TW IN ZYGOSITY DNA TEST WHAT IS A TWIN ZYGOSITY DNA TEST? The Twin Zygosity DNA Test identifies DNA components to determine whether the twins or other multiple births are fraternal or identical. WHAT IS THE PRICE OF A TWIN ZYGOSITY DNA TEST? The price to test twins is $397.00 for information-only test; and $499.00 for a legally-admissible test. If additional multiples are included in the Twin Zygosity Test, there is an additional cost of $130.00 per child thereafter. *Contact your local E-LABORATORY NETWORK® DESCRIPTION: Twins are either fraternal or identical. Fraternal twins are those originating from two separate eggs which were both inseminated and developed independently. Identical twins originate from one egg which splits into two separate and independent fetuses. The physician uses the placenta to determine the type of twins after the birth but on occasion, the placenta is damaged or lost so the determination cannot be made. Over time questions may arise about the type of twin relationship due to the physical characteristics of the children. The process is very simple and easy. Our professional medical assistant will rub soft swabs on the inside of both cheeks of the twins to collect epithelial cell (skin cell) samples. If you have a specimen with DNA on it, please ask our medical assistant if we are able to do the test on your specimen and to obtain additional pricing information. WHY DO I NEED A DNA TEST TO SEE IF MY TWINS ARE IDENTICAL OR FRATERNAL? Do your twins look so much alike that you suspect they are identical? Does one twin have a medical need for which an identical blood or organ match is critical? The results of a twin Zygosity test will be able to satisfy your curiosity and determine whether twins are fraternal or identical. In the event that a twin develops a medical condition for which a transplant or organ donation is required, an identical twin is a perfect choice for blood or organ donation. If you need test results for legal purposes the test can be conducted with Chain of Custody documentation. Chain of Custody paperwork verifies the validity of the test for courts and legal entities. Chain of Custody DNA testing is needed for child custody or visitation, seeking medical or social security benefits, adding or removing a name from a child’s birth certificate and/or for Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity, immigration or adoption. TEST DETAILS: A twin Zygosity test compares twins’ DNA profiles to see whether they match. An exact match indicates that the twins are identical. The test results will indicate either a high probability (99.9%) that the twins are identical or a low probability (0%) indicating that the twins are fraternal.