LATIN AMERICA: Humans and the Physical Environment Chapt 9

LATIN AMERICA: Humans and the Physical Environment
Chapt 9, Sect 2
1. What is the climate of Latin America like?
Mexico: Dry in the North; moderate in the Central Plateau; tropical wet and dry
in the South
Central America: Tropical wet and dry
Caribbean Islands: Tropical wet and dry
South America: Tropical wet and dry in north; moderate in Highlands, Pampas;
continental in Patagonia; dry in rain shadow of Andes (Atacama Desert)
2. What is the natural vegetation of Latin America, and how is it affected by
Vegetation: Tropical, wet climates have tropical rain forest vegetation (ferns,
vines, palm trees), while arid climates tend to have cacti or desert scrub
Climate effects: People living in cool, mountain areas adapt to their physical
environment by creating warm clothes and shelter; climate and vegetation help
determine whether an area is suitable for farming or ranching. Climate helps
determine what types of crops can be raised.
height of land above sea level
Andes Mountains
mountain system extending along the west coast of South America
Atacama Desert
desert in Chile; rain shadow side of Andes Mountains
plains region in southern South America
Amazon Rain Forest
hot, humid area with dense vegetation
Climate and
Caribbean Islands
Mexico and
Central America
South America
Tropical wet
And dry
Tropical wet
and dry
Tropical wet
and dry
Winds keep the
temps moderate.
Arid in desert
Humid subtropical
in Arg, Urg, Paraq
Arid in desert
LATIN AMERICA: Humans and the Physical Environment
Chapt 9, Sect 2
 Hurricane season is June to November.
 Hurricanes in the Caribbean can blow as much as 180 miles per hour.
 Temperature can vary by elevation.
 Wind can affect the climate.
o Cool, dry winds from the Polar regions blow toward the Equator.
o Warm, wet winds from the Equator blow toward Polar regions.
 Amazon rain forest is so dense with vegetation, that almost no sunlight reaches the
 There are thousands of species of trees, plants, and insects in the Amazon Rain
 On the coast of Chile the Andes Mountains shield this area from rain – the Atacoma
Desert. (Winds in the Southern Hemisphere blow from the East to the West; in the
Northern Hemisphere, winds blow from the West to the East.)
 Elevation not only affects temperature (and therefore climate), but it also affects
the type of vegetation that will grow – depending on the elevation of the land.
SUMMARY: Latin America’s physical environment, such as its climate and vegetation, varies greatly even
within each country and affects how the people there live.