Lecture: European Policy and Practices towards Ethnic Minorities Lecturer: Antonin Mikes Student: Puja Daya Date: November 2, 2015 AQCI: Phinney, J. et al (2001) “Ethnic Identity, Immigration, and Well-Being: An Interactional Perspective” Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp 493-510 Other Texts: Birch, A. (1989) Nationalism and National Integration, London: Unwin Hyman Ltd, chapter 4: “National integration”, pp. 36-51 Central Quotation: “Ethnic and national identities and their role is adaptation can best be understood in terms of an interaction between the attitudes and characteristics of immigrants and the responses of the receiving society, moderated by the particular circumstances of the immigrant group within the new society” (Phinney et al, 2001: 494). Argument: The text takes an interactional approach with discussion of past literature and research alongside evidence from their own research based in the USA, Finland, Israel and Netherlands. Through this the prospects of national identity through the two dimensional model are conveyed with reference to other models with a conclusion based around the conception that national identity is variable whilst ethnic identity is always evident. Further concluding with the belief that “societies need to find a balance between encouraging cultural retention and promoting adaptation to the larger society” (Phinney et al, 2011: 506). Question: The text ends itself on a note that more research is needed for a further developed understanding of the integration of ethnic minorities, especially as numbers are growing. However, it does not convey what research should be done and how it will in first hand help newcomers/ethnic minorities in different societies. Further, if such research does take place, what are the chances of them being referred to and having an impact on public policy. Experimental Connection: It was in particular interesting to read about the four acculturation strategies (integration, assimilation, separation and marginalisation) and compare them to my own upbringing and integration, especially within school alongside how others of different ethnic minorities may have adapted in different ways. Further, the quotation noted in the text “it is not necessary for immigrants to give up their culture of origin in order to adapt to the new society” is completely relevant in todays society, at least this is the case when observing England. I like that take your own upbringing in England as an example of how minorities are adapting to society. Maybe go a bit more in detail and add how you yourself think about the four acculturation strategies and what you have witnessed in your own circle of friends and family Textual Connection: In the famous, Nationalism and National Integration it is suggested that “both economic and political integration can be distinguished from social integration, though they are of course related to it” (Birch, 1989: 49). Whereas the following text fails to identify a clear distinction between economics, politics, society and concentrates on the social aspect of integration without reference to concepts that are important when studying the topic in hand. I think Birch is the right text to compare to the literature you have chosen for your assignment Implications: The argument portrayed in this text allows one to understand the distinctions between and illustrates the relationships within the state alongside identity, immigration and adaption from the authors research. It gives a first hand view of different models in regards to immigrant integration within a new society allowing the reader to gain a deeper understanding of social and cultural reality. The fact it highlights the need for further research is important as it stops one taking the text a 100 percentfor granted. I agree with you. Maybe add what the need for further research could mean for policy-makers Department of Public and Self assessment form Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University AQCI ASSESSMENT FORM Student’s name: Puja Daya Name of assessor: Myself Helene Fritzsche Date: 20/10/15 Essay title: Excel lent 1) Is the chosen quotation central to the author’s argument? Go od Aver age Not accept able Comments xH I think the quote does reflect the central argument of Phinney xH In my opinion the main argument was very well understood 2) Has the main argument been fully understood (including its ‘for’ and ‘against’ sides, if applicable)? xH For researchers it definitely is. But content-wise another questions might have been more interesting for the reader x It has not been answered in the text 3a) Is the question raised important/relevant/interesting? 3b) Has this question not been fully answered in the text? Po or H xH See in-text comment 4) Is the experiential connection relevant/interesting? H 5a) Is the textual connection relevant/interesting? 5b) Has it been cited properly? 5c) Has it been adequately explained how the present text's argument contrasts with, contradicts, confirms, clarifies, or elaborates the other text's argument or point? 7) Expression/Presentation See in-text comment x Sources have been named and intext references have been included See in-text comment xH H xH 6) Have the implications been well understood, can they have a practical impact for policy making? x See in-text comment a) Are the style, grammar and general use of English adequate? b) Is the AQCI professionally presented? Essay grade: Further comments: xH Perfectly adequate xH The AQCI is very need and well presented