Report 3 - Promo 2015 ENSGSI

ROMAN Sophie – 3AI
Report 2 – 06/10/2014
How to explain the motivation, and therefore understand it, whereas it is a personal process that depends on many factors, which are, for the most of
them, unconscious? A REVOIR
TED Daniel Pink
- the power of incentives
- extrinsic motivators (carrots and sticks) vs intrinsic motivation (desire, interesting things, to reach high level of creativity...)
- intrinsic motivation : autonomy (self directed), mastery (succeed what we make), purpose (be part of a larger set that ourselves)
- management ok if you want compliance vs self direction ok if you want engagement
- candle problem incentives block creativity
o mechanic task  incentive ok
o cognitive task  higher incentives led to worse performances
- incentives have negative impact on performance  mismatch between science knows (20th century rewards) and what business does (21th
century rewards)  outdated assumptions
Quels sont les liens avec moi, l’auto apprentissage et l’anglais ?
- La motivation est le facteur clef d’une démarche d’apprentissage (d’auto apprentissage). connaitre ses leviers de motivation est essentiel si on
s’engage dans une démarche d’apprentissage qui peut être longue et dont les résultats ne sont visibles que tardivement
- Cependant les leviers de la motivation sont propres à chacun car ils dépendent des expériences de chacun. Ils ne s’expriment que dans des
conditions particulières.
- Une démarche d’auto apprentissage sous entend que j’ai la liberté d’organiser mes activités et que je suis la seule responsable de mes
résultats. Je n’ai pas quelqu’un qui me dirige en me motivant à coup de récompense/sanction. Pourquoi cet apprentissage est-il plus durable ?
- Comment proposer une méthode générique qui parle à tout le monde ? Cela est-il possible ?
Comment réduire l’impact de la récompense/sanctions sur les individus dans le cadre d’un travail rémunéré où les primes et des
restructurations du personnel sont le quotidien ? De plus en plus de personnes font du travail bénévole, pourquoi ?
D’où vient la motivation ? de l’extérieur ou de l’intérieur ?
Dans mon cursus scolaire je n’ai jamais pris goût à l’anglais et depuis la 1AI j’y prends du plaisir, cela est dû à ma volonté de partir à
l’étranger, j’ai enfin trouvé un but, une utilité à l’anglais, cela a marché car c’est venu de moi (motivation intrinsèque) et non pas de l’extérieur
(motivation extrinsèque). Comment provoquer ce déclic dans un groupe de travail ?
What is my objective English? 785 TOEIC
My tools for the TOEIC
- Working vocabulary and grammar with a TOEIC book test, but just do learning exercises
o Present perfect
What is the motivation? / Human behaviour in enterprise
The Taylorism and Fordism ideologies: These two models have dehumanized the work of man, which resulted in psychological studies to work
Lots of authors speak about the motivation of work and the conditions of motivation. The relationship between employees and the trust of the
hierarchy in work is the most important because Human beings are sociable and responsible people. The human being is autonomous, sociable and
creative. When, in his work, he can express these three elements, he is more motivated and happy.
The team work is one of the best solutions to motivate people.
In enterprise context, people are happy to work when they have:
- Achievement/quality performance
- Recognition for achievement/feedback
- Work itself/client relationship
- Responsibility
- Advancement and growth/new learning
Description of job attitudes  personal attitudes, limited experiences
Increase productivity  increase de efficiency of the individual at the job
The expectation of a reward or the fears of punishment are sources of short-term motivation. Individuals who are most successful are those who are
not directly seeking success
Satisfaction with intrinsic motivation (motivator) and dissatisfaction with extrinsic motivation (hygiene = environmental factors).
F.Herzberg said that the elements that lead to job satisfaction are not the same that those lead to dissatisfaction.
The factors of satisfaction are intrinsic factors: interest in work, recognition, opportunity for development.
The factors of dissatisfaction are hygiene factors (those that serve vital needs or economic). They are extrinsic factors at work: the company policy,
interpersonal employees, conditions working salary.
These two factors are not opposites. In the 1970s, many companies have developed interest, autonomy and responsibility of individuals at work.
Three kind of motivation:
- survival, looking for food, protect itself of threats = biological motivation
- seek rewards, avoid punishment usually produces the opposite of the desired result = extrinsic motivation
Taylor has used this type of motivation in his scientific work organization. This definition of motivation is for routine work, boring and under the
control of others.
- the success of an activity constitutes an intrinsic reward, the pleasure derived from the task is a reward. The need for everyone to manage his
life, to learn and create new things
Humans search novelty, challenges and willing to learn. It is on this point the third motivation is based, which is more fragile than the other two
because it is expressed only in particular conditions: no external control or financial reward.
Today there are lots of volunteer workers without financial reward.