Grace Orphanage and Truth Seekers Fellowship

Grace Orphanage and Truth Seekers Fellowship
Mandapeta, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh,
South India
 History of Grace Orphanage and Truth Seekers Fellowship Ministry
 Began in 2005
 Registered in Government as a voluntary organization in 2007
 Pastor Sanamanda was a minister of a congregation, he and his wife,
Chandini, did door to door ministering
 Supported orphanage by getting donations of rice and vegetables
 Supported other pastors with tithes of his congregation as well as giving
food to them and their families
 Conducted Bible classes of Yeshua and Messianic truths of the Written
 Adonai was using Pastor Sanamanda, in reaching many who were hungry
for the Truth of G-d’s Written Word (The Bible)
 In 2006 the RSS (the anti-Christian organization of Hinduism) began
coming against his ministry and other pastors
 On May 16, 2007, the RSS attacked and restrained Pastor Sanamanda
during a village prayer meeting. He was beaten with sticks on his head
which killed him. The other pastors fled for their lives.
 The next morning, May 17, 2007, the pastors and others went to see about
Pastor Sanamanda, but to their dismay, he died from the beating he
received from the RSS members.
 A police report was done. No action was taken since they all were of one
caste system and religion.
 His wife, Chandini Sanamanda, took up his mantle to lead the pastors and
to care for the orphans.
 Thus, Grace Orphanage and Truth Seekers Fellowship came to be.
 Chandini Sanamanda’s Testimony
 Chandini is 32 years old doing the Gospel and Social work in East
Godavari District, A. P. South India with few orphan children, widows,
and aged people.
 She teaches the Gospel of Yeshua HaMeshiach, of the Oneness in Him,
the repentance of sin through faith in Yeshua.
 She and her late husband are converted Christians. They were cast out of
their home and village since they accepted Yeshua as their Savior.
 Many other Christians of different denominations reject them for the
teachings of the Truth.
 Last year, in April 2012, Chandini and five pastors were arrested on trump
up charges by the RSS. Chandini was in jail until June 2012 and the
pastors were in jail until August 2012. This did not dampen their zeal to
spread the Gospel.
Mission Statement
 To care for those who are widowed, orphaned, and homeless in the Name
of our Messiah Yeshua. Sh’mot (Exodus) 22:22 – 24,
Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:34 – 40, Ya’akov (James) 1:27
 To bring many souls to the feet of our L-rd and Savior Yeshua Messiah.
Mattityahu (Matthew) 28:18 – 20
 To teach the real Truth of the Written Word of the
L-rd in oneness of
Yeshua Messiah, The Living Word for it to be taken out throughout the
land to those who are hungry and thirsting to know the Truth. Yochanan
(John) 10:16,30; 17:20 – 23; 21:15 – 17;
 To be good stewards of what Adonai provides for us. Mattityahu
(Matthew) 13:31 - 32
 Financial Need for each Orphan at Grace Orphanage
 Each child needs 25 cents per day
 For 30 orphans, it costs $7.50 per day
 For 30 days, for 30 orphans, it costs $225.00
 The Orphanage has to rent buildings until a building is completed as a
permanent dwelling for the orphans
Grace Orphanage 2013
 Land was donated to Grace Orphanage with NO liens on the land!
 Money has been donated to complete the foundation, the walls and roof
 Need $3,500.00 USD to get windows and doors
 Need $4,000.00 USD to get plumbing for water, bathroom needs, kitchen
and electrical connections
 Need a clothes washer
A water well has been established which serves the needs of the village
thereby providing a way to share the Gospel with the villagers. Yochanan
(John) 4:1 - 14
Grace Orphanage Building Foundation has been started with cement
blocks built up to about 4 ½ to 5 feet.
These boxes have to be filled with sand and upon it will be built the slab
and walls with the windows and doors.
 Needs of Grace Orphanage 2013
 Cots are needed for the children to get them off the floors
 Cost for one cot is $200.00 USD for a iron frame cot.
 Each cot is made to order
 Cost includes mattress, one sheet set and a pillow
 Need 25 cots which total cost is $5,000.00 USD
 Need blankets to be replaced
 Truth Seekers Fellowship
 Weekly Schedule of Ministry
 Mondays Open Air Meeting
 Tuesdays Women's Gathering Meeting
 Wednesdays
Youth Gathering Meeting
 Thursdays Bible Class for Adults
 Fridays
Visit Hospitals and pray for the sick, poor and needy.
Prison Ministry
 Saturdays
Shabbat Services
 The ladies will not teach nor preach over men or the church, but will give
witness and work for the winning of the unsaved women and children to
Yeshua according to 1st Timothy 2:9 and Deut. 22:5.
Pastor Solmon Raj
39 years old
Congregation in Alamuru which has 30 members
Married with one daughter and one son. His wife is influential in getting
women to come to services.
Prayer request:
Congregation development and permanent building
Pastor V. Daniel
55 years old
Congregation in Madiki has 40 members in attendance
Married with one daughter who is married, three sons, two who are in the
ministry and one who is employed at a dairy farm.
Prayer request:
Completion of church building and house repair
Pastor V. Immanuel
32 years old
Congregation in Veeravaram has 30 members in attendance.
Married with one daughter Prayer request: That village elders will allow
prayer meetings and construction of church building. For the villagers to
come to know the Messiah.
Pastor G. Yeshu Ratnam, Senior pastor of Truth Seekers Fellowship
64 years old
Congregation in Ravigoppv with 40 members
Married with 1 daughter and 2 sons, all who are married.
In 1975, was baptized, went for schooling for three years. Has done Gospel
work in Bombay and is now in Ravigoppv.
Prayer request:
Church building needs fixing of large crack in wall.
Has health problems.
Rabbi Philips
49 years old
Congregations in Thatcomeraka and Palaksl
Has one adopted son who is married with two children.
In 1987 was baptized and in 1989 began ministry.
Prayer request:
Construction of church building.
Guidance to stand firm in what ever happens in his life.
Pastor Sanjeeva Rao
49 years old
Congregation in Neevedumelli with 25 members.
Is a powerful singer led by the Spirit of Adonai
Married with three daughters
1979 was baptized, has 1 ½ years of Bible training
Prayer request:
To be blessed with a son. Needs a place which to have prayer meetings.
Having financial problems
Pastor Isra’el
34 years old
Congregation Jinnoru with 40 members
1999 was baptized and has been busy in ministry. Has 6 months Bible
Prayer request:
A building which to have his congregation meet
Pastor Ananda Rao
44 years old
Congregation in Otada with 35 members
Married with 2 daughters and 2 sons.
2003 was baptized and has two years of Bible training
Is a bi-vocational pastor, works in the fields daily.
Prayer request:
Completion of church building.
Healing in being able to hear
Pastor Rajendra Prasad
60 years old
Congregation in Hamanan Colony
Married with 1 son and 2 daughters.
Was born into a Christian family and was baptized in 1976. Has been
involved in serving the L-rd for thirty years. Has Bible training. Prayer
request: Prayer for family. That he may bring many souls to Yeshua’s feet.
Pastor Eliyah
66 years old
Congregation in Guthalavanipet with 25 members.
Married with 1 daughter and 2 sons.
1965 was baptized. Has six months Bible training in Church of G-d.
Worked in Messiah printing then was called to start a congregation.
Prayer request:
For his family
Congregation development
Pastor Prasad
59 years old
Congregation in Daggalevu with 35 members. Has another congregation
with 25 members.
Married with 1 son and 4 daughters.
1984 was baptized and began ministry in 1985.
Does evangelism and street gospel work
Prayer request:
Need a bike which to travel to congregations.
Family and congregational development.
Pastor Zachariah
40 years old
Congregation in Bhimavram with 40 members.
Married with 2 sons.
1985 was baptized and has been in the ministry since then.
Prayer request: Having financial difficulties.
Congregational development
 Pastor B. d. v. Prasad
39 years old
Congregation in Pandithave Llore with 150 members. Has two
Married with 2 sons
He belongs to a Pentecostal Denomination.
Prayer request:
Need a building which to meet with congregations.
Pastor R. Ramesh
56 years old
Congregation in Hyderabad with 15 members.
Married with 5 daughters.
2001 was baptized and has been involved in teaching and spreading the
Gospel for 12 years.
Prayer request:
Completion of land disputes
Development of congregation.
Pastor Ch. Moses
44 years old
Congregation in Karitam – Pdavoram with 30 members.
Married with two daughters who are also married.
1997 was baptized and in 2004 was working as Gospel worker.
Prayer request:
Completion of house. Prayers for daughters. He is having back pains
Congregational development
Pastor Isra’el, the elder
78 years old
Congregation in Kavitam with 60 members.
Married with 1 daughter and 1 son, both married.
1960 was baptized and was trained for three years for his ministry.
Prayer request:
His health
His wife and the congregation
Pastor Chanti
49 years old
Congregation in Kavitam with 30 members.
Married with 4 daughters who are married.
1976 was baptized.
Trained for three months as a Gospel worker in 1985. Is a brother to Pastor
Isra’el (the elder).
Prayer request:
His family
Congregational development
Pastor Raj Kumar
32 years old
Congregation of 30 members.
Married with 1 son.
1995 was baptized. Was trained for seven years for the ministry, in 2005,
doing Gospel work.
Prayer request:
Completion of house/building
For his marriage
Where Adonai desires for a church building to be located.
Needs for Pastors
 Bibles which to give to those who don’t have a Bible
 Money for printing of witnessing tracts
 Bicycles for Pastors to travel to their congregations
How can you help?
 PRAY for Adonai to lead you in what He desires
 A onetime donation to a single need through your congregation
 A monthly donation
 Ways which your congregation can send monetary donations:
 Western Union Transfers (this can be done individually, although,
you don’t get a tax credit)
 When sending money to Chandini, specify what it is designated to be
used for.
 Western Union Money Transfer
 Money is sent and arrives within 24 hours to receiving Western Union
station in India
 Can be sent by cash pick up with money in minutes or next day
 Direct deposit into Grace Orphanage bank account (time of arrival varies
as to when money was sent). Have been told there have been problems
using this method.
 If sent individually, no tax credit but if given through your congregation,
then a tax credit can be applied
 Small fee to send according to amount sent
 Have to contact Chandini as to money sent, how much and what it is
designated for
 Cash only can be used to send the money transfer
 Address to send Postal Mail to Chandini Sanamanda
Sanamanda, Chandini
Grace Orphanage
Post Bag No. 3
Mandapeta –533 308
East Godavari District
Andhra Pradesh --- South India
e-mail (Rabbi Philip’s email)