The Aerodynamics of Grid Fins
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL
Rocket Girls
August 31, 2012
NASA University Student Launch Competition Proposal
Team Official:
Paul Hubner
Team Mentor:
Daniel Cavender
1. School Info
1.1 The University of Alabama Student and Faculty Team
1.2 Position Descriptions
1.3 Team Organization
2. Facilities
2.1 Student Machine Shop
2.2 Computer Labs
2.3 Wind Tunnel Lab
2.4 Hosting Space
3. Vehicle
3.1 Technical Design
3.2 Recovery System
3.3 Motor Selection
3.4 Technical Challenges
4. Payload
4.1 Design Objectives
4.2 Payload Components
4.3 Payload Tests
4.4 Payload Integration
4.5 Payload Challenges
5. Safety and Assurance
5.1 NAR Certified Members
5.2 Safety Plan
5.3 NAR High Powered Rocket Safety Code
5.4 Risk Assessment
5.5 Emergency Aide
6. Outreach
7. Activity Plan
7.1 Budget
7.2 Timeline
7.3 Potential New Members
8. Conclusion
School Name:
Team Name:
The University of Alabama
Rocket Girls
Rocket Name:
Dorothy “Dottie”
Title of Project:
The Aerodynamics of Grid Fins
Team Official:
Dr. Paul Hubner
Safety Officer:
Project Team:
Team Captain
Vehicle Officer
Payload Officer,
Educational Engagement,
RockSim Analyst
Potential Members:
Payload Team
Vehicle Team
National Association
of Rocketry (NAR)
Daniel Cavender
NAR Section:
HARA NAR Section 403
1. School Information
The following information details the organization of the Rocket Girls team. Key information
1.1 The University of Alabama Student and Faculty Team
Dr. Hubner-Team Official
Dr. Paul Hubner is an associate professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and
Mechanics at the University of Alabama. He graduated with a PhD in Aerospace Engineering
from Georgia Tech in 1995. Dr. Hubner's research interests in experimental aerodynamics
and solid mechanics, and his research program has been funded by NSF, NASA, AMRDEC,
AFOSR as well as private industry. He is an Associate Fellow in the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics and is a member in the Society of Experimental Mechanics and
American Physics Society.
Shelby-Team Captain
Shelby is a junior from Albertville, AL majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics with
a minor in Mathematics. She previously served as the Safety Officer for the 2011-2012 USLI
competition team and received her NAR Level 1 Certification during the summer of 2011. She
serves as the Events Chair for the Ambassadors for the College of Engineering, the
Environmental Chair for Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, and an advisory board member for the
University of Alabama’s College of Engineering Mentor UPP program.
Tiesha-Safety Officer
Tiesha is a senior majoring in Aerospace Engineering. She graduated with an advanced
diploma in 2009 from J. O. Johnson High school, in Huntsville, AL. In high school she was
involved in NASA affiliated events, competing in their Annual Great MoonBuggy Race for two
years and representing the program in Washington, D.C. This summer (2012) she
participated in an Engineering FIELD camp in Tulsa, OK for Schlumberger. At the University
of Alabama, she works as a Teaching Assistant/Grader for the Freshman Engineering
Program. She is a member of the Women's Resource Center volunteer group, Student
Leadership Council, and a returning member of the University's all-female rocket team.
Noelle- Vehicle Team Lead
Noelle is a junior majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics with a minor in Business
Management. She is from Simpsonville, South Carolina, where she graduated from
Southside High School in 2010. Noelle is a former member of the nationally ranked Alabama
Forensics Council and is a current member of the University of Alabama Student Chapter of
AIAA. This will be Noelle’s third year as a member of the Rocket Girls team.
Macy-Payload Team Lead, Webmaster
Macy is a junior majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics with a minor in Computer
Science. She graduated in 2010 from Arab High School, in Arab, Alabama. She is a member
of the student section of AIAA and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and was a
member of the Alabama Million Dollar Band. She is a returning member from the 2010-2011
and 2011-2012 Rocket Girls Teams.
Kathryn (Kathy)-Educational Engagement, RockSim Analyst
Kathryn is a junior majoring in Psychology with a minor in Mechanical Engineering at the
University of Alabama. She graduated from Prattville High School in Prattville, Alabama with
an honors diploma in 2009. She spent the summers of 2010 and 2011 interning at the
International Paper Mill in Prattville, Alabama. Kathryn has been building model rockets as a
hobby since elementary school. She was also a member of the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012
Rocket Girls Team and is NAR-1 Certified.
Daniel Cavender-NAR Mentor
The Rocket Girls 2012-2013 NAR section mentor will be Daniel Cavender. Daniel has a NAR
Level 3 Certification. Daniel will be available to the Rocket Girls team for future launches and
assistance regarding rocket construction and NAR safety requirements.
1.2 Position Descriptions
Team Official
Provide faculty support to students as requested.
Team Captain
Organize team efforts, delegate tasks, maintain schedule, manage budget, and ensure
all requirements are met.
Safety Officer
Compose all safety regulation documents, ensure all safety procedures are followed,
and communicate safety concerns to team members.
Vehicle Officer
Oversee design and manufacture of vehicle system in conjunction with Payload Officer
and be able to effectively communicate its function and design orally and in writing.
Payload Officer
Oversee design of payload and data acquisition system in conjunction with the Vehicle
Officer and be able to effectively communicate its function and design orally and in
Update the website regularly to ensure that all requirements are met, and work in
conjunction with the other Officers to post project progress.
1.3 Team Organization
Team Captain: Shelby
Figure 1 displays a graphic that defines the hierarchy for the 2012-2013 Rocket Girls. The
Vehicle Team will eventually be broken up to include a group dedicated to the avionics of the
payload. The avionics group will be defined by the PDR. The team is also in the process of
adding a member whose sole responsibility will be technical report writing.
Vehicle Team Captain: Noelle
Payload Team Captain: Macy
Safety Officer: Tiesha
Webmaster: Macy
Figure 1.
2. Facilities
For construction and material storage, the team has elected to stay in the off-campus Student
Projects Building due to its availability 24 hours a day. This projects building only allows
access to designated cardholders of the selected student project teams using the facility. The
following are also available for the team’s use.
2.1 Student Machine Shop
The College of Engineering’s (COE) Student Machine Shop will be accessible to our team.
The Student Machine Shop includes a band saw, lathe, drill press, mill, and a wide variety of
measuring implements and hand tools. Members are required to complete a machine shop
safety course before construction begins. The team can submit larger objects to fabricate in
the COE machine shop, and the turn-around time is approximately two weeks. The only costs
that apply to the team are material costs because this is an undergraduate student project.
2.2 Computer Labs
Numerous computer labs provided by the UA College of Engineering, will be available for
team use 24 hours a day. These labs will be open to the entire team for Internet access and
email. The computers in the lab come equipped with AutoCAD, Matlab, and a number of
other design and mathematics software. The computer lab and personal computers can be
used to build the files for the website.
2.3 Wind Tunnel Lab
The department has two low-speed wind tunnels that can operate in three different
configurations. The closed-circuit, low-speed wind tunnel is available for student design use.
The maximum velocity is approximately 100 mph. The contraction ratio is 4:1, leading to a 44
in by 29 in test section. The tunnels are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment including
hotwire anemometry system, digital pressure scanners and sensors, multi-channel DAQ
devices for analog voltage input and strain gage signal conditioning suitable for force-balance
measurements, PC-controlled traversing systems as well as many other tools.
2.4 Hosting Space
All necessary teleconference equipment will be available on UA’s campus in room 3022 in the
South Engineering and Research Center (SERC) including:
 Windows Computer Systems
 Broadband Internet connection
 Speakerphone capabilities
 USAB webcam
 Personal name and contact information for WebEx/connectivity issues
3. Vehicle
3.1 Technical Design
The Rocket Girls are going to build a smaller rocket than their past two entries, as the plan is
to build a five foot rocket with a four inch diameter. Because the on-board experiment does
not require as large of a payload bay, the reduction in vehicle size is possible. This year the
Rocket Girls want to avoid having any unnecessary weight due to empty space. The rocket
will be built as four separate pieces: the nosecone, avionics bay, and a two-piece booster
body connected by rivets during flight. The forward section of the booster body will be
referred to as the Payload Section, and the aft end will be known as the Booster Section.
This year the team has chosen to build the rocket body of pre-impregnated carbon fiber to
challenge the team to learn a new construction technique. The Rocket Girls have made a
contact with the University of Alabama-Huntsville to help supply and provide equipment to
build these items. Team members feel this will be valuable knowledge for future competitions
and payload experiments and its light weight and durability will make it effective for this
rocket. In the event that the team must change the construction material of the body, G10
fiberglass will be used. The vehicle team and interested members will be taking a course on
the fundamentals of constructing carbon fiber rocket bodies in the near future, to allow time
for the team to be comfortable with constructing a sub-scale carbon fiber body. An instructor
or mentor will be present during the entire build process to ensure proper technique is used.
The couplers will be constructed from G10 fiberglass, and the couplers and centering rings
will be made from birch plywood. These materials will be utilized for their strength and
durability during flight. The fin brackets, which connect the fins to the rocket body, will be
made from aluminum and will be used to connect the fins to the vehicle and keep each fin
perpendicular to the rocket body. The team chose aluminum because of its availability and
strength. Figure 2 shows the entire vehicle in its separated sections.
Figure 2.
3.2 Recovery System
The Rocket Girls will be using a dual deployment recovery system for the vehicle. The
avionics bay will be placed aft of the nosecone and forward of the payload section of the
booster body, using the nosecone as the main parachute bay. The forward end of the
payload section will be a small area used to house a streamer and the bulk plate. The team
chose to not include a drogue parachute to avoid adding a drogue parachute bay thus adding
unnecessary weight. The first bulk plate will be placed inside the tip of the nosecone, the
second and third bulk plates will be on both ends of the avionics bay, and the fourth bulk plate
will be placed in the payload section of the booster body. Each bulk plate will have a U-bolt
fastened to it to allow for the connection of the shock cords. The first recovery event occurs at
apogee. The booster and payload sections will separate at the avionics bay coupler interface.
The second event will take place at 900 feet with a secondary charge at 700 feet, with a
separation between the avionics bay and the nosecone. Small holes will be drilled for at least
four shear pins to be placed at the separation points.
3.3 Motor Selection
The Rocket Girls have not chosen the motor to be used at the competition launch. Initial
motor selection will not occur until the modeling and simulation team make a
recommendation closer to PDR. The rocket will be built to receive 75mm motor cases up to
five grains long. The team will most likely use a CTI reload to take advantage of the team’s
existing CTI hardware and experience. The team has chosen a Cesaroni motor due to a
lessened preparation time on launch day and past experiences with the reliability.
3.4 Vehicle Technical Challenges
One technical challenge is our team members have never constructed rockets with carbon
fiber. However, Rocket Girls will solve this problem by having each of the members
participate in a class with the supervision of our NAR mentor and an instructor.
Another technical challenge is the motor overheating any of the equipment used for the
experiment. The solution will be to place the heat sensitive equipment towards the top of the
payload section.
4. Payload – The Aerodynamics of Grid Fins
Grid fins are different from traditional planar fins in that they are positioned perpendicular to
the airflow, and their lattice construction of grid cells allows the oncoming air to pass through.
Thus, the trusses of the lattice act as fins with smaller chords. See Figure 2.
Figure 3. A grid fin (left) versus a traditional planar fin (right.)
Grid fins were introduced in the 1980s by the USSR as a way to provide better stability and
control1. An advantage of grid fins is that they are less likely to stall at greater angles of attack
(AoA) than traditional fins. They also generate less hinge moment about their root chord so
that they require smaller actuators to rotate and can be folded against the vehicle to reduce
storage space. Grid fins have been used on several of the USSR’s missiles, including the SS23 'Spider' and the 91ER1 underwater antisubmarine ballistic missile. They have also been
used in Soyuz Launch Escape system. The US Army Missile Research and Development
Center (MRDEC) began researching grid fins in 1985; they applied this research on the
Massive Ordinance Air Blast (MOAB) missile.
NASA investigated the technology in a computational and experimental study of the Orion
Launch Abort Vehicle (LAV) 2,3. The Orion LAV tested grid fins to determine stability of the
fins in subsonic to supersonic Mach numbers. The LAV also tested the benefits of grid fins,
and the effects the LAV abort motors had on grid fin aerodynamics. Grid fins have
comparable drag in the subsonic and supersonic Mach numbers, but in transonic, shock
waves form in the lattice and reduce the flow to create greater drag. In experimental tests, the
data gathered indicates grid fins provide significant improvements in pitch stability versus a
baseline vehicle tested over the same range of Mach numbers. The results of these tests
showed that grid fins were capable of stabilizing the Orion LAV over a large range of
operating conditions.
While the NASA study focused on the stability of grid fins, the Rocket Girls will investigate the
effect of grid fin aspect ratio on the aerodynamic forces versus traditional fins.
The payload team will design and test four to eight different aspect ratios of grid fins while
maintaining the same chord, surface area, weight, and lattice configuration. The fins will be
designed at The University of Alabama and made from ABS plastic using a 3D printer. The
fins will be attached to the vehicle with a bracket designed by the vehicle and payload teams
directly above the motor mount on the booster section of the booster body. The bracket will
allow for easy removal of the fins so that they are interchangeable and easier to replace than
traditional fins. The fins will then be tested in the University of Alabama’s subsonic wind
tunnel supervised by our advisor at a subsonic Mach number to assess the aerodynamic
force coefficients generated by the fins. Using this data, the Rocket Girls will then select the
fin with the least amount of drag while retaining favorable life characteristics relative to angle
attack to be used for the vehicle on launch day.
For the flight test, the grid fins will be rigidly and symmetrically attached to the rocket, with the
span of the grid fin aligned perpendicular to the rocket body and the chord parallel to the
vehicle. Strain gages will be attached to the base of the fins where they are attached to the
vehicle to determine the hinge moment and vibration frequency acting on the fins during
4.1 Design Objectives
The payload has the following objectives for the USLI competition:
•Payload will be easily changed or replaced if damaged
•Wind tunnel testing of the payload will determine the aspect ratio of the fins
tested that has the least amount of drag
•Payload will have strain data capturing capabilities throughout the entire launch
to record data from the strain gages.
•Motor used to fold the fins will be able to operate for a period of one hour plus
the expected flight time to accommodate for time spent on the launch pad prior
to launch
4.2 Payload Components
The payload will consist of five major parts, described in the following list:
•Grid Fins- Grid fins will be used in place of traditional fins. The fins will be
designed and made at the University of Alabama with ABS plastic using a 3D
printer. The payload team will be developing and testing several different fin
designs to compare the drag of each design. The fin design that has the least
amount of drag will be used.
•Strain Gages- Strain gages will be adhered to the base of the grid fins and
used to assess the bending moment and vibration frequency acting on the fin
due to aerodynamic drag.
•Data Acquisition System
•GPS- The GPS will track the rocket during flight.
•Altimeter- An altimeter will track the altitude of the rocket and will be the
altimeter analyzed by USLI judges.
4.3 Payload Tests
Fins of different aspect ratios will be tested in the University of Alabama’s subsonic wind
tunnel under faculty supervision to determine the fin design with the least amount of drag.
The Rocket Girls will measure the drag of the grid fins and compare to that of traditional fins,
like those used in the team’s previous rockets. The fins will also go through strength of
material tests using strain gages and static loading before they are flown to assess the hinge
moment at the base.
4.4 Payload Integration
The fins of a rocket are essential during flight to provide stability. Because the payload
experiment is centered on the fins, the payload and vehicle team will work closely together for
multiple parts of the project. Initially, the vehicle team will work with the payload team to build
a bracket to house the fin connection to the rocket body, then again to correctly assemble the
electronics used to record data from the stress and strain gages.
4.5 Payload Challenges
The foreseeable challenges with this payload include failure at the base of the fin where it
attaches to the rocket. To ensure there is no failure from the bending moment, we will test
and ensure a safety factor of at least two. Another potential challenge will be wiring the strain
gages into the rocket to connect to the Data Acquisition System. The Rocket Girls will be
designing a bracket to attach the fins to the vehicle that will allow the wires to pass through to
the inside of the rocket with no problems. Machine fabrication of the grid fin hinges will ensure
perfect dimensions and angle of fins. The team will use several measuring devices to prevent
the misalignment of the brackets on the booster section of the booster body.
5. Safety and Assurance
5.1 NAR Certified Members
The Rocket Girls 2012-2013 Safety Officer, Tiesha, is a member of The National Association
of Rocketry who holds a Level 1 Certification. Tiesha will perform a pre-launch safety briefing
prior to launches completed during the term of the project and ensure that safety precautions
are in use during the design, build, testing, and handling of rocket equipment and material.
Also holding NAR Level 1 certification is Noelle, Macy, Shanley, Kathy and Shelby. Shelby,
team captain, will supervise all rocket launches and team decision. During the year other
members of the team will seek to pursue various NAR certifications.
5.2 Safety Plan
In the process of designing and building the rocket, the team foresees one primary area in
which construction of the vehicle will take place, which is the off-campus Student Design
Building. The potential hazards will include operation of power tools and the shared use of
space by other projects. The Student Design Building will be used for constructing the
payload and vehicle.
The team has printed out copies of all rules and regulations that are applicable to the vehicle
and payload. Further, each team member will be given these documents as well as a written
copy of the safety plan for the team and the plan for documenting all work done on the
vehicle and payload. These documents will include launch procedures with a hierarchy of
command for launches and a hierarchy for the building of the vehicle and payload. An official
copy of this binder will also include the safety test of each team member, which will be kept
by the safety officer. All current team members have signed a written form that explains she
agrees to comply with HARA NAR Section 403 safety regulations, and this form will be kept in
the team safety officer’s safety documentation binder. A copy of this form can be found in the
appendix of the proposal. Students that wish to participate in Rocket Girls activities must sign
the safety agreement form before they can participate in group activities
5.3 NAR High Powered Rocket Safety Code
The NAR Safety Code will be well recognized, presented, discussed, and explained to all
team members. All team members will be required to review and sign a team safety
agreement and abide by the terms within, which include the laws and regulations of High
Power Rocketry.
1. Certification. I will only fly high power rockets or possess high power rocket motors
that are within the scope of my user certification and required licensing.
2. Materials. I will use only lightweight materials such as paper, wood, rubber, plastic,
fiberglass, or when necessary ductile metal, for the construction of my rocket.
3. Motors. I will use only certified, commercially made rocket motors, and will not tamper
with these motors or use them for any purposes except those recommended by the
manufacturer. I will not allow smoking, open flames, nor heat sources within 25 feet of
these motors.
4. Ignition System. I will launch my rockets with an electrical launch system, and with
electrical motor igniters that are installed in the motor only after my rocket is at the
launch pad or in a designated prepping area. My launch system will have a safety
interlock that is in series with the launch switch that is not installed until my rocket is
ready for launch, and will use a launch switch that returns to the "off" position when
released. If my rocket has onboard ignition systems for motors or recovery devices,
these will have safety interlocks that interrupt the current path until the rocket is at the
launch pad.
5. Misfires. If my rocket does not launch when I press the button of my electrical launch
system, I will remove the launcher's safety interlock or disconnect its battery, and will
wait 60 seconds after the last launch attempt before allowing anyone to approach the
6. Launch Safety. I will use a 5-second countdown before launch. I will ensure that no
person is closer to the launch pad than allowed by the accompanying Minimum
Distance Table, and that a means is available to warn participants and spectators in
the event of a problem. I will check the stability of my rocket before flight and will not fly
it if it cannot be determined to be stable.
7. Launcher. I will launch my rocket from a stable device that provides rigid guidance
until the rocket has attained a speed that ensures a stable flight, and that is pointed to
within 20 degrees of vertical. If the wind speed exceeds five miles per hour I will use a
launcher length that permits the rocket to attain a safe velocity before separation from
the launcher. I will use a blast deflector to prevent the motor's exhaust from hitting the
ground. I will ensure that dry grass is cleared around each launch pad in accordance
with the accompanying Minimum Distance table, and will increase this distance by a
factor of 1.5 if the rocket motor being launched uses titanium sponge in the propellant.
8. Size. My rocket will not contain any combination of motors that total more than 40,960
N-sec (9208 pound-seconds) of total impulse. My rocket will not weigh more at liftoff
than one-third of the certified average thrust of the high power rocket motor(s)
intended to be ignited at launch.
9. Flight Safety. I will not launch my rocket at targets, into clouds, near airplanes, nor on
trajectories that take it directly over the heads of spectators or beyond the boundaries
of the launch site, and will not put any flammable or explosive payload in my rocket. I
will not launch my rockets if wind speeds exceed 20 miles per hour. I will comply with
Federal Aviation Administration airspace regulations when flying, and will ensure that
my rocket will not exceed any applicable altitude limit in effect at that launch site.
10. Launch Site. I will launch my rocket outdoors, in an open area where trees, power
lines, buildings, and persons not involved in the launch do not present a hazard, and
that is at least as large on its smallest dimension as one-half of the maximum altitude
to which rockets are allowed to be flown at that site or 1500 feet, whichever is greater.
11. Launcher Location. My launcher will be 1500 feet from any inhabited building or from
any public highway on which traffic flow exceeds ten vehicles per hour, not including
traffic flow related to the launch. It will also be no closer than the appropriate Minimum
Personnel Distance from the accompanying table from any boundary of the launch
12. Recovery System. I will use a recovery system such as a parachute in my rocket so
that all parts of my rocket return safely and undamaged and can be flown again, and I
will use only flame-resistant or fireproof recovery system wadding in my rocket.
13. Recovery Safety. I will not attempt to recover my rocket from power lines, tall trees, or
other dangerous places, fly it under conditions where it is likely to recover in spectator
areas or outside the launch site, nor attempt to catch it as it approaches the ground.
5.4 Risk Assessment:
Material/Risk Consequence
Fumes can act as an
irritant to the upper
respiratory tract and
eyes, and on contact
with the skin these
fluxes or their fume can
cause dermatitis
machinery in Body injuries
Machine shop
All students using the solder will be properly
trained through the online SkillSoft training
that offers various subjects through the
Environmental Health and Safety Office.
Members of the team will be completing the
University of Alabama Student Machine Shop
Usage Safety Course to access and construct
work in the shop. Any work done in that
building must be done with the supervision of
those who have completed The University of
Alabama Student Machine Shop Usage
Safety Course
Eye irritant and a mild
skin irritant
Launch Risks
Black Powder
Testing Risks
Spray Paint
Body injuries and loss
or damage to rocket
parts and scientific
Serious body injuries,
and irritation to the
eyes and skin
Body injuries and loss
or damage to rocket
parts and scientific
Overexposure to fumes
and unplanned ignition
may cause serious
body damages and
All members of the team who will be using the
epoxy will be warned of this hazard and
instructed on proper application process,
which will eliminate direct contact with the
epoxy. Team members will also be instructed
to wear safety eye goggles and protective
gloves; however, one particular safety method
will involve the use of popsicle sticks to aid in
smooth application of the substance
E-matches will be stored away properly in the
Students Project Building and use of ematches by team members will be supervised
All team members will follow the instructions
of the team safety officers and the NAR
members present, as well as all NAR
regulations and stated team policies. The
Rocket Girls mentor during the design
process is Mr. Dan Cavender, who will be
present at all launches and act as an adviser
in all questions pertaining to NAR safety rules.
On the day of the practice launches, the
vehicle or scale vehicle will be inspected by
either Dan or HARA NAR members for safety,
and their inspection will be the final
determination of whether the vehicle and
payload are safe to fly.
Black Powder will be stored in a container
inside a cabinet labeled “explosive items.”
Use of this substance will be at all times
supervised and member will be informed of
proper use and storage
To minimize all of the risks associated with
the testing of the launch vehicle and payload,
all work will be done in pairs with at least one
mentor or advisor present
The NAR team member with the appropriate
certification, Mr. Dan Cavender, will be the
sole member to have control of the motor
during the entire travel. Control of the motor
will include all stops during travel such that
the motor will never be left unsecured by the
team and this member.
surrounding flammable Properly stored away
Spray paint will be used outside in a open
atmosphere and face gear will be worn
5.5 Emergency Aide:
In the event of an Emergency, first- aid kits will be available in the shops. Also available is the
on-campus Student Health Center which is open Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.,
Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., and Saturday-Sunday 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
The appendix section of the proposal contains the following check-lists that will be used for
the 2012-2013 competition:
 Written Safety Agreement
 Launch Day Chain of Command
 Vehicle Preparation Procedure
 Launch Pad Procedure
 Composite Motor Reloading Procedures
6. Outreach
In previous years, the Rocket Girls outreach efforts have been able to reach record breaking
number of people. For the 2012-2013 academic year, the Rocket Girls plan on improving the
quality presentations and interactions between the team members and the students. The
Rocket Girls plan on reaching 500 children within the immediate Tuscaloosa area in 6 th
through 8th grade. In addition to the 500 middle school children, the Rocket Girls will promote
diversity in the STEM disciplines, by encouraging females in grades K-12 to take an interest
in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Ultimately, the Rocket Girls plan on
reaching 3,000 peoples before the April launch.
Various outreach events will provide opportunities for the Rocket Girls to reach the middle
schools. The events will include, but are not limited to, events at local schools, public
libraries, museum events, and ultimately a rocket workshop for the Tuscaloosa middle
schools. The Rocket Girls have set up an initial plan to work with various community
organizations throughout the 2012-2013 work periods. Kathy will be the lead of the
educational engagement process. She will organize events with the middle schools, public
libraries, museum events, and the rocket workshop. Listed below are more detailed
descriptions of planned events that the Rocket Girls will participate in before the NASA USLI
competition begins. These events will be used to help the team members gain experience
with public speaking, leadership, and contacts with various organizations within the
ME 121 The Rocket Girls will have given several presentations to the Introduction to
Mechanical Engineering class, ME 121, at The University of Alabama over the fall and spring
semesters. When, presenting to ME 121 classes, the team will focus on encouraging
undergraduates to become involved in research as well as using it as an opportunity to
promote Rocket Girls with potential team members for future years.
AEM 121 The Rocket Girls will give at least one presentation to the Introduction to Aerospace
Engineering Class, AEM 121. The presentation will focus on the aerodynamics of rockets, as
well the experiment that is being performed. The team will also use this time to encourage the
students to get involved in research, as well as promoting the team to potential members.
Engineering Day Engineering Day, E-Day, will be the first major event the Rocket Girls will
participate in at The University of Alabama. The event will be held October 11, 2012 at The
University of Alabama. E-Day is an event for high school and middle school students to learn
about The University of Alabama’s College of Engineering. The Rocket Girls will give short
presentations about rockets, engineering, and design aspects of the vehicle for all students
who attend the Mechanical Engineering tour.
Science Olympiad Each year Science Olympiad for both middle and high school students is
held at The University of Alabama. The Rocket Girls will use the opportunity to reach the
teams competing in Science Olympiad. The team will have a booth to present and promote
rocketry, engineering, math, and science to the persons at the competition.
Rocket Workshop The Rocket Girls plan to host a two day model rocketry workshop for
middle school and high school children interested in rocketry and the STEM disciplines in
March of 2013. This event will take place on UA’s campus in SERC. This workshop will help
the attendees to learn how to build model rockets, the basic components of flight for rockets,
safety for all rocketry, and elementary components of engineering as applied to rocketry. The
first day will be filled with building model rockets, safety presentations, and basic engineering
and physics theories. The second day of the workshop will be launching the built rockets at a
safe location in the Tuscaloosa area. The workshop will give those interested in rocketry
invaluable experience with the design and building of model rockets.
While the Rocket Girls wish to reach as many people as possible, the main focus of outreach
will be children in 6th through 8th grade. The team plans to visit as many middle schools in the
Tuscaloosa County area. The following table shows the potential education engagement
Table1. Potential Educational Engagement Events
Brookwood Middle School
Vance, AL
Collins-Riverside Middle School
Northport, AL
Davis-Emerson Middle School
Duncanville, Middle School
Cottondale, AL
Duncanville, AL
Echols Middle School
Northport, AL
Eastwood Middle School
Tuscaloosa, AL
Hillcrest Middle School
Tuscaloosa, AL
Northside Middle School
Sipsey Valley Middle School
Northport, AL
Tuscaloosa, AL
Tuscaloosa Magnet Middle School
Tuscaloosa, AL
Rock Quarry Middle School
Tuscaloosa, AL
University Place Middle School
Southview Middle School
Tuscaloosa, AL
Tuscaloosa, AL
Westlawn Middle School
Tuscaloosa, AL
McWane Center
Birmingham, AL
After each event at a school or site, the contact at said location, such as a science teacher,
the science club advisor, or principal, will be sent a short questionnaire so the team can use
their feedback to strengthen our presentations throughout the year. The Rocket Girls hope to
use the feedback information to enhance our presentation and activities for the students. The
questionnaire will consist of questions such as:
Did the activity relate to your core curriculum?
On a scale of one to five, how would you rate the presentation with one being the
lowest score and five the highest score?
 What would you choose to improve in the presentation?
 Will you consider adding more engineering design work into your classroom?
The main focus of education outreach for the Rocket Girls is to educate and have
impressionable minds become excited for science, math, and engineering by working with
rockets. A more detailed plan for educational outreach events will be presented in the PDR.
7. Activity Plan
The following sections show the initial budget and timeline for the 2012-2013 competition
7.1 Budget
Test Equipment
Educational Engagement
Figure 4.
The Rocket Girls team plans to apply for grants from The Alabama Space Grant Consortium
worth up to $5000, Murphy EXPRO valued at $3000, American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) worth up to $3000, and possibly AIAA. Figure 3 depicts a basic division of
7.2 Timeline
The Rocket Girls have set up an initial timeline to account for the five written reports,
subscale launch, full-scale launch. Table 2 shows a detailed view of the Rocket Girls initial
Table 2. Timeline of Events
Conceptual Design
Establish a team
Initial Research and Design
Team Safety Meeting
Proposal Due
USLI Selection
Preliminary Design
Motor Selection
Rocket Design Finalized
Grid Fin Design Selected
Web Presence Established
PDR Posted Online
PDR Presentation
Critical Design
Subscale Launch
Rocket Construction
CDR Posted Online
CDR Presentation
Spring Outreach Schedule Set
Flight Preparation
Full Scale Launch Preparation
Full Scale Launch
FRR posted online
FRR Presentation
USLI Competition
Post Flight
Analyze Data
PLAR Posted Online
Announcement of Winning USLI Team
7.3 Potential New Members
The Rocket Girls will look to add freshmen and sophomore students to the team throughout
the year in the hope that they will continue on the team in the years to come.
8. Conclusion
The Rocket Girls will build and design a reusable high powered rocket that will test the
aerodynamics of grid fins. The team will conduct educational outreach to over 3,000 persons.
Safety of each team member will be the team’s number one priority for the USLI competition.
The team will uphold all rules and regulations as defined by NASA USLI, University of
Alabama, and NAR.
A1. Vehicle Requirements
A2. Recovery System Requirements
A3. Payload Requirements
A4. 2012-2013 Written Safety Agreement
A5. Launch Day Chain of Command
A6. Minimum Distance Table
A7. Vehicle Preparation Procedure
A8. Launch Pad Procedure
A9. Composite Motor Reloading Procedure
A10. Budget
A11. Team Contacts
A12. References
A1. Vehicle Requirements
As an attempt to meet every requirement set forth by USLI, the Rocket Girls have italicized
each requirement and responded on how the team will meet each goal.
1.1. The vehicle shall deliver the science or engineering payload to, but not exceeding, an
apogee altitude of 5,280 feet above ground level (AGL).
The Rocket Girls are extensively researching different level motors to use in the rocket. The
team has also chosen to launch the full-scale rocket at least once on the competition motor in
an attempt to get as close to an altitude of one mile.
1.2. (USLI Only) The vehicle shall carry one commercially available, barometric altimeter for
recording of the official altitude used in the competition scoring.
The Rocket Girls will use a Perfectflite MAWD altimeter which will be securely fastened in the
payload for official altitude scoring.
1.2.1. The official scoring altimeter shall report the official competition altitude via a series of
beeps to be checked after the competition flight in Huntsville.
The altimeter will be tested before launch to ensure that it is operating properly.
1.2.2. Teams may have additional altimeters to control vehicle electronics and payload
There will be at least two altimeters in the avionics bay. At the Launch Readiness Review, a NASA official shall be able to mark the altimeter
which will be used for the official scoring.
The Rocket Girls will be able to remove and present the competition altimeter to the NASA
official at launch. At the launch field, a NASA official shall be able to obtain the altitude by listening to
the audible beeps reported by the altimeter.
The competition altimeter will be tested prior to launch to ensure it is operating properly. At the launch field, to aid in determination of the vehicle’s apogee, all audible
electronics, except for the official altitude-determining altimeter shall be capable of being
turned off.
All altimeters will have switches that are accessible from the outside of the rocket.
1.2.3. The following circumstances will warrant a score of zero for the altitude portion of the
competition: The official, marked altimeter is damaged and/or does not report an altitude via a
series of beeps after the team’s competition flight.
The Rocket Girls will run tests to make sure that the altimeter does not malfunction. The
altimeter will be securely placed in the first booster section to keep it from being damaged
during flight.
22 The team does not report to the NASA official designated to record the altitude with
their official marked altimeter on the day of the launch.
The Rocket Girls will report to the NASA official immediately after recovering the rocket from
the launch field. The altimeter reports an apogee altitude over 5,600 feet AGL.
The Rocket Girls will complete test flights to ensure that the apogee altitude does not exceed
the stated altitude.
1.3. The launch vehicle shall remain subsonic from launch until landing.
The Rocket Girls will buy commercially available motors and RockSim analysis will be run
prior to launch to ensure the motor does not go supersonic due to a high thrust ratio.
1.4. The launch vehicle shall be designed to be recoverable and reusable. Reusable is
defined as being able to be launched again on the same day without repairs or modifications.
Every step is being taken to allow the ability to re-launch and reuse the rocket for multiple
1.5. The launch vehicle shall have a maximum of four (4) independent sections. An
independent section is defined as a section that is either tethered to the main vehicle or is
recovered separately from the main vehicle using its own parachute.
The rocket body will be built in four sections, but will separate into three after during launch
with a streamer and main parachute deploying during the flight.
1.6. The launch vehicle shall be capable of being prepared for flight at the launch site within 2
hours, from the time the Federal Aviation Administration flight waiver opens.
The Rocket Girls will practice quick launch preparation during pre-competition launches to
ensure the team can be prepared within two hours. Parachutes and shock cords will already
be prepared prior to launch in order to cut down on preparation time.
1.7. The launch vehicle shall be capable of remaining in launch-ready configuration at the pad
for a minimum of 1 hour without losing the functionality of any critical on-board component.
All equipment will have fresh batteries installed before launch to enable the rocket to sit on
the launch pad for at least one hour.
1.8. The vehicle shall be compatible with either an 8 feet long 1 in. rail (1010), or an 8 feet
long 1.5 in. rail (1515), provided by the range.
The Rocket Girls will use launch buttons compatible with one of the listed launch rails.
1.9. The launch vehicle shall be capable of being launched by a standard 12 volt direct
current firing system. The firing system will be provided by the Range Services Provider.
The Rocket Girls will use the correct igniters to start the launch sequence.
1.10. The launch vehicle shall require no external circuitry or special ground support
equipment to initiate launch (other than what is provided by the range).
The Rocket Girls will only use a standard igniter for the launch sequence.
1.11. The launch vehicle shall use a commercially available solid motor propulsion system
using ammonium perchlorate composite propellant (APCP) which is approved and certified by
the National Association of Rocketry (NAR), Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA), and/or the
Canadian Association of Rocketry (CAR).
The Rocket Girls will use a pre-approved Cessaroni motor to launch the vehicle.
1.12. (USLI Only) The total impulse provided by a USLI launch vehicle shall not exceed 5,120
Newton-seconds (L-class). This total impulse constraint is applicable to a single stage or
multiple stages.
The Rocket Girls will use a single stage motor, no larger than an L-class, to ensure the
impulse constraint is not exceeded.
1.14. The amount of ballast, in the vehicle’s final configuration that will be flown in Huntsville,
shall be no more than 10% of the unballasted vehicle mass.
The weight will be properly distributed throughout the rocket before launch.
1.15. All teams shall successfully launch and recover their full scale rocket prior to FRR in its
final flight configuration. However, the purpose of the full scale demonstration flight is to
demonstrate the launch vehicle’s stability, structural integrity, recovery systems, and the
team’s ability to prepare the launch vehicle for flight. The following criteria must be met during
the full scale demonstration flight:
The Rocket Girls will attempt to launch the full-scale configuration at least twice before
launch, and once before the FRR to ensure that all safety guidelines are met.
1.15.1. The vehicle and recovery system shall have functioned as designed.
The Rocket Girls will be honest in their report to NASA.
1.15.2. The payload does not have to be flown during the full-scale test flight. The following
requirements still apply:
The fins are the main portion of the payload; therefore the grid fins will be launched prior to
competition. However, the electronic portion of the payload may not fly in a full-scale launch
before traveling to Huntsville, AL. If the payload is not flown, mass simulators shall be used to simulate the payload
The weight of any equipment missing will be replaced during pre-competition full scale flights. The mass simulators shall be located in the same approximate location on the
rocket as the missing payload mass.
The payload and vehicle team will collaborate to ensure there is a simulated mass in areas
where there is missing equipment.
24 If the payload changes the external surfaces of the rocket (such as with camera
housings or external probes) or manages the total energy of the vehicle, those systems shall
be active during the full scale demonstration flight.
All equipment will be activated during the full scale flight. Unmanned aerial vehicles, and/or recovery systems that control the flight path of the
vehicle, shall be flown as designed during the full scale demonstration flight.
The Rocket Girls will not be using a UAV or controlling the flight path.
1.15.3. The full scale motor does not have to be flown during the full scale test flight.
However, it is recommended that the full scale motor be used to demonstrate full flight
readiness and altitude verification. If the full scale motor is not flown during the full scale
flight, it is desired that the motor simulate, as closely as possible, the predicted maximum
velocity and maximum acceleration of the competition flight.
The Rocket Girls are planning to complete at least two flights prior to competition, one of
which the competition motor will be used.
1.15.4. The vehicle shall be flown in its fully ballasted configuration during the full scale test
flight. Fully ballasted refers to the same amount of ballast that will be flown during the official
flight in Huntsville (Refer to requirement 1.14).
The vehicle will be in its fully ballasted configuration during the full-scale pre-competition
1.15.5. The success of the full scale demonstration flight shall be documented on the flight
certification form, by a Level 2 or Level 3 NAR/TRA observer, and shall be documented in the
FRR package.
The Rocket Girls mentor, Daniel Cavender, is NAR Level 3 certified and will be present on
launch day.
1.15.6. After successfully completing the full-scale demonstration flight, the launch vehicle or
any of its components shall not be modified without the concurrence of the NASA Range
Safety Officer (RSO).
After recovery the Rocket Girls will bring the rocket directly to the RSO.
1.16. (USLI Only) The maximum amount teams may spend on the rocket and payload is
$5000 total. The cost is for the competition rocket as it sits on the pad, including all
purchased components. The fair market value of all donated items or materials shall be
included in the cost analysis. The following items may be omitted from the total cost of the
● Shipping costs
● Ground support equipment
● Team labor costs
The Rocket Girls have created a budget to abide by. In the event that items are donated to
the team, the market value price of said items will be used in the budget.
1.17. Vehicle Prohibitions
1.17.1. The vehicle shall not utilize forward canards.
1.17.2. The vehicle shall not utilize forward firing motors.
1.17.3. The vehicle shall not utilize motors which expel titanium sponges (Sparky, Skidmark,
MetalStorm, etc.)
1.17.4. The vehicle shall not utilize hybrid motors.
1.17.5 The vehicle shall not utilize a cluster of motors, either in a single stage or in multiple
The Rocket Girls will not design or build a rocket that uses any of the prohibited items listed in
the above requirement.
A2. Recovery System Requirements
2.1. The launch vehicle shall stage the deployment of its recovery devices, where a drogue
parachute is deployed at apogee and a main parachute is deployed at a much lower altitude.
Tumble recovery or streamer recovery from apogee to main parachute deployment is also
permissible, provided that kinetic energy during drogue-stage descent is reasonable, as
deemed by the Range Safety Officer.
The Rocket Girls will deploy a streamer at apogee and a main parachute at an altitude
between 900-700 feet. Analysis will be completed prior to launch to ensure the kinetic energy
after the first event is permissible.
2.2. At landing, each independent sections of the launch vehicle (as described in requirement
1.5) shall have a maximum kinetic energy of 75 ft-lbf.
Analysis will be completed prior to launch to guarantee the vehicle will not exceed the
maximum kinetic energy allowed at landing.
2.3. All independent sections of the launch vehicle shall be designed to land within 2,500 ft. of
the launch pad, assuming a 15 mph wind.
The Rocket Girls will use RockSim to predict the flight path of the rocket.
2.4. The recovery system electrical circuits shall be completely independent of any payload
electrical circuits.
The recovery system circuits will be housed in the avionics bay and the payload electrical
circuits will be housed in the booster body.
2.5. The recovery system shall contain redundant, commercially available altimeters. The
term “altimeters” includes both simple altimeters and more sophisticated flight computers.
The recovery system will house two commercially available altimeters dedicated strictly to the
recovery system.
2.6. Each altimeter shall be armed by a dedicated arming switch which is accessible from the
exterior of the rocket airframe when the rocket is in the launch configuration on the launch
The Rocket Girls will design an avionics bay that can be armed from the exterior.
2.7. Each altimeter shall have a dedicated power supply.
Each altimeter will have a 9-volt battery dedicated to it.
2.8. Each arming switch shall be capable of being locked in the ON position for launch.
The Rocket Girls will have switches that can remain locked in the ON position.
2.9. Each arming switch shall be a maximum of six (6) feet above the base of the launch
The Rocket Girls will not place the switches more than four (4) feet from the base of the
2.10. Removable shear pins shall be used for both the main parachute compartment and the
drogue parachute compartment.
At least four (4) shear pins will be placed between the avionics bay and nosecone, as well as
between the avionics bay and first booster body section.
2.11. An electronic tracking device shall be installed in the launch vehicle and shall transmit
the position of the tethered vehicle or any independent section to a ground receiver.
The GPS system will be placed in the first booster body section.
2.11.1. Any rocket section, or payload component, which lands untethered to the launch
vehicle shall also carry an active electronic tracking device.
The Rocket Girls will not have any components untethered to the launch vehicle.
2.11.2. The electronic tracking device shall be fully functional during the official flight in
The GPS tracking device will be tested prior to launch to ensure a success during the official
2.11.3. Audible beepers may be used in conjunction with an electronic, transmitting device,
but shall not replace the transmitting tracking device.
The Rocket Girls will only use a GPS tracking device.
2.12. The recovery system electronics shall not be adversely affected by any other on-board
electronic devices during flight (from launch until landing).
The avionics bay will be designed such that the electronics are housed on a sled within the
avionics bay. This will further protect the equipment from damage during launch and
2.12.1. The recovery system altimeters shall be physically located in a separate compartment
within the vehicle from any other radio frequency transmitting device and/or magnetic wave
producing device.
All recovery system electronics will be housed in the avionics bay. All other electronic devices
will be placed in the booster body.
2.12.2. The recovery system electronics shall be shielded from all onboard transmitting
devices, to avoid inadvertent excitation of the recovery system electronics.
The recovery system electronics will be in the avionics bay, however all other equipment will
be housed within the booster body.
2.12.3. The recovery system electronics shall be shielded from all onboard devices which
may generate magnetic waves (such as generators, solenoid valves, and Tesla coils) to avoid
inadvertent excitation of the recovery system.
The recovery system electronics will be housed within the avionics bay to ensure the
equipment is safe.
2.12.4. The recovery system electronics shall be shielded from any other onboard devices
which may adversely affect the proper operation of the recovery system electronics.
The recovery system will be built out of fiber glass and birch plywood bulk plates to protect all
of the electronics housed within.
2.13. The recovery system shall use commercially available low-current electric matches for
ignition of ejection charges.
The Rocket Girls will purchase igniters that abide by all NASA USLI rules prior to launch day.
2.14. Recovery System Prohibitions
2.14.1. Flashbulbs shall not be used for ignition of ejection charges.
2.14.2. Rear ejection parachute designs shall not be utilized on the vehicle
The Rocket Girls will not design, build or use any of the prohibited items listed above.
A3. Payload Requirements
The launch vehicle shall carry a science or engineering payload following one of
three options:
The Rocket Girls have chosen to test the aerodynamics grid fins, and therefore
have elected to go with Payload Option one (3.1.1.).
3.1.1. Option 1(USLI and SLI): The engineering or science payload may be of
the team’s discretion, but shall be approved by NASA. NASA reserves
the authority to require a team to modify or change a payload, as
deemed necessary by the Review Panel, even after a proposal has been
If required by NASA, the Rocket Girls will modify their payload.
Data from the science or engineering payload shall be collected, analyzed, and
reported by the team following the scientific method.
The Rocket Girls will follow the scientific method when collecting, analyzing,
and reporting data.
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) payloads of any type shall be tethered to the
vehicle with a remotely controlled release mechanism until the RSO has given
the authority to release the UAV.
The Rocket Girls will not be using any UAVs.
Any payload element which is jettisoned during the recovery phase, or after the
launch vehicle lands, shall receive real-time RSO permission prior to initiating
the jettison event.
No payload elements will be jettisoned during the entirety of the launch.
The science or engineering payload shall be designed to be recoverable and
reusable. Reusableis defined as being able to be launched again on the same
day without repairs or modifications.
The payload will be recoverable and reusable.
A4. 2012-2013 Written Safety Agreement
2012-2013 USLI Safety Agreement - University of Alabama Engineering
I ______________________________________________, have seen (a copy of) the safety
presentation regarding the 2012-2013 USLI project. I acknowledge that the activities
associated with high power rocketry entail significant risks, both known and unknown, which
could result in physical injury, paralysis, death, or damage to me, to property, or to third
parties. Such risks include those mentioned in the 2012-2013 USLI handbook.
I understand that although model rocketry has a better safety record than baseball, football,
soccer, tennis, riding bicycles, and riding in automobiles to and from the event, that this is not
an indication that no risk exists. I understand that the following risks exist, and that other
unforeseen risks can and will sometimes occur. Some of the risks are bodily injury, death
from impact to the participant’s body, burns, loss of income, pain and suffering, etc. I agree to
report any violations of the safety codes and any unsafe condition.
I understand and will at all times conduct myself with the understanding that the
aforementioned risks and safety codes are not necessarily all of the risks, that even by
observing the above procedures there remain RISKS OF INJURY OR DEATH from
ROCKETRY and that the utmost in attention and prudence must be exercised at all times.
By signing this, I assume all of the risks, damages, injury, or even death. I assume the
obligation to exercise the utmost care in pursuit of my activities at this event. I agree to abide
by the rules stated by NASA and the USLI handbook regarding safe rocketry and competition
safety. I also agree to abide by the rules set forth by the department and/or the facility
regarding use of resources (such as computer labs, tools and equipment) belonging to the
engineering department. I understand that failure to abide by these rules can result in
expulsion from the project team and/or the project laboratories.
I agree that if at any time I become unclear about rules or safety concerns, I will stop and
address those safety concerns before continuing work.
___________________________________ __________________________
Signature Date
The NAR/TRA HIGH POWER SAFETY CODES are available at the launch site. The
complete code can also be found in the handbooks of those organizations.
A5. Launch Day: Chain of Command
USLI Officials
NAR Mentor: Daniel Cavendar
Safety Officer: Tiesha
Team Captain: Shelby
Vehicle Officer: Noelle
Payload Officer: Macy
Additional Team Members
Additional Safety Considerations for launch day:
Potential for mechanical detachment of rocket components:
Complete and thorough check of all vehicle components prior to launch; make any
adjustments necessary
Complete and thorough check of all payload components prior to launch; make
adjustments necessary
Check that payload bay is adequately secured to payload cell
Potential for electrical component malfunction in payload and/or recovery system:
Check soundness of electrical components prior to launch; adjust/replace if necessary.
As stated in the document, the team recognizes that there are restrictions on distance from
the launch pad depending on the size of the motor.
Installed Total
High Power
Motor Type
Diameter of
Cleared Area
Distance (ft.)
0 -- 320.00
320.01 -- 640.00
640.01 -1,280.00
1,280.01 -2,560.00
2,560.01 -5,120.00
5,120.01 -10,240.00
10,240.01 -20,480.00
20,480.01 -40,960.00
H or smaller
Rocket) (ft.)
A7. Vehicle Preparation Procedure:
Remove nose cone.
Place the USLI required altimeter on the payload cell.
Turn the payload electronics and GPS locator on.
Secure the payload cell to the payload bay by inserting plastic rivets into the pre-drilled
5. Replace the nose cone in the top of the payload bay with plastic rivets
6. Make sure both the main chute and the drogue chute are securely fastened to the
avionics bay
7. Wire both ends of an electric match to the terminal blocks on the end of the avionics
8. Place the head of the electric match through the hole in the side of the black powder
9. Wire the altimeters from the inside of the avionics bay to the terminal blocks by sliding
the wires through the pre-drilled hole in the ends of the avionics bay. *The altimeter
instructions have a color code corresponding to the channels. Each altimeter should
have one channel going to the main chute and one going to the drogue chute. Refer to
the instructions and the avionics team to see which is which
10. Place the altimeter panel inside the avionics bay and secure.
11. Place the black powder pouches in the black powder cups and secure with a piece of
12. Insert the avionics bay into the main chute chamber and secure with bolts
13. Refer to the SkyAngle parachute folding instructions for how to fold the main chute.
Then pack the chute into the main chamber
14. Reconnect the main chamber to the drogue chamber by sliding the main chamber onto
the avionics bay. * Make sure rail guides are lined up
15. Remove the payload bay from the drogue chamber
16. Refer to the SkyAngle parachute folding instructions for how to fold the drogue chute.
Then pack the chute into the drogue chamber
17. Reconnect the payload bay to the drogue chamber
18. Return to the main procedure
A8. Launch Pad Procedure:
Arrive at selected launch site
Choose pad location (low level of flammable materials)
Place pad in chosen location
Prepare the rocket motor/motor reload (see motor preparation procedure)
Insert the motor casing with the assembled reload into the motor mount tube
Secure the casing by screwing the motor retaining ring onto the threaded ring
mounted to the motor mount tube. Thread the igniter leads through the center
7. Prepare the rocket for flight (see vehicle preparation procedure)
8. Inform the range safety officer that the rocket is ready for launch
9. Take the rocket to the pad
10. Carefully load the rocket onto the launch rail and check to make sure it slides
smoothly down the length of the rail
11. Adjust the pad if necessary
12. Arm the avionics bay
13. Attach the igniter leads to the launch controller
14. Ask for a continuity check
15. If continuity exists, inform the range safety officer that “the pad is hot”
16. Retreat to the necessary safe distance and the launch controller box
17. Inform the range boss that you are ready to fire
18. Once you have received launch clearance, commence countdown
19. After you say “one” press and hold the ignition switch until the rocket motor ignites or
the range boss calls “no joy”
20. Recover the rocket CAUTION: MOTOR CASING WILL BE HOT!
21. Inspect for damage
22. Wait until the motor casing has cooled and then remove it and clean it thoroughly
A9. Composite Motor Reloading Procedures:
1. Open reloadable motor reload package
a. Remove the forward closure
b. Remove the aft closure
c. Make sure the casing is clean
2. Open reloadable motor and reload package
3. Place each piece on the reload station by its picture
4. Assemble the motor (see instructions enclosed in motor reload package)
5. Apply light coating of grease to all threads and o-rings
6. Chamfer both inner edges of delay insulator with fingernail
7. Insert delay charge into delay insulator
8. Insert delay insulator and charge into delay o-ring
9. Insert the forward delay spacer into the delay cavity
10. Lightly grease inside of delay cavity
11. Insert the propellant grains into the liner (cardboard tube)
12. Push the propellant grains and liner into the motor case until equally spaced from both
13. Place the forward insulator into case seat against liner assembly
14. Place greased forward o-ring into the same end of the motor case
15. Holding the motor case horizontally, screw the forward assembly into the case until it is
seated against the case
16. Insert the aft insulator into the aft end of the motor case
17. Insert the larger end of the nozzle into the case until seated on the aft insulator
18. Place the greased aft o-ring into the case seated in the groove between nozzle and
19. Thread the aft closure into the motor case until seated against the case. *Some
resistance toward the end is normal because of the o-rings
20. Clean the outside of the motor casing and your hands of any grease or residues
21. Insert the igniter into the nozzle and push it into the motor until it is seated against the
delay element or forward closure
22. Push the vented nozzle cap over the igniter leads until it stops
23. Return to the main procedure
A10. Budget
Category Part Description
Dual Deployment Altimeter
Dual Deployment Altimeter-BackUp
Ematch Blanks
Ematch Dip Kit
Altimeter Bay
Terminal Strips
GP Stereo Switches
CIR Jack
J.B. Weld
PVC Cups
60" 4"dia Body Tube
Perfect Flight Altimeter
Big Red Bee
Motor Reload Kit
Madcow Rocketry
Home Depot
Home Depot
Radio Shack
Radio Shack
Radio Shack
Home Depot
Home Depot
Made in-house
Hobby Lobby
Missile Works
Apogee Rockets
Home Depot
Home Depot
Home Depot
Apogee Rockets
Apogee Rockets
Apogee Rockets
Madcow Rocketry
Giant Leap
4" Ogive Nosecone
Shear Pins
Motor Tube
Centering Ring
Bulk Plate
Quick Link
Rail Button
Main Parachute
Shock Cord
Parachute Protector
Quantity Each
Educational Engagement
Equipment Certification
Sky LofterLaunch Set
HeliCAT Launch Set
Solar Scout Launch Set
Moon Mutt Launch Set
Flash Launch Set
Launch Lug Packs
Viking Bulk Pack
A8-3 Engine Bulk Pack
Outreach Posters
UA Printing
Hotel Accomodations
To Be Determined
University Van
Patriot Rockets
Public Missiles
Aerotech H238T-M 29/180 Rld
NAR Membership
Ematch Tester
A11. Team Contacts
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Paul Hubner
Team Captain: Shelby
Vehicle Lead: Noelle
Payload Lead: Macy
Mailing address:
Dr. Paul Hubner
Box 870280
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Shipping address:
University of Alabama
401 7th Avenue
205 Hardaway Hall
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0280
A12. References
Munawar, Salman, Analysis of Grid Fins as Efficient Control Surface in Comparison to
Conventional Planar Fins, Department of Aerospace Engineering, College of Aeronautical
Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Risalpur, 24090, Pakistan,
Kless, James E. and Aftosmis, Michael J., Analysis of Grid Fins for Launch Abort Vehicle
Using a Cartesian Euler Solver, NASA Ames Research Center, MS 258-2 Moffett Field, CA
94035, 2011
Pruzan, Daniel A. , Mendenhall, Michael R., Rose, William C., and Shuster, David M., Grid
Fin Stabilization of the Orion Launch Abort Vehicle, Nielsen Engineering and Research,
Santa Clara, CA, 95054, Rose Engineering and Research, Incline Village, NV, 89450, and
NASA Engineering and Safety Center, Hampton, VA, 23681, 2011