Description of Updates to the UCERF3 Deformation

Description of Updates to the UCERF3 Deformation Models from UCERF3.1
to UCERF3.2 and UCERF 3.3 (4/8/13)
Tom Parsons, Tim Dawson, Peter Bird, and Yuehua Zeng
This document describes changes to UCERF3 deformation models and model weights. The
text excerpted here (for ease of review) is intended to be incorporated into Appendix C. This
includes the following 7 topics (Topic 1 reflects changes made to UCERF3.2, all others are
implemented in UCERF3.3):
(1) Changes in the Zeng model to reflect fixed geological constraints on all faults and B faults
(U3.1  U3.2).
(2) Hand edits to the Average Block Model (ABM): slip rate reduction on the Big Lagoon fault
(U3.2  U3.3).
(3) Hand edits to NeoKinema that include the following faults: Bennet Valley-Rodgers Creek
tradeoff, Cady, Calaveras-Paicines extension, Cleghorn, Collayami, Hector Mine, Lions Head,
Silver Creek, Zayante-Vergeles, Eureka Peak, Burnt Mtn, and Joshua Tree Faults (U3.2  U3.3).
(4) Hand edits to NeoKinema and the ABM to reduce weighted slip rates to a maximum 1.0
mm/yr on the Contra Costa shear zone, which is a maximum capped value as determined from
geological/geomorphological reasoning (U3.2  U3.3).
(5) Removal of the Tolay fault from UCERF3 fault and deformation models (U3.2  U3.3).
(6) Changes in the Geological Deformation model based on expert review (U3.2  U3.3).
(7) Final deformation model weighting proposals to reflect a decrease of the ABM weight from
0.2 to 0.1, and an increase in the NeoKinema from 0.2 to 0.3 (U3.2  U3.3).
Below, these 5 issues are presented in detail.
1. Zeng Model updates (U3.1  U3.2)
At the behest of the SRP, an exploration of tradeoffs between fitting geodetic and geological
data was carried out using the Zeng model. The questions addressed were, how large do the GPS
data residual misfits get if all faults, or just all B faults are constrained to have slip rates within
geologically defined bounds?
The answers to these questions are that, for both fault models (FM3.1, FM3.2) with all slip
rates held within the geologic bounds, their normalized 2 errors are 18.40 and 18.44,
respectively. When only B-fault slip rates are held within the geologic bounds, their normalized
2 errors are 15.10 and 15.16, respectively (Figure 2). For all tests, slip rates are not constrained
within the provided geologic bounds for the Cerro Prieto and Imperial faults since the best-fit
GPS rates for the two faults are in better agreement to the overall plate rate budget. A variable
rate was retained for all mini sections for the central California creeping section. The average
rate for the creeping section is within the provided geologic bounds. The bounds on the San
Jacinto (Stepovers Combined) fault for FM3.1 were set between 11.0 mm/yr and 18.0 mm/yr to
maintain consistency with the FM3.2 geologic bounds model.
We propose giving weight to the Zeng B-faults model, which provides comparable GPS fits
to other geodetic models. The Zeng all-faults constrained model is a useful exercise in
understanding data trade-offs, but not substantially different enough from the geologic model to
warrant a new logic tree branch.
Figure 2. GPS residual vectors plotted for the two test cases using the Zeng
model with all faults held to geologic bounds (left: normalized 2 error of 18.4)
At right, only B-fault slip rates are held within the geologic bounds (normalized
2 error is 15.1).
2. Manual Adjustments to the Average Block Model (U3.2  U3.3)
An unacceptably high change in hazard was noted in trial runs of the UCERF3 methodology
in northwest California (Figure 1), which was traced back to a high slip rate on the Big
Figure 1. Ratio of calculated hazard (UCERF3.2 over NSHMP08); red shaded
areas thus show hazard increases relative to NSHMP08, and blue areas indicate
reductions. The increase in hazard in northwest California was caused by
excessive slip rate placed on the Big lagoon fault on a block boundary in the
ABM model.
Lagoon fault in one of the four deformation models, the ABM. During the Feb. 13-14, 2013
fault-by-fault review of earthquake rate results, a consensus conclusion was reached that the
modeled slip rate on the Big Lagoon by ABM was too far out of range based on geological
evidence. The ABM has slip rates on this fault as high as 9.6 mm/yr, whereas the maximum
range from geology is 1.2 mm/yr. The other three models have mean slip rates very close to 1
Because of the nature of their construction, we note a general tendency of block style models
to have high slip rates along block boundaries. The success of this approach depends on the
actual degree of block-like behavior observed in the earth, and can vary spatially (we discuss the
effects of this characteristic on model weighting in Section 5). The Big Lagoon fault is part of
the northernmost block boundary of the ABM, and therefore has more of a boundary condition
role than as a fully defined block with a complete inventory of faults internal to the block. We
therefore propose to reduce the ABM slip rate on the Big Lagoon fault to 1 mm/yr. This change
does not produce a covariant affect on other faults in the ABM because it lies on the
northernmost boundary of the model. None of the UCERF3 deformation models fully describe
relative plate motions at this latitude, which is superseded by the NSHMP Cascadia model. This
change and above description was approved by the principal author of the ABM, Kaj Johnson.
3. Manual Adjustments to the NeoKinema Model (U3.2  U3.3)
NeoKinema (v.3) models were computed in January 2013 at UCLA for use as candidate
deformation models in both UCERF3, and the 2014 release of the National Seismic Hazard Map
by the USGS (NSHM2014). The predictions of these models concerning fault slip rates received
a lot of scrutiny, both through individual efforts, and through 4 days of “fault-by-fault” review
meetings in January-February 2013 at Menlo Park and Pasadena, California.
In most cases where the Geologic model slip rates were based on dated offset features, the
associated upper and lower limits on fault-offset rates were enforced in NeoKinema calculations.
As a result, there were some differences in preferred value, but no glaring discrepancies. The
biggest discrepancies in this group occurred where there was only a geologic constraint on the
dip-slip component of faulting, and the Geologic model made a simplifying assumption of zero
strike-slip. Since NeoKinema does not share this assumption, it sometimes predicts a slip rate
higher than the upper geologic bound, while honoring the actual geologic datum or data
concerning rates of dip-slip.
However, a large fraction of the Geologic slip rates (and slip rate bounds) were not based on
any dated offset features (or did not appear to be based on dated offset features). These cases are
more troublesome. In these cases, the Geologic model typically assigns slip rate bounds based
on the date of the most recent ground-breaking rupture, expressed as a geologic epoch (e.g.,
Holocene, or Latest Pleistocene, or Middle Quaternary), which itself is typically a subjective
estimate based on scarp morphology, soil color, and other non-quantitative measures. If there is
no evidence for Holocene surface ruptures, the Geologic model typically assumes that there has
been no surface rupture in the Holocene (which does not necessarily follow by strict logic), and
therefore assigns a maximum slip rate of 0.2 mm/a (e.g., 2 m in 10,000 years). The preference is
to leave these slip rates free to be assigned by the NeoKinema modeling process, based on GPS
velocities, kinematic compatibility, and regional stress directions.
This pair of contrasting
strategies is potentially appropriate for representation in a logic-tree, with the NeoKinema
models representing the “geodetic” branch for these faults with no dated offset features.
However, during the extensive review there were several cases noted in which either (a) there
was a dated offset feature or dated overlap assemblage that was not included in the NeoKinema
models: or, (b) that the NeoKinema prediction of slip rate had been biased upward by use of
UCERF3 Fault Model 3.1/3.2 fault traces that are probably incomplete and therefore too short, or
(c) that NeoKinema had partitioned slip badly between two closely-spaced parallel faults with no
intervening GPS benchmarks.
We agreed at the fault-by-fault review meetings that it would be appropriate to manually
adjust certain NeoKinema slip rate predictions for use in UCERF3 hazard calculations. These
corrections just impose geologic rates or bounds, which would have been imposed prior to the
computation if these data were available. While a change in NeoKinema input data followed by
a full recomputation would be more rigorously correct, there were two practical considerations:
(1) There is no time to re-review secondary “fallout” changes in slip rates of neighboring faults
that would be likely to occur in a recomputation; and
(2) Maintaining perfect consistency between the fault-slip-rate and continuum-deformation
fields of the NeoKinema models was not critical, as there were no current plans to use the latter
in UCERF3. Similarly, there is no need to worry about locally incorrect continuum-deformation
rates in a few small areas inside California when the model is used to estimate hazard of other
western states in NSHM2014.
All of the following adjustments concern faults in California. They are referred to by their
official names in UCERF3 Fault Model 3.1 and/or 3.2:
(a) Bennett Valley: This dextral fault is parallel to, and 2~4 km NE of, the dextral Rodgers
Creek section of the longer Rodgers Creek-Healdsburg fault. GPS indicates a total dextral slip of
~12 mm/a on these two faults. However, it does not clearly dictate the allocation, because there
are no benchmarks between the faults, and the regional GPS velocity field (in a 30×30 km square
about them) shows only a smooth gradient, with increasing NW-ward velocities to the SW.
NeoKinema put ~9 mm/a on the Bennett Valley fault because it is well aligned with the fastslipping Maacama fault to the NW. However, putting only ~3 mm/a on the Rodgers Creek did
not honor the geologic constraint of 8.4±2 mm/a [Schwartz et al., 1992]. In this manual edit of
the two models for UCERF3.3, ~5.7 mm/yr of dextral slip was transferred from the Bennett
Valley fault to the Rodgers Creek segment (minisection ID’s 651.01~651.05) of the Rodgers
Creek-Healdsburg fault. This sets the Rodgers Creek rate to equal the geologic constraint, and
leaves ~4 mm/a dextral slip on the Bennett Valley fault, which has only qualitative (and
somewhat ambiguous) geologic constraints.
(b) Cady: NeoKinema slip rates are reduced from 2.09 mm/yr (FM3.1) and 1.892 mm/yr
(FM.32) to the geologic upper bound of 1.0 mm/yr. This bound is based on the report by
Schmidt et al. [2010]: total sinistral offsets measured in outcrops and by aeromagnetic-anomaly
correlation, plus a model age of 10~6 Ma for the initiation of slip.
(c) Calaveras (So) - Paicines extension 2011 CFM: NeoKinema slip rates increased from
6.14 mm/yr (FM3.1) and 5.782 mm/yr (FM3.2) to 9 mm/yr, which is based on the Perkins &
Sims [1988] and Bryant & Cluett [1999] reports that a terrace rise of age 13.9 ka is offset
dextrally by 125 m.
(d) Cleghorn: NeoKinema slip rates decreased from 1.13 mm/a (FM3.1) and 1.136 mm/a
(FM3.2) to geologic upper bound of 0.6 mm/a. Weldon [2012] now interprets that terraces were
miscorrelated in their earlier publication [Meisling, 1984], and assigns corrected ages.
(e) Collayami: NeoKinema slip rates decreased from 3.43 mm/yr (FM3.1) and 3.393 mm/yr
(FM3.2) to the geologic upper bound of 1.0 mm/yr, based on Clark et al. [1984] and Bryant
[2000] reports that “a poorly constrained dextral displacement of 0-0.5 km for the 0.5-0.6 Ma
Thurston Creek rhyolite ... yields a minimum late and middle Quaternary dextral slip rate of 0
mm/yr and a maximum slip rate of about 1.0 mm/yr.”
(f) Hector Mine: NeoKinema slip rates reduced from 5.43 mm/yr (FM3.1) and 5.528 mm/yr
(FM3.2) to 2.533 mm/yr (FM3.1) and 2.671 mm/yr (FM3.1), which are the rates from the
previous (UCERF3.1) NeoKinema models. Inferred slip rates on this fault are very sensitive to
how post-earthquake (and perhaps pre-earthquake) transients are removed from the GPS velocity
dataset. The UCERF3.1 GPS dataset was edited by Prof. Tom Herring, and the
UCERF3.2/NSHM2014 GPS dataset was edited by Dr. Rob McCaffrey. Without implying any
overall preference or judgment about these alternative versions, it seems prudent to take the
lesser slip rate estimate in this case where both “geodetic” (NeoKinema) rates are substantially
higher than geologic estimates.
(g) Lions Head 2011 CFM: NeoKinema slip rates reduced from 0.930 mm/yr (FM3.1) and
1.143 mm/yr (FM3.2) to the geologic upper bound of 0.05 mm/yr, based on Clark & Slemmons
[1990] reported rates constrained by the vertical throw of the crustal block between the Lions
Head and Casmalia faults.
(h) Silver Creek: NeoKinema slip rate reduced from 1.76 mm/yr in the FM3.1 model to the
geologic upper bound of 0.2 mm/yr.
This is based on seismic-reflection and well data
[Wentworth et al., 2010] showing that several hundred meters of late Quaternary sediment
overlie the fault trace, and are only warped but not faulted. There is no need to adjust the
NeoKinema slip rate of 0.057 mm/yr predicted in the FM3.2 version of the model, which is
already below this bound.
(i) Zayante-Vergeles 2011 CFM: NeoKinema slip rate reduced from 2.86 mm/yr (FM3.1) and
1.366 mm/yr (FM3.2) to the geologic upper bound of 0.2 mm/yr, based on the Clark et al. [1984]
report of a late Quaternary net slip rate of between 0.03 mm/yr and 1.4 mm/yr based on data in
Coppersmith [1979]. The throw rate was correctly imposed, but a measured fault rake was
(j) Dextral faults in western Joshua Tree National Park: Eureka Peak, Burnt Mountain, and
Joshua Tree
These 3 faults form a bundle of closely-spaced, subparallel dextral faults in the Little San
Bernardino Mountains in western Joshua Tree National Park. Their traces (which are the same
in FM3.1 and FM3.2) are probably incomplete because they do not extend North to the Pinto
Mountain fault, or south to the San Andreas fault. Strong geodetic constraints cause this region
to shear at 8 mm/yr in both NeoKinema models of the long-term crustal velocity field. However,
because of the incomplete fault traces, predicted slip rates were artificially increased to sums of
~17 mm/yr in both models. These slip rates have been scaled down by a factor of 0.464 in
FM3.1 and 0.458 in FM3.2, so that they sum to the geodetic rate of 8 mm/yr. For this correction
only, the continuum strain rates were also manually adjusted.
4. Contra Costa Shear Zone (U3.1  U3.2)
This zone was described by Brossy et al. [2010] as, “The youthful East Bay hills structural
domain contains a series of left-stepping, en echelon dextral faults and lineaments, collectively
termed the "Contra Costa Shear Zone" (CCSZ), that extend about 50 km from the Northern
Calaveras fault to the West Napa fault …”. There is considerable complexity and uncertainty in
this zone with regard to how slip is transferred amongst the North Calaveras, West Napa, and
Concord faults [e.g., Unruh and Kelson, 2002a, 2002b; Kelson et al., 2004, 2005]. During the
Feb. 13-14, 2013 fault-by-fault review of earthquake rate results, and subsequent review it was
determined that a maximum acceptable slip rate for the Contra Costa shear zone is 1.0 mm/yr
[David Schwartz, personal communication, 2013].
It is recognized that the UCERF3 fault models oversimplify the Contra Costa shear zone,
which allows geodetic deformation models to assign too much slip. We have therefore manually
adjusted some fault sections (see Table 1 below) to reduce slip in the NeoKinema and Averaged
Block models the least amount that will still allow their weighted average to sum up to no more
than 1.0 mm/yr on the Contra Costa shear zone.
New NK
Old NK
Contra Costa (Lafayette) 2011
Contra Costa Shear Zone (conne
Contra Costa Shear Zone (conne
Contra Costa Shear Zone (conne
Contra Costa Shear Zone (conne
Contra Costa (Vallejo) 2011 CF
Table 1. Manual edits to deformation models to reduce weighted average Contra
Costa shear zone slip rates to less than the maximum values derived from
geological and geomorphic considerations. Values are mm/yr.
5. The Tolay fault
According to Wagner [2007], the Tolay fault zone (TFZ) can be described as: “… a
northwest-trending structure that has long been considered to be a northward extension of the
Hayward Fault [in the San Francisco Bay region]. It has been depicted on maps and in other
publications as a dextral fault with many kilometers of displacement. Recent geologic mapping,
tephrochronologic correlations, and radiometric dating have demonstrated little if any strike-slip
displacement along the TFZ. Geologic mapping has shown the TFZ to be a zone of disparate
faults with a complex history.”
In the UCERF3 fault model representations, the Tolay zone was simplified into a continuous
feature, and its location near the Hayward fault terminus caused some geodetic deformation
models to apply more slip to this structure than the consensus of the attendees of the fault-byfault review meetings felt was reasonable.
One solution is to drop the geologic rate to zero, which brings the weight-averaged rate of the
deformation models to ~0.5 mm/yr. However, after review of e-mailed comments and conferring
with Chris Wills and David Schwartz, it seems like there is a lot of criticism regarding the fault
representation being altogether wrong. The comments are based on newer (published mapping)
that recently came out. So even though dropping the geologic rate to zero would reduce the
problem, it appears that the community would prefer the fault excluded altogether from the
UCERF3 fault model. Given the amount of feedback and general consensus, we recommend the
Tolay zone be removed from UCERF3 fault and deformation models.
6. Changes to the Geologic Deformation Model (U3.2  U3.3)
A few incremental (≤1 mm/yr) changes to the Geologic Deformation model are described in
Table 2. These resulted from expert review of the model commissioned by the UCERF3
Executive Committee, and from changes in published values that occurred between draft and
final versions.
New Best
Alluvial deposits with
Bishop Tuff are offset 1.9
km This yields a slightly
higher rate - more like 2.5
New slip rate data support
around 2.5 mm/yr but
could be a little higher to
the NW
San Jacinto
Constraints are 5-9 mm/yr.
Thus use 7 mm/yr
San Diego
San Pedro
2011 CFM
Final published rate
slightly different than
Use of tenths of units
suggests better precision
than we really have.
Suggest using just 2
Table 2. Changes to Geologic Deformation model based on expert review.
Values are mm/yr. No changes exceed the previous geologic bounds.
7. Model weighting (U3.2  U3.3)
The UCERF3.2 weighting scheme for deformation models was: ABM (0.20), Neokinema
(0.20), Zeng (0.30), Geology (0.30). A result of the fault-by-fault review meetings was that the
ABM, because it calculates deformation rates based on block-like behavior, has a tendency to
exhibit higher slip rates along defined block boundaries than was deemed acceptable in many
instances. The result of this is reduced ABM weight from 0.2 to 0.1. We do not support giving
the ABM zero weight because there are data-driven reasons to conclude that block-like behavior
occurs in the Earth [e.g., Bennett et al., 1996; Prawirodirdjo et al., 1997; Souter, 1998;
McClusky et al., 2001; Murray and Segall, 2001; McCaffrey, 2002, 2005; Meade and Hager,
2005; Simpson and Savage, 2012]. The remaining 0.1 fraction must be apportioned to the other
deformation models. Four proposals were considered:
Weighting proposal 1:
A proposed weighting scheme that retains the special deformation review committee findings
that had equal, and highest weight on the Zeng and Geological models is to apportion the 0.1
fraction equally to Zeng and the Geological models as: ABM (0.10), Neokinema (0.20), Zeng
(0.35), Geology (0.35). However, a 0.35 weight value implies a level of certainty in weighting
that may not be justifiable.
Weighting proposal 2:
At the NSHMP/UCERF3 meeting, it was suggested that we allocate the 0.10 from the ABM to
Neokinema, rather than the two models that are heavily geologically oriented (R. McCaffrey
personal communication, 2013). The purpose is to establish more equitable weighting between
geology and geodesy.
Weighting proposal 3:
The NSHMP “Tiger Team” that is reviewing UCERF3 for potential application in the national
maps proposes the following:
“For example, the ABM and neokinema models lead to significant changes to the hazard in some
regions for which there are no new data to justify the change. The Zeng model appears to most
completely integrate the geologic and geodetic data in a consistent manner and may warrant the
highest weight.”
This scheme would then be: ABM (0.10), Neokinema (0.20), Zeng (0.4), Geology (0.3).
Weighting proposal 4:
Finally, there is the proposal by Ray Weldon to give equal weight to geodetic and geologic
models, because on major faults there is a clear difference between geology and geodesy, like the
San Andreas fault Mojave section, Garlock, and north San Andreas. This problem has been
addressed though increased weighting on paleseismic rates, which apply particularly to the
southern San Andreas. This enables a more regional solution than tilting the weights of state
wide deformation models.
Weldon Proposal:
“Most outliers, especially with respect to the geologic, but also relative to the average, are
sections of the San Andreas, Imperial, Cerro Prieto and Imperial faults. Since most of these
cases are due to discrepancy between the Geologic and the 3 geodetically driven models, I think
it is not appropriate to weight them approximately equally as we currently do because that means
3 votes for geodesy and one for geology. …For these high slip rate faults where we don't know
whether to believe the geology or the geodesy, we should have a 50/50 weighting not 75/25.”
This scheme would then be something like: ABM (0.10), NeoKinema (0.20), Zeng (0.2),
Geology (0.5).
Weighting Decision:
We apply weighting proposal #2 as: ABM (0.10), NeoKinema (0.30), Zeng (0.30), Geology
(0.30). We do this because the NeoKinema model represents a significantly better fit to GPS
observations, with a normalized 2 misfit of 5.3, which is roughly a three-fold decrease
compared with the ABM and Zeng models (15.9 and 15.1 respectively). All models were
reviewed by expert panels for geologic consistency, and the NeoKinema model in particular was
brought into consensus. The Zeng and Geologic models combine to get 0.6 weighting, which tilts
the solution toward geologic data constraints. However, we recognize that the geologic
constraints on a significant fraction of California faults (~30%) are very weak to nonexistent,
which was the primary reason to commission geodetic models.
Finally, the decision to double weight the paleo-rate constraint in the earthquake rate
inversions adds additional geologic weighting on the A-faults. This has the effect of reducing
geodetic influence on the major faults, particularly (and appropriately) where the geologic data
are strongest. Therefore adding weight to NeoKinema has the primary effect of informing the
earthquake rate model where geologic information is scarce.
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