Background Information to the Post of Virger

Background Information to the Post of Virger
Situated on the edge of the Mendip Hills in the County of Somerset, Wells is England’s smallest city
built around the beautiful Cathedral of Saint Andrew. Its picturesque surroundings include a quaint
market square and high street, the Bishop’s Palace and the magnificent Vicars Close, Europe’s oldest
continuously inhabited street.
The Cathedral
Wells Cathedral deservedly has gained an enviable reputation for its lovingly maintained Gothic
architecture, its world class music, and its Ministry of Welcome to some three hundred thousand
visitors each year as well as around one hundred and fifty thousand people who come to the
Cathedral for services, concerts, lectures etc.
Underpinning the Cathedral is a diverse organisation whose responsibilities cover music, works,
virgers, library, archive, education, outreach, finance, HR, administration, volunteer management and
trading companies. The Cathedral’s income comes from three main sources: entry donations and
other voluntary income; property and investments; and its commercial activities, currently a shop,
catering business and holiday let.
More details may be found on the Cathedral’s website:
Department Specific Information
The Virgers are an integral part of the Cathedral Ministry to worshippers, pilgrims and visitors. It is
with the Virgers that many make their first contact when they arrive and from whom they gain their
first impression of Wells Cathedral.
Wells Cathedral: Virger
Application Process
We hope you find this pack provides all the information you need in order to consider your
application for this post. If, however, you have any further questions please initially contact Maria
Webber (tel. 01749 685113 or email who will redirect you to
the appropriate person.
Applications must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 25 November 2015. Application forms, with a
covering letter no more than one side of A4 describing what attracts you to this role, your experience
and how it relates to the opportunities and challenges presented by this position, should be returned
to Human Resources, either by post to Cathedral Offices, Chain Gate, Cathedral Green, Wells, BA5
2UE or by email to
Short listing will take place by 27 November 2015. To ensure the fairness of the selection process,
shortlisting will be based upon the information which you provide in your application and assumptions
will not be made about your experience or skills. We will look for demonstrable evidence that you
meet the criteria set out in the person specification.
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of the shortlisting process.
These will take place in the Cathedral Offices, Wells on 8 December 2015. Further details regarding
the selection process will be communicated at the time applicants are invited for interview. The
appointment will be subject to satisfactory references.
Should you decide to apply for this post we look forward to receiving your application.
We are committed to:
 The care, nurture of, and respectful pastoral ministry with, all children, young people and all
 The safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and all adults;
 The establishing of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment where victims
of abuse can report or disclose abuse and where they can find support and best practice that
contributes to the prevention of abuse
Further information can be found in our Safeguarding Policy. All applicants are required to complete a
Confidential Declaration Form as part of our recruitment process when an offer of employment is
made. This form is strictly confidential and, except under compulsion of law, will be seen only by
those involved in the recruitment / appointment process and, when appropriate, the nominated
safeguarding lead or someone acting in a similar role/position. All forms will be kept securely in
compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
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Wells Cathedral: Virger
The Virgers are an integral part of the Cathedral Ministry to worshippers, pilgrims and visitors. The
key purpose of the post is to be of the team that takes responsibility for the day to day operational
management of the Cathedral, including security of the buildings, welfare of all who enter the
Cathedral and support to divine services and other events.
LOCATION: Wells Cathedral, Wells, BA5 2PA
HOURS OF WORK: Part time, 20 hours a week
a) Duty Rota: To satisfy the duty rota as directed by the Head Virger
b) Cathedral Services: To prepare for Divine Services by ensuring all books, vessels and vestments
are set out as required. To clear, clean and re-instate all elements after the services. To ring the
service bells, ringing them on time and for the correct duration.
c) Opening Routine: To open the Cathedral on days of early morning duty, and to prepare for
Matins and Holy Communion.
d) Ceremonial: To assist in marshalling and leading processions and attend upon the needs of
members of Chapter and others, as necessary, during Divine Services when a Virger should be
present throughout. To protect and respect the private space, time of Chapter members before
and after services.
e) Concerts, Special Events/Activities. To prepare the Cathedral and/or its precincts as
necessary for concerts and any other events or activities as directed, paying particular attention to
the setting-up instructions as detailed on the Planning Instructions agreed beforehand. This is likely
to involve movement and lifting/handling of heavy items of furniture and staging etc. Any
movement of heavy or awkward items must be handled by two or more persons under Health
and Safety Guidelines.
f) Visitors. To direct and care for visitors to the Cathedral whilst they are in the building or its
precincts, in conjunction with the Cathedral’s Ministry of Welcome.
g) Cleaning. To assist in cleaning the Cathedral, ancillary buildings and its furniture, including the
toilets, as directed by the Head Virger and in co-operation with the Cathedral Cleaners. These
duties will include some work at high levels from time to time.
h) Individual Responsibilities. Each Virger will be assigned particular tasks by the Head Virger
which is their responsibility. This may be changed periodically to provide experience throughout
the Virgers Department. However, because of days off, holidays and illness all tasks must be
‘covered’ by at least one other Virger. Apart from being able to work on their own and show
initiative it is essential that each Virger is able to work as part of a team helping and supporting
one another.
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Wells Cathedral: Virger
i) Security. When working the early or late hours of duty, the Virgers are responsible for the
Cathedral security system and for unlocking and locking doors as necessary, as well as being
responsible for the total security of the Cathedral and its contents whenever on duty. To organise
duty breaks so that there remains a Virger within the body of the Cathedral at all times. To
remain vigilant whilst discreet to all visitor activity at all times. To immediately report suspicious
activity to the Head Virger.
j) Incidents. Virgers are to maintain a detailed Record of Incidents and Occurrences in the
‘Incident’ book to provide continuity for whoever is on duty.
k) Money. Virgers are responsible for opening the outer door of the donation boxes but not for
emptying the boxes. Collections are to be placed in the self-seal bags and a Virger will lock the
sealed bags in the safe. The handling of all money requires a second person to witness the
l) Staff and Planning Meetings. One of the Virgers to be present at the weekly staff meeting and
all Planning meetings as they occur and will advise and record items discussed and agreed
m) Line Management. Virgers are required to understand and work within Line management
structures and guidelines. The Line Manager for the Virgers and Cleaning Department is the Head
Virger as Head of Department and all communications are through him. Heads of Departments
are responsible to the Chapter through the Cathedral Administrator as their Line Manager. The
Canon Treasurer has oversight for the Virgers Department and responsibility for their pastoral
n) General. To undertake such other duties as the Head Virger may require.
o) Dress Code/Uniform. Virgers are required to wear shirt/blouse, tie, dark trousers and black
shoes and are to present themselves for duty clean and smart. Virgers will be provided with:
Industrial quality safety shoes
Hard hat
Virgers Gown
Virgers Cloak
Virgers ‘Whites’
p) Time Keeping/Attendance. Virgers are required to present themselves punctually for their
duty periods. If for any reason they are unable to fulfil their responsibility they must report to the
Head Virger in adequate time for alternate arrangements to be made and giving satisfactory reason
as to why. A Virger wishing to arrange a duty change must do so by consultation with the Head
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Wells Cathedral: Virger
Key Criteria
Qualifications and Experience
Skills and Abilities
Work-related Personal
Basic education level to
GCSE or equivalent
Appreciation of Cathedral
Good verbal
communication skills
Customer facing skills
Organisational ability
Able to work as part of a
team as well as on
individually and to use own
Ability to multi-task
Some manual skills
Committed Christian in
sympathy with the aims and
objectives of the Church of
Demonstrable commitment
to their faith
Able to move items of
furniture and staging and be
prepared to work at high
levels when directed to do
Ability to work as part of a
rota and outside of normal
working hours with flexible
To be able to bear
themselves as part of their
ceremonial duties
Experience of dealing
with complaints
Experience in a
comparable role
This job role requires a criminal records check from the Disclosure and Barring Service.
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Wells Cathedral: Virger
Main Terms and Conditions
Hours of Work
Part time, not less than 20 hours in each week.
Days of the week and precise hours within each day to be agreed.
The normal working hours are between 06.45 and 18.15 from
October to March and 06.45 and 19.15 from April to September.
Salary of £8,953 per annum
The Virger shall be entitled to overtime rates to all hours worked
in excess of agreed hours in any one day.
In addition the Virger shall be entitled to be paid fees for
Weddings and Funerals at the rate from time to time determined
by the employer.
Defined Contribution Scheme. Contributions as % of salary:
Five working weeks per calendar year plus bank holidays, each
pro rata.
The holiday year runs from 1 January to 31 December.
The Cathedral, Wells
All reasonable working expenses will be met in line with
Cathedral policy
This post will be subject to a probationary period of 6 months
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