PAYROLL – EXTERNAL EXAMINERS HONORARIUM CLAIM FORM (Taught Programmes) To be completed by all claimants - please use BLOCK CAPITALS Payroll ref: Title: Forename: Middle name(s): Surname: Gender: Date of Birth: Nationality: National Insurance Number: Address: Name of account holder: Bank name: Branch: Postcode: Sort code: Tel no: Account No: Email address: (Your electronic payslip will be sent to this email address) Programme Examined: Pathway/Subject: CLAIM FOR HONORARIUM IN RESPECT OF EXTERNAL EXAMINING AT UNIVERSITY Date(s) of attendance during academic year Amount (£) hhh Reason for attendance(s) TOTAL I certify I have worked on the dates indicated above and request payment. I have read/understood the Pension Automatic Enrolment Postponement Notice on the back of this claim form. Signature of External Examiner Date NOTE: Please return this form to: Senior Administrator (Quality), Faculty of Health and Human Sciences, Level 4, Rolle Building, Plymouth University, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA. Faculty/ Department use only Account code Honorarium Dept. Work order 1601 Budget Authority Print Name Date Finance Authority Print Name Date Document type checked (Passport/Visa/Full UK Birth certificate) please specify: Date of check: Checked and copy saved on External Examiners database by: (Print name) Payroll – External Examiners Honorarium Claim Form Extension no: v4 March 2015 Tax Year 2015/2016 AUTOMATIC ENROLMENT - NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT (2015/2016 TAX YEAR) The University is now required by law to ‘automatically enrol’ certain workers into a pension scheme and to assess its whole workforce to understand who needs to be automatically enrolled. The automatic enrolment requirements may or may not apply to you depending on your age and earnings as automatic enrolment only applies to workers: aged between 22 and State Pension Age; and earning over a certain threshold from their employer (currently £10,000 per year). You can find more information about automatic enrolment on Enrolment.docx As most people completing one of these Claim Forms will not qualify for automatic enrolment because of the age or earnings thresholds and will only be working on a specific project or piece of work, the University has decided to postpone its obligation to assess everyone completing one of these Claim Forms for automatic enrolment. This is to avoid unnecessary administration for the University and because the University expects that, even if you were to qualify for automatic enrolment, you would prefer not to be automatically enrolled into a pension scheme for the specific project or piece of work to which this Claim Form relates, which is likely to be for a very short period of time. The University will be deferring its automatic enrolment duties in relation to you for three months starting from the date on which you first performed the work in relation to which this Claim Form relates and ending on the date exactly three months later (the “deferral date”). This means that if the first piece of work for which you are claiming with this Claim Form was on 1 February then your automatic enrolment assessment will be postponed until a “deferral date” of 1 May. This Claim Form is a notice confirming the deferral (or postponement) of your automatic enrolment assessment. As each Claim Form relates to a separate assignment and there is no continuity of service between assignments you will not be working for the University on this assignment at the deferral date so will not need to be assessed for automatic enrolment at this date. Even if you happen to be working for the University again on the deferral date this will be on a new assignment and your automatic enrolment assessment will be postponed again at this point. Although you will not be assessed for automatic enrolment at the deferral date as you will no longer be working on this assignment at this date, the University needs to tell you what would happen at this deferral date for this deferral notice to be effective: If you work or ordinarily work in Great Britain as a worker, are age 22 or over but less than State Pension Age, earn more than the earnings threshold for automatic enrolment (currently £10,000 a year) and are not already an active member of a qualifying pension scheme with the University, then the University will automatically enrol you into the appropriate qualifying pension scheme. The University also needs to tell you that: If you work or ordinarily work in Great Britain as a worker and are age 16 or over and less than 75 and earn more than the lower earnings threshold (currently £5,824 a year) then you are entitled to opt into a qualifying pension scheme and receive employer contributions if you want to by giving the University written notice. If you work or ordinarily work in Great Britain as a worker, are age 16 or over and less than 75 but earn less than the lower earnings threshold (currently £5,824 a year) then you are entitled to ask the University to enrol you into a pension scheme (although you have no right to receive any employer contributions to that pension scheme) by giving the University written notice. All written notices given to the University for the purposes of the above must be sent to Talent & Organisational Development, 17A Portland Villas, Plymouth, PL4 8AA and signed by you or, if given by means of an electronic communication such as email must include a statement that you personally submitted the notice (for example “I confirm I personally submitted this notice to join a workplace pension scheme”). For further information about automatic enrolment, pensions and saving for retirement generally, please contact or telephone 01752 588180 IMPORTANT: This Claim Form relates to the tax year above and the automatic enrolment information (in particular the earnings thresholds) are correct at the date this Claim Form was printed and may change in future tax years. Please make sure you use an up to date Claim Form each time as if you do not the University will not be able to accept your Claim Form.