2015-2016 PFF Emeritus Faculty Fellowship Application Form The Emeritus Faculty Fellowship supports students in the Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) program who are interested in faculty careers. This fellowship was formerly known as the Faculty Emeriti Association Fellowship. ELIGIBILITY To be eligible to apply you must meet the following criteria: 1. Successfully complete the first semester of the one-year PFF program in the fall semester 2014 and be enrolled in the second semester in spring 2015; successfully complete the Participatory Phase of the PFF program by the end of the spring 2015 semester; OR successfully complete the Exploratory Phase of the PFF program by the end of the spring 2015 semester AND be enrolled in the second semester in spring 2016. 2. Have advanced to candidacy, or expect to advance to candidacy before the fall semester 2015, in a doctoral or MFA degree program and be within one year of completion.* 3. Have a demonstrated record of excellent research and/or creative activity. 4. Have a commitment to a becoming a college or university professor. *If selected as a recipient, awarding of funds will be contingent on advancing to candidacy prior to the fall semester 2015. APPLICATION MATERIALS Only complete applications will be considered. All applications must be submitted electronically via email to PFF-EmeritiApp@asu.edu. All materials are available in electronic form at http://graduate.asu.edu/grow/pff/fellowship. Each application should include the following items: 1. PFF Faculty Emeriti Association Fellowship Application 2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) 3. 2-3 page statement (double spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins): Describe your dissertation research. What is the scholarly/research question? Discuss how far along you are in the process and your plans for completion Describe how you will use this fellowship to support the completion of your degree. Describe your career aspirations and what you are doing to achieve them. DEADLINE All application materials should be submitted via email to PFF-EmeritiApp@asu.edu by 5:00 pm on April 13, 2015 (Only electronic applications will be accepted. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered). FELLOWSHIP SELECTION The Emeritus College Faculty Fellowship Committee will review all applications received. This committee will then interview the finalists in late-April and make their selection accordingly. The recipients will be notified by May 1, 2015. Application (Complete and Submit with other materials) LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL ASU AFFILIATE ID (1XXXXXXXXX) EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE DEGREE PROGRAM NAME DEPARTMENT NAME DEGREE TYPE Select Current GPA EXPECTED GRADUATION DATE SEMESTER Select YEAR By signing or typing my name below I verify that all information provided in this application and all accompanying documents are accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also grant the Graduate Professional Development Steering Committee permission to verify my academic credentials, including degree type, degree program, and grade point average. SIGNATURE DATE 1 of 1 2-13-14