world the love of Christ.
We do welcome you in the name of Jesus
If you would like further information about our
congregation or a visit from our pastor, please
complete one of the “request cards” that you
will find in your pew and place it on the offering
plate or hand it to an usher.