Certain guidelines to DEOs, DPOs and MEOs to implement
Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA)
MHRD has launched Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) throughout the country in primary to higher secondary schools in pursuance of the focus on connecting school based knowledge to life outside the school making learning of science, mathematics a joyful meaningful activity and to bring focus on innovation and use of technology.
The aim of this programme is to leverage the potential for science, mathematics and technology learning in school, classroom settings as well as non school settings. That means to develop interest in children towards science, math and technology (SMT) from a very young age that is class I onwards and encourage those children who show an inclination and talent for the subjects to be encouraged and supported to heights of academic excellence and research.
The Kothari commission (1964) noted that the destiny of this country is shaped in the classrooms and laboratories of schools, colleges and universities. Our children should be able to compete in science and technology with advanced countries children. So let us reiterate what we are already doing in schools and classrooms regarding science and mathematics subjects.
The role of school heads (Head Master):
School heads with the help of science and maths teachers play an important role in making our schools rich in science and math laboratories and in turn making children gems in science and maths. So let us once again look into the particular role a school head can play in making the schools science and mathematics friendly for children.
Strengthen school science and mathematics laboratories as much as possible. Make a list of desired equipment needed to strengthen the labs and try to put it in the SMC meeting explaining the
importance of labs for the academic development of children. Send request letters to eminent persons & Institutes in your area asking for the monetary help to equip labs properly.
Make list of NGOs and voluntary organizations who are working in the field of science, maths and technology in your area Like Jana
Vignana Vedika. Send letters requesting them to visit your school frequently and give support to teachers as well as children.
Make list of eminent personalities who worked in the field of science and technology in your area and request them to come and present small lectures or demonstrations to children to develop interest towards science and mathematics.
Take children for visits to nearby industries, institutes specializes in science and technology, ITI s, polytechnics etc.
Conduct science and maths melas without fail and invite the parents and community to participate in the melas.
Ask science and maths teachers to give extra concentration on those students who show inclination towards science and maths.
School complex HMs should make teacher circles on science and mathematics i.e. science teachers forums and maths teachers forums.
Celebrate 22 nd December Mathematics day and 20 th February
Science day with proper plan and vigor.
Link the activities of RAA with Inspire Project.
Role of Science, Mathematics Teachers:
Use all possible equipment while teaching science and maths.
Procure equipment in consultation with school head (HM).
Encourage children to develop interest towards science and maths.
Science maths teachers must prepare teaching plans and Project plans.
Give importance to the classroom process, based on Experiments, projects giving due importance to observation, experimentation,
investigation, inference drawing, model building, rational reasoning, testability and problem solving.
One important thing is identify children who are doing extremely good in science and mathematics and report them to school head.
Children who are intelligent in science and maths will be facilitated under RAA scheme. They will be encouraged to reach heights in science and technology.
Do not discourage or scold children who do not do well in maths.
Children should not feel fear of mathematics or mathematics teacher.
Make science/maths clubs for children in co-ordination with other classes.
Prepare students to participate in inner school, district, state/National maths and science competitions/Olympiads etc.
Role of DEOs, DPOs and MEOs:
Apart from looking into the implementation part of RAA at school level,
DEOs, DPOs and MEOs may plan innovatively for their district. In that process they can try to organize
Workshops for teachers at various levels, school complex level, mandal level, divisional level and district level on a.
Making Science lab functional and developing math lab. b.
Proper use of lab facilities. c.
Integrating teaching learning process with lab experiments. d.
Project based learning e.
Modeling in Science and Mathematics
Identify 10 schools where science and mathematics activities are vibrant and dynamic.
Identify all best science and mathematics teachers of your district and make a list.
Identify NGOs and voluntary organizations who are working in the field of SMT (Science, Mathematics and Technology).
Make a list of eminent personalities who worked in the field of science and technology.
Make list of government science and technology institutions situated in your district. Send these lists to SPO, SSA office.
The DPOs have to play a lead role in seeking the assistance of such institutes as mentors to support in nurturing the identified schools as incubators of innovation.
Constitution of teacher forums on science, Mathematics and
Technology at district level.
All these activities, aspects must be reflected in practice compulsorily in identified Elementary Model Schools i.e. six
Model schools in each mandal.
Under Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) 10 schools (per district) that has done best in science and mathematics will be selected for pilot year i.e.2015-16 and special facilities will be provided for them. RAA is a five year project eventually extending to all schools of Telangana State by
So once again let us prepare ourselves to make army of children who are experts in science, mathematics and technology.
State Project Director