Metaphor, Simile. Line Breaks

Writing Exercise: Metaphor/Simile and Line Breaks
Language Arts Standards
3-2 The student will read and comprehend a variety of informational texts in print and nonprint
3-4 The student will create written work that has a clear focus, sufficient detail, coherent
organization, effective use of voice, and correct use of the conventions of written Standard
American English.
3-5 The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences.
4-4.1 Generate and organize ideas for writing using prewriting techniques (for example, creating
lists, having discussions, and examining literary models).
Noun, Emotion, Color Exercise
Step 1. Put these words across on a sheet of paper: NOUN COLOR EMOTION
Number 1-4 beneath each word (noun, color, emotion)
Beside each number write a noun (person, place or thing). Next to each word write the first
emotion you associate with the noun. Next, write the color you associate with the emotion. You
should have three columns of four corresponding words.
(We will do some together on Smart Board)
Step 2. Now, write sentences or phrases from each set of three words using a simile. You will
have to add a noun and verb.
Sample noun: chicks
Sample Emotion/adjective: silly
Sample color: yellow
Sample sentences: The yellow chicks in the backyard are as silly as popcorn.
The silly chicks running around the barnyard like a yellow blur of sun
(discuss line breaks)
Step 3. Create a poem using the 4 sentences. End each line with a noun or a verb. No
more than 5 words/line. DO NOT RHYME.
(We will take some student sentences and do the line breaks on the Smart Board.)